pregnancy podcast

Pregnancy Loss image for Gold Coast Doulas Podcast

Pregnancy Loss

Remember the story of Pandora’s Box? In Greek mythology, the story goes something like this: Pandora, told she could not open the lid of a box given to her or her husband from Zeus, finally lets curiosity get the best of her and opens the box. Immediately, out comes all the troubles that humanity would ever experience—pain, conflict, war, etc. and when Pandora finally is able to shut the lid, only one thing remains in the box: Hope.

​This story is still used today as a way to explain that even in the midst of complete horror and tragedy, hope still remains. In my motherhood journey, hope has been a positive, calming source that also at times hangs around, making things way more complicated.

​So, let me try to explain my story in brief. My husband and I get married in August 2016 and when we say “I do,” I have already been off of birth control for about three months. Knowing that we were not young kids (I was 34 and my husband was 39), we did not feel like we had any time to lose. I remember saying “I do” and hoping we would have a little one in our arms on our 1st anniversary or at least, one on the way. Months of infertility followed until we went to seek out fertility testing, which led to a diagnosis of infertility with an unknown cause. Infertility treatments followed with me finally getting pregnant on our first round of IVF, only to miscarry shortly thereafter.

After switching doctors, on the 3rd IVF cycle, I got pregnant with our daughter Colette. When I was 21 weeks pregnant, I was hospitalized with a diagnosis of severe preeclampsia, where I stayed until Colette was born via emergency c-section at 24 weeks, 5 days. She spent her very short nine-day life in the NICU before she died. There were no answers, no reason to explain why I had developed preeclampsia and even worse, no real plan as to how to avoid it and to intervene if necessary.

We went back to trying, first naturally and then with another round of IVF which was not successful. After we found out the transfer had failed, my husband was crying in my arms and I strangely felt relief. I was terrified of being pregnant again, still not sure I could trust my body, but desperately wanting a child we could bring home and raise. Eventually, we used a gestational carrier to bring home our rainbow baby, Elliott, who is two years old and absolutely the love of my life.

More recently, after Elliott had turned one, we decided we wanted to have another child and it seemed like everything was again in our favor. Our same surrogate was available and we started the process again, planning to bring Elliott’s baby brother or sister home. But, the stars were not in our favor this time and after failed and canceled cycles and way too many obstacles, we decided it was best for our family to stop and to be happy with our two children, one in heaven and one here with us.

These days, I struggle with what this decision means long term. I worry about Elliott not having a living sibling and if that will affect him personality-wise or if he will feel deprived of the experience. I think about how I will never have a daughter with me here to raise. And the biggest thing that I spend time thinking about is that I will never be pregnant again, I will never know what it is like to experience pregnancy at all past 24 weeks or to experience pregnancy that was not life-threatening after 21 weeks.

The hope that sustained me through our journey, that told me even when I went to the darkest places of thinking I would never be a mom or we would never have a child that was made up of the two of us, is gone. In its place is a hope that I struggle to understand and accept. As much as getting pregnant and going through a pregnancy scare the hell out of me, and believe me it does, there still remains this tiny hope that it will just happen, that when I least expect it, all of a sudden I will be pregnant and that because this surprise, perhaps divine occurrence will make sure that the pregnancy is smooth sailing.

Yet, I know the reality of such occurrence will not magically or divinely ensure that my pregnancy will be fantastic or even healthy or safe or last more than a mere blip of time. I even know that my vision and fantasy of being pregnant is not at all in line with my experience in real life. I hated being pregnant, I hated that everything made me sick, I hated how exhausted I was, I hated that my sense of smell was so strong, I hated that clothes did not fit sometimes one day to the next, I hated that my back hurt and my feet ached. But, most importantly, the same fear that caused me to point our family in another direction and use a gestational carrier is still very much a fear and one that medical science cannot solve at this moment in time. So, I know that accepting the decision to stop trying is best for my health, both mental and physical, for my husband, for our son, and for our daughter, but that little morsel of hope still eats away at me some days and for that, I really wish Pandora had left peace in the box instead of hope.


Michelle Valiukenas is the proud mom of her angel Sweet Pea, who she lost due to miscarriage, her angel daughter Colette Louise who she lost at nine days old, and her only living child, her rainbow baby, Elliott Miguel. Inspired by her journey with Colette, Michelle and her husband founded The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation, whose mission is to improve outcomes of pregnancy, childbirth, prematurity, and infancy, as well as aid in the grieving process through financial assistance, education, and advocacy. Their flagship program financially assists families dealing with high-risk and complicated pregnancies, NICU stays, and loss. The organization’s ability to help families relies on donations and grants and they are grateful if you are able to donate. Michelle also participates and advocates on issues of maternal health, maternal mortality, infant health and safety, and pregnancy complications. Michelle lives in Glenview, Illinois with her son Elliott, husband Mark, and dog Nemo.​



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Woman wearing a black top and golden chain necklace smiles in front of green trees

Autumn To-Do: 5 Ways to Optimize Finances

Summertime is drawing to a quick close! As we ease back into the school year, gear up for holiday seasons, and bid adieu to 2022, the following are some tips that our wealth management clients have found valuable to incorporate.
It may feel like spare moments are dwindling in the final weeks of summer, but there’s still plenty of time to check a few more items off your summer wish list. During breaks from having fun in the sun, try to find a little time for a quick review of your finances. Here are five ways to improve your finances in autumn.

Review your discretionary spending

With so many options for summer fun, it can be easy to say yes to this and that only to find that you’re spending way more than you had planned. Taking a look at your discretionary spending can help you understand where your money is going. Reviewing your spending can also help you stay on track with your monthly budget.
Don’t worry — you don’t necessarily need to start saying no to everything. Strike a careful balance by staying in touch with your budget and financial plan. The goal is to balance what makes you happy today with the need to save for future goals.
Get on the same page with your significant other
You and your significant other may feel like you’re always on the go during this busy, social time. Make sure you’re getting some down time together to recharge — and also to connect on important issues like your finances. Overcoming money differences and getting on the same page about money can actually strengthen your relationship.
Summer is also the peak of wedding season, so if you’re newly married, make sure to have important money conversations for newlyweds and develop a financial plan as a couple. If you’re thinking about combining finances, you’ll want to develop a plan together, especially if there’s an income disparity.

Consider taking advantage of the market downturn
With the stock market well off its highs, now might feel like a terrible time to invest. While there is no good or bad time to get into the market, this market decline could actually be an opportunity to add to your investments because many stocks are cheaper than they were this time last year.
Getting an understanding for how to invest in stocks and the difference between stocks and bonds can be a great place to start. If you’re approaching retirement, the market decline could serve as a good reminder that when investing during retirement you need a plan that’s designed to work in good times as well as during market declines.

Get school — and college — on your radar
If you have kids at home, you’re probably starting to think about them heading back to school in a few weeks. But you’ll also want to make sure you’re looking beyond just the next school year.
If you’re planning to send kids to college in the future, it can be important to build an understanding of the average cost of college tuition and develop a college savings plan. Depending on how many kids you have, you may also want to think about how to manage multiple college savings accounts.
Don’t worry if you’re feeling behind on college savings. It’s never too late to start saving, and even if you’re short on time, there are other ways to help cover college costs.

Give your credit some TLC
If you’re not planning to apply for credit to make big purchase anytime soon, you may want to consider freezing your credit to help protect against identify theft. Research shows that children can be easy targets for scammers because they have no credit history, so you may even want to consider freezing your child’s credit as well.
Keeping your credit in the back of your mind can also put you in a better position to borrow and give you flexibility down the road. Educate yourself on factors that affect your credit score, and develop habits that can improve your score.

This material does not constitute investment advice. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss. All investments carry some level of risk including the potential loss of all money invested.


Helena Rosenthal, MBA MPH runs a private wealth management firm in Beverly Hills, CA. Her team works with families on strategies to implement and optimize intergenerational wealth management.



Autumn To-Do: 5 Ways to Optimize Finances Read More »

Lisa Sugarman poses with her hands crossed on her knee

How to raise perfectly imperfect kids with Lisa Sugarman: Podcast Episode #152

Lisa Sugarman, author of How To Raise Perfectly Imperfect Kids, discusses positive parenting and balance with Kristin.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas!  I’m Kristin, and I’m so excited to chat with Lisa Sugarman today about parenting and the power of positivity.  Lisa is a parenting author, a nationally syndicated humor columnist, and a radio show host.  She writes a syndicated opinion column, It Is What It Is, and is the author of How To Raise Perfectly Imperfect Kids and Be Okay With It: Untying Parent Anxiety and Life.  Welcome, Lisa!

Lisa:  Thank you!  Thanks so much for having me!

Kristin:  Let’s get into it!  I love talking about positive parenting.  What are some of your tips for parenting young children or new parents starting off this big transition?

Lisa:  Yeah, it’s a scary transition.  We’re just as new at all this as our kids are, and that’s the thing that we tend to forget when we have our first children, at least.  We’re so excited on the fact that we’ve got to teach them everything.  We’ve got to empower them in all the ways.  We completely forget about the fact that we’re complete newbies to the whole parenting game ourselves, and it can be really challenging.  It can be really debilitating.  It can be just a really hard road to navigate when we want to set ourselves up for success right alongside our kids, but we’re all kind of learning as we go.  One of the best things that I’ve found as a mom and through all the work that I’ve done with parents over the years: it’s really just a matter of your attitude and just giving yourself permission to be that newbie and to learn and to screw up and to change course and to just try and set yourself up in the best way that you can to be successful as a parent.

Kristin:  What are your tips for starting that relationship strong, especially in the toddler stage when infants are learning so much about boundaries and themselves?  I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Lisa:  I think the idea of cutting everybody some slack just from the very beginning is something that is a really powerful tool.  I think we get so wrapped up inside our own heads about kind of our kids toeing the line and us making all the right decisions and not fumbling the ball, but the fact is, we do it, and they do it.  And I think that if we can encourage our kids to go for it in whatever way they want to go for it, at whatever age they are at the time, whether it’s getting on your little scooter or whether it’s getting behind the wheel of a car, we need to empower them that occasionally it’s not going to go right, but that’s okay.  That’s really okay, and it’s really all about maintaining that positive attitude, that even those screw-ups are so valuable.  I think that’s one of the greatest tools that we can give to our kids and that we can utilize ourselves as moms and dads.

Kristin:  Yeah, giving them freedom to make discoveries on their own versus helicopter parenting where we’re hovering and trying to make sure they don’t fall, as you said with riding the bike and so on.

Lisa:  Yeah, because the fact of the matter is, we’re going to make those mistakes and those bad decisions and have those dark moments or those scary moments, and I think they’re tempered an awful lot by that power of positivity that we’re talking about because if we’ve been in a situation before that maybe didn’t work out, as a parent or as a child, and we understand that there’s another side to it, that we kind of have to navigate through the crappy part to get to the potentially good parts or figure out that what we just went through didn’t work, and how do we make it work.  By staying positive and kind of taking our learning from the things that didn’t go our way, we can kind of transform those things into that resilience that allows you to kind of power through and keep going.

Kristin:  Great advise.  Lisa, what are your thoughts on just changing the language as you’re having these teaching moments with kids and using positive words and affirmations versus anything as simple as, you know, “stop fighting.”  What would you use to replace some of the common parenting terms?

Lisa:  It’s hard because we’re all so naturally inclined to be like, cut it out or you made a mistake or that was a bad choice.  I think we’re just hard wired, a lot of us.  Just human nature hard wires us to blurt those things out, but we do need to soften things, and I think that for me, what I always tried to do with my own kids was really lead – and again, we just lean right back into positivity.  You lead with what was good about what they did.  What was helpful about what they did?  Good for you for trying that thing that you just messed up on, or you tried a new way and it didn’t work, or you tried a new way of, I don’t know, talking to a friend who you’re having a challenge with and it backfired in your face.  You maybe just didn’t follow the rules and you misbehaved.  Instead of hammering our kids about the things that they did wrong, try to kind of dig through that and get to the part that maybe is worthwhile, the parts that are helpful, and celebrate those things.  And then just watch your tone.  I think sometimes it’s not even what we say sometimes as much as it’s how we say it.  So even if you have to have a tough conversation with your child, start with that positivity, and then you just make sure that your tone is one that maybe is not necessarily approving, because maybe they did do something they shouldn’t have done, but you’re not chastising your kids.  Then they’re just going to shut down.  At whatever age, your kids aren’t going to respond if they think you’re screaming at them or you’re barking at them or you’re dictating to them.  So I think leading with whatever it was that they did that was positive and then just make sure you’re soft about the way that you have a conversation.  And maybe ask them.  And this is age-appropriate, too; if you maybe have a tween or a younger child who you can have a conversation with, ask that child, what do you think just happened that shouldn’t have happened?  Put it on them so that maybe you’re not the one giving the bad news or the hard feelings, and maybe let them do a little bit of soul-searching themselves to figure out what didn’t go right.

Kristin:  I love it.  So you use a lot of humor in your writing and on your appearances.  What role do you think humor can play in positive parenting?

Lisa:  I think it plays as much of – you know, the overarching umbrella of positivity is, I think, our biggest crutch.  Being able to laugh at all the stupid stuff that happens as a parent, I think that’s absolutely as clutch as anything else that we can lean into because how many times have we gone somewhere or done something or had an interaction with someone, and it’s just gone completely off the rails in a way that you just stop and think, this isn’t even possible, how badly this is going right now.  And we’ve got two choices in those moments.  We either kind of let it take us down, or we understand that it’s part of life.  Stupid things will absolutely happen, an stupid and silly, and it’s not to say that we have to make everything a joke, because everything is definitely not joke-worthy, but at the same time, too, we have to be able to laugh at ourselves.  Especially on the days when you’re struggling just to get up out of bed in the morning because maybe you were up with one of your kids late and night and you try to get dressed and you spill your coffee on yourself.  You can take that in one of two ways.  You can let it just take you down, or you can just look at yourself and say, well, just another day in the life of being a mom or being a dad.

Kristin:  Exactly.  The spit-up when you’re out in public or the diaper blowout.  There’s so many hilarious moments, if you look at it that way, of course.

Lisa:  Yeah, absolutely, and I think when we do choose to look at it – and it’s a choice.  We have to make that conscious choice to kind of frame it.  It’s the whole idea of, ugh, I have to do this, versus, oh, I get to do this.  It’s all how you spin it and frame it, and the more often that we can laugh at ourselves – because we’re all going through the same stuff.  We’re all dealing with those diaper blowouts and the vomit and the ridiculous moments, and we think that we’re not because parenting can be so isolating.  You’re kind of in your own little bubble dealing with your own stuff, and you forget that moms – millions of moms everywhere, dads everywhere, are covered in vomit.  It’s strength in numbers for sure, and there’s humor all over it.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  So how do you get both parents on board with positive parenting?  Many couples have different styles individually in parenting.

Lisa:  Yeah, I think getting both parents on board with just being positive is kind of symbolic of just getting both parents on board and cohesive in your parenting styles.  You really just, I think, have to kind of have a united front and really do a lot of really good communicating as a team, because that’s what you are.  It’s definitely a collaboration between both caregivers, and I think just talking about your approaches and being unified in your approaches and when a situation comes up, and it could go either way, you could just get furiously mad or completely flip out.  I think a good tip, and this is something that my husband and I do all the time – we still do all the time, and our daughters are 21 and almost 25.  If one of us sees the other one completely overreacting or maybe underreacting and we know that we’ve been consistent in a certain way that we parented, we’ll kind of nudge each other or we’ll take each other side.  We’ll give each other a gentle reminder of, like, hey, look, we kind of agreed that we would do this in this situation or this in that situation.  So I think it’s just staying unified and really communicating with each other about kind of what your core values are.  And when you can both recognize and appreciate how much positivity and humor plays into parenting, then I think you just kind of play off of each other, which my husband and I have done that for 25 years.  It’s a great alternative to being completely wrapped around the axle all the time, which is the other kind of state of mind that I think parents end up in so much of the time.  So we kind of nudge each other and remind each other to just see how dumb certain situations can be and laugh about it.

Kristin:  I love that.  And then also I think it’s key to get other caregivers on board with your parenting style, and as you said earlier, communication is key.  So not only with your husband, partner, but if you have a nanny, or sometimes grandparents are helping caregive.  So just really getting everyone on the same page.

Lisa:  Yeah, and I mean, the more consistent we can all be as kind of that big overarching unit of people who takes care of your kids – you’ve got teachers; you’ve got, like you said, caregivers and relatives and friends.  The more we can all be unified in the way that we interact with our kids, the better because it’s so hard to parent kids when you’re getting mixed messages, when mom says one thing and dad says the other; grandma lets you have free range.  I think there are a lot of parents who get very, very, I guess, timid about telling people how they want to parent their kids.  Like, for instance, parents who have, for instance, live-in grandparents who are an incredible source of help and support, and yet I see all the time – I am affiliated with some websites and portals and platforms where I talk a lot to new mothers who are struggling with the fact that maybe they live with their in-laws or family members and people are undermining their authority or their choices, and it can be really hard to voice that opinion and hold that line in terms of, like, hey, this is actually my child, and this is how I’m choosing or my partner and I are choosing to parent.  So it’s really important to have those conversations, and there are ways to do it, which goes back to what we talked about a few minutes ago as far as, you know, it’s what you say and how you say it, and I think if you’re gentle in the way that you have these conversations with people around you, people are going to understand.  You know, this is what you want; these are your expectations, and you just need to honor that.  You need to make sure the people who are helping you honor that.

Kristin:  Yes, exactly.  So what are your top tips for new parents to, again, begin applying positive parenting very early on?

Lisa:  I think one of the biggest things that a new mom or dad can do as a parent is actually take care of themselves.  Living in such a world of self-care imagery and self-care opportunities, and it’s wonderful; it’s amazing.  It’s so important just as a human being, but it’s even more important as a parent who’s responsible for taking care of a young child because it’s hard.  It’s really, really hard, and it’s frustrating, and it’s messy.  And like we said, it’s chaotic.  But when we’ve taken care of ourselves, and when we’re at least recharged and refreshed and our own basic needs are met, we’re going to be way more effective as moms and dads.  We get this brand new baby home or even have this young child at home, and everything is focused on this child and care and teaching and guiding and nurturing.  And we’ve, like, forgotten to eat breakfast and lunch and haven’t put on deodorant and forgot to shower and – you know, like, all these things.  And it’s the old oxygen mask in the airplane analogy.  And there’s no better analogy to describe the need for that as a new parent because they have you put on that oxygen mask first because you’re no good to anybody around you, let alone your small child, if you aren’t capable of functioning yourself.  So I think that’s one of the biggest tips and takeaways that I would hand off to a new parent.  And the other thing that I think is equally as important: don’t compare yourself to people around you.  Don’t compare yourself to the other moms and dads who are around you because that’s just – it’s a total trap, and we all fall into it.  You know, we compare our kids to the little kids on the playground and the moms to the moms on the playground and it just – that will crush you.  It will absolutely crush you because you can’t parent your child like another parent can.  And you can’t be the same kind of influence and have the same kind of successes that other families have because it’s a different family.  It’s a different dynamic.  There are different issues.  You’ve got to kind of just walk your own walk and learn to let go early on, I guess, is the way I would distill that tip down.  Just let it go.  Do your thing your way to the best of your ability for you own little family because you’re not in somebody else’s house under somebody else’s roof.  It’s yours and your house and your family.

Kristin:  I feel like the social media pressure to be perfect, whether it’s Instagram or Pinterest, that comparison game can really be a joy-killer.  So I love that.  We’ve all got struggles, despite what appearances may be.

Lisa:  Oh, yeah.  And I’m glad you said the social media piece because that nowadays, that plays such a massive role in kind of breaking people’s spirits, breaking parents’ spirits because you see all these videos of the moms who have redone their refrigerator with 7,000 different snacks, and everything is organized in a certain way, which is great; don’t get me wrong.  I’m all for food porn; I love it.  And organizationally, that’s my thing.  But you’ve got moms out there who can barely pour a bowl of cereal because they’ve got four kids and they’re working from home and two kids are in school.  So we need to kind of celebrate our own little wins and not spend all of our time looking at the perfect images that everybody’s putting – they’re curated.  Those are cultivated.  People are not putting themselves on social media at their worst and more disorganized, chaotic moments.  They’re putting them on when everything – the light is filtered just right and the fruit is just perfectly ripe.  It’s not reality, most of it.  You know, there are a lot of people out there who are being super real, and I love that, and that’s what you should be paying attention to, the people who are on social media kind of like tears in their eyes, saying this is really hard, and I buttoned my pants today and put on makeup and that’s my win for the day.  You know, that’s it.  And that’s the stuff we should be focusing on.

Kristin:  Exactly.  So how can our listeners get in touch with you?  You’ve got so many platforms, and of course, your book?

Lisa:  I’m kind of all over the place, actually.  I mean, anybody who wants to find out what I do can just go right to my website.  Or you can find me on Amazon.  All of my books are on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or in the stores where books are sold.  I’m on Instagram @lisa_sugarman and Facebook @thelisasugarman.  And I’m kind of nomadic.  I pop up everywhere.

Kristin:  I love it.  And of course you’ve got your radio show, and you’re making appearances everywhere.  You also mentioned that you’re on multiple platforms, so are you partnering with other sites, then?

Lisa:  I am.  I actually have done quite a bit of partnering over the years.  I work for – I write for and help develop content for a very cool platform out of Houston, Texas called SocialMama that’s kind of like Tinder for moms.  It helps moms connect with other moms based around their area and their kind of geolocation area, and also moms that have unique needs, like maybe you have a child with autism or you have a child with severe allergies or you’re looking for someone who can really relate with you and kind of the parenting journey that you’re on.  So I help with content creation there.  I’m one of their parenting experts.  I also partner with a company called Helpen that is helping families teach children kindness and generosity and gratitude and empathy through prompts at the dinner table.  They’re like little postcard prompts at the dinner table and through micro donations that you give to nonprofits, teaching your children how to pay it forward, and I do a lot of content creation for them, as well.  And then our radio show that I do with my co-author, Deb Gansenberg, is Life Unfiltered, and you can find all the episodes on iTunes or IHeartRadio.  We’re all over the place.

Kristin:  Amazing.  Thank you so much for everything that you shared with us.  These tips for positive parenting are amazing.  I will share the resources and some of the platforms you’re involved with, not only with our doula clients, but also our Becoming A Mother students.  I think they would be very interested in the SocialMama platform.

Lisa:  That’s great.  Yeah, they’d love it.  They would absolutely love it.  They’re a great resource there.

Kristin:  Thanks so much, Lisa!

Lisa:  It was my pleasure!  Thanks for having me!

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

How to raise perfectly imperfect kids with Lisa Sugarman: Podcast Episode #152 Read More »

Intentional Motherhood with Monique Russell: Podcast Episode #152

Kristin and Monique, author of Intentional Motherhood: Who Said It Would Be Easy?, discuss her book and share tips to connect with your children and communicate your needs with others to better enjoy this time of transition.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello!  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I’m so excited to be joined today by Monique Russell.  Monique is a clear communication coach and the author of Intentional Motherhood.  Hi, Monique!

Monique:  Hi, Kristin, how are you?

Kristin:  Doing so well!  I would love to hear a bit about your back story as far as your journey into becoming a young mother and also what led you to write this book on intentional motherhood.

Monique:  Oh, absolutely.  So right now, I live in Atlanta, Georgia, but I grew up in the beautiful islands of the Bahamas, and I left the Bahamas after I graduated high school and I moved to cold Minnesota.  And that’s where I went to college.  It was one semester after I started college that I found myself pregnant.  It was an unplanned pregnancy.  I switched schools from where I was going.  I was going first to the College of St. Benedict, and then I switched to St. Cloud State.  And so I had my son and literally, like, that next semester, I picked up – I started picking back up classes that January.  But in between that, I had my mom come, and she was there when I gave birth, and she was there after I gave birth, to sort of help me get acclimated back into the routine of things.  But as I was going to school, as I was working – I was working on campus as a multicultural student consultant, and I was also working a retail job at the time in customer service while going to school and raising my son.

Kristin:  Busy!

Monique:  Tell me about it!  I happened to be so fortunate to have his childcare right on campus, which was such a blessing because so many of the teachers there – some were trying to get into early ed, and so they had all this excitement about working with young babies, and they were being mentored.  And so my son had one of the best early experiences at that daycare on campus.  And then I just kind of continued to finish my studies.  I did my undergrad in broadcast journalism.  I did both my graduate programs in communications, as well, one in PR and one in advertising.  And shortly after, I was asked to teach other moms around campus and on campus who were twice my age about parenting.

Kristin:  Wow!

Monique:  Yes.  And I was actually surprised, and I did.  I did the workshops; I did the speaking engagements.  And all throughout my life, I will just be so honest; I never saw myself as being handicapped or limited by having a child so early.  I just always had in my mind that I just have to continue to do whatever I had set out to do.  But fast forward to where we are today.  This book just came out last year.

Kristin:  I noticed that.  February, correct?

Monique:  Yes, just last year, and I never had it in my mind to – you know, it definitely wasn’t something that I was going to write about, talk about.  I mean, it’s not even been a part of my brand for forever.  But I had a lot of questions about how I did things and what helped me to still move through growing a business, working, and taking care of my kids, and it was through reflection, through coaching, through healing, through therapy, that I realized it was about my mindset and my identity.  So when I grew up, we did not have – I am the eldest on my mom’s side.  It’s me and my two youngest brothers.  We didn’t grow up with a lot of media influences, a lot of TV influences.  I think I had one hour a week I could watch TV, Kristin.

Kristin:  Not typical!

Monique:  It’s not.  It’s not.  And I think that’s part of why I don’t watch much today, either, but as I was reflecting about the whole experience and how our mindsets are shaped and formed or how mine was formed, I point back to a lot of these types of things because there were people around me when I got pregnant who thought that I would not finish school.  They thought that I wouldn’t, you know, become a success because I would end up as a statistic, which I obviously did not.  And I think back to, okay, well, where did this mindset actually begin?  And I think it’s because I wasn’t surrounded with so many stories of failure around parenting or of failure around young people and parenting.  And then my mom was a very strong support for me.  So this journey of the book came through my personal experiences being a young mom, losing some of my identity after I had my second son, building back my confidence, working with my clients on their confidence and their professional careers and their business lives, and just really chronicling the whole journey of what it means to be an intentional mom because I think we tend to plan everything out in our lives.  We plan our marriage.  We plan our college.  We plan where the kids are going to extracurricular activities.  But somehow when this motherhood thing comes up, we just tack it along and keep going as though, okay, nothing’s changed.  We’re just a mom, and we keep going.  And then when we can’t keep up with everything or we feel low or we don’t feel like ourselves and we feel isolated, we feel like a failure.  So it’s us stopping to redefine what success looks like and stopping to redefine and really step into the identity of being a mom.

Kristin:  Yes.  So much changes, and it can be overwhelming if you’re trying to compare yourself to the Instagram moms or Pinterest moms or society’s expectations.  So I do love how individualized your approach is.

Monique:  Yeah.  That’s so true because you don’t even have to a mom to be impacted by the social media feelings, right?

Kristin:  Yes!

Monique:  That’s one thing I would always say, too.  Follow the people in your social media who are showing positive stories or who are showing the reality of what it is that they’re facing so that you won’t feel alone or you won’t feel as though you’re not measuring up because those stories can begin to play in your head so quickly, and before you know it, you’re in a spiral thinking that, oh my God, just not measuring up.  And I don’t want any mom to have to feel like that.  Or if you do feel like that, knowing how to kind of journal your way or gratitude your way or talk through your way out of that feeling.

Kristin:  Makes complete sense.  I tell my birth clients during pregnancy to surround themselves with positivity.  Hearing positive birth stories versus the fear-filled ones, and really finding a group of supportive friends and family members.  And then after they give birth in that postnatal phase, really finding people who are telling it like it is.  And like you said, telling the truth versus having the filtered version of motherhood.  The ideals of perfection that we have.

Monique:  Oh, my God, I was a perfectionist, Kristin, in a past life.  In a past life I was a perfectionist; my goodness.  But that journey to letting go of that, and I write about that in the book, too, the journey to embracing that and recognizing the difference between self-like and self-love, what we are doing when we like ourselves, which is a lot of that internal/external stuff, versus when we love ourselves and we’re embracing the thoughts and the feelings that we have and we’re setting up healthy boundaries for ourselves and having realistic expectations and being gentle and patient and kind with ourselves so that we can pass that down to the little humans that we’re raising who are observing everything that we do.

Kristin:  They sure are.  There’s no doubt.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  I would love to chat with you a bit about your communications skills.  We launched an online course in March called Becoming A Mother, as our clients were feeling quite isolated during the pandemic and wanted a community of supportive women.  So our course gets into a lot about communicating your unique needs in regards to both your expectations for birth and also parenting and surrounding COVID, visitor restrictions in the hospital or visitors after baby arrives.  So I would love to hear your thoughts on, especially during pregnancy, having those tough conversations with family members and friends and communicating your needs to your partner if there’s a partner involved, rather than waiting until you go into labor or after baby arrives.  What are your thoughts on that?

Monique:  Absolutely.  It is essential because when we don’t let our feelings out, they just bottle and turn inward, and our baby is feeling those feelings, too.  So I know sometimes it’s not always easy to open up, especially if you are afraid of being ostracized or you’re feeling like you’re being downplayed, but I would suggest, even if it’s just one person – because I remember when I had my second child, I stayed home for a while, and it became very isolating.  It definitely wasn’t a pandemic, but it was isolating nonetheless, and not having the type of conversation – you know, my husband was working, and he’s at work, and I’m at home.  Not everybody is at home with their kids.  I had a friend.  She actually lived and still lives in South Africa, and she became my daily catch-up relief person, and it was incredible.  We weren’t meeting in person because we were thousands and thousands of miles away.  So I would say, you know, release – first, release the expectation that it has to be someone in your biological family that you are opening up to because at the end of the day, sometimes we are in situations with family, blood family, that may not be as supportive.  So think about family as having that support and reach out to that person.  Share your heart.  Use journaling as a tool, but try not to keep it into yourself because it’s not going to do you or the baby any good.

Kristin:  So true.  Very helpful advice.  And so as far as communicating with the partner, any tips for our listeners on really setting the type of support that a mother would be looking for, especially after baby arrives or how to best support her doing labor and so on?  That can be uncomfortable for some women.

Monique:  Definitely, especially because we don’t know what to say.  Sometimes we don’t even know how to articulate what it is that we need.  All we know is that we will know it when we feel it, and I will use both of my pregnancies as examples because with my first son, there was almost this unspoken communication with my mom, with those around me, that knew, okay, to bring a warm towel, to help massage my lower back that was filled with so much pain.  You know, different things that were things that I didn’t even have to verbalize.

Kristin:  Yes.  Things a doula would do, sure.

Monique:  Yes, so you know!  No one even has to tell you.  A lot of times with our partners, oh, my goodness.  They don’t have a manual, either.

Kristin:  Exactly, and they want to fix things.  They just don’t know what to do.

Monique:  They don’t know what to do, and they don’t know how.  So you have to express – instead of saying, “My back is hurting,” you know, “Can you get a warm towel for my back?”  This is what I have observed: being very clear about what it is that you want to happen or what it is that you need support, where you need support, that’s going to reduce your own level of frustration because if you’re speaking in general terms, then you’ll feel like you’re not being understood, and your partner’s also going to feel frustrated because, you know, they don’t know what to do.

Kristin:  Exactly.

Monique:  So as much as you can to articulate with clarity, as much clarity as you can, and I wish I could tell you I got this right because I didn’t, Kristin.  I was like, “Oh, my God, I can’t take that smell.”  There was something I used to love eating before I got pregnant; mackerel.  And when I got pregnant, I could not take the smell.  I couldn’t take the smell, and in the beginning, that’s all I would do.  I would complain about the smell; complain about the smell.  And, you know, I had to get very clear and just say, “Don’t buy mackerel.  Don’t buy mackerel anymore.  Don’t buy it.  Or if you cook it, don’t cook it when I’m around.  Let me go out because the smell is going to drive me crazy.”  And you may think, like, okay, that’s self-explanatory.  Like, I shouldn’t have to do all of that explanation.  But trust me, the more clear you can get, the better it’s going to be for everyone.

Kristin:  Absolutely.  Totally agree.  Circling back to your book, Intentional Mothering, any highlights that you want to cover and resources that our readers may be interested in?

Monique:  Sure.  The book is a short, quick read.  It’s written with also prompts, journal prompts and exercises so you can take your time and actually think through.  It has eight chapters.  The first one is “Who said it would be easy?” because who said it would be easy?  Chapter two is, “It’s not about age; it’s about identity,” and this is, like, how we see ourselves.  We don’t have to be biological moms to be moms.  It’s not about biology.  It’s not about how old you are.  It’s about how you see yourself.  If you see yourself as a nurturer, as a carer, as a provider.  “The identity of a mom” is the third chapter, and that talks about how our identity shifts so much when we do become a mom and how we can take time to redefine what that means for each one of us individually.  Chapter four is about a woman’s likes versus a woman’s loves, and we talked a little bit about what that means.  Chapter five is about the working mom.  “The working mother,” that’s what it’s called.  And that chapter is filled with practical tips.  You know, when your kids are older, how to batch and how to have meetings and things like that so you’re not overwhelmed.  Chapter six is about apologizing to your kids.  Chapter seven is called “The ego-full father,” and I met my biological dad at the age of eight, and it was a journey of trial and error to connect, but in this chapter, I dispel so many myths about the fathers and the men in our lives that are leading from their ego.  It’s not that they don’t want to connect.  They don’t know how.  And so when we as an intentional mom have a deeper awareness of communication, we can choose how to navigate those conversations.  And then the final chapter is “Intentional conversations,” and that’s really about being an intentional mom, leaning into conflict.  And so that means that we’re setting aside time to build connection with our siblings, to build connection with our friends, with our partners, and just really being intentional all around in our conversations so that we’re not carrying hurt or overwhelm, frustration, in our bodies or in our hearts.

Kristin:  Love it.  And I did notice that you have some amazing reviews on Amazon, so way to go.

Monique:  Thank you!

Kristin:  Outside of Amazon, how else can our listeners find your book?

Monique:  You can get it on my website.

Kristin:  Great.  And then for anyone who happens to be interested in your communications business, would you like to share that contact info as well, Monique?

Monique:  Absolutely.  So the same way you can reach me, by my website, or you can visit my LinkedIn profile.

Kristin:  Great.  And you’re also a podcaster?

Monique:  I am!  I’m a podcaster.  My podcast is called Bridge To U, understanding and Black unity.  It focuses on diversity and inclusion among Black cultures through highlighting awakening conversations in their journey to discover themselves.

Kristin:  Amazing.  I will check it out for sure.  So any last tips or words of advice for our listeners?

Monique:  Yes.  I want every single mom that is listening to us to know that you can’t mess it up.  You can’t mess it up.  Give yourself grace.  Give yourself grace.  You’re doing an awesome job.  Try not to take the world on your shoulders.  There is no right or wrong way to connect with your child, but there’s definitely effective ways to connect through communication.  So just keep doing the great job that you’re doing and stay encouraged.

Kristin:  That is perfect.  And my add on to your advice would be ask for help.  You don’t have to do it alone.

Monique:  Yes, definitely ask for help!

Kristin:  Thanks so much for your time, Monique!  I loved chatting with you, and I hope we can reconnect sometime.

Monique:  I would love that.  Thank you for having me on the show.

Kristin:  Of course.  Take care.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.


Intentional Motherhood with Monique Russell: Podcast Episode #152 Read More »

Ameya Duprey poses in front of trees

Ayurvedic Postpartum Healing with Ameya Duprey: Podcast Episode #151

Kristin and Ameya Duprey discuss the root causes of postpartum imbalances and how to heal them.  Ameya is an Ayurvedic practitioner, postpartum doula and author.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on SoundCloud, iTunes, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello!  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I am joined today by Ameya Duprey.  Ameya is a postpartum doula trained in traditional Ayurvedic care, and you’re also a massage therapist, an author, course creator, and so many other things.  Welcome, Ameya!

Ameya:  Thank you so much.  It’s really a joy to be here with you today.

Kristin:  So I would love to hear how you got into the important work of supporting women with traditional methods of healing.

Ameya:  Yeah.  So it all started with my Ayurveda training.  I became an Ayurvedic practitioner first, focusing on detoxification of the body.  It’s called panchakarma.  So I did that for many years, but while I was getting that training back in 2000, I became pregnant with my daughter.  So I had her really young.  I was 22 when I had her.  But I did have some Ayurvedic training already, but it honestly wasn’t enough.  When I had her, I had lots of problems myself.  I didn’t really know about Ayurvedic postpartum care.  I had a friend who was an Ayurvedic postpartum doula.  They’re called Ayur doulas.  And so when I was three weeks postpartum, she came over and offered me a massage, which was really wonderful.  And it was at that time that she put this – planted this seed, where she was like, why don’t you do this work?  Why don’t you become an Ayur doula?  And at the time, I was totally overwhelmed and just had a baby.  You know, she was colicky.  My birth was super difficult, and all this stuff.  So I filed that away for later, and then in 2011, Ysha Oakes, who is the only woman teaching Ayurvedic postpartum care in the country – I knew about her, but she came to Grass Valley, California, where I live now and lived then back in 2011, and she offered a training to become an Ayur doula, so that’s when I did it.  And for me, between my own personal journey with postpartum healing and recovery and how difficult it all was for me, between that and the knowledge and work that I was already doing with Ayurvedic and detoxification therapies – it’s funny because recovering from birth is the opposite of detoxification.  It’s rejuvenation.  But some of the techniques and therapies that are used are actually similar.  So in that time frame, I guess back in 2005, I became a massage therapist to complement and legitimize my detoxification work because it involves oil massage, what they call abhyanga and other things.  So it just was very easy for me.  I love food, and I love healing the body with food.  And Ayurveda is known for that.  It uses – that was the thing that originally got me into Ayurveda was being able to use the spices in my kitchen to heal and balance the body.  I just was really excited to learn the work and just knowing how little information there really is about how to actually heal from birth.  So that is how I got into being an Ayurvedic postpartum doula and have been working since then, seeing clients in their homes, and then back in 2017 was when I started my blog, Shakticare, and started trying to get the information out there to the masses of how to actually heal your body with natural methods from birth and make a full recovery.  Since then, I have an online presence, as well, and have been – I created my book, Mama’s Menu, which is an Ayurvedic postpartum cookbook, and I also have my online postpartum recovery program now, Fully Healed Mama.

Kristin:  That’s amazing.  We really don’t have access to resources like yours in Michigan, so I love that you had the insight early on to really create this comprehensive blog and resources for women no matter where they live.

Ameya:  Yeah, and that’s the thing because there’s only a limited supply of Ayurvedic postpartum doulas, and they’re not cheap, either.  It’s important for mamas to be able to access that information wherever they live.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  So what are your top tips for healing in the postpartum phase for our listeners who may not be, again, familiar with Ayurveda?

Ameya:  Yeah.  So Ayurveda, for those of you who don’t know, is the traditional healing science from India that dates back at least 5,000 years, since before really the written word.  And so there’s an Ayurvedic way to do everything.  Between the food that you eat, the exercise that you do, to the way you heal your body after birth.  And if you have heard of Ayurveda, you may have heard of the three doshas, and three doshas are – you know, they are body types, but they’re also just made up of the five elements.  So in Ayurveda, there are five elements instead of four.  Space or ether is the fifth one.  So it’s space, air, fire, water, and earth.  And when you have a baby, all mamas have the same imbalance, and that is the vata imbalance, which is made up of the air and ether elements.  So those are out of whack, out of balance after birth, and so that is the main thing that we need to work on to bring back into balance.  And how air and ether elements manifest in qualities – so we can just say vata to make it a little more easy, but they have – vata consists of certain qualities, like cold, light, mobile or changing, irregular, dry, for example.  So after birth, all of these qualities manifest in your body, like cold, for example.  Through the process of birthing, you’re expelling so much energy to birth creation into this world, so your whole body goes cold.  That means your digestion goes cold, but also you have, like, bad circulation, and your whole body is cold, and so that is something that is the case for everyone.  And so the best way to deal with that is to bring warmth back into your body.  So with your diet, you need to rekindle your digestion so that you can digest your food and nourish your body and nourish your baby if you’re breastfeeding, and you need to make sure that you have – you’re staying in a warm, cozy room and taking hot baths and drinking only warm water.  If you give birth in a hospital, don’t let them feed you ice water.  It’s really bad for you.  Yeah, your system is very sensitive after you give birth, so you have to pay attention to that.  It’s another quality of vata that gets imbalances.  So it can manifest, for example, making you feel out of it, spacey, your mind all over the place kind of thing.  And so that – you can help that by eating grounding foods and putting heavy blankets over you, and even having some warm oil on your head.  Anything that you can do to help ground you will really just help in general after you give birth and your recovery.

Kristin:  And as you mentioned, massage with the warming oils and things.

Ameya:  Yeah, absolutely.  And this other quality, mobile or just change, there’s just so much change in your hormones, in your body, in your family dynamics, in your partner dynamics.  It can just be really overwhelming and hard to process it all.  So routine is crucial after birth.  That way you can – again, it’s about grounding everything and so that you’re not, like, wondering what you should be doing next every single second.  A lot of mamas experience lots of anxiety and definitely worry and everything after birth, and honestly, that is just a manifestation of vata.  Anxiety is a classic manifestation of vata, and of course, after you have a baby, then there’s just – it’s different.  What if something happens to me?

Kristin:  So many different thoughts, for sure.

Ameya:  Yeah, so many different thoughts.  I think every mama has that thought.  So yeah, just so much change, and to recognize that, and there are things that we can do to help that, and having a healing routine is really helpful to be able to just kind of ground that and not have to worry about what you’re doing next and just get settled into that routine.

Kristin:  Perfect.  So outside of your blog, what other resources would you recommend for women who wanted to learn more about ways that they can cure imbalance and heal?  Your website is your primary source, and can they find resources on your master class and the cookbook and so on, directly from those sites, or how do you best suggest we all connect with you?

Ameya:  Yes, my website does have everything on it.  I do highly recommend my free master class on how to heal from birth without feeling stressed out and exhausted.  It’s a really valuable training that I feel like every mama should watch.  There, you’ll learn three mistakes that most new mamas make and how to avoid them, as well as learn about my natural recovery method that I’ve created.  The natural recovery method is something that all mamas can do anywhere in the world, and you don’t have to have me as your personal Ayur doula, but it does come from my personal work, working with mamas in their homes.  And so I just simplified it and created a system that can work for all mamas everywhere.

Kristin:  Beautiful.  And you mentioned that your cookbook is part of that, so they can get more information?

Ameya:  Yeah, my cookbook, if you end up deciding to join my program, Fully Healed Mama, my cookbook is one of the free bonuses, and you get a physical copy.  It doesn’t matter wherever in the world that you live; it will be sent to you.  And I know getting a physical copy of a cookbook is really, really nice.  Most mamas prefer that, so that’s why I do that.  If you only wanted to get the cookbook, then you can do so from my website, which is the best way to support me, as well as my daughter who did all the pictures and the editing of the book, so it is a family affair.  That’s wonderful, and then you can get it also on Amazon if you’d like.  I do have also electronic copies available on Amazon for Kindle and also on iTunes if you wanted to just get the ebook version.

Kristin:  Lovely.  And you’re also on social and other channels, so Instagram and Facebook?  Can they find you on other social media networks?

Ameya:  Yeah, I’m on Instagram.  My handle is shakticare.  And on Facebook, you can find me at myshakticare.  And that’s really if you want to have a direct conversation with me, you can just give me a direct message.  I’m on my devices a lot, so I’ll get it.  So that’s really – if you have any questions, that’s a really great way to get a hold of me.

Kristin: And again, you offer virtual consultations, so if someone wanted to work with you direct virtually, that’s certainly an option beyond your master class, correct?

Ameya:  Yes, yes.  I do offer one on one sessions, and you can find that information on my website.  I offer different packages depending on what your needs are.  And then my online program, Fully Healed Mama, is a wonderful program.  It’s definitely my best value.  And not only do you receive all of – I teach you how to fully heal from birth and feel amazing again, even better than before you were pregnant is the feedback that I’ve gotten, but also you do have access to me daily, actually, in my – we have a private Facebook group with my Fully Healed Mama program that I answer questions every day, and I also do – every three weeks, I do live Q&A calls.

Kristin:  That’s incredible.  Well, thank you for sharing all of your amazing resources, and I will have to pick up a copy of your book.  I’ll make sure to order it directly from your website, and I so appreciate your time, Ameya.  Thank you for again chatting and sharing all of your resources.

Ameya:  Yeah.  It was really my pleasure.  Thank you for having me.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

Ayurvedic Postpartum Healing with Ameya Duprey: Podcast Episode #151 Read More »

Woman wearing a mauve jumper poses in front of a floral mural

Nursery Trends and Safety: Podcast Episode #150

Kristin chats with Naomi Coe, founder of Little Crown Interiors and author of Your Perfect Nursery about nursery trends and nursery safety.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas.  This is Kristin, and I’m here today with Naomi Coe.  Naomi is the founder of Little Crown Interiors and the author of Your Perfect Nursery.  Her design studio focuses solely on nursery and child spaces, blending together beauty, functionality, and safety.  Naomi’s work has been featured widely in print, web, and on television including Domino, People Magazine, HGTV, and many more.  Little Crown Interiors is located in southern California and also does e-designs across the US.  Welcome, Naomi!

Naomi:  Hi, thanks for having me!

Kristin:  So excited to chat with you.  So let’s get into some of the topics related to nursery design and prepping for baby.

Naomi:  Yes, so as you mentioned, I specialize in nursery design, and it’s a very interesting specialization because I’m dealing primarily with first-time parents.  So there’s a lot of kind of specialized information.  There’s a lot of safety and functionality that goes along with it.  So it’s very different than typical interior design for a living room or a kitchen or things like that.

Kristin:  That makes perfect sense.  So what are you seeing to start out with trends that are coming up with nursery design, and what is out there as far as the newest furniture pieces or accessories for nurseries?

Naomi:  So there’s good news and bad news.  The good news is that there is so much out there now, and any trend that you see that you want to take part in for your nursery, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find pieces and décor that fit with that, and that’s also kind of the bad news, which is that there’s just so much out there.  And a lot of my clients come to me, and they’re just completely overwhelmed.  So if there’s a specific style or trend that they’re looking for or that they’ve saved some Instagram images, then I definitely can help guide them towards that.  As far as trends that I’m seeing now, I would say some of the bigger ones are definitely neutrals, and that goes both for neutral color palettes and also gender neutral spaces.  We’re seeing a lot more of just those colors, the soft, you know, whites and creams and layered texture, but then also a lot of parents who are choosing not to find out the sex of the baby or who want to specifically not plan around that.  So those are both things that I’m seeing a lot of in the last six months to a year, which is kind of exciting, I think, especially the not working specifically within the gendered baby idea.  So it doesn’t have to be pink for girls and blue for boys anymore, which is great, and not only for just the well-being of the families, but also for creativity in the space.  It lets you out of the box.

Kristin:  Definitely.  And then if your clients end up wanting to expand their family and keep that room as a dedicated nursery, it could work with future babies, as well?

Naomi:  Exactly, yes.  It’s much more versatile.  And I think that versatility has really become something parents are looking for post-COVID.  I’ve noticed this switch whereas before a lot of people were more open to very individualistic spaces, and now because everyone was forced to stay at home for that period of time, everyone’s looking for versatility.  How can I use this space for multiple functionalities?  Maybe it’s going to end up being an office.  Maybe it’s going to end up being a shared room, all of this stuff.  So that versatility is something people are very aware of now.

Kristin:  That makes sense.  So as far as your clients that are on a tight budget, what are the things that you would most recommend spending your money on versus what you can find a different way to either do it yourself with some of the décor items, or what is worth hiring a professional, whether it’s a painter or whatever it might be?

Naomi:  There’s a lot of wiggle room there because the bare bones nursery as far as just the items you need, and when I say need, I mean, you know, for function and safety, there’s very few things.  So a lot of the rest of the nursery ends up being décor and things that just make you feel good.  So of course, my job, being an interior designer, is to make the space feel really nice for the client, and the budget’s going to get allocated depending on what they think that means.  So I have clients who find a crib that they just are obsessed with, and they have to have that crib, and it’s expensive.  So then we can do non-custom window treatments, or we can do art work from Etsy or things like that to kind of layer in.  No problem at all with doing some pieces that are splurge and some that are save, assuming of course that they’re safe.  So as far as generally, I would say the crib and the changing table or dresser and your glider, so the three kind of cornerstone pieces, should be good enough quality that they’ll last, because you don’t want to end up in a situation where you have to just buy new furniture in a couple of years, which ends up costing more.  So the crib, you might not use for too long, but you might get one that’s convertible, which means it can turn into a toddler bed and then give you a couple more years, but you want a piece that’s strong enough to hold up to a toddler who might chew on it or jump around on it or all the things that toddlers do, and the same goes for the dresser.  You know, they might slam the drawers.  They might try to climb on it.  You want a piece that’s going to be sturdy and not tip over because that’s of course a safety issue, especially with lighter weight dressers.  So you want a heavier, good quality dresser; strap it to the wall with earthquake safety straps, things like that.  The glider is really just the piece that you as a parent are going to spend a ton of time in and fall asleep in and do midnight feedings in, so you want to make sure that it is comfortable and a nice piece that you can really enjoy.  So that’s my advice for splurging.  Everything else can be worked around, I think.

Kristin:  And then what do you see as far as clients who want to room in initially with a bassinet near the bed?  Are they factoring some of those things in as they’re in the nesting stage and really planning out their space, and all of the different areas of the house the baby may be in at different times of the day?

Naomi:  Yeah, so that’s actually kind of a funny little side part of my job, which is kind of – there’s an overlap between just the nursery and then these other things that you’re planning for as a new parent.  So there is going to be overlap with what’s going on in the bedroom and maybe even what’s happening in the living room or kitchen.  If there’s a two-story home, we might need to do a separate little changing area downstairs or have a little travel changing pad in a drawer somewhere, things like that.  And the bassinets, of course, I recommend no matter what, even if a parent isn’t really planning on having one, because things change and you may kind of try the bassinet, try the crib, see what works for you and the baby.  Some people may skip the bassinet and then realize that they are just terrified all night long and need the baby close to them.  So there’s a lot of transition and trial and error in those first few months.

Kristin:  Definitely.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  And as you mentioned, having different set-ups throughout the house because depending on – you know, with that healing phase postnatal, some women may not be able to go up and down stairs and really need to have different stations set up within their house, and they probably wanted to still be – you know, have a similar design feel to the rest of their house, so either stowing it away or having a set up in the bedroom, living room, or a guest room downstairs.

Naomi:  Exactly.  And this actually – it’s funny that you brought up the bassinets because one of the big, popular ones, I’m sure you’ve heard of, is the Snoo.

Kristin:  Yes.

Naomi:  Yeah, it’s super helpful, but one thing that I’ve found a lot of people don’t realize when they buy it is how heavy it is.  It’s not something you can just bring downstairs.

Kristin:  No, not at all.

Naomi:  So I always people specifically, are you planning on getting the Snoo or any other heavy piece like that because if they haven’t thought about how they’re going to deal with the up and down stairs problem or if they have a different area, something like that, then they might need two, or a Moses basket or some other little safe spot to park the baby.

Kristin:  And I know you are very concerned about safety.  So what are your top tips as you’re planning out different nursery and household items with your clients about staying on top of recalls, making sure you’re, again, spending on the important things?  So like the crib, for example, and saving elsewhere?  So what are your top tips for safety?

Naomi:  I’ve got a bunch.  Safety is such an integral part of our design process, so I would say the first thing is the placement of the crib.  I don’t think a lot of people realize how important that is.  Now, I’m in California, so of course we have to deal with earthquake safety.  But I think people who are not in earthquake areas think that it’s not as big of a deal, but it still is.  With the crib, you definitely do not want to place it under a window, even if you’re not in an earthquake or hurricane area, because there’s other things that can happen with the window, such as drafts, or even a sunburn can happen through a badly placed window.  You’ve got a neighbor who, you know, hits a baseball through your window.  There’s all kinds of scenarios where you just don’t want to place a crib in front of a window.  So there’s definitely first and foremost.  Try to find a wall in your space that doesn’t have any openings, and aside from that, keeping other furniture and other items away from the crib if possible, so when you get little arms sticking through the crib rails, there’s nothing that they can grab or use to kind of crawl out or climb out of the crib.  That’s another thing, as well.  And then of course there’s the sleep issues with cribs, so bumpers, we don’t use anymore.  Any blankets and pillows that go inside the crib, we don’t use those anymore, at least for a certain amount of time.  So there’s a lot with cribs.  So I definitely recommend researching the safety and placement of the crib.  I recommend talking to your doctor about the sleep safety and then also signing up for the CPSC newsletter.  CPSC is Consumer Product Safety Commission, so they’ll send you a newsletter that has recall information specifically for juveniles.  I just got one this morning with seven recalls.  It’s crazy.  So definitely sign up for that.  It’s, and then you can at least know that if something happens with a stroller or a car seat or a crib or anything, you’ll get an email.  The second thing with safety and nurseries I always run into is window treatments because a lot of people will have – they’ll plan on using the window treatments that are already in the room, which is usually something like blinds or a Roman shade or something that has cords that hang down, and cords are a huge problem in nurseries because children can get wrapped up in them and they can become a strangulation hazard.  So I definitely recommend any cords either have to be removed or completely tied up and then monitored, as well, which is even more important in the nursery, having a good monitor where you can see what’s happening.  Because some children just don’t care, and they will never try to get the cord, but some children will make it their life’s mission to get the cord, so I think monitoring really well and paying attention to your child’s specific habits is also very important.

Kristin:  Yes.  And then do your clients discuss blackout curtains and things for optimal sleeping environment?

Naomi:  Yeah, so that’s a funny one because the sleep training process is so difficult for a lot of people, and it’s something that may not even come to fruition until after the baby is born.  So we try to plan that in advance, and I usually tell people – you know, most people end up with blackouts, like a blackout drape, but some people want to train their baby to sleep with some daylight.  Other babies absolutely cannot sleep if there’s the tiniest bit of light, and so it really again comes to that trial and error.  But since we’re doing the nursery beforehand, we usually just start with blackouts, and we can kind of adjust if needed.  And then if a sleep consultant comes in, things might need to change a little bit.  It really just depends, unfortunately.

Kristin:  Right.  And like you said, some families may not ever need it, but you’re right, a lot of people just, especially if they just purchased the house, I see a lot of our doula clients are going through a lot of major transitions at once, so buying a new house or remodeling their current while they’re expecting, and so they might not even think about changing up curtains and blinds and so on.  So it’s good to think about that.

Naomi:  Right.  And one thing we do fairly often if budget allows is to do a double layer drape.  So we’ll do a non-blackout layer, and then a blackout layer on top so they have flexibility to use either down the line.

Kristin:  That’s very helpful.  So as far as women who really want to look at holistic planning of not only the remainder of their pregnancy but also for that first year postnatal, what are your top tips for that nesting phase and how to really plan for this time when you’re going to be homebound for a bit and bonding with baby?

Naomi:  Yeah, so there’s a couple of things there.  The first, of course, is – you may have noticed, my book is called Your Perfect Nursery, not “the perfect nursery.”  That’s because it’s very important to make this space something that you as a parent feel comfortable in.  The baby won’t care, I promise.  So I think that that’s the most important part is making it a space that you’re comfortable in, that you feel safe in, that you can fall asleep in, because that’s going to happen, and you’re going to have late nights and uncomfortable moments, so I think that making the nursery as comfortable as possible is great.  It will give you a space that you can share memories in but also just feel good in.

Kristin:  So do you find that your clients are thinking about their own bedroom during maternity and paternity leave and wanting to transform that space, in addition to the nursery, as they’re planning out this time when they’re homebound for a bit?

Naomi:  Not usually in any major way.  Sometimes we will do a – you know, like we mentioned before, a bassinet.  Occasionally we’ll do a second glider or a little cozy corner or something if they have space in their home.  And again, we’re in California, so we don’t have as large real estate.  A lot of nurseries are very small, and bedrooms are also fairly small.  So it just depends.  But yeah, the other thing I just remembered is that during the nesting phase, a lot of parents get heavy into organization.  And they start getting gifts, and they start shopping, and then they have just piles of clothes and things and toys, and nowhere to put them yet.  So I think that planning for organization is something that makes a lot of expecting parents feel really good and feel really satisfied.  So working on those things can be great and coming up with little bins and things to put all your little knick-knacks and blankets in and shelving for books and all these things.

Kristin:  Yeah, that’s a great thing to do during that nesting phase when you’re waiting for baby is to organize, wash all the clothing.  And we always tell our clients to register for services rather than things, because people will buy whatever they want.  They’ll even go off the registry.   You don’t need all of the things immediately, so services like design or a postpartum doula or sleep consultant or a meal delivery service, whatever it might be, versus having all of these extra things with nowhere to put them.

Naomi:  Yeah, and I see a lot of clients, too, registering for toddler items, like little plates and forks and things.  I have the same conversation because I end up dealing with a registry because we end up with a crib mattress, diaper pail, stuff like that will be kind of a crossover that I’ll work on, and yeah, I usually end up telling them, you don’t need size two clothes on your registry.  You don’t need this stuff because you’re just going to get overwhelmed by it, and chances are in two years, you’re going to want something different.

Kristin:  Right, because everything changes as far as fashion.  It’s so true.  Good tips.  So I’d love to get more into your book, Naomi, Your Perfect Nursery.  It is such a labor of love to become an author and go through that process.  What inspired you to devote your time and talents to creating this beautiful book?

Naomi:  Thank you, first of all.  So it definitely – it was a very long process, but I do a lot of research, and I’ve read, you know, the preparing for baby books, and I have a list of all of those and stuff.  And I started noticing that most of them only have a very small chapter on the nursery, and it’s not very specific.  It’s usually just kind of some function and some safety, and that’s it.  And then when you combine that with the just insane amount of imagery we’re all exposed to now on social media and Pinterest and whatever, there was no resource to guide people through that.  It’s just, here’s a little bit of safety, and then here is ten million images.  You figure it out.  And my brain is very – I’m, like, a spreadsheet person and super kind of hyper-organized.  So I just started creating an outline really just based on exactly how I design nurseries, and over the years, I added and added and added, and eventually was like, okay, I could turn this into something.  So I was lucky enough to get a book deal with Simon & Schuster, and then we got it published, and it’s comprehensive.  I mean, it really is, like I said, everything that I do when I design a nursery, which is everything.

Kristin:  Yeah, it’s wonderful, and I’m so excited to be able to share it with clients and with our Becoming a Mother students.  What a wonderful resource!

Naomi:  Thank you!  I didn’t want to write a book that, when you’re done reading it, you just feel like you have to hire somebody to do it.  You know?  I think that there’s a lot of books out there like that where they don’t really give you all the secrets, you know what I mean?  So I really wanted this to be a resource where people can use it, and they can get the exact information and then they can do it.  They can do it themselves.

Kristin:  Perfect.  So how can our listeners find your book?

Naomi:  It is anywhere the books are sold, so it’s on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, all of those book websites.

Kristin:  Perfect.  And how else can our listeners connect with you?  I know you have a website and different social media avenues?

Naomi:  Yes, my website is, and I’m also on Instagram @littlecrowninteriors.  Pretty easy to find; you can Google me.  Little Crown Interiors or Naomi Coe.

Kristin:  And you have a lot of great content on your website, and as you mentioned earlier, you work both virtually and in person with clients in California.  So our listeners from anywhere have the opportunity to either buy your book and/or work with you one on one?

Naomi:  Yeah.  We’ve been doing e-designs, virtual designs, for years, and then of course when COVID happened, that just blew up.  So we’ve been doing a ton of virtual designs and guiding people through the installation process and ordering process themselves.  And then we do just one-hour virtual consultations, and we have a very active blog, which has a lot of information on it, as well.

Kristin:  Perfect.  So any last minute tips for our listeners?

Naomi:  Oh, there’s just so many things.  I think what I always try to drive home, which I mentioned a little bit, is just to make the space really about you.  And it doesn’t necessarily require a lot of money to do that, you know?  There are so many things that you can get to make a space feel really special and personal that aren’t expensive furniture.  And I think even things like heirlooms or hand-me-downs, things that are special to you, to fill out that space.  I always recommend trying to put as many touches in there as possible that make you feel really nice and make you feel good, and that goes for one parent, both parents.  If there’s even another caregiver in the home, I think just rounding it out so when you walk in there, you just take a breath, and you feel good.  You feel great.

Kristin:  Thank you so much, Naomi!  It was wonderful to learn from you, and I hope all of our listeners check out your book because it is beautiful and so comprehensive.

Naomi:  Thank you!  Thank you so much!

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Nursery Trends and Safety: Podcast Episode #150 Read More »

Gail holds a baby doll while sitting at a table with a laptop in front of her

The Ultimate Birth Experience: Podcast Episode #149

Kristin chats with Gail Janicola about what it means to have the ultimate birth experience.  Gail is a birth expert, author of “The Ultimate Birth Experience,” and a mommy mentor.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I am joined today by Gail Janicola.  Gail is a national board-certified health and wellness coach.  She is the founder of Moms On Top, which is an educational resource for parents and parents-to-be.  She is also known as the mommy mentor and lives in New York.  She’s been a birth professional for over 26 years as an educator, a coach, a doula, and a doula trainer.  So wow, Gail.  So many accomplishments!

Gail:  I guess it sounds really nice when somebody else says it.

Kristin:  And you’re an author, so how does one balance all of that?

Gail:  Oh, my goodness, well, it’s almost 27 years, so I guess you just have to spread it out a lot.

Kristin:  And you’re a mother as well?  You have three grown children, correct?

Gail:  Yes.

Kristin:  So Gail, I am so fascinated by the topics you cover in your book, The Ultimate Birth Experience.  And it’s all about taking control and proactively choosing your birthing options that are best for you and your baby, communicating your needs, and so much of this content is what we discuss in our online Becoming a Mother course because it’s so important, especially during the times of COVID, to really be clear about the type of support that you want and communicating your needs with your medical team, your professional team, your personal support.  So I love the premise of your book.

Gail:  Yeah.  A lot of synergy, Kristin, I feel that we have, because that is our focus.  I know it’s your focus, also.  It’s my focus in everything that I do because it’s not just about the information, even though the information is so important.  But it is about empowering yourself to figure out how to communicate effectively, how to advocate for yourself.  Because it doesn’t matter; you can have all the information in the world, but if you’re not skilled in those areas and you don’t have a perspective of yourself as a consumer in your life and of course in birth specifically, then it doesn’t matter.  You can have all that information, and it sort of goes to waste.

Kristin:  Exactly.  So you’re right, it’s not just about taking a childbirth class and a tour of the hospital, if that’s even an option in your area.  If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any.  So really understanding the full scope of what is available to you, everything from physical therapists to, later on, a pelvic floor therapist to thinking about a postpartum doula and a birth doula.

Gail:  Yeah.  It’s all the stuff that so many people don’t know exists.  All of those resources.  I certainly didn’t know they existed when I was having my children, and the issue that I see happening all the time, as I’m sure you do, is that people go through the birthing process, and even if they have the most amazing experience and they were informed and they did work with a birth team that they felt was on the same page as them and supportive, unfortunately, you get into the postpartum period, and then if you have not really set your ducks up, at least just in knowledge – it doesn’t mean you have to hire people in advance necessarily, although I am a big advocate for hiring a lactation consultant or having a relationship with one beforehand.  But if you don’t know who exists out there, then you’re scrambling, and you’re scrambling at a time where you’re so vulnerable and feeling so lost.  It’s hard to become an advocate in that moment.

Kristin:  Exactly.  Yes, and in the moment, you know, in the birthing space itself, sometimes you might have a written birth plan, but if you don’t have a doula or your partner reminding you, you get lost in the moment.  I know with my own births, I had moments where everything was going out the window.  Once you hit that transition phase…

Gail:  Yeah, it’s hard.  Nobody’s sugarcoating – or I should say, I’m not sugarcoating it, and the whole process is not necessarily all rainbows and unicorns, but it’s the most miraculous, awesome time in somebody’s life.  This experience has the power to truly transform you forever and ever.  So to kind of brush it off as just an event that you have to get past and allowing everybody else to commandeer that event and you having no part or control in your own experience – first of all, of course, it could end up with trauma, which is very upsetting, but it also – it’s such a waste of this opportunity to create that level of confidence and that ability to, you know, to use the word again, to advocate, but also to pull together your resources, because think about how many times in your life you’re going to need that and probably have already needed it, even before you got pregnant.  But going forward as a parent, how many times – you know this, Kristin – how many times have we had to step in and figure things out at least initially for our children?  But really, I have adult children.  It never ends where they’re coming to you and they’re looking for guidance and things are happening in their lives, and to be a parent who can manage that, who can understand it, who can oversee it, who can support it – I mean, this is where I sit now in my life, so I can tell you that what I did, at least in my last birth experience, because I was truly ignorant in my first two.  But once I became a professional and then I had another child, I can look back on that now and see that that experience and everything I did throughout that experience has informed so much of my life since.

Kristin:  I would agree, with my own experiences and having doulas a second time around.  I felt so much more prepared and empowered.  And there’s so many unknowns, just like you described in parenting.  You need to adapt and make big decisions throughout parenthood, even with adult children, and so really preparing with the uncertainties and assembling the right team around you makes a big difference.  I felt like my team was on board with my wishes and I knew I needed to be flexible, but I had preparation and a plan, and I felt like birth wasn’t just happening to me.  And that’s what I want for all of my clients and students, for them to feel like they had some control, unless of course it was an emergency.

Gail:  Right.  And then even when it is an emergency – I mean, that’s really the – you know, you’re swinging the pendulum all the way to one side when we talk about emergencies and crises, because although we hear about those things a lot because they make for great stories and they’re very dramatic – I mean, birth typically is not filled with crises.  Birth is typically a physiological event.  But wherever it is on that spectrum, whether it goes exactly as you thought it would, which is hardly ever does, or you have options and decisions and different paths to take along the way, and then sometimes in situations where you have to participate kind of as a spectator because there’s a crisis, I still very, very much believe that knowing what you can know in advance, having evidence-based information, having been surrounded for a period of time during pregnancy with those who honor birth, who see it a certain way, who have a certain perspective, and then going through whatever it is that your unique experience is going to give to you —you will come out of it as a different person.  You know, I always say to my students, my one goal for you, because I know I can guarantee this, where I can’t really guarantee exactly what your birth experience is going to look like, but my one goal is for you not to have any regrets.  So disappointment, yes.  That may very well happen.  Sometimes even grief for a lost goal and having to kind of sort through that and debrief and figure that out for yourself and get the support you need – yes, that happens.  But to be able to look back and say, I know I did everything that I could.  I know I was conscious.  I know I had communicated effectively, and I put my birth team together effectively.  I know I had the support I needed, and I know that I was able to make those decisions, those unique decisions, for myself in partnership with my team in the moment – again, to use the word, it is really powerful when you can look back and feel all of that.

Kristin:  Exactly.  It’s so powerful.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  And then to get your partner on board with your vision and really support that.  I know you talk a lot about preparing for birth and assembling, again, your team and picking the right provider, but how can a partner best support this process and the goals that the birthing person sets?

Gail:  So I guess the overarching thing that I would say is that a partner needs to understand that they’re in this together.   You know, so many times I will hear partners say that before they became educated, before they went maybe through the process of a childbirth education course, they felt like they were just on the sidelines, that they were kind of pushed into the corner and they had to just – and I get it.  I understand that feeling.  I’m respecting that feeling of, like, well, especially physically, this is not happening to me, so how can I make decisions?  How can I even speak up, because I don’t really deserve that.  It’s not helpful to have that belief system, that perspective, around birth, even though it seems like it’s selfless in some ways, but that feeling of being helpless is certainly not going to be serving to the mom who’s going through this labor but also to your relationship and also to the entire birthing experience.  I would say that for most of us, if we were asked, what is the most important thing, we would say, well, we want the safest experience, right?  We want this to be safe.  And then a close second, even though I think they should be equal, would be that it should be the best experience.  It should be the most uniquely best experience for you, for this couple, for this family.  So if that is the case, if that is indeed the goal, then partners must be more involved.  Yes, I agree that at the end of the day, if we’re talking about – you know, sometimes it comes up around pain medication, and they’ll say, well, I can’t tell her not to get pain medication or to get pain medication.  And I think, well, there you go.  It’s like now you’re taking the role of a doula.  That’s true.  That’s not your role.  You don’t tell her what to do and what not to do.  But you have that beautiful experience prior to going into labor where you are building this bond around this experience, and you get to talk about it together.  You are the ones who are going to unfold the plan, just like if you got married, maybe you worked together to unfold the plan of your wedding or you’ve gone on vacation and you unfolded that plan together.  So that’s kind of the way that I hope partners can feel that their role is vital.  It’s absolutely vital.

Kristin:  Yeah.  I mean, their connection is central, and even if a doula is involved, we can step back and help husbands and partners find tips to be hands-on or be that emotional support that she needs in the moment.

Gail:  Yeah.  I love that you have brought up a lot that whole idea of a birth team.  So just like a tiny little story, because I think this is really relevant to partners: when I was in the beginning of my career, my doula partner and I at the time – now, remember, back then, most people didn’t even hear of the word doula.  They didn’t know what a doula was.  So we were asked to go to a local hospital to do an in-service for the nurses to discuss exactly what a doula was; what did we do.  And we were met, as you can imagine, with a decent amount of resistance, and when we talked about what it is that we do, we had a couple of nurses say to us, well, that’s what we do.  You know, we provide emotional support.  We help couples to figure out what they want to do.  Whatever it was that we were talking about, they were feeling very aligned with that role and feeling defensive that we were going to come in and potentially take over that role.  And what we explained, which is exactly what I would say to a partner, is that even though there is always going to be overlap, every single person on the team has a very special place that they need to recognize.  You know, they have their strengths.  And they also have situations where they may want to have a certain goal, but they can’t for some reason.  So for nurses, of course, if you are caring for three people in labor, you can’t like a doula stay with this person the entire time.

Kristin:  Exactly.  And charting and monitoring and – yes.

Gail:  Yeah, I was just going to say that.  They have to provide clinical support.  They have to do, you know, whatever they have to do.  They have to start IVs.  And that is not the role of a doula.  So for a partner, a partner is a doula in a sense, but a partner also is a parent.  They’re the parent-to-be.  They’re experiencing this so very, very personally, unlike a doula, and they can provide that extreme – I mean, I’m a very nurturing person.  I feel like I could meet somebody and instantly love them and nurture them, but I am not the partner.  I don’t know this person intimately.  So that connection is invaluable during a birth, and I hope that partners can start to recognize that and not feel like they’re so useless.

Kristin:  And we can give partners a break.  I mean, the last birth I attended, the husband was able to make some phone calls to family and go down to the cafeteria, and he knew that his wife was taken care, that I would call if anything changed, and so he was able to take that moment that he needed to regroup and come back and fully engage in the birth process.

Gail:  In all the years I’ve practiced, Kristin, I know that you feel this way as well.  When I would have those postpartum meetings, I would hear even more from the partner than from the birthing person, I would hear the partner say, oh my gosh, having a doula was the best thing in the whole world.

Kristin:  Yes.  Yeah, there’s often hesitancy, again, of that replacing of the partner’s role initially, but then after the birth, dads are our biggest fans.  Yeah, I’ve had so many fathers tell coworkers and friends to hire a doula and to never do it without a doula.  But you don’t know until you go through it.

Gail:  Exactly.  It is great for people to know as they’re going through pregnancy, as much as they can, about each of these people that could potentially be on their birth team, especially doulas, because I know – now, I don’t practice as a doula anymore.  There’s no conflict of interest with my students.  I’m not necessarily reeling them into another business venture.  But I am a huge advocate for doulas, obviously, because I was one.  That’s how I started my career.  I train doulas now.  So when they come to me, I think the benefit of that when we talk about doulas is that I can help them to figure out how to – I guess we can say interview doulas because you and I both know that there may be doulas who might take over a situation or might feel left out.  So I do think that it is very important during a pregnancy if you’re considering having a doula to have those conversations and decide, like, what the plan is when you’re going to have conversations and choose a doula potentially.

Kristin:  I totally agree.  It’s not only finding the right fit with the background that you’re looking for and their philosophy on supporting the client, but also making sure it’s a good personality fit and that you fully align in so many ways.  Similar to, again, finding the right nanny, for example.  Good resume, but a good personality and flexibility.

Gail:  That’s a great example because I think people can relate to that even more.  Like, doulas still are a little bit foreign, and certainly if you’ve never had a baby before and you’ve never had a doula, you’re not exactly sure how that works.  But the idea of having somebody come into your home and take care of your child and be living with you and your family, I guess that feels a little bit more familiar.

Kristin:  Yes, then choosing, you know, a pediatrician or choosing their midwife or doctor.  So Gail, what other tips do you have either from your Moms On Top group or The Ultimate Birth Experience book for parents as they’re preparing for their upcoming birth?

Gail:  I know this is going to seem sort of vague, but I do want to say first and foremost that – you know, I talk about this right away in the book, and I think about this all the time, that there is no one way to have a baby, and no two births, no two people, no two physiologies are alike.  We are so unique, and unfortunately, in at least the maternal health care system in which we live, and I don’t only mean here in the United States.  I do a pod on an app called Peanut where we just kind of talk live, and I have people on there from all over the world, basically, but mostly from England, Australia, Canada.  It’s the same thing.  So it’s not – it’s really the same situation.  We’re kind of subject to this idea that we have to do things based on a checklist, and that is how you have a safe experience.  So it doesn’t give us room to really investigate who we are, what’s important to us, what our values are, which I’m sure can overlap, but we’re unique.  We’re so different.  And the birth experience is not just – I say this.  It’s not just a medical event.  Often, it’s not a medical event at all.  But we engage in medical care through the process of pregnancy and having a baby.  And so we do get caught up in that idea that there really are no questions to ask and we just have to find the “best doctor” and just follow the rules and listen and don’t say anything.  And that cannot be further from the truth because we deserve to see ourselves as unique and we deserve to be treated individually, and so I would say that that’s like – saying “mission” sounds so dramatic, but it feels like a mission to me.  If I reflect, it’s not like I had this idea going into the birth work that this is what I was going to do.  Literally, when I first started this, it was all about – I just wanted to hold somebody’s hand through labor.  That was essentially it.  In living it, this is what has come from that, this idea that I really, really encourage everyone to advocate for seeing themselves as – well, first for seeing themselves as individuals, but advocate for that sort of treatment, that when you go in to have a conversation with your medical provider, that you expect them to really listen to you, to give you the time to be heard, to ask you questions about what it is that’s important to you.  And I know, because we do this; when we’re good doulas, we do that, right?  Don’t we ask people what’s important to them?

Kristin:  Absolutely.

Gail:  We don’t just walk in and just say, you know, this is how we practice, and this is what we’re going to do.  And there’s some really intimate, personal questions that have to be asked or have to be received.  You know, you don’t necessarily have to ask them.  But in any case, that would be my very first and most prominent source of encouragement to everybody that I talk to is just recognize that you are different than everybody else, and then to kind of piggyback on that, also keep your eyes open.  Be realistic.  Don’t assume that because you take a childbirth class and you hire a doula and you’re doing all these amazing things and you have a provider that’s so supportive, that you’re going to have your birth a certain way.  But instead, maybe, as I was saying before, make the goal that you are going to hone your skills as a consumer, that you’re going to build a sense of confidence, that you’re going to have such a different perspective on all of this once you recognize that really, evidence-based care is not the same as standard of care; that you get to ask questions; that you get to formulate this plan the way you would any other plan.

Kristin:  Like building a house, as you mentioned, or planning a wedding, yes.

Gail:  It is the same.  People will argue with me, and they’ll say, well, it’s not the same.  You’re just having a baby.  Like, you know, complications could happen, and you know, it’s much more – like, so what if you go someplace and it rains?  It’s really not a big deal.  But to me, when I hear that, my comeback, my answer to that, my feelings around that is that that’s even more the reason why you should be prepared and plan because, again, you’re not planning for a guarantee.  You’re planning, and in the process of planning, you become a partner with your medical caregivers.  And that is how you end up with the highest level of safety in a birth.  If you leave everything up to your medical care providers, who are not, can’t possibly know you the way you know you, and also might I just say – I know this may seem blasphemy for some people – but they are human beings.  They’re human beings with a skill set that I greatly respect, but no more than I respect anyone else’s skill set.  So let’s just kind of have that perspective and understand that that partnership, that true partnership where you’re doing a dance, you’re hearing their suggestions, you’re giving your thoughts, you’re asking for what you want, you’re receiving their feedback – that is how you have the healthiest and safest and best experience.

Kristin:  I agree 100%.  And certainly – you said having those conversations with your provider during pregnancy versus just showing up with a birth plan.  It’s really making sure that they understand your unique needs and how you’re looking at your experience for your birth, even if your provider’s not on call that day.  Having that conversation and seeing what they’re okay with and what they might have some concerns and questions about for any sort of desire that’s listed on there or something that they want to forego potentially as far as an intervention.

Gail:  So important not to just show up in your labor, and sometimes people do this when they hire doulas where they feel that, okay, I didn’t really prepare.  I’m not really sure, and I’m still very anxious and I haven’t had these conversations, but I have a doula.  And although I do think that it’s still lightyears better to have that doula than not to have that doula.  It is not going to give you an ideal situation because you have to learn how to advocate for yourself.

Kristin:  Exactly.  There’s no guarantee with a doula.  You’re still doing the work.  We can help you cross the bridge, but you have to actually cross it yourself.  We can get there halfway, and then it’s all up to you.

Gail:  And I get the feeling of intimidation around having these conversations, but I do want to say that there’s less intimidation, or the intimidation decreases once you do receive evidence-based information in a setting where you can ask questions and you can start to perceive things differently.  Then you feel – you know, you feel like you’re more able.  There’s more self-efficacy around that communication where you can go and you can have a conversation.  So the intimidation decreases in that respect, but that first initial time you do it, of course, it’s going to be a little bit scary because, you know, we feel that our doctors, our midwives, are authority figures.  But what I want to say is that you’re always using your intuition.  Yes, it is about the actual conversation you’re having and the subject of the conversation and the back and forth, but it’s also how you’re feeling in that conversation.  So if you go into your doctor or midwife and you’re having this conversation to start off and let’s say you’re discussing fetal monitoring and IVS and walking around in labor, and you come away from that interaction, like, shaken – if you feel like in that conversation you were needing to defend yourself and you were feeling even more intimidated, I’d like to say, I know that not everybody can just switch providers.  I know it’s not as easy for some as for others.  I do get that.  But if that happens to you, then you have to take some kind of action on that, whether it’s seeing somebody else in the practice or ideally, possibly starting to interview other practitioners.  Because what you should feel after that initial maybe somewhat intimidating conversation is you should feel a huge sense of relief.  You should feel that this person literally said to you, oh my gosh, of course.  It is not evidence-based to do that, so we’re not going to do that routinely, but we’ll be there to guide you, and we want to support you, and tell me more about why you want to do this and what it is and how we can support you.  Can you imagine if you had that kind of conversation?  You would rush into the next conversation at the next prenatal visit because you’d be so excited to have that partner supporting you with that demeanor.  So that’s what I want people to look for.

Kristin:  That’s so helpful.  So Gail, I would love to hear how our listeners can connect with you.  So let’s start with your Moms On Top group.  Fill us in a bit about the purpose for the group, how one can join, and we’ll go from there.

Gail:  Okay, so Moms On Top is really just the title of my business.  The business side of this is all my course offerings.  So as of right now, although I know that this will not be airing right away, so by the time it airs, there will be another option.  So I can say it now.  So right now, I have only been working with people individually.  Everything I do is either recorded online classes where we have at least one to four sessions after the class.  So there’s always interaction with me, no matter what.  Even if it’s a recorded online class.  Or if somebody lives locally to me, it can be an in person class, or I can do live online classes, as well.  What is rolling out now and will be available by the time listeners hear this is a group version of that where people will be able to take a course online – by the way, it’s a very informal sort of production because I want people to feel like they’re sitting there with me.  So it’s me teaching the class as if you were live with me, but unfortunately, you don’t get to ask questions in the moment.  However, I give tons of resources, and as I said, every single one of my students always has interaction with me personally.  So this new rollout is going to be that sort of course where everything is recorded.  You get all kinds of things.  I will not list, but you get all kinds of things that go with it.  But then we will meet as a group four times throughout the course, which I love because that group interaction is magical.  So there is that.  That’s really – the umbrella of Moms On Top includes all of that.  I am also rolling out a postpartum group, which is coming up, and hopefully we can update everybody when that happens.  And then I do so many things for free.  Like, I give free classes every few weeks.  People can find me on Instagram.  So it’s just my name, @gailjanicola.  So I’m either announcing what I’m doing there; it’s in my bio, or in stories.  And if people want to be on my email list, I’m always giving updates and all kinds of really valuable information so they can just request.  They can do that by contacting me on the Moms On Top site.  Or they can DM me on Instagram.  I would say those are the best ways of reaching me.

Kristin:  Great.  And then how can our listeners order The Ultimate Birth Experience book?

Gail:  So it is on Amazon.  If you want it nicely wrapped with a note and possibly a signed copy, which I don’t charge anything for, of course, then you can order it on my website.

Kristin:  Wonderful.  And I’m so excited about your postpartum group.  It’s very needed.  There are a lot of pregnancy support groups, but not enough in the postnatal phase.

Gail:  Yeah.  And although I did not coin the phrase mommy mentor – that was a name that was given to me, and I have to say in the beginning, for whatever reason, I don’t know why, I resisted it.  But it’s truly – I feel like my purpose because I have no judgment, and I am – I’ve made mothering my life, so for me, it is all about listening and hearing and helping and part of this group will be bringing in the experts.  The pelvic floor therapists and the mental health counselors and the lactation consultants.  So I just want to make this a tribe, and I do know how needed it is.  So I’m here to mentor if that is something that somebody wants.

Kristin:  I think it’s a perfect description for you as a blend of both a coach and a doula.  It’s perfect.

Gail:  Thank you, Kristin.

Kristin:  Well, it was so wonderful to connect with you, Gail.  I appreciate your time, and I hope you have a great day.

Gail:  Thank you so much!

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The Ultimate Birth Experience: Podcast Episode #149 Read More »

Deborah Kalsbeek poses in a pink sweater in front of an orange wall

Pregnancy After Loss: Podcast Episode #148

Gold Coast client Deb Kalsbeek shares her story of pregnancy after loss with Kristin.  Deb also gives tips on how to best support grieving families.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello!  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I’m joined today by Deb Kalsbeek.  And Deb is a multiple entrepreneur, a Gold Coast client, and the founder of AstirFreya.  Welcome, Deb!

Deb:  Thank you so much for having me!

Kristin:  So happy to have you here.  So would love for you to share a bit about your story and why you created AstirFreya.

Deb:  So a little bit about my story is I have two daughters now, but I have been pregnant five times.  I have had a first trimester loss, a second trimester loss, and then my – the stillbirth of my daughter in the third trimester, which is kind of where I started AstirFreya.  I realized after all of my losses how those around me, they wanted to help, and they felt helpless.  On my side, you know, you kind of want the help, but you don’t really know what that is.  You just want to feel okay, even though nothing feels okay.  And so AstirFreya was created out of those feelings.  So we send care kits to mothers who recently experienced loss, and we also share education on how to help mom through that season and help the loved ones, giving them ideas how they can help through all of that.

Kristin:  It’s so needed.  As you said, we don’t really know how to help our loved ones, and so – and I know that you did utilize some bereavement doula support through us with your first, with Freya.

Deb:  Yes, and that was so helpful.  I would suggest for anyone to do that.

Kristin:  And can you talk a bit about, for our listeners who don’t know, what a bereavement doula is?  A bit about how your guide helped you through that process.

Deb:  So I felt totally lost even going into it because I had no idea what a bereavement doula was.  I was just kind of – I felt grasping at straws at that point, of I want help, and I don’t know what that looks like.  And so I got connected with a bereavement doula, actually from you, and being able to talk to her about my story, and it was someone who – she basically just said, I understand, and was very loving and caring and let me share my story, like, all of it, and she helped go through my health history and my other losses.  We talked about things that I can do to help me move forward when it comes to my health, things to talk to my doctor about, things to even talk to my therapist about.  Like, she was definitely there to help me kind of create a game plan, and how are we going to be okay.  How are we going to come out stronger after this?  And then also just gave me that space to really talk about my daughters.  Because all five – all five of my pregnancies, I found out, were daughters.

Kristin:  Yeah, that’s wild.  All girls.  So as far as AstirFreya’s mission, you help mothers throughout pregnancy after all types of loss.  So miscarriage, for example, stillbirth, and infant loss.  And their journeys may be much different with a stillbirth versus an infant loss?

Deb:  Yeah.  I have personally experienced, you know, that first, second, and third trimester loss, and every single one of them were completely different experiences.  Completely different emotions.  The one emotion that was always the same is that feeling of loss and sadness.  So we try to help you through each of those seasons, and it’s okay if you have all of the emotions.  All of the emotions are okay, and we do try to share stories from other mothers who have gone through each of those phases, even into the infant loss.  We have them share their stories so that you don’t feel so alone.  And then we do give the moms who share their stories the opportunity that if you want to be contacted by someone else who has a loss so that you can help them through that, they are able to do that as well.

Kristin:  There are so few loss support groups, especially during the pandemic, so it’s wonderful that not only are these mothers sharing their stories, but they’re also willing to be there for other mothers who are going through loss.  So Deb, you recently had a rainbow baby.  Would you like to share a bit about your experience having gone through loss and going through pregnancy after loss?

Deb:  Yeah.  Going on with all the emotions, having my rainbow baby was all the emotions.  Just the timing of everything.  So I ended up delivering my rainbow baby.  Her name is Amelia.  And I delivered her within one year and three days of my daughter’s memorial from the one who passed away.  Like, it was almost the exact date.  Actually, my induction date was the exact date that my daughter – that we did her memorial.  So it was like, oh, my goodness.  I don’t know how I feel about this, like being her one year – what would have been one-year birthday, to now I’m delivering this new baby.  Feels like a total whirlwind because you’re still postpartum, and then, oh, hey, you’re pregnant.  So backing up a little bit, I got pregnant two months after my daughter Freya had passed away.  She was stillbirth.  And at first, I just automatically was like, I cannot get attached to this pregnancy.  Like, I don’t get to keep it.  That’s what I kept feeling when I got pregnant was, everyone else gets to keep their babies.  I don’t get to keep mine.  So that was something I had to work through with my therapist and her helping me just celebrate every single day that, you know what, you made it one more day, and I got to be the mother of this baby one more day.  And it was just one day at a time, and that’s what we were going to focus on is celebrating that life, that one day.  And I also had a really great medical team that listened when I said, you know, if something didn’t feel right or if I even just needed some reassurance.  They would let me come in and hear the heartbeat, and it was the most magical sound in the world.  I think that I was still scared of losing her up until the point that she was born.  Like, I kept thinking, we’re going to get to that 20-week ultrasound, and I’m going to be told everything’s okay, and I’m going to be all right from there.  And it was never that moment of, I feel okay.  It was always this feeling of, I don’t get to keep her, and I don’t know when that’s going to be.  And I think that that’s okay because I think it’s very natural and normal to feel that fear, especially so close after loss and after having, you know, three losses.  But I am very thankful that now I have my Ame girl.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin: And you had a birth doula to support you, and part of our role is to support emotionally.  So you also had that connection to be able to go to if you’re feeling down or if you’re not sure how to, you know, celebrate during your grieving process.  So there’s so many mixed emotions, and we hold that space without judgment.

Deb:  Having a doula was a huge game changer.  I knew that when I was pregnant with Freya that I wanted to have a doula, but then we started getting abnormal results back from her pregnancy, and so I just kind of held off because I didn’t know what was going to happen at that point.  So going into my pregnancy with Amelia, I knew for sure.  I’m like, I’m getting a doula this time.  Like, they were so helpful through my pregnancy with Freya and then also losing her, so a bereavement doula, and now going into a new pregnancy, I was like, I need that support.  Because there is something different about doulas.  Like, y’all’s heart – you understand pregnancy.  You are in it.  The most compassionate people ever.  So I loved having my doula through the whole pregnancy, especially to help talk about some of those fears, talk about some things that, is this normal in pregnancy?  Is this feeling normal?  Talking about a game plan, and also being able to get excited about her birth.  So my doula sat down with me, and we talked about my daughter’s birth and what are some of the things that I want to happen around that.  What type of support do I want?  And it helped to kind of dream it after losses.  It made it feel more real.  And then on the day of, I somehow – I am all for epidurals, personally.  I somehow was able to make it to a 7 without getting an epidural yet because of my doula support.  She kept reminding me, she was like, okay, shoulders down, just breathe.  And it was the hardest, because even now, I still as I’m nursing, I have to remind myself, okay, relax the shoulders, and then I think of my doula telling me through labor, relax the shoulders.

Kristin:  Yes.  Wherever our clients hold their tension – some people it’s their jaw or forehead, but we’re there again to support and coach them through this big transition and the feelings that rise up.  So I’m so thankful that you shared that experience.  So Deb, as our listeners who may be, you know, expecting a rainbow baby are hearing your story, do you have any tips for them on managing this pregnancy and celebrating the wins?

Deb:  So my daughter, who is now seven, she has been through two of my losses with me, and the way that she helped me celebrate each day of our rainbow pregnancy was different every single day.  So I let her help me pick out what we were going to do that day to celebrate.  One day, we literally had balloons around the house, and that’s how we were going to celebrate.  Other times, it was something relaxing, so, like, I went in and got a massage.  You know, something to nourish my body because I knew that I needed to take care of myself, mentally, body, all of it.  So definitely be gentle with yourself.  Let yourself feel all the emotions.  Talk to a therapist.  Have a good doctor team, like medical team, and that included for me my doula.  Really, it’s allowing yourself to celebrate day after day after day and asking for what you need.  Personally, I needed a lot of reassurance, more than I would like to admit, but having the reassurance really helped through this rainbow pregnancy.  And even after.  Like, after she was here, it was more emotions; different emotions than what I expected, because then I also felt guilt, which is a whole other thing.  I felt guilt for having a new baby, where it’s like, it hasn’t even been a year, and I’m already holding this new life, and it doesn’t mean that she replaces my Freya that I lost.  So there was – you know, being sleep-deprived, just giving birth, and now I’m feeling guilt.  So I did talk to my doula through that, too, like, all the new emotions of bringing baby home after a loss.

Kristin:  And having a therapist to support, as well, is key.  So I’m so glad that you invested in therapy during this time.  As you had mentioned early in our conversation, Deb, you talked about people wanting to help and not knowing the best thing to do to support a friend or family member who’s grieving from loss.  What are your tips?  As you said, some of that emotional support, affirmations, or some acts of service, physical support – how would you best recommend that our listeners offer the support that’s needed in that moment?

Deb:  So I have experienced now the other side of being the friend that wants to help after a loss, whereas before this close person had their loss, I was like, I’m the one who always has this.  Like, I’m never on the other side.  So I can now say also from experience how helpless you do feel because you want to help your loved one.  You just want to help in some way.  And sometimes you say and do things that you mean to be helpful, and they’re not exactly as helpful as what you mean them to be.  So I have talked to a lot of moms who have experienced loss and kind of pooled their answers of, well, what do you feel like you needed in that time, and we kind of came up with a few things that we now have on the front page of AstirFreya to help the loved ones through this with their loved one who just experienced a loss.  So some of the things are sending a gift card.  Don’t just show up.  Like, just send it through email.  If you do make them a meal, don’t ask them a lot of questions.  If you don’t already know what they like to eat, just do the gift card.  A lot of the parents of loss have said don’t send flowers because it’s just something to take care of and a reminder that things die.  The biggest one is talk to me about my baby.  Don’t act like it just didn’t happen because it’s very real for us.  And don’t just, like, you know, three months in, like, oh, everything is fine now.  You’ve had time to grieve.  Everything is fine now.  No, actually, I am one year and five months out, and I still have random days where it is a completely normal day, and something will remind me of my daughter who passed, and it just, like, kicks you in the gut.  And you grieve for a while.  Like, that grief, I think you carry it with you.  It becomes part of your new normal, and you learn how to cope with it.  But still, talk to me about my baby.

Kristin:  So how can our listeners get involved in AstirFreya?  Tell us more about the important work that you’re doing, not only with resources, but some of the physical items that they can order and then of course your care gifts to mom.

Deb:  So we specially curated these care kits for mothers who recently experienced loss.  These care kits have – they vary based on the month, but they have, like, a bath bomb in there, a bracelet that has a rainbow on it, because rainbows signify that hope after loss.  And that doesn’t mean another baby for everyone.  The rainbow is to signify being able to find that joy again after your loss.  So there’s a rainbow bracelet in there, some different care items for mom, and like I said, it changes every single month, and we try to make sure that they’re all small businesses that we are purchasing these items from.  We do have some businesses that will occasionally donate items so that we’re able to use those at our discretion to kind of suit it to whatever the mom needs.  We have a shop that has, like, a newborn blanket for your rainbow baby and some t‑shirts.  We have those bracelets for purchase, as well.  We have lots of rainbow-related items that you’re able to purchase, and whatever is made off of those goes into a fund to be able to fund those care kits so that we can send those out to moms.  And so that is how we’re able to afford these care kits is through the shop.

Kristin:  You can also, like, sponsor kits and give donations, so there are other ways besides buying items from the shop, correct?

Deb:  Yes, so we do have a donation spot as well, so you’re able to donate a kit to a mom.  With that one, you just click the donate page, and you put in your address, and then we know not to send that to you, but to send that out to a mom who is in need.

Kristin:  So what resources do you suggest that moms who are struggling with, again, just having had a miscarriage or stillbirth or infant loss – where do they go in their own community?  I know that AstirFreya, of course, you can serve anyone in the US and mail kits out all over, but what other resources have you found in your research that would be very helpful to moms?

Deb:  I haven’t found any local groups yet.  There is one online.  It’s called Push for Pregnancy, and they specifically work with moms who have experienced stillbirth.  I highly suggest finding a therapist that you can connect with.  Talk to a bereavement doula.  That was huge.  And then also find a medical team that is willing to listen to you, one that is a good fit.

Kristin:  Yeah, and that may mean switching from your previous physician if it wasn’t a good fit the first time and interviewing them and making sure that they’re on board, again, with your plan and whatever it takes to reassure you.  As you mentioned, having additional appointments if needed.

Deb:  Yeah.  Yeah, absolutely.

Kristin:  Well, thank you so much for sharing your story, Deb, and all of the work that you’re doing to make such a big impact for moms everywhere.  We really appreciate it.

Deb:  Thank you so much for having me and allowing me to kind of share my story a little and hopefully be able to help other moms who have experienced similar or are going through this season.

Kristin:  Would you fill us in on all of the different social media channels that AstirFreya is found on?  I know you mentioned your website.

Deb:  Yep, and then Instagram and Facebook are the same, AstirFreya.

Kristin:  Wonderful.  Thank you, Deb!

Deb:  Thank you so much!

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden. 

Pregnancy After Loss: Podcast Episode #148 Read More »

Mark of Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Child's Life headshot

Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Child’s Life – Podcast Episode #147

Kristin chats with Mark about how he came to write his book Emergency and why it’s important for expecting moms and dads to start thinking about safety issues about 8 weeks before birth!  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts. 

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello!  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas.  My guest today is Mark Wilhelmsson, and he is with Our Child’s Keeper.  Welcome, Mark!

Mark:  Hey, thank you so much.  I appreciate it.

Kristin:  So happy to have you here!  So you are not only an author a new book titled Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Child’s Life, but you’re also a certified infant, child, and adult CPR, AED, and first aid instructor and water safety ambassador through the American Red Cross.

Mark:  Yes.

Kristin:  So tell us a bit about how you got into this line of work.  I know you had a different career prior to getting into CPR and first aid?

Mark:  I mean, talk about totally different.  So I was a trial investigator in New York City.  So I would basically – if there was a crane fell in Manhattan, or there a construction accident, I would take the team and basically we would go in and figure out, you know, who’s liable for what.  If there were injuries, are they substantiated, or, you know, is the plaintiff lying and that type of thing.  So we would do a ton of research on them and find witnesses and everything else.  So those would be cases in civil, supreme, and federal court, which actually, that skill set came in handy for what was about to happen with my two-year-old son, if you want me to go into that.  So it was just like, you know, any other morning.  At the time, we had just had a pretty new baby, a girl, so that was our fourth.  But she was up sleeping, and my wife had – my wife is a nurse, and she came back super late, as usual, from her crazy shifts as a nurse.  And so she was sleeping at the time.  And so Marcus had just turned two years old, and I was just cutting up some fresh fruit for him for breakfast, and I was sitting right across from him, watching him while he was eating, and all of a sudden, everything just sort of stopped.  He kind of froze, and I just stared at him and knew something was wrong but didn’t know what.  And time stands still.  Things just kind of stop.  And then of course, that quickly switches over to him sort of almost telepathically communicating, like, save me, something’s wrong.  And that’s when I figured, you know, that he’s got to be choking.  But the thing is, embarrassingly enough, I had no clue what to do.  I mean, I was just – I froze just like he did.  What ended up happening was luck saved him.  So he was actually able to eventually violently cough it up, and I got a second chance.  It was one of those scenarios where you – first you start crying with gratitude, and then that’s quickly followed by being embarrassed and then being angry, frankly.  Why was it that I had four kids, and I didn’t know something so basic?  So that was the embarrassing part.  Like, why was this somehow not on my radar?  After getting angry like that, I said, well, I sort of vowed to him and my other kids, and to my wife, too, that this is never going to happen again.  So I immediately went over and got certified in infant and child and adult CPR just by a local instructor, and we were having a great conversation about it, and most of the people in his class, he said, were people who had to be there for their jobs.  But the parents who came in, 99.9% of the time, it was because they got caught like I did, basically, without these life-saving skills.  It freaked them out, and so they did something about it.  So that’s where my journey sort of began.

Kristin:  Whoa.  So happy to hear your son’s all right!  But that definitely would alter your career path.  It’s such important work, and you’re right, most parents don’t have that training.  Or maybe they took a CPR class years back and have forgotten choking and everything we’ve learned.  So it’s important to keep up on that.  I know as doulas, we keep up with all of our certifications, and it’s really important to the families that we serve to have those skills.

Mark:  Yeah, and I think what’s so important about having a doula, too, in my mind, at least, is because of that, you’re aware of the fact that you need to refresh these skills.  You don’t rely on the certifications.  And the reason I say that is getting certified is not enough.  The way our memories work, again, as an investigator, I just took this – basically, this problem and went several layers deep, and one of the things was is like, we have terrible memories.  I mean, we have —yeah, within 24 hours, we’ll forget up to 60% of what we just learned, and within 48, it’s up to 80%.  So it’s sort of like, you know, scoring an A on a Monday and failing that same test on a Wednesday.  When it comes to lifesaving skills, you can’t fail.  So you have to have regular refreshers, and so I found that out, you know, again, through this certification class, when a client of mine in New York found out kind of the story behind getting certified, and he said, “Well, what would I do for my daughter?”  And I think she was 13 or 14 at the time, and I forgot the steps already.  You know, and that was just a few days later.  And I was like, wait a second.  You know, like, what is going on?  In other words, I couldn’t go back and explain the sequence to him.  So that’s when my path started to just, again, take another several layers.  I’m like, well, not only do I need refreshers, but just from a knowledge perspective, not so much as a career, but from a knowledge perspective, I also want to become an instructor and just really dive deep, not only in this subject, but also refresh and then teach other parents how to do the same thing so they don’t ever have to be sort of caught with that, basically, balancing act between tragedy and luck.

Kristin:  Right, and I love that you incorporate water safety.  There are so many accidents, and I live in Michigan where there’s water everywhere, and so with drowning, young children going into a pool or a pond in their back yard or river and so on.

Mark:  Yeah, and that’s one of those amazing things about the class, too, is when I went to go speak with a local swim instructor, you know, she was in her 70s, and so she’d been doing it for, like, 50 years, you know.  And the reason why she got into swim safety is because when she was a kid, she almost died of drowning.  So she decided to dedicate her life to it.  And one of the things that she said to me, which was a few of the reasons I wrote the book, was to really highlight the things that most parents have never heard of before.  They’re like, wait, what?  And one of those things was from her, and she said, you know, if you ever have a scenario where your child – let’s say they’re starting to walk around and they go missing for a little bit – like, you’re not sure – they get up early from a nap, and you’re still sleeping or something like that and you can’t find them, she’s like, what parents most of the time do is they’ll go check a closet or under the bed.  She’s like, go check any water source first.  You know, because they’re top-heavy.  They could tip over into a toilet, into a tub, into – I mean, there’s been instances where it’s been a dog bowl, like a dog bowl of water, and kids have drowned in that.  And then also a couple of other things is to use technology.  Like, our house is fitted – we have Alexas all over the place.  So if something goes wrong, I can literally broadcast to the entire house and tell them what’s going on.  If my daughter Lana went missing, I could say, “Hey, everybody, Lana’s missing.  Go check water sources.  Marcus, you do this.”  Yeah, and so it’s not only using the people around you, but technology like those Alexas.  You can outfit your house for, like, a couple hundred dollars.  It’s ridiculous.  So it’s fantastic.  We have all of these tools.  It’s just really a matter of sort of getting over the old hump of human beings where it’s not going to happen to me, right, until it does.

Kristin:  So obviously our doula clients are preparing for baby’s arrival, and we have a Becoming a Mother course, and our students are really trying to figure out what classes are important to take at what point in pregnancy, or can some things wait until later.  What is your suggestion for expecting parents on when they should take these child safety courses, and how many times they should refresh outside of, you know, obviously purchasing your emergency book and having it on hand?

Mark:  Yeah, so what I love about that course you’re talking about – I mean, having – I believe you have, like, six modules, so video courses that you can reference and refresh, right?  So as far as the timing is concerned, in my research, what I’ve found is that about eight weeks before you give birth would be a good time to start the process.  Because if you think about it – it may even be before that.  It’s really kind of specific to the person.  But when they’re starting to, for instance, have – you know, create the sleep environment, like how to create a safe sleep environment – that’s something we cover, and I know you definitely cover it, right?  For sure.  So it’s just a matter of, there’s so many things that are going to be happening.  I said this to a friend of mine the other day who’s going to be giving birth pretty soon.  It’s just like, no matter how many times – on the fourth child, like, you never leave the hospital like, I got this.  It just doesn’t happen, you know?  All that knowledge is out the window.

Kristin:  Every child is unique.  They all have different needs, temperaments.  There’s no manual.

Mark:  Yeah, and as far as doulas, too, I know a big part of what you do is also breastfeeding, and with our youngest, just to kind of hammer that point home a little bit, she was born with severe allergies, and even allergies to the breast milk.  And we didn’t even know that there was something – that there was a medical grade formula.  We had no clue.  So what did we do?  We ended up going in and out of the hospital, testing things out, and that would have been a helpful piece of knowledge, you know?  And so it’s really about surrounding yourself as a parent with experts such as yourself and the knowledge, and again with the timing, we talk about life-saving skills, and the emphasis is on the word “skill.”  If you kind of marry that with an emergency, one thing I like to say, and I think it’s true, is we really only panic when we don’t have the skills to solve the problem, right?  So for me, it’s like, well, how long does it take you individually to really learn a skill and then as far as refreshing to your earlier question, if you actually learn that skill and really believe you have a handle on it, refresh it every month at least.  And then also we have something that I created, just a PDF that we give out for free, which is just called a babysitter’s checklist.  And the reason we do that is to really highlight some of the basic things parents should think about once the kids get to the age where they actually have a babysitter.  Now, a babysitter, you might say, okay, well, I’m not going to do that until the baby is such-and-such years old, but I’ll leave him with my parents.  It’s a caregiver, right?  You’re leaving your kids with somebody, regardless of whether or not you know them very well or they’re your parents.  So they basically have to know those same skills that you know in order for you really to have peace of mind to leave the children with them.  So the checklist highlights something as simple as “know your address,” and that might sound really obscure or not exactly an ah-ha, but actually that tip came from an EMT friend of mine in New York.

Kristin:  It makes sense, yeah.

Mark:  Well, he said, think about it this way.  He’s like, how many people go to your house and know how to get there, but they don’t know your address?

Kristin:  A babysitter wouldn’t have that memorized, sure.

Mark:  No.  And what’s the first thing 911 is going to ask you?  Where are you calling from?  70 to 80% of calls made to 911 are from a cell phone, and of course, if you have a landline in your house, then the 911 dispatcher will know exactly where you are, but most people don’t do that.  They’ll call from their cell phone.  So something as simple as know your address, make sure that they know the address.  And also we always say, just spring for an extra $5, $10.  Have them come 15 minutes early and watch some videos on how to perform baby CPR or how to perform child CPR or choking.  Get these refreshers into your babysitters, and give them access to it.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  Right, and there’s so many different trainings, even if someone is trying to – it could be an online and simple versus an in-person skill assessment.  So even asking for certifications and trainings, there are different types and levels.  So that’s a good point.

Mark:  Yeah.  And the thing about certification – like, I don’t want to knock on certification because, of course, we highly encourage everybody to do that, and the reason being is not necessarily from a knowledge perspective because, like I said, unless you’re in the top 10%, you’re probably going to forget that, right?  And when you’re in a state of panic, you’re completely useless in a state of panic.  What we say, though, is that from a CPR certification perspective, not to focus on the certification so much.  Yes, you will get that, but actually handling the mannequins, knowing what it feels like to give proper compressions at the correct rate and how to do a proper rescue breath, because the mannequins these days that you train on, they have lungs.  You know, like, they have these airbags that act as lungs, and we have these little meters on there that can tell you if you’re going too slow, too fast.  So just getting that sort of kinesthetic part of it so you can actually feel what it feels like to do it correctly is again just another level you can take.  So get certified by all means, and that’s why we chose our nanny.  We’ve had nannies for years, and we chose them from an international agency because they required that, and you can make sure that they got trained on that.  But at the same time, as I was going through this process, I understood that that wasn’t enough.  So I would actually not only have her learn from my own videos that I was creating but also spot-check her and say, “Hey, Camilla, do you know, what do you do in this situation?”  And you test her, and if she doesn’t know, that’s fine.  It’s human nature.  It’s like being back in high school, you know?  Like, yeah, you’re going to panic a little bit, but the main thing is, you’re getting it into their heads, like yeah, I should go back through this.

Kristin:  Yeah.  It’s not something you use every day, so it’s easy to forget.  Refreshers are very important.  Now, you had mentioned a bit about self-reliance and the time it takes for emergency vehicles to arrive when you call 911 and really just being able to act quicker than just calling 911.

Mark:  Yeah.  911 was one of those things that, when I was doing my research, which just freaked me out.  The average response time nationally of 911 is over 10 minutes.  And so your baby or your child could become unconscious or even an adult within under 2 minutes, right?  So it’s not only that, but also, again, doing the research on 911, they’re also an auditory system, and most of us are visual learners.  So here we are – like, we’re in a state of panic.  We don’t know what to do.  We call 911.  They tell us first thing, after getting the address, is to remain calm.  It’s like, great, thanks.  You know, like, that’s not so easy.  Then the next thing is, they’re going to start giving you instructions that are auditory.  You can’t see what’s going on.  Then you have to be able to visualize it and do it in a panicked state.  It’s just one problem after the other.  And then also 911, too, they’re also understaffed a lot of the time.  As far as the technology, it’s outdated.  One of the things, if you go to our website, we have this amazing video, and it’s basically a reporter who was calling a 911 dispatcher from his cell phone, and he says, “Can you tell me where I’m calling from?”  And she gives an address.  Now, she gives the address right in front of the director of that 911 dispatch center.  And do you know she gives the address that’s a quarter of a mile away?  Now, he’s standing inside the dispatch center overlooking the call center where she’s sitting, and the address is a quarter mile away.  And listen, I say this in the book, too.  I’m not in any way ripping into the 911 dispatchers, police, firemen, none of that stuff.  It’s just the bottom line, it’s the system.  And they all do their very, very best with what they have.  But my whole philosophy is, do that research.  Find out what are the gaps, and then parents really need to be self-reliant and fill those gaps themselves and not rely on someone else to save their own children.  Do you call 911?  Absolutely.  Do it every single time so somebody is on the way.  Just to take a scenario like choking, let’s say they choke on a screw, and you’re able to get it out.  Is everything okay then?  No.  They might have lacerated their esophagus.  There could be any number of internal injuries.  So you still want that EMS to come there immediately, same thing with allergic reactions.  That’s what I mean.  We have to do our very best.  But the statistic I found was that 72% of parents aren’t even aware of the fact that the number one cause of childhood deaths are from accidental injuries, these accidental, unintentional injuries, most of which could have been prevented.  They’re not even aware of it in the first place.

Kristin:  Right.  And you obviously cover poison.  A lot of parents are worried about childproofing during pregnancy and getting the house ready, and once baby starts crawling, what needs to be done.  Do you get into just safety with, like, poisonous materials and so on?

Mark:  Yeah, not only poisonous, but also, I did a video a little while back called Be Your Child’s Detective, I think was the title of it.  And it was basically, get down on their level.  And that really came from another one of these personal, got-lucky situations where we had some furniture that was being put together back when my oldest son was just crawling.  He was crawling, and I came home from work one day, and he crawled over to say hi to me, obviously, but I noticed when he smiled, I noticed something shiny in his mouth, and I was like, well, what in the world?  And I just calmly went over, because I figured if I startle this kid or if he swallows whatever that is – and it turned out to be a screw.  So the guys came over.  They put together the couch, and there was a screw under there that he could reach, put it in his mouth.  Now, is that their fault?  Well, yeah, but at the same time, it’s our fault, too.

Kristin:  Right.  No one knew it was there, yeah.

Mark:  No, but you have to be your child’s detective.  In other words, get on their level and do a scan.  What is down there that I can’t see as an adult standing up six feet tall or whatever you are, and get down on the floor.  What can they see?  Where can they put their hands?  So it goes beyond just basic childproofing with the usual stuff but also goes to really being situationally aware and saying, okay, well, if my child is crawling in this room, what could they maybe see or reach that I’m not thinking of?

Kristin:  Like a little screw like that, yeah.

Mark:  It could be a lamp cord.  It could be any number of things.  But that could have done serious, serious damage to him.

Kristin:  For sure.  So any other tips from Emergency to share with our audience?

Mark:  Oh, man, we have a ton.  I did a chapter called Parent Awareness And The Million Little Things, is what I called it.  Basically, when you really look at a tragedy or even an injury, but basically, if you think about statistically speaking, it’s super sad, just one of these statistics that I can’t get out of my head, and again, it’s one of the reasons for the book.  This year worldwide, nearly a million children will not make it to the age of five.  Now, that’s not due to war or famine or disease.  This is due to, again, right back to – these are unintentional, accidental injuries, most of which could have been prevented.  So when you really look at those statistics, there’s a lot of things that usually happen around one of these tragedies.  There’s a lot of little things that have to kind of come into place for that thing to happen.  Failures in a number of different areas.  And so for me, I really wanted to create a chapter on parent awareness.  Like, really, one of the mothers told me, she’s like, these days, awareness is a skill.

Kristin:  Yes, for sure.  There’s so many distractions.

Mark:  Yeah, and I tell parents, listen, if you’re looking down at your phone, that means you’re not looking up at your kids.  And then the million little things, I really want to just start sort of a list of those tips that most parents have not heard of.  The one I’ll just say is never feed your child while they’re in a car seat.  Now, how many times have you done that?  How many times have I done that?

Kristin:  I’ve done it!

Mark:  Yeah, I mean, all four kids.  And I’m like, wait, what?  And this was actually from the original CPR instructor who had been doing it for so many years.  He heard every story under the sun, and it made so much sense.  He said, listen, choking is a silent event.  You think they may be sleeping or whatever it is.  They could be unconscious.  And then by the time you get to the destination, which could be 20, 30 minutes or more away, it’s way too late.  So by all means, feed them something before they go and when they get there.  And if it’s a super long trip, that’s when you have smoothies.  You have something with the consistency that should not really be a choking hazard.  So really, again, situationally aware.  What could go wrong here and how could I really prevent that stuff from happening?  And we really wanted to highlight a lot of that stuff in the book.  And of course with the training itself, if something does go wrong, now at least you have a visual way of learning how to save that child.

Kristin:  Yeah, it’s very helpful.  I used to feed my kids puffs and – but you’re right, they could choke and you’d have no idea.

Mark:  No idea, yeah.  We did the same thing.  It’s amazing kids are alive these days with all the mistakes that we’ve made in the past, you know?

Kristin:  So in summary, it seems like preparation is key.  The earlier the better, but again, refreshing.  So if a couple takes a CPR training in their second or third trimester, then they should certainly refresh when – you know, multiple times.  When baby’s crawling, as you said; with some of the poisonous and hazardous materials, and water safety and so on.

Mark:  Yeah, yeah.  And that’s why we did the book.  We did the book plus the masterclass.  The book really is more of a motivation.  I think once they read through just the introduction itself – I mean, that’s where I really highlight 911 and all these issues including – I have one part of the book that I get a lot of feedback from that says, while everything can be Googled, not everything should be Googled.  There are some things you shouldn’t just go and put into YouTube, how to save a baby from choking or whatever, because you don’t know where that information’s coming from, who’s giving it to you, is it updated.  And then most of the time, that information is very specific to the title of that video, such as, you know, how to save your baby from choking.  That’s very specific.  A lot of parents aren’t aware of the fact that how you save a baby from choking under the age of one is entirely different than how you save a baby who’s over the age of one.  It’s just like you’ve done with your video series, as well.  It’s really creating a place where they can – it’s on demand, and they can go there 24/7 from anywhere, anytime on basically any device and watch these videos and get these refresher skills, all within just a few short minutes.

Kristin:  So they can go onto your website, Our Child’s Keeper, to get more information about the master class and your modules and some of the handouts that you were referring to, correct, Mark?

Mark:  Yes.  And then as far as the book is concerned, they can get it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, those types of retailers.  But also we’ve created a separate site for the book.  It’s a brand new site.  That will really expand on everything and bring them through not only being able to get the book or an audiobook or e-book version, but also if they wanted to get into the masterclass, they can do that, and then I can also do private coaching as well if they wanted to do something very specific to their family.  It really goes back to if they have three kids as opposed to one, what are the ages; what are the challenges that each of those kids have for their age, and then being ready for those scenarios.  And I think the other thing, too, just to wrap that part up, is just to – you also become a valuable member of the community.  This isn’t just about your kids, right?  I mean, you have the ability, you have the skill set.  Just like with doulas, the information they’re going to get from your course, they’re going to share, and that could very well potentially not only have them come into your course as well, but I’m sure there are just tips in there that you have that they share with their friends that could really impact their lives.  So I think what we’re both doing is super important.

Kristin:  Right.  We’re with you on avoiding Google.  It’s like, find evidence-based information.  Go to the correct source versus randomly searching for things.

Mark:  Exactly.

Kristin:  Well, I appreciate everything you’re doing for families, and also for caregivers; like you said, babysitters and doulas and other people, like even in workplaces, to have this training.  You never know whose life you might be able to save.

Mark:  Absolutely.  Absolutely.  And by the way, I just want to say one more thing about – when you say “workplace,” one little extra tip.  When you have this skill, and if you’re going to become a valuable member of the community or if you are somebody who has this happen in public, whether it’s in a workplace or in a mall or wherever you are, you really have to take the leadership position.  Everybody gets very emotional around children.  Everybody freezes.  You’ll see this on any number of videos of a child choking in a mall.  No one moves, right?  And so it’s very rare that anybody moves a finger.  But if you become a leader, you know what you’re doing.  You point to the person.  You may not know who they are.  I mean, maybe in a workplace, you do, but if you’re in public, you don’t.  You point to the person.  You say, you in the plaid shirt, call 911 and get an AED and come back because I may need your help.  Then that person will – okay, now they just got a directive, right?  They’ll spring into action.  But if you don’t do that and you say, hey, somebody, help.  No.  You have to really take the leadership position.  And so that’s just one last tip.  But again, you really only do that – we stress that in our masterclass really to just – I think children – I have a quote on the website, and I don’t even remember my own quote, but it’s basically – you know, I have so many quotes at this point, but it’s basically, I feel like children are really looking to us to be their leaders, right?  To hold them up, keep them safe.  And they deserve it.  And so looking at yourself as a parent, as the protector, but also as the leader.  And that goes for mothers and fathers.  We have to know these skills on an individual basis, not rely on even your wife or your spouse or your partner or whoever it is.  You have to be self-reliant.  And then if you’re leaving the child with somebody else, understand that you’re leaving them with somebody else, then make sure that they have that same or better skill set than you have.

Kristin:  Right, exactly.  Wonderful tips.  Thanks so much, Mark, and I can’t wait to share your book and your masterclass information with our clients and our Becoming a Mother students.

Mark:  Thank you so much for having me.  I really appreciate it.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.


Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Child’s Life – Podcast Episode #147 Read More »

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Happy with Baby: Podcast Episode #146

Kristin & Catherine, author of Happy with Baby, discuss the challenges of moving from partner to parent and how that can throw you for a loop.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, this is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I’m joined today by Catherine O’Brien.  Catherine is the founder of Happy with Baby.  She is a mom of two, and has a master’s is psychology and is also a licensed marriage and family therapist.  Welcome, Catherine!

Catherine:  Thank you, Kristin, for having me!  I’m happy to be here with you.

Kristin:  You have a lot going on, especially with your new book.  So how do you balance everything as a mom, author, therapist, and having so many different online programs and so on?

Catherine:  Yeah, that’s a good question.  Very carefully, and some times, some days, are better than others.  And I think the number one thing that I’ve learned over the years is I constantly have to check in with myself.  I do a lot of things and I like to do a lot of things, and there are times where the balance gets shifted, and then I’m overwhelmed, burned out.  It’s been a constant reevaluation, and I think it wasn’t until having kids where I’m finally like, you can’t afford to burn yourself out.  You can’t afford to, like, not be able to lay in bed all weekend because you’re so exhausted from a crazy week at work or whatever it is.

Kristin:  Exactly.  Our kids need us, so there’s no off time.

Catherine:  Right, right.

Kristin:  So I would love to really get into that family dynamic as it changes from being a couple to introducing that first child.  Can you speak to the changes that having that first baby brings to the relationship?

Catherine:  Yeah.  I think – well, there’s a lot of changes, and I know personally for us, you know, we had a great relationship and liked to spend time together and do all these things, and then baby arrived.  He had a lot of needs, and we were learning a lot of new things, and it became stressful.  Just even how we communicated because before kids, like, I think we just kind of communicated or knew what the other person was going to do or whatever, but now there were so many new tasks and chores and things to do that it was, like, needing to communicate more, but we still weren’t communicating at the level that we needed.  Does that make sense?

Kristin:  Yes, and even as a therapist, it still challenges you to communicate your needs?

Catherine:  Oh, yes.  And I think that was the most – I was finding it really hard and I was getting really frustrated with him, and then I was, like, frustrated at myself because I’m like, how am I not able to do this?  Like, this is what I help other people do.  Why am I struggling?  And we had never had those – that level of struggle before, so it became really frustrating.  So I was, like, learning how to – reevaluating how we communicated with each other, and then plus, like, managing all the household chores and stuff, and how we were managing – yeah.

Kristin:  And it’s so important to have these discussions during pregnancy versus waiting until baby arrives and figuring it out.  Again, like, looking at dividing up household responsibilities.  We have an online course called Becoming A Mother, and we talk a lot about budgeting and priorities like you would when you’re building a home or planning a wedding.  This is another major life occurrence and really figuring out, is a housekeeper a priority or meal delivery service.  Like, really, what is essential that you could outsource?  What can your partner or husband take over?  What are you able to do?  But of course, there is that healing phase, regardless of how a woman births, where you really can’t be doing much the first six to nine weeks.

Catherine:  Right, and we shouldn’t.  Like, we should – ideally, I think in the best of worlds, we would get that bonding time where we wouldn’t have to do those things, and we could bond with our baby and our partner and have other supports.  And that’s just not – you know, unfortunately, it’s not how it is.  And so it’s like, well, where do you find those little ways to make things easier, like you said, like being able to outsource food delivery or those types of things to make life easier, if even just for a short period of time.  That’s what we didn’t have really set up for us, and so it was really hard trying to do it all, and we would find ourselves – like, I remember, like, 9:00 at night, trying to eat dinner, because we always ate dinner together, and so we were, like, trying to do that, and then it was like, you know, I’m hangry.  How are we putting stuff together?  It was really hard, and then we’re like, okay, we’ve got it.  I remember us looking at each other one day.  It was like, we were trying to eat and the baby was crying.  You know, like, he wasn’t sleeping and trying to take care of him and eat together, and we’re like, okay, we’ve got to do something else because this isn’t sustainable, eating at 9:00 at night.

Kristin:  Definitely not.

Catherine:  No.  So figuring out how to do that.  And then also you have the household management stuff, but then also how do you continue to have that connection with each other and the intimacy, and how are we supporting each other, because we both need it during this time and forever, really.

Kristin:  Right.  As a couple first and then seeing each other as parents, you know, secondly.  And I feel like there are so many stressors with families and breakdowns with communication and divorces happen in those early years, so really keeping that communication, keeping the focus and the romance alive, even if it’s just, like you said, trying to eat dinner together when baby’s sleeping, or if you have other children, when they’re sleeping.  Watching a movie or just checking in.  And I know for myself, when my husband went back to work right away and I was alone all day, right when he got home, I wanted to talk to an adult human.  So I’m, like, expecting so much, and he needed to decompress from work, so we had to work that out, as well.

Catherine:  Yeah.  Yeah, because there is that decompression time from – we teach a course, my husband and I teach a course together, too, and we call it, like, that second shift.  Like, the parent that was outside the home is coming home, and now it’s like, oh, now it’s time for your second shift.  Like, what do you need and how much time, and what does that look like?  And I think it’s, like, talking about it.  And it’s not even that you need those things every single day, but having those little check-in breaks, those moments for yourselves.  I think there’s three questions that I encourage all my clients and couples that I work with to talk about, and the first one is, like, what are you doing to take care and reconnect with yourself?  What do you need?  And we need to look at that.  And the second question is, what are you doing to support and connect with your partner?  And the third question is, what will you do to, like, nurture and bond and connect with your child?  And they’re in that order for a reason, and the reason is, I feel like that first one, is we have to be taking care of ourselves in order to, like, sustainably do the other two long-term.  If we’re not putting into ourselves – like, you asked me that question at the beginning of how do I balance it all.  It’s like, yeah, I need to constantly check in and make sure that I’m taking care of myself because I can’t continue to do – have a good relationship with my partner and be the kind of parent that I want to be and do my job, for that matter, if I’m not making sure that I’m taking care of my own needs.  And then the second question is, we can make sure that we’re bonding and connecting with our partner.  We can be better parents when we’re better partners, too, right?  Because we need each other.  It makes it easier when we can rely on each other and know what each other needs but also when I’m feeling connected and supported by my partner, I feel like everything is easier for me, you know, because he’s there.

Kristin:  You’re on the same team.

Catherine:  And he wants to be there with me, if I’m not, like, cranky and angry at him or whatever.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  And then do you find as a therapist that it can be challenging for partners to lose the time and intention they got with their partner when a newborn and potentially other children are really demanding a lot of their time and attention?  Is there some of that?

Catherine:  Yeah.  I mean, I think that’s one of the biggest challenges that I talk with the couples.  Sometimes one partner is wanting more or feeling like they need more or being kind of left out.  One partner feels more connected focusing on the baby, and the other partner is like, I don’t even know what I want to do.  And that’s one of the reasons I added that third question.  You both need to be doing things that are nurturing and bonding with your child.  One parent doesn’t have to do it all.  That was eye-opening for me too, and not that I felt like I had to do it all; my husband was – fortunately, he was super supportive and hands-on, but then there were times when I’m like, well, this is how I’m doing it, so I want you to do it exactly how I do it.  And it was like, no, no, he’s going to do – he’s going to figure it out on his own.  You know, we all have our learning curve, what we’re doing with our children and what we’re comfortable with, and not all of us are teeny tiny baby – you know, like, that’s not our phase.  We like them a little bit easier for us and we feel better about what we’re doing when we’re getting a little feedback and they’re smiling at us and we can play with them more.  Like, that seems to be easier.  But in the meantime, we still need to be doing things to help and support each other like changing the diapers, rocking them to sleep, or whatever that looks like for your family.  But that you’re both doing it and letting each other do it and not feeling like, well, I have to do it because I’m the only one that can, or it’s easier when I do it.  The baby settles down faster.  It’s like, well, you know, give your partner a chance too, I think, within reason, because they need that time on their side to increase the bonding for them, as well.

Kristin:  Right, and women who are exclusively breastfeeding can certainly use the extra sleep time if their partner can get baby back to sleep, change the diaper, burp the baby.  Then you have that extra time, and they also get that one on one time with the baby, so it’s a win-win.

Catherine:  Right, exactly.  No, I know, I realize, like – and then it was, like, my favorite things because our kids would wake up in the middle of the night.  If I got up with them, it was like all of a sudden, they’re hungry and they wanted to eat, it seems like.  And then I realized that if my husband does, he can do a quick diaper change and come back to sleep.  They’re not smelling milk or whatever that they’ve decided that now they need a snack or something.  So it’s like, well, I think you should actually get up with them because they go right back to sleep, and I’m up for, like, an hour, you know, doing a feeding and all of that.  And he just looks at me like, okay.  And not all the time, but definitely – we had to figure out how to work those things out, and again, those were conversations because it’s not like one week or one day this scenario can work, but then as they age and they go through different growth spurts, you need to constantly be talking about and figuring out how are you supporting each other, because it’s rough.  Like, not getting enough sleep is torturous.

Kristin:  Exactly, and it can lead to perinatal mood disorders.  I mean, if you’re sleep is just – if you’re not getting caught up, it is very stressful.  So as far as your course, you teach the Bringing Home Baby program.  Now, is that the one you teach with your husband?

Catherine:  I’ve done the Bringing Home Baby program, and then prior to that, we had kind of developed our own program, and so I incorporate some of the aspects of it.  We have our own course: Mine, Yours, Ours, Relationship Survival Guide to Baby’s First Year.  It’s a shorter course, and we’ve been teaching that for over eleven years now.  I think – yeah, this is going into our twelfth year.  Our son is turning 13 soon, which I’m saying that and I’m like, is that really true?

Kristin:  Right?  How can that be?

Catherine:  As he was standing next to me yesterday and he’s all, Mom, look how much taller I am than you, and I’m like, oh my gosh, how are you already so huge?  We just brought him home.  But anyway –

Kristin:  I can relate completely.

Catherine:  So as they say, it goes by so fast, and I think especially when you’re in it, in those early days, it feels like so long, and especially when you’re so exhausted, but now I look back, and I’m like, oh, my gosh, it does.  It flies by.

Kristin:  Yes.  It’s important to cherish that time, even though it can feel like it drags out.

Catherine:  Yeah.

Kristin:  It goes by quickly.  So your book is Happy with Baby, an extension, then of all of the work that you’ve been doing in this space?  What really led you to take the time and energy to put a book out into the world?

Catherine:  Yeah, so like I said, we’ve been teaching this course forever, and the course was – it was basically based upon a collection of, like, thoughts that I wish I would have known.  Like, you know, I was nervous when I had our son, our first child, and when I was, like, going through it, I was like, oh, I wish I would have known that.  Like, why did no one warn me, or if they warned me, it wasn’t loud enough.  Just an accumulation of ideas that I wish I would have known, and I was like, how do I share these?  And then listening, going to different moms’ groups or different scenarios and stuff like that, and I was hearing other people talk, and I’m like, oh, so I’m – we’re definitely not alone, and in some circumstances, people were struggling in ways that we weren’t even struggling, but this new parenthood journey is not for the faint of heart.  Like, this is hard, and there needs to be more support out there.  And so, you know, we put this course together based on that because we were given this opportunity, got given an opportunity to teach a class, and I was like, I have the perfect idea for new parents, and I was fortunate my husband agreed to join me to do it just so that you could get, like, both parents’ perspective.  And then kind of as that went along, we got more stories and heard more things, and I was like, I think someone mentioned to me about writing a book, and I was like, yeah, I guess that would be easier than, like, trying to go around the world and do the workshop.  No, like, I do have dreams of doing that.  So we started like kind of putting the book together and kind of expanding what we teach in the workshop and everything, and that’s just kind of – I feel like I was writing that book for years.  It was the biggest, the longest pregnancy ever, trying to birth this book.  So yeah, that’s where that came from.

Kristin:  And how can our listeners and doula clients find your book?

Catherine:  It’s on Amazon and anywhere books are sold online, you can find it.  It’s Happy with Baby: Essential Relationship Advice when Partners Become Parents.  And you can go to my website, and there’s a link on there you can click on to make it easy for you.

Kristin:  And Catherine, you have some online groups as well that parents can join?  Fill us in on how else they can get engaged with you.

Catherine:  Yeah.  So I have been doing for over 12 years now like a meet-up group locally here in Sacramento, and it’s kind of been a lot of different renditions, and when the pandemic started – well, I can’t stop doing the group.  Parents need support more than ever.  And so I transitioned it to an online Zoom group, and what I didn’t realize is, because I host it through, is that when you click on that it is now virtual, it goes out to the world.  So the benefit is that people from all over the world have joined us now.  Like, we’ve had people in Ukraine and Canada.  So I do that once a month currently, and yeah, it’s open to anyone and everyone.  Typically I have pregnant and newly postpartum parents, but then it’s also – you know, sometimes I get parents with older kids, too.  So it’s just, like, support for parents – the early stages and a little bit beyond, as well.  So just needing to, I think, realize that we’re not in this alone, and I think the beauty of having it go out to the world is, like, parenting issues aren’t different in another country.  Like, there’s a lot of similarities.  There are differences, but a lot of the same concerns and issues are universal.  So it’s just been – I guess it’s one of the things I’ve enjoyed the most is just getting to connect with more people around the world.

Kristin:  Yeah, it can be so isolating during what seems like never-ending pandemics, so it’s great that there’s this virtual support as well as class options.  Is most of your therapy, then, telehealth, or how are you seeing one on one clients?

Catherine:  Yeah, so I am still doing the majority of telehealth appointments, so I can meet with clients all through California, too, so that’s been nice to open it up, as well.  Some areas don’t have as much – as many support systems in place, so I think that has been one of the good things, if there are good things about the pandemic, is that I’ve seen a greater source of online support out there for moms and parents and stuff like that because we definitely need it during this time.

Kristin: Exactly.  So any final tips for our listeners, Catherine?

Catherine:  Any final tips?  That’s a good question.  I think one of the things I’ll hear from parents is, like, just feeling like, oh, I’m not doing it.  There’s more I could be doing, or being hard on ourselves, and I think it’s like, you know, you’re the most perfect parent for your child, and I think if you continue to make sure that you are taking care of yourself, right, so that you can take care of your relationship and take care of your children, then that is the most important thing that you can do for your family.

Kristin:  Love it.  Any tips for partners who are listening?

Catherine:  Talk to your partner.  Like, have check-ins!  Check in with each other and see how you’re both doing and see what you can do to support each other, but then also, where can you find a little moment during the day or during the week with each other that isn’t distracted by other things.  Even if it’s, like, 10, 15 minutes and you’re doing that every day, those moments add up over the week and the month and stuff.  But make sure that you’re taking those times to really check in with each other.

Kristin:  So true.  Thank you!  It was so lovely to speak with you, and we will share your resources with not only our doula clients but also our Becoming students.  So it was wonderful to meet you, Catherine!

Catherine:  It was so nice meeting you, too, Kristin!  Thank you so much!

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.


Happy with Baby: Podcast Episode #146 Read More »

Woman sitting in a chair wearing a teal long sleeve shirt in front of a snake plant

Dancing with Fear: Podcast Episode #145

Kristin and Deb discuss how to prepare for birth when working through fear.  Deb is the director of the Prenatal Yoga Center.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin, and I’m co-host of Ask the Doulas and owner of Gold Coast Doulas, and I’m joined today by Deb Flashenberg.  Deb is the director of the Prenatal Yoga Center and a prenatal and postnatal creator of teacher training as well as private childbirth education, and you also are the host of the podcast, Yoga Birth Babies.  Welcome, Deb!

Deb:  Thank you so much.  Thanks for having me.

Kristin:  So happy to have you hear.  So I would love to hear a bit more about your background, since you’re a doula and have so many different trainings and credits as a yoga instructor.

Deb:  Yeah, I wear a lot of hats.

Kristin:  It seems like it!  Share more about your background with us.

Deb:  Sure.  Well, I started as a new school theater performer many, many years ago.  Many, many years ago.  And as I continued in that path, I started to get more into yoga, and I was actually a Bikram yoga teacher for a hot second.  And that didn’t really sit with me because if anyone knows anything about the Bikram background, it’s a very strict script, and it doesn’t allow you to look at the individual and serve them.  And as a doula, you know, like, that’s what we do!

Kristin:  Exactly!

Deb:  And so it didn’t really fit.  So I was talking to some people, and they mentioned prenatal yoga.  And I thought, huh.  That’s interesting.  That really is catering to a very specific person and their needs.  So I became a prenatal yoga teacher well before I had kids.  And then I still felt like there was a disconnect between just teaching yoga modifications and what was happening in the labor and delivery space.  And so one of my students was doing her fellowship at one of the hospitals in New York, and she asked me if I wanted to see some births.  I was, like, 28 at the time.  None of my friends in New York City were having kids.  And what I also realized – this was probably totally illegal because she dressed me up in scrubs and told everyone I was a med student.  I know!  And I went into places that I really – in hindsight, I’m like, wow, that was really inappropriate.  I helped deliver a placenta.  Totally inappropriate.  I scrubbed in for a C-section.  I didn’t last very long.  And I just saw a lot of birth, and something that really struck me as watching one birth in particular, that the birthing parent was just really not – it seemed like she was not taken into consideration.  It was really all about the baby, and the baby came out and everyone left.  It was a bit of high stress because it was a vacuum extraction, and there was a lot going on.  Then for whatever reason, I was left in the room with the baby and the nurse typing on the computer and the parents kind of shell shocked, and no one was attending to them.  And that was a turning point where I thought, hmm, I need to make sure that what I teach as yoga isn’t just modifications, but it’s really giving insight and preparation for the birthing experience and all the different ways it can go.  So I became a doula.  And then I became a Lamaze teacher, and because I love trainings, I continued to deepen my yoga training, and I did pelvic floor yoga teacher training.  And I’m right now doing – I don’t remember the exact name of it, but it’s with a doctor of physical therapy about the pregnant and postpartum body.  And I’m also doing the Spinning Babies parent educator.  So I just feel like the more I can learn, the more I can help my students.  And then of course I had my own kids along the way.  But it’s been quite the path of just going from, huh, I think I’ll teach pregnant folks to becoming a strong advocate for people having the birth that supports them and finding their team and attending to the mental and physical aspects of preparation for birth.

Kristin:  And you have quite the studio there in New York.  You have a wide range of instructor and options, and of course, you branched out and launched a podcast.

Deb:  Yeah.  It’s amazing.  It’s a lot of work.  But I feel really blessed that I get to have these opportunities, especially the podcast.  What I find amazing is I’ve reached out to some of the really big names in the birth world, and they said yes.  And they would speak to me, and I felt – I mean, you’re a podcast host.  You know how much we can learn from those we speak with, and I’m also a geek for studying, and I love prepping for those talks.  So it’s been a huge education.

Kristin:  That’s wonderful, yes.  And it’s such a great service to be able to offer women in pregnancy and postpartum to be able to have these experts on, and then they know more about their options because otherwise – you know, if you don’t know about your options, you have none.  So yeah, I love that.  So Deb, our topic today is centered around addressing fears in pregnancy and birth.  So obviously, as a doula, we work with fears and with your childbirth education background and in prenatal yoga, certainly, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you’re able to center and reduce the stress during pregnancy.

Deb:  Well, I think a lot of it comes back to – it’s many things.  So let me back up about why I think the fear – and I love that we’re talking about this.  It’s so important.  So on the fifth birth I did, I remember the client was really – she had a lot of pressure on herself for her birth, and I’m sure as a doula you’ve seen this.  It was an older parent, and this was kind of like her one shot.  And she put a lot of pressure on what she wanted this birth to look like.  And it was the exact opposite, as I’m as a doula you’ve seen, and it was the first time that I’ve had one of those births that are just hours and hours and hours and hours, and it just was taking forever.  Then she ended up having a Cesarean, which was the exact opposite of what she wanted.  She wanted to be in the birth center, and she wanted totally unmedicated, and she had some pretty strong visions.  And a year later, she calls me in to have a meeting, and I was terrified.  I’m like, oh, my God, what, is she going to sue me?  I know it was the wrong – like, not wrong, but not the birth she wanted.  And she shared with me that throughout that year, she has been processing her birth, and what she realized during her birth was that she was so afraid of crossing that threshold to parenthood.  Emotionally, she was trying to not let that birth happen.  She was trying to hold that baby in because she was so afraid of losing what she had in her life and not ready for the responsibility.  And that was huge.

Kristin:  It is huge, and I always tell my clients, birth is as mental as it is physical.  So right there – I mean, it’s hard to know right in the moment that her mind was holding her back, and it wasn’t anything to do with her body, but some women think their bodies fail them when really it can be the mental aspect.

Deb:  Yeah.  So it was the fifth birth I had done at that point.  I didn’t have that knowledge.  I’ll be totally honest, I didn’t have that knowledge.  I mean, the baby was posterior, too, so I was attending to that, and I was talking to a mentor about that on the phone during this.  But after that birth, it really highlighted to me about addressing fear during pregnancy, and it became one of the questions I would talk to my doula clients during our prenatals.  I’d say, like, you don’t have to tell me what your fear is.  You’re welcome to so I can help support that, but I’d invite you to sit with what fears do you have surrounding this experience.  And what always concerns me is “no fears, I’m totally ready.”  And I’d say let’s dig a little bit deeper.  Because I feel like any massive change, even if it’s something you desperately want – we don’t know how the birth is going to unfold.  We don’t know what it’s going to be like on the other side.  And there often is some anxiety and fear.  So I open that up to my students, just inviting them to sit with that, and then having that conversation with their partner or their birth team about what came up.  So after doing that as part of my doula practice, it really did shine a light sometimes on – as people were preparing in our prenatals, and sometimes people would tell me what their fears were, and sometimes they would say, “I’m not ready to share it, but I’ll have a word, a safety word, that if I’m feeling this, I want you to know that I’m having these feelings.  I’m fearful, and that I need a reminder that I’ll be okay, or I need my partner to step in.”  I found that when we can address it and highlight it, it helped pass those speed bumps, per se.

Kristin:  Yes.  That’s beautiful.  And partners can also have fears that can affect labor.  I teach a comfort measures for labor class, and we get into communication and the partner’s spots on birth, as well as the birthing person, and it is interesting because until that moment, many couples hadn’t had that conversation.  So if a partner is afraid to see any discomfort and is suggesting things the birthing person may not want, that can also come up.

Deb:  Yeah, I’ve seen that where – I have one – this actually was a good friend of mine, and I know the couple outside of the birth world.  And so it was really interesting seeing that.  I know how their dynamic is, and I was watching the father be very uncomfortable with how his wife was doing, my friend, and she was very clear.  She’s like, I know I can do this.  I want an unmedicated birth.  And he kept saying, like, “Are you sure you don’t want the epidural?  I think you’ll be more comfortable.”  And it was hard to step in and try to help him say, we need to trust her, because he’s like, “Are you sure?  Are you sure?”  So we had to have a little, like, taking it down a notch, like a little conversation.  He and I went off in the corner, and I was like, do you trust her?  He’s like, I do.  I’m like, do you trust the process?  He’s like, I don’t know.  So he was really, really honest about that.  So you’re 100% right that the fear aspect could be family; it could be partners.  I’ve had – I know with my own births, my family was like, are you sure you want to do this?  Are you sure?  And having that in the back of my head wasn’t helpful, and I’m sure as a doula you’ve seen this where I’ve had my students say, “My doctor is saying my baby is really big.  I don’t know if I can do it.”  Like, when you have fear laced in your mind, things are bumpy.  Then you go to, oh, maybe they were right.  Maybe I can’t do this.  So I think it’s really important to recognize that this could come up and build buffers.  And then also recognize, okay, my doctor said my baby’s really big.  So then instead of taking the fear aspect of “I don’t know if my body can do it,” it can open a conversation of, “All right, so what are my options?  If you think my baby’s really big, what are my options for ways to labor?  Do you need me to be still?  Can I have the option to move my body?  If you think my baby’s really big and you’re not sure my body can do this, let’s talk about what birthing positions we can use to maximize pelvis space.”  So I think sometimes we can use those fears and turn them around to how can we make more choices and how can we empower ourselves.  But that also takes somebody really willing to look at that, ant that also takes the environment to build that competence in the person.  I think it’s not easy for a lot of pregnant folks.

Kristin:  Yeah, and having those conversations with their provider about what their options are, like you mentioned.  Even positions to labor and deliver in if that is a concern.  Some positions are better if, you know, a potential big baby is a hurdle.  Some people, again, you know, it can be intimidating to have those conversations.

Deb:  It’s really hard to have those conversations.  You know, I say that as – I’m always telling to my students to talk to your care provider.  I remember one time trying to talk to my midwife, who I felt super comfortable with.  I was stuck.  I had a really hard time.  So also sharing with my students, this is – like, I recognize the challenge of what I’m asking you to do.  And I think that also then takes the pressure off because sometimes we can advocate for them without recognizing how hard it can be.

Kristin:  Exactly.  So one thing I love about all of your background and training is also just doing bodywork.  I mean, the body can store tension, anxiety, trauma even.  So I’m a big fan of prenatal yoga and movement during pregnancy.  So let’s talk a bit about that related to fear and how it can be helpful.

Deb:  Sure.  I think that sometimes – we’re talking about birth is as much in the body as the brain, and then sometimes I think when the brain gets too fixated on a fear, then we feel – we have that fear, tension, pain relationship.  So we’re fearful.  We have more tension.  Then we feel more pain.  It just keeps going back and forth.  So what I think is really helpful, and we do this in class a lot, is we look for ways to keep the breath and body moving.  And we know that when someone often is uncomfortable and tense and strained, if we can get them to exhale and move, that often releases some of that tension, and then it helps the breath and endorphins.  So we talk a lot about putting ourselves in poses that have strong sensations and working – instead of giving into, this hurts, oh my gosh, what am I feeling, this is getting worse and worse and worse – see that change a channel in the mind and then find some sort of breath pattern.  We talk about the three Rs.  So find some sort of rhythm and rituals.  So maybe we’re holding warrior two, and the legs are really warming up.  So instead of just sitting in that discomfort and getting more freaked out, can we either find a mantra that’s working our breath; can we find a movement with the arms; can we recognize where this unnecessary tension and then working to release that.  And then we also recognize that when our nervous system is really overactive and the adrenaline is shooting up, that’s going to affect labor.  So looking how to down regulate the nervous system through movement and breathing is also something we do a lot in class.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  Yes.  And breath is so key in birth, so whether it’s in early labor – and I even tell my clients when they’re having that warm-up labor, Braxton Hicks, to focus on practicing their breath work and using yogic breathing to prepare for birth.  And even saying things like give your baby oxygen.  Especially in the pandemic, wearing masks at different points during labor can be challenging.  I love that you mention breathwork in addition to yoga.

Deb:  Yeah, I think you’re on to something.  I think about birth and all the different coping skills; I always feel like breathwork is the foundation.  And then different accessories.  So maybe somebody’s using the breathwork with sound.  I’m a huge fan of sound.  I came up with a thing years ago called “open throat, open vagina” because I was a singer, and I remember my singing teacher having me move my hips one time when I was singing because I was getting really tight, and then I remember, like, a couple days later, I attended a birth, and I was listening to her sound, and I’m like, oh, my gosh, she’s really tight in her throat.  I bet her pelvis floor is really tight.  So I was having her do the same thing that my singing teacher had me do, move my hips, and the sound opened up and her whole body relaxed.  We do a lot with using the breath and sound.  We do a lot with using the breath and affirmations.  Sometimes we count the breaths.  So the breath, it feels like the foundation, and if we can get the breath to help relax the body, I think then that fear and that tension can really subside.

Kristin:  Exactly.  And in Lamaze, I mean, it’s all about being aware of where you’re carrying tension and how you and the partner connect and help loosen some of those areas, whether it’s the forehead or the shoulders.  And then again, like you said, breathwork and being open and wide versus your fists clenched and tight will help labor progress so much more quickly.  That is amazing.  And when women get high pitched in labor versus that tonal, low, moaning, that is also something to look for and recognize, if you’re getting high pitched, to go low.  And what are your thoughts as a singer, and what are suggesting to your students as far as toning or using their voice during labor?

Deb:  Oh, I love using the voice, and one of the things – for my own second birth, I actually was able to kind of step outside of my situation.  I remember being in the shower and listening to the sound, and there was a beat where I’m like, oh, that sounds really good.  Like, I was able to get out of the sensation and almost, like, float above the situation.  I’m like, oh, that sounds like a really open, good sound.  So we do a lot of vocal toning in class.  Now, I know not everyone is comfortable using their voice, and so I always just put myself as kind of like the biggest fool in the room.  Like, I will be louder than everyone else so you don’t have to be self-conscious about the sounds you’re making.  And then we’ll look at different sounds, so we’ll do – I have a pose I call screaming toe, and it’s a really strong stretch of the foot, and I’ll say, see what happens if you just naturally open and let your voice out, and most of the time it’s this high sound.  I’ll then mirror a lower sound and ask them to see if they can match that, and that is something that I would do when I was a doula.  If I heard this sound, I would try to help bring the sound down.  And that usually helped.  And then I would share that and say, practice this with your partner, and let your partner or whoever’s going to be attending your birth, your birth team, have them be attune to the sounds you’re making because that’s going to give a lot of insight to your mental state and your body tension and how well your breath is moving.  And so we do practice that a lot for the experience and then for them sharing that with their partner.  I love open throat.  I love relaxing.  And I think it’s something that I can remind them that their baby is hearing and feeling their voice, and then they get excited about that.

Kristin:  So true.  I love it.  So Deb, what are your favorite affirmations related to reducing fear?

Deb:  I have a few.  One is “this too shall pass.”  I feel like I use that a lot in my own life.  Another is “I trust my body.  I trust this process.”  And what I love about that is it’s not promising any outcome.  It’s trusting your body, which doesn’t mean it’s going to go how you want it to go, but you trust that your body knows what to do, and then you trust the process again.  It’s not saying that this is going to be birth I have totally envisioned, but I trust this process.  So I trust my body; I trust this process.  Sometimes it’s “I trust my body; I trust my baby.” Because also when we go back to trusting the baby, that’s also not promising a certain outcome because sometimes a baby is born in a different way than a birthing parent had in mind.  I had a client that really worked hard for a vaginal birth.  She hired an obstetrician that had a very low Cesarean rate, and she ended up having a Cesarean.  Every time she would push, her baby just decelled, and then it would bounce back up.  And the care provider tried everything, everything.  And when they finally had a Cesarean birth, the cord was really short.  Like, it was a high placenta at the very top of the fundus, and a really short – like, there was just no way.  Like, the baby could not – she was trying.  That baby was swimming downstream trying to get out, but it was literally a rope pulling it up.  So that was “I trust my baby” because sometimes the baby has a different path.  So I’ve seen that can be helping to let go of fear, that I trust my baby knows how it needs to be born.  Another one that I use a lot in class with breathwork and movement and releasing fear is “let go.”  And that’s just an invitation to let go of anything they don’t need to be holding onto; any pressure they put on themselves to have a certain birth, any pressure that they feel that they need to experience or sensations.  So let go of that; let go of tension; let go of fear.  That’s a go-to in my yoga classes as well as births.  So those are some – oh, and then another of my favorites is “the breath is the pathway through the sensation.”  I used that a lot in my own birth.  I used that a lot with clients.  I use that a lot even when I cycle.  “The breath is the pathway.”  I’m a big cyclist.  If I’m going up a really big hill, my legs are burning, and I have to remind myself, “my breath is my way through this.”  So I’m a big self-talker that way.

Kristin:  I love that.  That’s great.  Yeah, my favorite affirmation for clients who are, especially in that transition point when they doubt themselves, is “I can do anything for 15 minutes,” or a minute, even.  There are so many incredible ones, but I hadn’t heard some of the ones you shared, so thank you for that.

Deb:  Oh, absolutely, yeah.  Taking it by minute by minute – I love what you said.  It’s very important.  Because it can feel overwhelming.  You know, you’re in the middle of this, and you’re like, when is this going to end?  But then you just remind yourself, these teeny tiny increments of time.

Kristin:  Exactly.  So any other tips related to addressing fears in labor and birth?

Deb:  I think just giving yourself the time to sit with it and invite yourself, okay, what do I really feel around this?  And I do think it’s important to share with your team that the care provider should know, especially if there’s any trauma from the past that they may want to know; making sure they ask permission to touch your body if that is something – I think in general, they should always ask permission.  Consent is very important, but especially if there’s trauma.  Really indicating, I’m touching your leg.  May I touch your leg?  So creating that space.  But giving yourself the time to explore what fears; talking about ways if fear comes up, what do you need to help yourself get to the other side of it.  What do you need from your partner?  What do you need from your team?  Do you need maybe more space and time if things are feeling really rushed and you’re feeling overwhelmed by how quickly things might be going?  Can you ask for more time?  So being as open about what’s taking place so that those supporting you have the space and the knowledge to support you, and sharing – I guess just really sharing how you’d want to be supported.

Kristin:  Lovely.  So how can our listeners and our Becoming a Mother students who happen to live near you connect with you?  You have, again, so many different programs, along with your podcast and blog.  So fill us in.

Deb:  Yeah.  Well, since the pandemic, we’re actually online as much as we are in person.  In fact, I think maybe even more.  So we have livestream prenatal classes seven days a week, and we have postnatal classes once a week.  And so people can either jump on Zoom and join me there, or they can take classes in person, so New Yorkers who are on the upper west side, and they can check all this out on my website.  And then we’ve also got a ton of workshops because I think the more education – as you mentioned, if you don’t know your options, you don’t have any.  So education, workshops.  We’ve got a ton in person, online, on demand.  And then my podcast, Yoga Birth Babies, has almost 300 episodes.  So I’m pretty confident that people can find pretty much whatever they want to find on there, and I love that we continue.   In fact, you’ll be a guest pretty soon.  I’m excited about that.  So they can find me there, and then of course on Instagram.  And then if there’s anyone listening that’s also a yoga teacher, and this is something that excites you, to learn how to support the pregnant person, we’ve got a very in-depth prenatal and postnatal yoga teacher training.  All this can be found on my website.

Kristin:  Wonderful.  So, Deb, another question for our listeners who are really looking for in person prenatal or postnatal yoga.  How can you find a qualified center in your area if they’re not in New York?

Deb:  That’s a really good question.  I would say look at their training.  So there are not a ton of centers that are just pre- and postnatal throughout the country.  It’s a very specific niche.  There’s a couple.  But if you’re just looking for a prenatal class, look at the person’s bio and see if they have been trained.  I actually was just looking online, and someone DM’d me saying, oh, I’m following your Instagram because I’m pregnant and I teach yoga, so I’m going to start teaching prenatal yoga.  And I thought, that doesn’t really equate to – like, you’re pregnant and you’re a yoga teacher doesn’t mean that you should be a prenatal yoga teacher.  And then of course I’m like, do I say anything, do I not?  But at least for the listeners that are listening here, find out and make sure they’re actually educated in this because there are considerations to take for the pregnant body.  One of the things that we do a lot in our classes is we work a lot on balancing the pelvis and the soft tissue in the pelvic floor for a more efficient and functional birth.  And it’s not just about modifying poses around a belly.  It’s how can we use this practice to have a smoother birth.  And so I hope that a lot of – I’m confident a lot of prenatal teachers approach it that way.  But I guess they should not just look at, are they certified, but maybe ask what’s their methodology; what’s their belief about how to support pregnant folks in a prenatal yoga class.  Because I really believe prenatal yoga can be a tool to help prepare the mind and the body for a more efficient birth.  No one wants a long, arduous birth.  Everyone wants that baby in a good position and kind of rotating and descending out easily.  No one wants those speed bumps.  So I think yoga can help or hinder.  So make sure that the person is well-qualified.   That’s a very long answer to your question.  Sorry about that.

Kristin:  That was perfect.  Appreciate it.  It was so great to chat with you, Deb, and I look forward to being on your podcast in the future, as well.

Deb:  Thank you so much.

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Dancing with Fear: Podcast Episode #145 Read More »

OSSO Safe - Owner wearing a suit standing at a table with a laptop doing a presentation

Sabrina, Founder of Osso Safe – Podcast Episode #144

Kristin chats with Sabrina of Osso Safe about preventing violence in a relationship and how OSSO safe can protect families.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello!  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas.  My guest today is Sabrina Ossa, and Sabrina is the founder and CEO of Osso Safe.  Welcome, Sabrina!

Sabrina:  Hello, Kristin.  Thank you so much.  We’re so happy to be with you.

Kristin:  It’s great to have you here!  So you have quite the resume.  You’re a TEDx speaker, a real estate agent, a consultant on promoting safety and preventing violence in the workplace, in schools, and also in personal residences, correct?

Sabrina:  Correct, yes, yes.  We focus on those three markets, if you will.

Kristin:  And you’re also a dancer by trade?  I love it.

Sabrina:  Yes, yes.  Thank you.

Kristin:  So, Sabrina, how did you get into this line of work focusing on safety in so many different aspects of life?

Sabrina:  Yes.  I’ve had enough therapy – I’ve been in and out of therapy for quite some time now to be comfortable enough to say that I did grow up with violence.  My father beat my mother on a regular basis, and my mother would be abusive towards me.  So I have firsthand experience with just witnessing it and also having it done to me.  So it kind of really gives you a lot of – how do I say?  Experience in things that you really don’t want to have experience in, but if you use it, you use it to help other people.  And Osso Safe really started out as a one-woman show.  You mentioned I am a dancer.  I was auditioning.  I was performing.  And I started writing my one-woman show as a dancer, and I play different women being abused.  She goes to her good place.  That’s where the dancing comes in.  But then she’s pulled back into the terror of violence.  But the show ends really strong, really empowering.  And I did a lot of research for the show because I wanted it to be educational and entertaining, and I could not believe the statistics that I was finding, how it’s so common.  And I said to myself, I need to make this into a bona fide business with products and services that can really help people, including myself, really.  And that’s how Osso Safe was born.  We’re not a nonprofit.  We’re not a charity.  We respect all of the charities and nonprofits that do this work, but we have a very different approach to it, and we can talk about that later on in the interview, but hopefully I answered the question, how did Osso Safe come about.

Kristin:  Yes, you answered it beautifully.  And so your product is a blend of technology and also holistic care, and it seems very unique.

Sabrina:  Yes, yes.  We combine education and technology to promote safety and prevent violence, and a lot of it has to do with real estate, your home, your residence.  That’s where we focus on because we say if your homes are safe, then your workplaces will be safe; schools will be safe; universities; our public places; our concerts; our malls.  It all starts in the home, and I love your podcast because it focuses on children, and children are always victims.  I was one of them, and they’re the most vulnerable.  And so we really focus on them.  They are the true victims in this whole horrible equation, but we’re very hopeful.  We’re very positive.  And the technology, it holds people accountable, and we make this a part of residency.

Kristin:  So getting into relationships, of course, at Ask the Doulas, we are – you know, our listeners and our doula clients are either pregnant or in the first year of their child’s life.  So getting into your focus on relationships and home life, what are some examples of being in a good strong relationship, and there are so many changes that happen after baby is home that may cause some stressors.

Sabrina:  Yes, yes.  We strongly feel that – now, it takes two people to make a baby, right?  So we focus on, look, both of you have to work together, and whether they’re divorced, whether they are – and even as a single parent, and I’m sure a lot of parents or every parent, I would say, is wearing a lot of hats, right?  So it is very important to have on the forefront of your mind a few things.  One is that you have to know, you deserve to be in a good relationship.  You need to make it a point to get along with your significant other, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your – if that person is your ex.  And we realize things don’t work out.  Maybe you’re already split up, but you’re pregnant and you’re sharing this child with this person.  It happens, right?  You have to keep on the forefront of your mind that I am not going to endanger my child in any way.  When we – not if; when we disagree, myself and my significant other, I’m going to make it a point that I’m not going to fight.  I’m not going to be yelling and screaming and being verbally, physically, or sexually abusive to my partner or to my significant other or to my ex; not in front of my children, not in front of my infant, because – and I’ve done research on this.  Infants, the formative years are between 0 and 6 years old.  They know; they recognize when there is turmoil, when there is upset, when there is conflict.  Even though they don’t know exactly what is going on, but they know that something is amiss, so it’s very traumatic to a child when they hear mom and dad fight.  And we’re not saying don’t ever fight.  You’re not going to disagree.  That’s not realistic.  Of course you’re going to disagree.  But there’s a way to fight.  There’s a way to disagree.  And you have to make it a promise before this child enters the world that you’re not going to be verbally, physically, or sexually abusive.  Make that as a rule right from the beginning, and we’ll say, look, when we do disagree, we’re going to make it a point that we don’t cross that line.  And if we have to distance ourselves, then we will distance ourselves and remove ourselves from the situation.  Say, look, let’s come back to it.  Let’s discuss this after taking a breather for a half hour, an hour, a day, a whole day, whatever it takes.  But I would say to parents, you need to be very proactive and making it a point to really make the effort to not fight in front of those children.  I would see my parents fight all the time, and I can tell you from personal experience, it’s very traumatic.  And I got to say, abusive parents, they love an audience.  They love an audience, especially when it’s their own children, because they feel like they have people already on their side.  But you’re hurting your children.  You’re being abusive toward your children by doing that.  So I would say include therapy as part of your regular parenting.  There’s no shame in getting help.  There’s shame in not getting help.  And we make this a point of residency.  I can talk about this later on in the interview, but we make therapy – it’s like a standard.  We don’t wait for an episode of violence to occur in our properties.  We have therapists assigned to the property, and every month, you’re required to check in with your therapist.  Is everything okay?  Do you feel like anything is looming?  So all of this is on the preventative side versus waiting for an episode of violence or conflict to occur.  I mean, I could go on and on with tips, but I would say just those would really make a difference in a child’s life.  The not fighting; you’re not going to be abusive towards one another; respect is the number one requirement in any relationship.  You respect me; I respect you.  That’s very important.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  That’s so true.  I was absolutely agreeing with you.  And I find it interesting – I mean, as a real estate agent, you are putting yourself in uncomfortable situations with strangers as you’re showing homes.  How does that translate to the industry of real estate as I’m thinking about our doulas not necessarily having a relationship with families and coming into a home in safety for professionals in certain settings?

Sabrina:  Yes, excellent point.  They’re in higher positions, if you will, in the real estate industry.  For example, we’re based in New Jersey, so the New Jersey Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors.  We put ourselves – it’s “the nature of the business,” where you’re showing a property and it’s very – it is dangerous.  You’re dealing with strangers, and yes, some of them have good faith.  They operate out of good faith.  But others, there are cases, or I should say conclusions, where the real estate agent gets murdered or gets kidnapped, and this is a big problem for us in the real estate industry.  And they need to do more to protect because you could say – they say to us, “Make sure that your client goes first, and make sure you’re there with someone else, and make sure you have your cell phone on hand.”  But all of those things are really – when someone’s out to harm you and you’re there, even with your partner, with someone else, another agent, if that person wants to harm you, they will, and especially if it’s an abandoned property or the property is – you’re alone, whether in the day or at nighttime.  You could do all that you can to have someone with you, but sometimes it’s just not possible, and you’re showing properties.  So this is where my technology, the technology that I have – I have hired a software company.  It will have multiple applications.  This will help real estate agents because it gets installed, and it will detect violent-like movements and captures them in real time, issuing alerts to, let’s say, a landlord or to your broker of record or to the mom and dad who hired a nanny to watch their child.

Kristin:  That was my next question, yes, what to do about caregivers when you’re not in the home and wanting safety for your child.

Sabrina:  Right.  It’s called the Osso Safe app, and right now it’s being updated, but it will have multiple applications, and this will help getting police to the residence if you can’t get there.   Look, I just saw someone break in, and it’s detecting violence.  I just saw someone get slapped.  I just saw my child get smacked across the face by the nanny.  I just saw one of my real estate agents.  There’s an alert, and this person, they’re not – this potential buyer, he’s really – he’s not operating out of good faith.  So you get the alert right away so that way you can send help.  And we’re also setting it up where help, like 911, is called right away because it’s detecting violence.  It’s detecting, like I said, a slap, a punch, a kick.  And this also we wanted to carry over in residency with your spouse, with your significant other, with your boyfriend, your girlfriend.  And we’re saying, look, we need to make safety a required standard condition of residency.  When you sign that lease, when you sign that mortgage, when you sign that title, well, now, you’re not going to get away with half the things that you got away with before because now safety is a required standard condition of residency.  And this protects children because children, there are 15 million children that witness violence in their own homes each and every year in the US alone, and those are just the ones that are documented.  So there are a lot of good parents out there, Kristin, but let’s face it, there are a number of not good parents, abusive, violent, chaotic, dysfunction.  So we’re saying, look, abusive parents, you’re not going to get away with this anymore.  Children have rights in Osso Safe certified properties, and we will hold you accountable.  And these children, we don’t wait until they’re 18 for them to have agency over their lives.  As soon as they are pre-K, kindergarten, they get to say.  They have a say who they feel safe with, and we have developed something called Osso Safe kids.  Anyone can Google it.  It’s like a channel right now that I have on YouTube, but we give advice to children, abused children or non-abused children, and we’re unifying them and saying, look, help each other out.  Abused kids, and we talk about it very openly.  It’s not your fault.  You’re not alone.  The fact that if dad is beating you up or mom is putting you down, this is not Osso Safe.  This is now how it’s supposed to be, and you can speak out.  So, I mean, there’s a lot more to it, but just to give a summation of everything between the technology and Osso Safe kids and as real estate agents applying the technology to real estate agents.  So just to give a brief summation of everything.

Kristin:  Yeah.  So it sounds like this could even eventually be used in daycare centers and a lot of different models.

Sabrina:  Yes.  Yes, it will have multiple applications, as I mentioned.  Even pet-sitters.  You know, pet-sitters, elderly people, or children, nannies as we said.  Definitely in residency as a regular part of residency.  So the technology complements the education, and the education complements the technology, if you will.

Kristin:  So it’s beyond your typical nanny cam or baby monitor where you need to go back through all of the recordings.  You would actually, you know, have notifications based on movement, like you said?  So it’s very sophisticated.

Sabrina:  Right, violent movement, correct.  Exactly.

Kristin:  So how can our listeners, you know, find you?  I know you’ve got a great TEDx talk.  If they’re needing more resources, what are your preferred methods of contact?

Sabrina:  Yes.  You can call the lawyers, right, the 1-800 numbers.  I believe it’s – well, it depends on your state, right?  So they all have their respective 1-800 numbers.  The National Domestic Violence hotline.  And then you call the police, and you could either get a restraining order or not, and you go to court and you could hire the lawyers and you could hire the mediators and the paracoordinators and get child protective service agencies and the judges.  But I have to say, Kristin, as someone with personal and professional experience in this realm with the legal part of it, it is horrendous out there, I have to say, and I’m speaking from personal and professional experience.  All of it together, they have this let them eat cake approach, if you will, because at the end of the day, they don’t care.  I hate to sound like that, but children’s lives are not valued.  They are not seen as you’re going through this, and we are so sorry about this.  They have this, well, you too have to get along, like the abusive parents.  It’s like a slap on the wrist.  You two have to get along.  You’ll be spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you’ll be worse off than when you set foot in that courtroom.  It would have been better off if you never even set foot in the courtroom, I have to say.  And these judges, I also have to state, they are very ill-informed.  They are uninformed, and they care more about their caseloads than actually – they do what is in the worst interest of the abused child versus what is in the best interest of the abused child.  So at Osso Safe, we’re saying, look – and we consult with a small team of lawyers on a regular basis on everything that we do, and one of them is a family law attorney, and she said, “Sabrina, with your Osso Safe certifications of properties, and you want this to carry over, over all residency, you are short-circuiting the entire process.  You don’t even need the courts because you make safety a required standard condition of residency.  You nip it right in the bud right in residency.  You won’t need the courts.  You won’t need lawyers.  You won’t need –

Kristin:  Evidence and text messages and – yeah.

Sabrina:  Right, because everything is done right in residency between the technology and the education because it’s more preventative versus waiting for an episode of violence to occur and the police show up, and at that point, it’s almost too late.  The children are terrified.  They are traumatized.  We do all of this education right at the beginning of residency.  Even if you’re in your residence for like a year or six months, we do all the education as a standard, if you will.  So we want to say that, yes, you could use all the resources out there, but as we get more momentum and we’re doing a lot of these podcasts to get the word out, hire us.  Get your properties Osso Safe certified, whether you rent, whether you own, whether you have a mortgage or not.  Get your schools Osso Safe certified.  Get your workplaces Osso Safe certified.  You won’t need the courts.  In fact, I actually said this to a – and this was at the New Jersey Apartment Association.  I said, the laws will have to catch up to what Osso Safe is doing in terms of residency, in terms of really making homes and residences safe, especially for children, because we are combining education and technology.  And I also want to mention to couples raising their children: please, stay away from giving any pornographic material to your sons, and daughters for that matter.  Pornography is a big driver of violence.  We say pornography is 88.2% physical aggression towards women.  So do yourselves a favor.  And it’s not about sexual freedom.  We’re all for sexual freedom at Osso Safe.  Pornography is the opposite of freedom.  It’s all about bondage, domination, sadism, masochism.  And we’re not teaching our children to have good sexual relationships – good relationships, period.  So stay away from pornography, and it just feeds into child rape, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking.  So I wanted to say that on your podcast, especially for children, because so many of them fall victim in these trafficking rings, if you will, and it happens in every part of society, whether you have money, whether you don’t have a lot of money, regardless of religion, regardless of nationality, background.  It is a – I believe it’s a $100 billion industry, sex trafficking.  And a lot of it is fed, if not all of it is fed, through pornography.  Yeah, so I hope I gave pertinent tips, and as far as finding me or finding us, the website is  You can Google Osso Safe kids.  I have my TEDx talk out there.   All of the major social media platforms; we’ll on all of them.  Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram.  So I hope I answered a lot of your questions, Kristin.

Kristin:  You sure did, Sabrina.  What a wealth of information.  It’s overwhelming to hear some of these stats.  So thank you for sharing.  Any final tips, even on, as you mentioned, trafficking?  Like traveling with children, any safety tips?

Sabrina:  Yes.  Definitely keep your eye on your children when you are out there.  At schools – I hate to say this, but schools are breeding grounds for school shootings and sex trafficking.  Have a code with your child where – like, let’s say someone poses as someone who’s going to go pick them up, and have your child say, “Well, what’s the code?  What is the code word or the code number?”  And you will throw that potential sex trafficker right off.  Like, oh – like, something like “barracuda” or something very unique, you know?  And that person will run.  And have that child – say to that child, “Look, nothing you can do will make me get upset with you.  I mean, we do” – oh, something that should be differentiated: discipline instills education, and abuse instills fear.  And we make it a point in our properties and in our education to differentiate that and to teach parents about that, what the difference is.  So I’m sorry; I’m jumping from one thing to the other.  But I want to say, abusive parents, what you do is very different than what Osso Safe parents do.  Parents that practice safety, empowerment, encouragement, respect, positivity.  And this is what you need to learn, abusive parents.  And just because you are a parent, it doesn’t give you the right to abuse your child.  We want to say that, to leave your audience with that.

Kristin:  Thank you so much.  I appreciate all of the work that you’re doing.

Sabrina:  Thank you, Kristin.

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Sabrina, Founder of Osso Safe – Podcast Episode #144 Read More »

Amber posing with her husband and two kids in a candid photo

Amber’s Postnatal Story: Podcast Episode #143

Kristin chats with Gold Coast client Amber Shaw about her postnatal recovery.  She shares the challenges she faced and discusses how she advocated for her needs.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud.  You can also check out Amber’s birth story and her experience with the Becoming course.  

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin, and I am joined again by Amber Shaw.  Now, Amber filled us in a bit on her VBAC story, and today we’re going to talk about her postnatal journey.  Welcome, Amber!

Amber:  Thank you so much!

Kristin:  So fill us in.  We’ve talked a bit about your birth story with Miles, but now we’re going to talk about, you know, immediately coming home from delivering and just how you felt in recovery and feeding and all of the things.

Amber:  Well, I guess my story kind of starts, you know, right after my delivery.  So going into it, I didn’t know really what to expect with a vaginal delivery and the healing process because my first was a C-section.  So I knew what that was like.  And, you know, I prepared and I bought the padsicles and, like, bought the stuff, you know, to kind of heal myself, but looking back on it, I think that so much preparation goes into birth.  You spend months and months mentally and physically preparing for birth, and it’s kind of like a – it happens in the blink of an eye almost, and then you’re kind of left with your postpartum journey, which I don’t think is prepared for nearly enough.

Kristin:  Totally agree.

Amber:  Yeah.  That was kind of my realization.  I went into it thinking that, you know, a vaginal birth was going to be way easier to heal from.  I was going to be able to just kind of, you know, get up and start moving around and start walking, and I was just going to bounce back quicker.  And so right after delivery, I get up into my room, and they want me to get up and go to the bathroom, and I realized I couldn’t walk at all.  It was excruciating, and it wasn’t even necessarily the stitch area, it was just everything.

Kristin:  And the cramping you feel after delivery.

Amber:  Yeah, as well as my pelvic bone.  It was my pubic bone, I quickly realized, because I couldn’t take a step forward.  I had to, like, side shuffle almost because I had so much destabilization from pushing for so long, and it was just shocking to me.  Like, the pain was shocking.  The fact that I couldn’t walk was shocking.  It’s, like, not what I expected, and I feel like I immediately was just like kind of taken off guard by what was going on with my body.  And so – and they were – I think the nurses – like, everybody was just kind of confused as to why I couldn’t walk, and the whole pubic symphysis situation I was feeling still wasn’t really realized at that point, even by me.  I just didn’t understand why I couldn’t walk.  And come to find out a little bit down the road, like, now we understand what happened and why I was in so much pain.  But every single time I had to get up and go to the bathroom, I had to call the nurses in.  Just this big thing, and just not what I expected at all.  So the first night in the hospital was really rough.  I was having a hard time just getting pain under control, and again, with my first birth, you’re on narcotics when you have a C-section because, obviously, it’s like a surgical procedure.  But this time, like, I felt, you know, like my body went through more, and you’re given, like, Tylenol.  It’s just kind of laughable thinking about it.  Not that I wanted to be, like, drugged up, but it’s like, oh, my gosh.  It just didn’t even, like, light a candle to the discomfort I was dealing with.  So I was really just more leaning on other things I could do because obviously, you know, I didn’t really have, like, pain medication to help with the discomfort.  So I was trying to keep a lot of ice on myself, but it was rough.  And I do feel like I was let go from the hospital probably sooner than I should have been.  I was still just, like, not mobile at all.  And we just weren’t prepared for this.  You know, we have a four-year-old at home.  I have a newborn, and I needed full time care myself.  Like, I couldn’t get up and move at all.  Like, I had to be helped to the bathroom.  You know, I had a walker.  I had to use a walker at home.  So my mom ended up coming, thank God.  She met us here the night I got home from the hospital, and she stayed with us for, like, three weeks.  That was such a blessing, and I look back on it, and I don’t know what I would have done if she wouldn’t have been able to come at the drop of the dime like that.  It’s not what we were planning on, you know?  I thought I was going to be up and moving and, you know, Ashton was off of work, and he was going to be able to help out with the boys, too, but that just was not our situation at all.  So that was really helpful.  So she met us at our house that night, and man, the first couple nights were just so rough.  I couldn’t find a comfortable spot to be in at all.  Like, laying down was painful.  Sitting up fully was painful.  I think I slept the first night at home, like, in a recliner with the bassinet next to me, just having a hard time finding any comfort at all at first.  And then a couple days later, when I was just not as raw but obviously still dealing with some discomforts, I had Annie from Rise come out and do some adjustments, you know, for Miles and I, and I just cried and cried to her.  I was just broken.  I didn’t understand why I couldn’t even walk at that point, and I just was devastated at the state of my body.  And also kind of at this point, a friend of mine had come over the night after I had gotten home because I just, like, had some concerns about how I was feeling.  I felt like my blood pressure was really low.  I was just feeling so completely depleted, and I just didn’t know if it was normal or not.  And so she came over, and she noticed that I had a little bit of an arrhythmia going on with my heart, and she’s like, has anybody ever noticed that before?  You know, nobody – it hasn’t really been brought up before.  So I was like, no, not really.  You know, it might just be, like, a postpartum thing.  So I brought it up to Annie.  She kind of noticed it, as well.  Then it was kind of just forgotten about.  You know, she adjusted me, and my heart was feeling weird, but there was so much other stuff going on, you know, with my body.  I kind of ignored that for the time being.  So two weeks after Miles was born, I came down with my first round of mastitis.

Kristin:  Miserable!

Amber:  Oh, my gosh.  Yeah, it was – you know, I’d read about it, and I was always really scared to get it with Parker, so I was really diligent about pumping and massaging and just always emptying myself, and I feel like because, you know, this healing process was so different, I wasn’t managing my breastfeeding as well.  Like, I kind of let him feed on one side and then – you know, he’s kind of a grazer.  He doesn’t, like, empty me on both sides.  He kind of grazes.  And so I was just kind of letting him do that, and yeah, the mastitis came on quick, and I didn’t even really realize what it was.  I thought I had like a UTI or something.  And the very next day was – you know, we had an appointment with Miles, and my midwife checked me out in the bathroom.  I didn’t really have an appointment with her, but she’s like, I want to look at you.  And she kind of realized that I had mastitis because I was pretty engorged at that point, but I still was like, I don’t know if I do.  But absolutely did.  It hit really hard and fast.  That was really rough.  And always just a little discouraging to get that, you know, right off the bat because you just want to, like, start out your breastfeeding journey so strong, and it was discouraging to have that going on while I was dealing with so many other issues, and I was so scared about my supply.

Kristin:  Of course.

Amber:  And being on antibiotics, you know, right after you have a baby.  I didn’t want to do that.  But, you know, ultimately, your care has to kind of come first because if you’re not doing well, obviously, you can’t care for you baby as well, either.  So that was another little hurdle that was pretty tough.  But it’s weird.  It comes on quick but also goes away relatively quickly.  So after a day or two of antibiotics, I started feeling better and my supply kind of got back up and kind of got over that hurdle a little bit.  So I was still dealing with not being able to walk very well, but it was getting a little bit better at this point.  And I had my six week checkup, and I was still dealing with quite a bit of discomfort in my stitch area and particularly one side of my stitches, so I felt like one side was healing better than the other.  And I didn’t know if that was normal.  I feel like you never know what’s normal because –

Kristin:  Every experience was new to you.  It was different.

Amber:  Yeah.  Yeah, and I feel like everything’s normal and everything’s not normal at the same time.  You’re just like – you know, this is my journey.  You know, maybe this is normal to experience, but at the same time, you’re kind of questioning everything at the same time.  You kind of feel like you’re kind of floating along with just not a lot of direction on the healing process and what that should look like.  And so I had my six-week appointment, and I was checked – I brought up my concern, and I said that I was still having quite a bit of pain on side.  And during my exam, it was realized that I needed a revision on my stitches.  So that was quite a blow.  I had already had six weeks of healing under my belt and then had to have them redone on one side, on that side that I had quite a bit of pain in.  And it was explained to me – you know, obviously, when you push for a while, you’re very swollen, and I was stitched up when I was pretty swollen.  They try to kind of piece the tissue back together as much as possible, but sometimes things can happen, and so I had some nerve and rawness exposure that needed to be fixed, and that was really scary because I was still so, just – I was just wrecked down there, and to think about going through that while I was still in the process of healing was just terrifying, and it really – that was, like, a tough thing to wrap my head around.  And so it happened pretty quickly.  The very next week, I ended up getting in and got the revision done, and that really set me back quite a bit.  I expected it to be, obviously, like, painful and uncomfortable, but it really kind of – it was extremely uncomfortable, and I really had a hard time with the pain during the revision healing process, like almost worse than the first time around, and I’m not really sure why that is.  But yeah, thank God, my mom ended up coming back yet again.  Yeah, she was at our house kind of helping with everything while I took it easy and just iced.  And it took quite a while for that to get back to kind of a normal – to feel like I was actually, like, healing.  I feel like it’s such a blur still in my mind, like, all of it, so it’s kind of hard to, like, sort.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Amber:  So healing from the revision was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be.  You know, I was thinking I just had to get it revised on one side, but it really set me back quite a bit in just my healing process.  I felt like I was kind of at the beginning all over again.  Ice a ton and just having to, like, rest a lot.  And I am just a busy body.  I’m not good at resting, and at this point, I’m, like, seven weeks into my healing journey, and I’m feeling like I’m on week one again.  And it was just a really discouraging time.

Kristin:  Right, because you think you’ll get cleared for exercise and all of these things by that point.

Amber:  Yeah, like, six weeks is what you kind of, like, have a goal of just having some kind of normalcy back, and I was not even close to that.  I wasn’t even close to normalcy.  And it was – I just felt like I had so many people reaching out and being like, how are you, how are you, and I was so sick of even talking about all of these hurdles I was facing, so I wasn’t even really being honest with people because it was just exhausting.  For me to tell them that I had yet another thing done, and even talking about a revision, it’s kind of – just not something you want to talk to people about because it’s just one of those things about pregnancy and healing that you’re kind of just, like, mum about a little bit.  And so I just felt like I was kind of alone, you know, kind of just dealing with this postpartum thing on my own, and I was clearly on my own timeline.

Kristin:  Did you reach out to your doulas?  I know you and I talked, but –

Amber:  Yeah, I was definitely in touch with them.  I mean, I had my little tribe, of course, of people that I felt comfortable with and would talk about things with, but as a whole, I kind of started to kind of get reclusive with people and just – I just didn’t even have energy to talk about it anymore because I felt like every time I would kind of jump ahead in my journey a little bit, I had something that knocked me back.  And so this was kind of a little bit of a dark time during the revision process.  Also, not to mention, this was during the summer, and I was really looking forward to being able to get in the water with my son again.  I did not swim at all this summer, and that seems like something so little, but we were out at our cabin a lot, and I just could never get in and play with him, and he didn’t really understand why.  Like, he did; he knew that I was healing, but it was just sad to sit on the sidelines and not be able to play in the water because that’s something that I do a lot.

Kristin:  In Michigan, I mean, summer is our time.

Amber:  Yes.  Summer was just – oh, this summer just didn’t count for me, you know?  It might as well have been like the winter.  I just feel like I wasn’t able to really enjoy a lot of it.  But eventually, I did heal from the revision.  Had obviously a lot of sensitivity for a long time.  I still do.  But that kind of started to fizzle off and I started to heal a little bit from that.  Well, at my two-week checkup before my revision, I was in there and the nurse took my pulse, my heart rate, and she, like, looked really concerned, and then she did it again, and she wasn’t even, like, talking to me.  And then she’s like, your heart rate is really low.  Hold on one second.  And then, you know, she went out and got her watch to do it the old school way.  My heart rate was at, like, 32, which is insanely low.  So normal is, like, 60 is the low end of normal.  It’s like 60 to 100 with women.  And I was in the 30s, and she’s like, this is really concerning.  Do you usually have a low heart rate, and I don’t.  Then my OB came in and checked it too, and they were like, we should advise you really to go to the walk-in clinic or the ER right now, but how are you feeling?  And I felt okay, but as they were talking about it, I could feel my anxiety almost start to rise.  Like, it was like a placebo thing, and I was like, oh, my God, my heart rate does feel really weird right now.  They were like, you need to follow up with your primary care physician immediately about this.  And so it was concerning, you know?  They didn’t know why my heart rate was so low.  And so I ended up getting in with my primary care physician a couple weeks later, and I kind of thought about it, and I was, like, noticing it a little bit more, and then I kind of remembered that this was brought to my attention, like, weeks earlier, but I had just had so much other stuff I was juggling with healing and my postpartum stuff that I just wasn’t even paying attention to my heart.  But now that everything else was kind of starting to feel a little bit more normal, my heart was, like, center stage now, and it was like, okay, you have to deal with me now.  So, you know, I was like, how is this now happening?  You know what I mean?  Like, I just felt like I had one thing after another, and I was like, what is going on with my heart now?  So I have a newborn and I have a four-year-old, and it’s concerning.  So I got into my primary care physician, and she put a heart monitor on me, so I wore a heart monitor for a week and it recorded everything.  Got that data in.  And then I had a meeting with her, essentially going over what she found, and she was like, you need to see a cardiologist.  You have a lot of irregularities, essentially, with your heart going on right now.  You have extreme highs and lows.  So I was going from my heartrate being in the 30s to in the high 100s, back and forth all day long.  And she was like, this is not a normal thing.  You need to get this checked out.  And so I ended up getting in to see a cardiologist, and this was a very stressful time, thinking that I’m on the verge of having a heart attack, and I felt like because I was more aware of it, I was causing probably more of it.  I was having a lot of palpitations at this point, and it was just a really stressful thing, obviously, for my family.  My husband’s really concerned about me, and it’s my heart.  And so it took a while to get in to see a cardiologist because, of course, any time you need a specialist –

Kristin:  And it’s COVID.  So of course, like…

Amber:  Yeah.  It took a bit, so probably three or four weeks, I had to wait to get in to see a cardiologist.  But – and I’m still kind of on this journey right now, but long story short, I’ve essentially been diagnosed with benign PVCs.  What that means is I have – my heart, like, misses a beat and then does, like, a double beat, like all day long.  And he thinks it is due to trauma from birth and my healing process and also anxiety, which is kind of crazy that birth and just all of the stress of that can affect one of your organs like that.  I am going to get a second opinion coming up in a few weeks here because I’m still very much experiencing it, and it was left a little open ended.  I don’t know when or if there’s going to be an end to it.  It might be something that I always deal with.  So it’s kind of just this thing that’s still happening.  Like, I feel it happening right now.  I have palpitations.  And it’s kind of becoming a new norm for me, but I’m also like, can this be alleviated somehow?  So, yeah, still very much dealing with that.  But looking back on my postpartum journey, it was not as I expected, and I felt very caught off guard by just how my body, I guess reacted to birth.  Like, it was – I felt like I was at the strongest moment in my life immediately followed by the weakest moment of my life.  Not being able to walk directly after, and that was such a hard thing to grapple with because I was so proud of what I had just done, and then I felt like my body just fell apart, and I kind of abandoned it.  I was like, I don’t know you anymore, and I’m not going to take care of you like I should.  I felt like I just wasn’t in touch with myself as much anymore because I just felt like it failed me.  And so I’m very much on a journey right now of trying to love myself, like, where I’m at, love my body where it’s at, be in gratitude of it for what it’s done and what it’s still doing instead of cursing it for not working like it should and jumping back as quickly as I wanted it to.  It’s been a huge learning process for me that I’m very much still in, and it’s going to be a long journey for me, I think.  And I just feel like I wanted to talk about this because I think women, and obviously society, there is a pushback going on right now, thank God, of just the bounce back that you should experience and that you think is, like, normal after birth.  And every single birth is different, and every single person’s body is different, and you have no idea –

Kristin:  Exactly, and every baby is different, so temperaments and sleep and feeding, it’s all unique.

Amber:  Yep.  So to expect to fit into some kind of box, to think that you need to, like, get back to normal even at six weeks, I think, is insane.  Six weeks is nothing compared to, like, the trauma that your body just went through.  So for that to be, like, this goal of women to be like, I can have sex and I can work out and I can do all these things at six weeks – like, get that out of your head.

Kristin:  And fit in my jeans and all of the goals that we have, which are unrealistic, and you look at traditional cultures and the time that they take for healing and community caring for them, I mean, it’s the first 40 days in many cultures, some even longer than that, where they’re not lifting a finger.  And yeah, so it’s just – I feel like we need to get back to really caring for each other, and the role of a postpartum doula in a lot of that nurturing and healing phase and getting systems in place is so key.

Amber:  Absolutely.  I was so grateful to have my mom, and if I didn’t have my mom, I absolutely would have had a postpartum doula because when you have another child, especially – like, your husband can only take care of so many people.

Kristin:  Your partner needs sleep.

Amber:  Yeah.  You are the patient, and you need to view yourself as a patient.  Obviously, the baby needs care and your other child needs care, but you need it just as much, and I definitely went through a lot of phases where I was just like, not taking care of myself like I should have been.  I felt like my body kept just reminding me, like, you need to slow down.  I’m going to give you another hurdle here to slow you down, to slow you down.

Kristin:  And as you said, you’re someone who’s always on the go.  I can relate to that, and I don’t like to slow down for anything.  So, yeah, but it is key to be able to have your mother there to mother you, and that’s what postpartum doulas – you know, we always tell our clients, the birthing person is our primary client, then the baby, then the partner and the other children.  So it’s like – yeah.

Amber:  I feel like you’re such an afterthought after birth.  You know, like, you’re just expected to heal in this linear line.  Unfortunately, I feel like women, if they’re in a traditional setting, it’s very cut and dry.  You know, you give birth.  You go through this process.  They see you at six weeks.  You’re cleared at six weeks, and that’s it, and it’s like there’s so much gray area floating around in that of – just so much gray area that you need to have somebody like a doula or just support people in general to just let you know that you’re okay and you’re on a road to recovery, and what you’re experiencing is normal.

Kristin:  Yeah, and before we end, talking about building your team of support, what point – I know that you were seeing a pelvic floor therapist for healing.  At what point were you able to get help after healing?

Amber:  It took me a long time, mainly because of my tissue damage.  So I wanted to see a pelvic floor therapist immediately.  Like, I wanted to see them at six weeks, but at six weeks, I had to be restitched.  So to have anybody down there doing anything was just cringe-worthy for me.

Kristin:  Of course.

Amber:  So I feel like I got a later start to therapy than I wanted to have, but it was also just – it was my timeline.  And so I just started seeing a pelvic floor therapist about six weeks ago.  I’m dealing with some prolapse, as well.  So I wasn’t sure that’s what it was.  You know, I was experiencing just sensations down there that I knew wasn’t normal, but once again, when it’s your first vaginal birth and you’re healing from that, you don’t know what normal is.

Kristin:  Right.  You have nothing to compare it to.

Amber:  Nothing to compare it to, yeah.  So, yeah, I’m dealing with some prolapse, so I’m primarily going to pelvic floor PT for my prolapse.  And also my pubic bone is still giving me problems.  It’s not nearly as bad.  I can walk, but still, overextending it, overexerting it, I still get kind of sore.  But the prolapse is the big thing at this point that I’m trying to get under control.

Kristin:  But you’re back at barre, slowly.

Amber:  I am.  I am back at barre, yep.  And honestly, I know I talked about it for pregnancy, but it’s such an incredible thing postpartum as well because so many of the movements are engaging your pelvic floor and engaging your core muscles, and those are the things that you need to build back up after having a baby and being pregnant.  So once again, it’s been such a huge blessing in my recovery process that I’m just so lucky that I have.  Yeah, I’m grateful for sure.

Kristin:  There’s so many lessons in this podcast as we wrap it up here.  I think one is listening to your body.  What other advice do you have for our listeners?

Amber:  Grace.  Being so graceful with yourself and just trying so hard to deeply love yourself through it.  I had this really intense moment that I’ll share that’s pretty vulnerable, but it was kind of a little bit of a breakthrough with me.  So I didn’t really realize how much I had abandoned myself during my healing process.  I was kind of in victim mode a little bit and just feeling like I didn’t understand why all these things kept happening, and I was just in kind of a dark space and not connected to myself.  I was impatient.  I was just not feeling good.  And so I took a bath one day, and I was doing this loving kindness meditation, and the beginning of it was doing a body scan and just feeling deeply into your body, and I just started bawling in the bathtub.  And I didn’t really realize at first where the tears were coming from, and then I realized it’s because I have not even paid attention to my body like that in so long.  Like, to even feel in my body, to feel where tension was, and it was just such an emotional moment, and I just, like, hugged myself in the bath, and I just felt so sad at how I had been treating my body and myself.

Kristin:  Because you’re caring for your son and…

Amber:  Yeah.  I felt like I had this big dream of having this unmedicated vaginal birth, and then I did it, and that was like – that was it.  I didn’t think about it anymore after that.  And I didn’t really, like – I didn’t celebrate that success, you know?

Kristin:  Yeah, your body did it.  You beat the odds.

Amber:  Yeah, like, I just was like, okay, well, on to the next thing.  Now we’re going to heal.  Now we have this long process.  And I didn’t give her credit for all she had done and all she was still doing.  And I just think deeply loving yourself through the healing process and loving your body, loving the fact that your body is making milk and still feeding your child and giving life to your child and healing itself and all of the things it’s simultaneously doing.  I just wish I would have had that realization sooner because I just wonder if my process would have been different if I would have been more in tune and more in love with myself through it.

Kristin:  It’s hard when you’re in the thick of it to really see the light.

Amber:  Yeah.

Kristin:  I’m so glad that you did.

Amber:  Me, too.  It took a little bit, but I always end up coming around at some point with some crazy lessons along the way.  But yeah, I just think my advice is, put as much thought into your healing process and postpartum and the support that you need as you do into your birth that you want because it is a bigger journey than birth is and than pregnancy is, at least it was for me.  And I just wish I would have put more thought into that and, like, just what I needed and what I – I don’t know.  I went into it really a little bit blindly and was blindsided because of that.

Kristin:  Beautiful, yes.  I agree.  And we talk a lot about that in the Becoming course about how postpartum is as important.  So thanks for sharing your story, Amber.  We need to talk about our stories more, so I appreciate you.

Amber:  Yes.  Thank you so much, Kristin.  I really appreciate it.

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Amber’s Postnatal Story: Podcast Episode #143 Read More »

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The Importance of Registering for Services: Podcast Episode #142

Kristin and Kaitlin McGreyes of Be Her Village discuss the importance of registering for services vs. things and her groundbreaking new gift registry platform.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I’m joined today by Kaitlin McGreyes.  How are you, Kaitlin?

Kaitlin:  I’m so great, Kristin.  Thank you so much for having me.  I’m really excited to be here.

Kristin:  Yeah, I’m thrilled to chat with you.  So if you would give us a bit about not only your experience in the maternal space but also some info about Be Her Village, your online platform and registry.

Kaitlin:  Absolutely.  Well, I didn’t set out to be in the maternal space, actually, until I became a mother.  I was a special ed teacher in New York City, and I went to go have my first child, and I just had a really underwhelming experience.  And I feel like part of what was underwhelming about it or traumatic – I sometimes don’t embrace the word traumatic for my first experience, but part of it was like, I thought I knew what I needed.  I thought that I had done the right things, and then it sort of just all fell apart anyway.  And, like, the birth fell apart.  The birth went sideways.  I ended up with a C-section, which was fine.  It was, like, the first time in my birth that somebody listened was when I was like, can I have a C-section?  Can this be over?  Can we just get the baby out?  And what happened, though, is like I landed sort of in postpartum with a newborn with cracked and bleeding nipples with a C-section with my body sort of torn to pieces – sorry for anyone who’s pregnant and listening to this!  But I was, like, in this really tough spot.  My husband had to go back to work.  There was no paternity leave for him, and I was alone in my nursery, and I was just looking around and I was, like, surrounded by all this stuff, and I was alone and I needed help, and I didn’t have it.  And that for me was like my entry into motherhood.  And so it set me on this journey of sort of trying to figure out what happened to me and why.  Why an independent, intelligent, outspoken young woman could, like, sort of have this horrible experience of feeling voiceless and powerless and then alone and unsupported as I became a mother.  And so the first place that brought me was into doula work.  I actually had a second birth where I hired a doula.  It ended up being a VBAC birth, which was wonderful and life-altering.  But I’m always so careful to say that.  The stuff that was hard about my first birth was not the C-section, and the stuff that was joyful and transformative about my second was not the vaginal birth.  It was everything else.  You know, it was, like, finding my own power and stepping into it and finding my voice and being more active in my care and choosing care providers, that sort of thing.  And after having, like, this completely different experience the second time, I thought, well, I need to do something.  I need to do something.  I’ve always been the kind of person that wants to “change the world,” and at least I can work with mothers and I can help them have more of the second kind of birth, more of an empowered birth, more of an experience where they understand the choices that are in front of them and understand how to navigate their birth space and their birth team and how to have a better birth experience.  So I ended up going through my doula training when my second baby was five months old, and almost right away, I started doing doula work full time.  I ended up founding a doula team and just really went really hard into doula work for about five years after.  And I had another baby in the middle of that, as well.  And so it’s not really something I planned on, but I just – after going through the maternal healthcare system myself and experiencing the shortcomings of it myself, I really couldn’t just go back to normal life, you know?  Motherhood just changed me and altered me, and it made me take action into it.  So that’s my background in this maternal health space.  What I’m doing right now is actually sort of a natural progression of that.  So it’s like, okay, gave birth, jumped in, hands-on doula work.  And at a certain point, I was just feeling like, all right, so we’re doing 50 births a year, let’s say, and that’s wonderful, and the people we were reaching were having really just incredible experiences deeply impacted by the work that they were doing within our practice.  We were running workshops.  We were – you know, it wasn’t just doula support.  It was a lot.  And then it’s like, all right, well, how do we make sure everybody can have this?  I started learning about Black maternal mortality in our country and that four times as many Black women are dying as white women.  I learned that 12 times as many Black women are dying in New York City, my city, versus white women.  And I started really just waking up to – and still it’s sort of an unfolding, right, as a white person to wake up to this sort of thing – I started waking up to the inequities that exist in our country.  I started realizing that the reason why people aren’t hiring doulas isn’t necessarily because they don’t know about us.  It’s becoming a lot more popular.  Often it’s because they don’t have the money and they don’t have access to our care.  And so I thought, well, how can I change that?  How can I do that?  Without doing what somebody else is doing, like, what can I create?  What can I add to this plethora of all these intelligent, creative beings that are working on this?   And I started thinking about something I think – I wonder if you can relate to and what many people that are listening can relate to, which is, like, this idea that we have people walking around with, like, $900 strollers and the fanciest of baby gadgets, and they don’t have a doula because they can’t afford it.  But, like, where did they get that stroller from or that fancy baby gear?   They didn’t buy it themselves.  Their families bought it for them.  Their friends bought it for them at their baby shower.  And so I started thinking about baby showers as this point of support going towards families, but that support is coming at them in the form of thousands of dollars of baby stuff that, as anybody who’s already had a kid knows, we don’t use at least half of it, right?  It takes up space.  And then you have mothers who are – I mean, parents in general also, but really mothers who are just left behind, who are ignored, who are just sort of, okay, you had your baby.  Cool.  Go home.  We’ll see you in six weeks.  And there’s no in-home support.  There’s no support system that’s built in.  Some of us are lucky enough to have one.  Some of us are lucky enough to have thousands of dollars to pay for one.  But the vast majority of women are struggling and are going without their needs met and are going through this incredibly transformative time in our lives completely alone.  And the outcomes really support that.  Like, we are just behind as far as, if you look on an international scale, the United States is the only developed country with rising maternal mortality, 50% of which of women are dying after their babies are born, after they’ve left the hospital.  So there’s this huge gap in care, and while I don’ think Be Her Village and our gift registry is the answer to the entire maternal mortality crisis, I think it is one answer.  I think what we’re doing is offering parents a way to line up their support team ahead of time to understand thinking about support, first of all.  Like, identifying that support, and then most importantly, using Be Her Village as a gift registry to get the funds in their account to pay for that support because the support we need – doulas, lactation support, pelvic floor PTs, mental health care, birth doulas, childbirth education, community support groups and classes – all of these things are not covered by insurance, and if they are, it’s patchy and not accessible to everybody.  So with Be Her Village, we are offering parents a way to line up that support and get the funds that they’re getting from their baby shower in the form of a support team.

Kristin:  Exactly.  And can you walk us through what the experience on the platform is like?  And, yeah, for not only the pregnant individual but also for healthcare-related practitioners.

Kaitlin:  Absolutely, yes.  So we’ll start with the parents.  We created Be Her Village thinking about parents, and thinking about the people who are supporting parents.  So we want Be Her Village to feel like you’re shopping on Amazon.  We want it to feel really easy and really familiar, right, because I think as gift-buyers, like, to go do something new, it’s hard enough to get someone to go to a regular registry, right?  So we wanted to make it feel as easy as possible.  So it’s actually – it’s super simple.  You go, you create a registry, and you have two options.  You can create your own registry listings if you know who your support providers are.  You can put them right in there and register for all the different types of support that you’d like.  Or you can go into our registry guide.  You put in your location, and it populates with providers that are in your area for each different category.  And what you do is you fill out your registry and, you know, you can put acupuncture, childbirth education classes, diaper services, mental health care, doulas, that sort of thing.  Anything that you want; it’s going to look different for each person.  You connect your bank account.  It’s super simple.  It’s just a couple of steps, and then your friends and family, you can give them a registry card.  You can send them a link to your registry.  Some people put us on their invitations.  Sort of a variety of ways, but you share it with your family, and then they come and they shop like they would shop on anything else.  If you have a $500 doula, they can put $50 towards that doula.  They can give you an entire gift or a partial gift, and those funds go directly into your bank account so that you can spend it on the support that you need.  So we’re really trying to take this $12 billion that’s being spent on baby gifts, baby stuff, baby gear, and funnel that towards parents and towards support for parents.  So for providers, what we also do is we want providers to be able to use Be Her Village with their own clients.  So we’ve made it really easy for providers to create a free profile.  All of their services can be listed on that profile, and then they can share Be Her Village within their practice and with people who are thinking about using them so that they can get clients another way of raising the funds to pay for out-of-pocket costs.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  Especially during these times of COVID where family member would normally want to be very hands-on and involved after baby or babies are born, they may not be able to.  And, you know, that isolation is a real issue the last couple of years.

Kaitlin:  It is.  Kristin, when will it be over?

Kristin:  I have no idea!

Kaitlin:  I’m not even a new mom, and, like, I am feeling that, and I just feel so heartbroken for people who are growing their families and starting their families during this time.  It is not normal.  None of this is okay.  It’s just not.  I don’t have anything to, like, make it better.  It’s just – yes.  I think part of what’s so crushing about this pandemic is that moms needed support before this pandemic, and we need it now more than ever.  The hospital system is really hard to navigate, and there’s not, you know, like, library groups.  That’s where I always went when I had young kids.  You know, like, library classes and little gyms and all these places where moms would find the support of one another.  There’s just nothing like sitting in a room with someone who is in the exact same position as you or has been, like, a month before you, to make it feel okay.  And yes, absolutely, I think it’s really a struggle.  I think families are trying to keep their elderly and their older generations safe, which often means isolating them from the people that, you know, that need their support, quite frankly.  Or there’s travel restrictions.  People don’t feel safe traveling or can’t travel to come help a new parent the way they normally would.  It’s extraordinarily difficult, and now more than ever, I think we need support.  It hasn’t changed in the pandemic.  If anything, it’s just gotten – the need is more pressing.

Kristin:  And that’s exactly why we created our Becoming a Mother course, because our clients were feeling isolated.  They wanted to connect.  They didn’t feel safe connecting in person, and of course, you know, their providers and pediatricians are talking about isolating, restricting visitors after baby’s born and even in the hospital with visitor restrictions.  There has to be a way to connect, and I know you have Facebook connecting groups and you’ve done things beyond just the virtual platform and registry.

Kaitlin:  Oh, absolutely, yeah.  So we are – I mean, we’re actually – it’s an active goal of ours is to really build out that community of parents because, you know, the people who understand the need for support, the people who are starting off their parenthood journey or in the middle of their parenthood journey and are finding Be Her Village, it’s really a select crowd, you know?  It’s really, like, people that are thinking about themselves and thinking about their baby’s needs as their needs, too.  Right?  Like, it’s not just about the baby.  It’s about the dyad of the parent/baby relationship.  And so we are finding more and more ways with our Facebook groups, and we’re going to start introducing some virtual events soon of just, like, let’s get together in a room and let’s connect because it’s really special to have, you know, other people who are likeminded and who understand that need for support.  It’s a completely different way of thinking, quite honestly.  We have this reel that’s going viral right now or, I guess, went viral on Instagram, and it has 2.2 million views the last time I checked.  It’s kind of wild, because we, like, put it up – we put reels up all the time, and nothing happened.  And then three weeks later, I don’t know what happened in the Instagram algorithm, but it just started taking off.  But the comments are so revealing because there’s so many people in the comments telling us – telling me, telling Janelle, telling us as Be Her Village, that we’re just – that we are being ungrateful and that we don’t deserve support as mothers, that if you become a mother, you’re on your own.  And it’s just, like, this toxic poison out there.  And it’s like, well, you know, you get what you get and you don’t get upset.  And I’m like, literally about write a dissertation on, like, people-pleasing and how it creates – and how telling little girls that creates people-pleasing women, you know, and how we just need to stop and just recognize that.  And so I feel like it’s tough because there’s so much that needs to shift, and a lot of it needs to shift within us.  So to find other people that already sort of have this basic understanding of motherhood should not be punishment, and it’s not something that’s done alone, but it’s something that we do within a community and interdependence and being uplifted by others is not just a way, it’s the way.  It’s the only way.  It’s the only way anything moves forward, and I think there’s just a really unique set of people that understand that right now, and we’re growing that awareness as we go.  But I think as a new mom, it can be really – there’s nothing better than finding your people, you know?  Than finding people that really understand the experience that you’re going through, and I think that’s so valuable.  So the course that you guys are doing, it’s just – I think the more options and the more access that new parents, especially in a pandemic but always, have to connection and support is – there can’t be too many, for sure.

Kristin:  Exactly.  And I feel like, you know, again, there’s this hustle and bustle in the US about getting your body back into shape, not asking for help, just getting back to work as soon as possible, and so much pressure compared to traditional cultures where they support families for at least the first 30 days, some into a year.

Kaitlin:  Yes.  So we were on NPR, and I had to do a presentation as part of the NPR fellowship, and I did research into what other countries have.  And let me tell you, Kristin, it is, like, mind-boggling.  There’s this, like, strange American individualism that is, quite frankly, toxic.  This whole, like, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, like you can do it, and if you don’t, you’re on your own.  I don’t get it.  I think I probably should have been born in Europe or something.  I don’t know.  But I just don’t get it.  I don’t get this idea that we are completely on our own and that if we are failing that, like, we’re bad.  You know?  And I just don’t – I just think that, like, if you look at any other developed country besides the United States, mothers are thriving.  They’re thriving.  And that’s not to say that things aren’t, like, needing improvement.  But their maternal mortality rates are down and dropping, whereas ours are up and climbing, which is unacceptable right there.  But maternal mortality is really – like, the mortality, mothers dying, is one end of a spectrum, right?  So, like, yeah, women – maybe more women are surviving, but, like, are they thriving?  Is their mental health intact?  Are our pelvic floors intact?  Are we breastfeeding at the rates that we’d like to be?  Are we losing income?  Do we have paid maternity leave?  Like, there’s just so many pieces of this puzzle that we need to address, and instead of thinking of it as, like, I was able to get through this, it’s like, well, I deserve – I deserve – I shouldn’t have to be strong.  I shouldn’t have to know all of these things.  I shouldn’t have to have $10,000 to hire the best support team.  It should just be the way.  It should be easy for mothers to become mothers and to stay whole and be supported every step of the way.  And so that’s the world I’m working towards, where we’re normalizing mothers being supported, where we’re normalizing thinking about them as we’re gifting.  When we think of making a gift for a baby shower, usually it’s because you want to help.  You want to make it easier for that family as they transition.  And so with Be Her Village, what we’re doing is we’re saying, well, there is a way.  There’s a way for you to give a gift that will be meaningful and impactful and will really help this family as they transition and welcome this baby.

Kristin:  So much better than clothes that they’ll outgrow or an extra baby blanket.

Kaitlin:  Yes.  Kristin, let me tell you, we are making so many baby blanket makers very angry on Instagram.  They’re very offended.

Kristin:  Oh, no.

Kaitlin:  It’s okay.  We’re going to make people mad because we’re saying something that’s kind of a big deal.  You know, it shouldn’t be a big deal to say moms deserve support and, hey, why don’t we gift them some support for their baby shower, but there’s lot of people that are really suck in their ways and stuck in, well, you have to – you know, you have to gift people this thing, or I used this gadget.  What people don’t understand, though, is, like, baby showers were created by the baby gift industry.  They created it as a ritual so that they could sell their stuff.  It’s really all created and manufactured, and I think that what we’re trying to do with Be Her Village is in line with what you guys are doing.  It’s like, it’s about getting back to the basics of coming together and supporting the mother and focusing on what actually matters.  And the truth is, a bunch of plastic gear that you may or may not use is not really the thing that new parents need.

Kristin:  No.  So, we are running out of time, but feel free to give our listeners any last tips or advice about this amazing and terrifying journey into motherhood.

Kaitlin:  Yeah.  What would my advice be?  I would just say – there’s so many things that come to mind.  I would say to, if nothing else, look at your baby as needing first and foremost a well-supported caregiver.  And so when you think about how can I care for my baby, it’s how can I care for myself.  Oxygen mask goes on you first so that then you can take care of them because, I mean, it’s really – that’s what it comes down to is that we have to care for the parents so that they have the energy and the stability and the joy in parenting that they deserve and that the baby deserves.  So please, think about yourself.  Think about your support team.  Create a support plan.  You can go to Be Her Village, find out more about types of support available and create your registry and start getting the funds to pay for that support that you deserve.

Kristin:  Exactly.  Beautiful.  And so you’re on quite a few social platforms.  Outside of your website, how else can our listeners connect with you?

Kaitlin:  Great.  So definitely   We are also on Instagram, and Janelle, who’s actually a former doula client turned friend turned employee with Be Her Village, she does reels every week, and they are hilarious.  So definitely go check out our Instagram if you’re not following us there.  We’re also on Facebook, and so we have Be Her Village community group for professionals and families and support, not just actively pregnant people but, you know, their parents, grandparents, that sort of thing.  And we also have Be Her Village professionals group for any professionals that are looking to network there.  We are also on Facebook.  We have a Facebook page.  And we have a podcast, as well, actually.  You can find us on podcast apps pretty much everywhere.  And we do a little bit different from this.  We talk to both parents and professionals.  It’s a mishmash of the two, talking about the types of support that are available because I have to be honest, I’ve been a mom for almost ten years, which is absolutely nuts to say, and I have three kids, and I’ve been a doula for seven years, and I’m still kind of learning.  Sometimes I get surprised about the types of support that are available and, like, the real nuance behind how important it is and what people are doing.  So I learn a whole lot doing those podcasts.  Really, really fun.

Kristin:  Well, thank you so much, and I love everything you’re doing and appreciate your insight, Kaitlin.

Kaitlin:  Of course, Kristin.  Thank you so much for being part of this and for inviting me.  I just love the work that you’re doing, and I think that the only way forward as an industry, and now I’m talking to birth professionals, is to work together.  And so I’m really grateful for you for the invitation.

Kristin:  Yeah, it’s so true, and we’re very thankful to be on your platform, and the Facebook support group has been great.  So really appreciate it.

Kaitlin:  Excellent.  Wonderful.  Thank you so much.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

The Importance of Registering for Services: Podcast Episode #142 Read More »

Kelly of Gold Coast Doulas poses in a white chair wearing a colorfully striped top and black blazer

Talking Formula Shortages with Kelly, IBCLC: Podcast Episode #141

Kristin and Kelly discuss the formula shortage and share resources to help families during this stressful time.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin.  I’m co-host of Ask the Doulas and owner of Gold Coast Doulas, and I’m joined today by Kelly Emery.  Welcome, Kelly!

Kelly:  Hi, how are you?  Good morning.

Kristin:  Great.  Good morning.  So I would love for you to introduce all of your amazing skills and trainings to our audience as an RN and international board-certified lactation consultant.

Kelly:  Yeah, I am a registered nurse, and I’m an IBCLC, like you said, a lactation consultant.  It is the highest certification that there is in lactation.  And I, a long time ago, like back in the ‘90s, I was a doula, so I was a certified doula, as well, both postpartum and birth doula, and then that kind of morphed into lactation.  I went back to nursing school, and yeah, I’ve been doing this I guess about 27 years.  Yeah, helping moms breastfeed, yeah.

Kristin:  You helped me with my kids, and I’ve taken your breastfeeding class.  It’s amazing.  Such a great resource.  And yeah, you were a doula before doulas were even known, especially in the postpartum end of things.

Kelly:  Yeah.  There were two of us.  There was one in Zeeland and me, and we found each other, thank goodness.  We worked together and we encouraged each other, but people didn’t even know what the word doula was.  It was so much different back then.  It’s so refreshing to see it explode nowadays.

Kristin:  Yes, for sure.  So we are going to chat about the formula shortage, since that is, you know, the biggest news item, and as far as Facebook group activity, I’m seeing so much interaction and so many questions related to feeding options.  So I would love to hear your perspective on things.  I know it all started with the recalls through Abbott, and then just supply and demand.  It reminds me of early in the pandemic with toilet paper.  So people are stocking up, which then creates even more of a shortage.  So what are your thoughts?

Kelly:  My first thought is just my heart goes out to these poor parents.  Not only to have a baby during the pandemic, but now this.  It just makes my heart break that any mother in this very wealthy country would have to worry about this.  It really stinks, and I feel sorry that it’s going on.

Kristin:  Exactly.  So I would love to hear your thoughts on safe and unsafe options for families if they’re really struggling to find formula on the shelves or to afford some of the premium prices.  I know we can now get European formulas due to the shortage, and some of those costs can be prohibitive for a lot of families.

Kelly:  Yeah, it is expensive.  First of all, reaching out to WIC if you are on WIC and also to your pediatrician to see if they have any, because things change daily.  So to see if they have any recourses that can – any samples, anything at all that they can help you get by until this passes.  If you are lactating right now, like if you have any milk at all, or if you wanted to relactate, that would be, again, getting in touch with a lactation consultant or a lactation person through WIC, as well, if you’re a client of WIC.  Reaching out to find someone that specializes in lactation and so they can help you relactate if that’s what you choose to do.  If you don’t choose to provide breastmilk, like pump or lactate or relactate or any of that, and you wanted to use formula, I would recommend making sure that you follow the package instructions.  One thing that’s really not recommended at all because it can cause electrolyte imbalances and just really bad things happening medically is to water down the formula.  Totally understand why someone would want to because it makes sense that it would go longer, but it’s not recommended for the baby’s health to do that.

Kristin:  Totally agree.  So I’m also seeing a lot of activity from people about, you know, using milk or goat’s milk and saying that they did that back in the day in the ‘70s or ‘80s.  What are your thoughts on some of this information that’s being shared widely on social media?

Kelly:  Yeah, it is true.  I’ll tell you – I mean, I was born in the ‘60s, and I did have cow’s milk with – and I shudder to think now.  I mean, things were really bad.  I had cow’s milk with chocolate milk in it.  Like, that powdered chocolate milk, and I tell that story to moms just thinking, like, yes, I did make it through, but I was hospitalized.  I was failure to thrive.  I had a lot of – it wasn’t just a great thing.  It wasn’t as wonderful as oh, chocolate milk, that sounds great.  It’s not what an infant at that stage needs before 12 months.  You know, there’s so much brain development going on and other things that their kidneys can and can’t process, and so many medical things that we know now that we didn’t know back in the ‘60s and before then is that if your breastmilk is the number one choice, your own breastmilk.  Donor milk would be choice number two, and then formula that has been specifically designed for infant development and brain development and all that would be option number three.  So the home recipes of goat milk and all of that, it’s not recommended right now or any time, actually.  I mean, yes, I know back in maybe 1920 they did it, but it doesn’t mean that it was safe.

Kristin:  Thanks for clearing that up.  And a lot of people are looking for donor milk from either milk banks or trusted resources.  People are also selling their breastmilk.  And so what are your thoughts on finding safe donor milk as an option?

Kelly:  Yeah, that is something that has been done since time began, is mothers would share their milk.  If it’s not their sister or their aunt or somebody in the village was always lactating, and they would help that way, especially if the mother died in childbirth.  You know, someone would step in because we didn’t have formula.  And so that is an option.  I know that a lot of moms are looking for that.  They’re looking at their sisters or their cousins or even on the internet for human milk for their human babies, so I totally understand that.  But you should have a good conversation with your pediatrician or lactation consultant or somebody about the risks and benefits.  There’s always risks and benefits to getting milk that’s not yours, like providing milk to your baby that’s not yours.  There’s screening that typically is done.  Like, when you – there is a milk bank.  There are milk banks out there that you can sometimes purchase it, but I think those milk banks are typically for babies who are in the NICU right now and that they have a shortage themselves, so it’s going to be – the last I knew, it was, like, $5 an ounce to get that.  So it’s pretty cost-prohibitive to purchase human milk from a milk bank where they’ve gone through the screening process, the pasteurization and all of that.  So looking on the internet to get it, like, I totally would not recommend buying it.  The reason being is as this generation knows, what you’re seeing on the internet is not always the truth, and it could be someone who is saying, oh, I’ve got this milk, and I just want to be paid for it, which I totally get that, but it could be someone who’s just diluting it down with cow’s milk or putting something in it.  You know, unless you have a lab that you can really see what’s in it.  There have been cases of that where unfortunately, you know, motivated by money, if someone has ten ounces of milk they’re producing, and maybe they’re pumping ten ounces and they want to sell that, but then they add ten more ounces of cow’s milk.  Then they’ve just doubled their profits.  So just be very, very careful about getting into that sort of situation.  And then again for screening, you know, there are some things that can – diseases, disorders, that sort of thing – that can get through the breastmilk to your baby.

Kristin:  And also medications can.

Kelly:  Yeah, medications that you don’t know, maybe someone that is taking an antibiotic or an antidepressant that’s not compatible.  Most of them are, by the way, but some sort of psychiatric medication that maybe they’re embarrassed to tell you that they’re taking, but they are taking it.  And that they don’t reveal that to you, and now that’s in this milk.  So those are, of course, rare conditions.  Most people who are wanting to donate milk come from a very good place, you know, a very good heart, and they just want to help other women.  That’s the majority of people, you know.  But sometimes they may not know that they have a disorder or disease, either, or an infection.  You know, something like that.  They might not even know that they have it and then are passing it on to you, as well.  So just something to consider.  Like, their lifestyle, what medications they take, have they been screened for different diseases, and all that.  Just a very candid conversation about that.  There is another thing that I don’t see a lot of people talking about, the ability to kind of pasteurize your milk.  And there’s an Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine International, actually, but it’s just made up of physicians who are interested in breastfeeding, so it’s pediatricians and family medicine docs and obstetricians, and they do come up with protocols around breastfeeding and all of that.  So they do have an academy – or they do have a protocol on informal milk sharing that people can check out, and it’s just the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine.  There’s a 2017 physician statement on informal breastmilk sharing for the healthy term infant.  So they can definitely Google that or I can give you the link for that.  But there is a process, too, of basically home-pasteurizing any kind of donated breastmilk.  So it’s like you – it’s a flash heating method that also would kill certain bacteria and viruses that would potentially be in it.  Now, it may affect some of the quality of the breastmilk, but it would still be preferable than definitely, like, goat’s milk or something like that or watering down your milk.

Kristin:  So let’s talk more about getting supply up for breastfeeding moms or relactating if you have weaned and want to be able to create milk for your baby.

Kelly:  Yeah, that would be the ideal.  The ideal situation is helping with relactation, which I actually have during this crisis is helping moms relactate.  Sometimes it’s a pain in the butt, but sometimes they’re very effective of using an SNS at the breast, which is a little tube that runs alongside your breast, and it has formula or donated milk in it, but it gets the baby back to the breast and thinking that there’s milk coming out.  Because there’s nothing like a baby at your breast to help bring back your milk supply or increase your milk supply.

Kristin:  Agreed, versus a pump, for sure.

Kelly:  Yeah.  I mean, the baby has to be willing and open to latching, of course, after they’ve already been on – but they’re a part of this team, as well, so they have to latch on.  But if they latch on and they start getting a flow of some sort of milk, then usually they will stay there, and when they stay there, they are stimulating the nipple and the breast to bring more milk.  It’s not an overnight thing where all of a sudden your milk is going to come right back up, but usually over time of doing that, moms can see an increase in milk supply, and then you would gradually decrease the milk that you’re supplementing with, and then the baby takes over from there.  Now, if the baby won’t latch, even if you do have, like, a supplemental nursing system, then there’s pumping.  Then that would be another option to do is to do pumping about 8 to 12 times a day.  It’s a pretty big commitment, but you really have to call up that milk.  You know, there are certain stretch receptors on the areola and the nipple that need to be stimulated to send a message to your pituitary to release certain hormones that help drive milk supply.  So somebody or something, like either the baby or the pump, stimulating mom on a pretty regular basis to help your pituitary know, oh, yeah, you want some milk?  Okay.  I’m going to get right on there.  And then your milk starts coming up and up and up.  That would be kind of the first line of process, I guess, of trying to get the milk back up, if it’s low or if they wanted to relactate.

Kristin:  Excellent info.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  So as far as – I’ve been getting questions from clients who are currently pregnant or students in our Becoming a Mother course and wanting to ensure that they have a good supply with this shortage and worried about, you know, supplementing.  What is your advice to have a strong start with breastfeeding and how can you prepare from, say, that 36 week mark on?

Kelly:  First of all, I would get prepared with knowing how your breasts work.  I am a huge proponent of really understanding your body and how lactation works, in your baby but also in your own body.  Knowing from inside out.  It’s something that we don’t really learn a lot about in our sex ed classes in middle school is our breasts and how they work.  When you get a better understanding of how milk supply is driven and how this works as a mammal – like, we’re all mammals, you know, but we don’t really – we kind of skip over the fact that we have these breasts on us that are kind of just hanging there waiting for our baby to be born.  But then things kick in, but then it’s hard to learn something – I mean, you can learn it on the go, but I highly recommend getting at least some sort of basic knowledge ahead of the time, like right now before your baby comes, so you can hit the ground running.

Kristin:  Right, like taking your breastfeeding class so you fully understand.  It’s very comprehensive.

Kelly:  Yeah.  Yeah, I have a three-hour class both in person through Gold Coast Doulas on that Saturday Series but also if they can’t make that, there’s a course that I have that you can, course by course, take it at your own pace and learn, and I go deep into the anatomy and physiology of how this all works.  So getting prepared ahead of time, and then even ahead of time getting the number of a good lactation consultant that you can call right away.  So breastmilk in the first two weeks is a pretty critical time for getting your milk supply up and running.  It’s not impossible if you wait longer, but the first two weeks are a pretty important time for stimulating your milk supply, getting baby on.  Like, a lot of things go on when you’re first starting.  So having somebody there to kind of help guide you and answer your questions and just kind of review things with you is just so important.  Like, most of the moms I work with later on, they say invariably, I wish I had called you sooner, just because learning something ahead of time is always the way to go if you can.  And then if you are going to give birth in a hospital, to make sure that you ask for lactation help there, as well.  Like, right from that first latch, ideally in that first hour after delivery, getting some help and setting the stage there while you’re even in the hospital, if you’re going to be in the hospital.

Kristin:  What are your thoughts on expressing milk and trying to get your milk to come in?

Kelly:  You mean, before baby?  Before baby’s born?  There’s a little bit of – like, if you have gestational diabetes, or if you have some – there’s a little bit of research out there saying that it sometimes helps.  Not only can you collect it and save it later if baby needs to be supplemented – and this study was done, that I know of, anyway, was moms who had gestational diabetes or type 1 diabetes, as well, or type 2.  Any kind of, like, insulin resistance or diabetes like that.  And then if the baby – because if you do have diabetes after your baby comes out, they probably will be checked for blood sugar to make sure that they’re handling the transition out of the womb into the big bad world, you know, with their blood sugar.  So then you can use your milk to supplement with instead of formula in those cases if you have it.  So it’s also kind of good not only to collect breastmilk and save it for later, but also you getting really confident with hand expression and how to handle your breast, because that’s another thing we probably have never done is hand expression on ourselves.

Kristin:  Exactly.

Kelly:  So, like, just getting comfortable with it, getting used to it, knowing where to put your hands and all that.  Those sorts of things are another benefit of doing it.  As a disclaimer, you should talk to your midwife or your doctor ahead of time if you’re at risk for – you know, I wouldn’t start pumping eight times a day, that’s for sure.

Kristin:  Right, definitely not.

Kelly:  Remember those stretch receptors I was telling you about.  Like, when we are manipulating our breast like that, we are releasing oxytocin which makes your milk let down, but it also contracts your uterus.  So if you have any kind of, you know, situation where it’s not safe to have sex, like any kind of bedrest –

Kristin:  Bedrest, yes.  Heart conditions.

Kelly:  Yeah.  You would definitely want to talk to your doctor ahead of doing that, but usually it’s completely fine and safe to do it.  But if you have any special situations, to run it by.  But yeah, that’s – some moms wish to do that, and some don’t.  And, you know, the nurses hopefully in the hospital will show you how to hand express, too, so there’s that on the job training that you’ll get, like, right afterward, as well.  But again, if you can be prepared ahead of time, it’s always recommended.

Kristin: Yes.  I mean, especially if baby gets, you know, sent to the NICU and you’re struggling with, you know, trying to get your supply in.  I know you helped me a lot when my daughter was in the NICU with glucose issues, so just trying to develop my supply when she was, you know, started out with enhanced formula.

Kelly:  Yeah.  It’s tricky, and just being prepared for everything.  And you just get – if your baby is born early or if there’s some sort of medical issue, you’re just kind of swept away into so much stuff that the nurses and doctors and everybody has to do.  It can be overwhelming.  So it’s overwhelming to learn a new skill at that time.  If you already know how to work your pump, if you already know how to do hand expression, if you kind of already have some sort of, you know, bearing about you to do that, then it usually is less stressful.

Kristin:  Very helpful.  And so a lot of your tips that you discuss as far as relactating are also helpful for increasing supply again.  Seeing a lactation consultant, pumping in addition to feeding.  Any recommendations on when to pump if you are currently breastfeeding?

Kelly:  Yeah, whenever it’s feasible.  I always start there because moms are going to – I can give a million recommendations, but if it’s not really going to work into her lifestyle – if she has six kids and she’s homeschooling them all and her mother has dementia – you know, like, there’s so many things in a woman’s life that sound good on paper, but if it’s not really something that she can realistically, you know, do in her life, then that’s – any recommendations I give are going to fall flat.  So it’s kind of whatever – the more stimulation the better.  So however she can work that into her life.  Some moms say, you know, getting out of the shower, I’m already naked there.  I can – if I have a hand pump, I can do that, or if I can hook up to a pump while I’m drying my hair.  Or sometimes I have moms recommend that they feed on one side, then when they switch baby to the other side, they single pump on the one they left off on, because they have to sit there anyway, you know, feeding on side two.  You might as well be kind of doing some extra stimulation.  It’s almost like you have twins at that point, you know, putting another baby on the other side, if you can maneuver it.  So we work with ways to help moms maneuver that.  That’s one strategy.  The only one that I don’t recommend is pumping, of course, right before latching, because then the baby’s going to get frustrated if you took out a bunch of milk.  So usually it’s afterward, and I tell moms afterward – I mean, if baby’s content at that time and your shirt’s off anyway.  Even if you just jump on for five or ten more minutes, that’s going to do something for kind of calling up the extra milk.  Even if you don’t get a lot out, it will snowball if you do it over time, you know?

Kristin:  Exactly.  I’ve also had questions related to supply and illness, so whether it’s COVID or food poisoning or the flu, and so there’s so many different, you know, sources and answers, but students in the Becoming course are asking me questions about, say, you know, food poisoning, or someone is wondering if they have the stomach bug or COVID, can they still feed their baby; things like that.

Kelly:  Oh, yes, 100%, you can.  Any virus that you get, and COVID included, your body is going to make antibodies against it, just even the common cold, and then put that into the milk for your baby.  There’s no reason that you have to stop breastfeeding at all.  And even with food poisoning – that is not – that bacteria that was in your food that made you sick like that is not going to get to the baby.  Now, one of the things with food poisoning, especially, or if you get sick with any kind of flu or any kind of thing where you stop eating and drinking and you’re vomiting and you have diarrhea and it’s really bad, you can get dehydrated pretty quickly.  Then your milk supply will go down.  I’ve had some moms even just recently that they got sick and they recovered from it, but their supply took a hit.  And then I still ask them, well, how many times – I always ask how the baby’s peeing and pooping and all that, but I ask mom how many times are you peeing and what color is it, and they say, well… I say, are you peeing at least six times a day?  That’s kind of my minimum.  “Oh, no, like maybe three times a day I’m peeing, you know, and it’s really dark and concentrating.”  Well, that’s going to be a quick, easy, free fix is to increase your water intake.  If your pee is dark – not that you have to flood yourself with water to make breastmilk, but being at least hydrated will help your milk – I mean, being dehydrated will decrease it, usually.

Kristin:  Absolutely.  Certainly.  I mean, I have a friend who’s had COVID in her entire family, and she was breastfeeding, and baby was the only one to stay healthy.  So it can really be a benefit to baby’s immunity and also keep your supply up if you’re worried about the formula shortage and so on.

Kelly:  Yeah.  Yeah, I mean, as long as the mom’s up for it.  If she’s really sick, that makes it difficult, but other family members – you know, even if she can lay in bed and someone can bring the baby to her all the time and take care of the baby, that would be beneficial for the baby.

Kristin:  Very helpful.  So how can our listeners and clients and students find you, Kelly, outside of, of course, through the Gold Cost website and of course our breastfeeding class?  You have a back to work pumping class.  And with Gold Coast, you do in-home and in-office consultations?

Kelly:  I do.  I do telehealth, as well.  I have a website, and I do classes every other month through Gold Coast Doulas, starting to do them in person, which is great.  Haven’t done that in a while.  So those are, you know, depending on COVID numbers, but that’s one way that they can see me in person, which is great because they can ask me questions that way.  And then I have, yeah, like the online course where they can take it at their own pace, and they would have access to it for years, so they can always go back and say, oh, what did she say about mastitis, or what did she say about weaning or whatever, you know.  And that’s always helpful.  But yeah, I’m just around the West Michigan area, but with telehealth, I’m everywhere.

Kristin:  That’s amazing, so anyone can see you regardless of where they live or take your course.  You’re also a big part of our Becoming a Mother course.  You have quite a few expert videos on different feeding-related topics, so we’re thrilled to have your expertise there.  And also as far as other topics, I would love to chat with you in the future about that – not only your back to work pumping class, but we’ll have to do a podcast on transitioning back to work and, you know, workplace regulations regarding women and pumping and so on.

Kelly:  Yeah, it’s always something on a women’s minds, you know, and it’s changed a little bit during COVID that moms are staying home, but now they’re starting to go back sometimes or do a hybrid model, and there’s a lot of questions that come along with that with pumping.

Kristin:  Exactly.  And we should mention that you take insurance, self-pay, health savings, flex spending, all of those things.

Kelly:  Yes, all of those things, and I’m adding and starting to add more insurance companies as I go along, too, so trying to figure all that out so there’s more options for everybody.

Kristin:  That’s amazing.  So how can our listeners who want in-person lactation support find a trust IBCLC in their area?

Kelly:  Yeah, you can go  If they’re in the United States, of course.  So

Kristin: Perfect.  Very helpful.  Well, thank you so much, Kelly.  It’s been great to chat with you about this important topic, and I hope our listeners and readers find some of the support that they need during this time.

Kelly:  Yeah, for sure.  Thank you so much for having me.

Kristin:  Thanks.  Have a great day.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.


Talking Formula Shortages with Kelly, IBCLC: Podcast Episode #141 Read More »

Woman sitting in the grass wearing a pink top and scarf

Benefits of Baby Massage: Podcast Episode #140

Kristin chats with Helen Thompson about the benefits of baby massage and the bonding that it provides for parents and the newborn.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I am joined today by Helen Thompson with My Baby Massage.  Welcome, Helen!

Helen:  Thank you!  It’s lovely to be here, and I always love talking about baby massage and other things.  So thank you for having me.  I’m looking forward to the chat.

Kristin:  So I would love for you to fill our listeners in on your rich history working with newborns as well as children.  I know in our prior conversations, you have 30 years of working in the baby and, you know, the field of children and babies, as well as your time in the baby massage field since 2010.  Am I correct in that?

Helen:  Yes, you’re correct in that.

Kristin:  So fill us in on why you became passionate about baby massage.

Helen:  Well, I actually come from a childcare background.  As you say, I’ve been the childcare industry since 1988, and I recently, sort of around 2010, came across so many moms who were asking about things like colic, constipation, and they were getting frustrated about it, and they asked if there was anything else they could do.  So I dived into some bit of research and discovered the wonderful tips about baby massage.  So I decided to train in baby massage in 2010, and haven’t looked back since.  It’s been wonderful because I’ve actually been able to serve and support moms one on one with baby massage, which has been fantastic, and it’s great.  It’s great.  They have so many different benefits.

Kristin:  And I know, not only do you do one on one support, but you also have a very strong presence online.  Tell us about that, as well.

Helen:  I have a website, and I have courses on there.  I have a free introduction course that people can register on.  I also have Zoom classes, which I do online as well, and I also have a colicky baby 101 course, which is a virtual course that anybody can do.  I’m just – I’m present on video, but I’m not present in person as such.  It’s completely virtual.

Kristin:  That’s great.  So anyone can join, no matter where they live in the world?

Helen:  Exactly.  And that’s including the introduction and also the Zoom courses, but if you want something more virtual where you can do it on your own in your own home without me sort of being there, well, the colicky baby 101 course is probably fit for you.  Sorry.  That didn’t make sense, did it?

Kristin:  Oh, it’s perfect.  So tell us a bit about how baby massage, for our listeners who aren’t familiar with it – I personally used it with my firstborn, and it was very helpful.  She was a NICU baby and had a lot of issues with colic and digestion and feeding.  So yeah, fill us in on how it can be helpful and at what point in the newborn phase a parent should begin that process.

Helen:  Well, I’ll start with saying what phase the parent can begin baby massage.  They can basically begin baby massage from newborn – well, I say newborn up to eight months.  However, you can still massage your baby when they’re toddlers.  But I like to mainly focus on until they’re crawling because that way, once they’re crawling, they’re more interested in stuff going on around them.  They don’t really want baby massage at that stage.  And I also – good for things like colic, as you mentioned.  And it also helps with sleep, you know, helping with sleep.  It helps with digestion.  And it also helps with hand-eye coordination and body awareness, and it helps with their development.  And it can also help with teething, as well, amongst many other things.

Kristin:  It’s amazing.  So any tips for our listeners about how to find, if they want an in-person practitioner, how to find a qualified baby massage practitioner?

Helen:  That’s a very interesting question because different parts of the world, you may have different.  But if you look under baby massage, you will find lots of different trainers that actually offer the course, as well.  If you want virtual ones, just go to my website, and you would be able to get a qualified practitioner.

Kristin:  Wonderful.  And then as far as colic, that is a common concern with many of our doula clients, and you had mentioned that you have a course on helping colicky babies.  Fill us in about understanding colic, how baby massage can help, and any other tips and tricks you have.

Helen:  Okay.  Well, colic, as you know, can be very disturbing for a mom, as well as for a baby, because they have a sort of witching – from my understanding of colic is they have a witching period, I think, where babies just cry constantly, uncontrollably, and they’re really congested, and they’re really stuck.  You know, they can’t – they’re just – they’re blocked up in their tummy.  So what baby massage does to help with the colic is by – there are certain – in the course that I run, I give moms some tips on how to ease their baby’s tummy in order to release the colic and to get rid of all the air bubbles inside their tummy so that it helps to release the colic and bring it out.  In other words, pushing it out so that it, excuse the expression, goes out into poo so that they can relieve the colic.  And one of the strokes that I love doing with colic is called the I love you stroke.  That’s one of the ones that’s in the colicky baby course, amongst others, and it’s just a lovely stroke that you can do, and it’s actually helping your baby’s digestion and saying that you love them at the same time, and it helps release all those air bubbles in a baby’s tummy and helps with colic.

Kristin:  I love that you mentioned the I love you technique because, I mean, touch is so important and a way to connect with baby, and it can also be a great way for partners or husbands who may not feel as involved and connected to baby because mom is – like, Mom is feeding the baby constantly and doing, you know – because of the feeding relationship, a lot of the daily connecting.  And so tell us about how you involve partners in baby massage.

Helen:  Well, it’s very good.  I love that you say that because it’s really important for dads to be involved with massaging their baby because I think, as you said, a lot of the time, moms are the ones that are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, and moms are the ones that get up in the night to sort of feed the baby because they’re breastfeeding.  So baby massage is a great way for the partners to get involved more with the baby and have that feeling of touch, which you mentioned, because touch is so, so valuable for both the parent and the baby because it’s skin to skin, which is so, so valuable for both mother and father, but particularly more, as you mentioned, for the father.  Because then they can feel involved, because a lot of the time, they may not feel involved.  All they’re doing is maybe helping their wife or their partner, you know, changing the nappies and doing things like that.  But actually being able to physically touch the baby and massage them, I think, is really, really beneficial for the dad.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  Yeah, and then there are so many important times, whether it’s bath time or as you said, with sleep, getting baby to sleep, or even changing the clothes, that you can use some of the touch you learn with baby massage during some of those daily practices and create some – I don’t necessarily want to say rituals, but some patterns that baby associates that they’re going to, you know, have some massage during, say, bath time or bed time and so on.  Do you talk about that?

Helen:  Yes, I do.  Bedtime is a good time to massage your baby because it helps them to relax, and it helps you to relax, as well.  And it also – I don’t know if you’re aware of the hormone oxytocin, which I like to call the cuddle hormone.  It’s actually – and because that way, it increases oxytocin, which is the love hormone, which helps your baby to relax.  Helps you to relax so that therefore it can help with sleep, as well, with that one.  And there’s also a hormone called – I think you pronounce it melatonin, which is the hormone that regulates a person’s body clock.  So that, when you’re massaging your baby, you’re releasing that melatonin, which helps the baby’s body clock, so you’re helping the baby to sleep more effectively, as well.

Kristin:  Yes.  Makes sense.

Helen:  And I would just say also, if you’re going to massage your baby before sleep, just make sure you do it after a bath and not before a bath, particularly if you’re using oils, because you don’t want to put your baby in the bath when he’s covered in oil because they can be very slippery.  I always say that because I just – you know, I just envision moms massaging their baby and trying to hold onto them and they slip in the bath.  So it’s always a good idea to do it after a bath, or even, if you’re not going to give them the bath, that’s fine.  Just give them the massage.  And one of the things I want to mention always is to ask permission.  That’s a big thing because baby massage is always baby led.  If the baby doesn’t want to be massaged, that doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t mean that you can’t massage your baby.  You just have to choose a time when they are open to being massaged, and there are different – well, you’ll get to know your own baby, when they’re ready to be massaged or not, but basically, they’ve got an open body position.  Well, then, that’s okay to massage.  But if they’ve got their hands against their chest, that may be saying, no, I don’t want you to massage my chest, but you can just gently massage their legs whilst changing the nappy, because that way, you’re still asking permission, but you’re just doing it gradually.

Kristin:  Now, Helen, you mentioned oils.  Are there particular – well, obviously, we have to take any sort of allergies into account, but almond oil or coconut oil, or what are some of the common baby massage oils?

Helen:  Well, you’ve mentioned two, which is almond and coconut oil.  Sesame oil is good, but not the sesame oil you get from the supermarket.  It’s got to be pure.  It’s got to be organic and mineral-free because you don’t want to put the sesame oil that you get from the supermarket, which has got lots of additives in it.  So it’s probably better to be pure and organic.  Also, I wouldn’t recommend olive oil because olive oil can be very slippery, and it doesn’t absorb on the baby’s skin.  The point of putting the oils on is that you want to let it absorb on the baby’s skin.  And I wouldn’t recommend essential oils for babies because they’re too strong, unless, of course, you speak to an aromatherapist and they give you the right quantities and do it that way.  But I personally don’t recommend essential oils because I think they’re too strong for babies.  You want your baby to smell you rather than the oil, because that’s another benefit is letting the baby smell your own and have your own scent, your own smell.  And if you’re putting essential oils in, that’s not helping the baby’s scent, if that makes sense.

Kristin:  It does.  So what do you recommend with students who have twins or triplets in finding time to connect with schedules, and how do you handle if only one parent is available, massage with multiple babies?

Helen:  That’s a good question.  I actually trained in the UK – I did a training in the UK with a company called To Baby and Beyond, and the lady I trained with actually has a course, which I haven’t personally done, but she has a course for introduction to actually train with mothers who have twins because she’s had twins herself.  So she does a routine where she actually teaches you to massage both babies at the same time.  But if I was doing it myself, to answer your question, if I was to be doing it myself, I would either suggest to the mom that they have somebody who can come in and do the massage – another person to come and do the massage, if not dad, a grandmother or aunt.

Kristin:  Maybe a doula.

Helen:  Or a doula or somebody else so that they can both be massaged at the same time, and they can both learn how to do it.  And also, one of the twins or triplets might be asleep at the time, so mom can sort of focus on one of them.  And then once the other one wakes up, the other one wants to go sleep, she can possibly massage the other one at a different time.  Does that make sense?

Kristin:  Yeah.  You had also mentioned, and I’m curious about this because it wasn’t anything I learned in the baby massage class I took, teething and how massage can be helpful.  Fill us in a bit about that.

Helen:  Well, teething is good because when you’re massaging the outside of the baby’s cheeks, you’re actually massaging the gums, and that can really, really help to soothe those teeth that are coming through.  And it also, if you massage the baby’s toes, as well – this is part of reflexology, which I’m not qualified in, but I’ve learned certain tips for baby massage.  If you massage the big toe all the way down to the little toe, that also connects to their teeth, as well, so that can actually also help with teething.  It can sort of relax the gums and help with teething.

Kristin:  Wonderful.  So any other tips for our listeners about, you know, getting themselves prepared to begin the baby massage journey?  And then I would also love to hear how we can all connect with you.

Helen:  Okay.  Well, first of all, if you want to start massaging your baby, start in a very quiet – have a very quiet space with just you and your baby.  And always massage your baby on the floor on a soft blanket, or even you can do it on one of the nappy change mats, as long as it’s on the floor, just for safety reasons.  Just put on some nice, relaxing music, and if you’re using oils, just rub your hands with a bit of oil and just look at your baby and ask them if they want a massage and watch their reaction.  Watch their body language and see if they want it or not.  And the other tips I want to say is it’s very good for your senses.  I haven’t actually mentioned that, but it’s actually very good for the baby’s senses because you’re teaching them all about communication.  You’re teaching the baby with hearing because they’re hearing your voice while you’re talking to them, and they’re hearing the tones, the different tones of your voice, and you can be singing to them while you’re massaging them, as well.  And it’s also good for their smell because it’s helping with all the oils and smelling you, and they’re getting the sense of smell around them.  And touch, as we’ve mentioned, is really, really important as well, particularly after they’ve just been born and they’ve just come out of the womb where they’ve been in that lovely warm environment.  Touching them very gently is just lovely.

Kristin:  So, Helen, as far – you mentioned your website.  But you also have an amazing podcast, and you’re doing videos and other social media that people can learn tips and tricks from you.  So fill us in on how else we can connect with you.

Helen:  Okay.  Your listeners can find out more about baby massage on my podcast, as you mentioned, which is called First Time Mum’s Chat, by going to a page on my website.  I’ve also got a free baby massage and colic routines cheat sheet that I mentioned to you, and they can find that at   And they will find all our information on the website, and they’ll find out all about the colicky baby course, baby massage routines, and colic.

Kristin:  Perfect.  And this will also be on our blog for anyone who wants to access that way.  But this is so helpful, and I look forward to taking a look at a lot of your materials and passing the word on to our doula clients as well as our students.

Helen:  I also have a baby massage Facebook page, as well, which is @burniebabymassage.  And I recently spoke to somebody who I interviewed – she’s a dancer, and we did a Facebook live together, and she talked about body awareness and brain organization and stuff and how she does that with the baby.  So I just thought I’d mention that, as well.

Kristin:  Lovely.  Yes, we can connect to that episode, as well.  Well, thank you so much for your time, Helen.  This has been so amazing to learn all of these fabulous tips about how families can connect with their baby and soothe a lot of the common ailments of constipation, colic, digestion issues, issues with sleep.  So this has been a fantastic chat.

Helen:  Well, thank you so much for having me.  I’ve really enjoyed chatting with you, too, and I look forward to chatting down the track.  And thank you so much for having me.  I really appreciated it, as well.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.


Benefits of Baby Massage: Podcast Episode #140 Read More »

Amanda Tice @AamandaTice - Curve Model & Author of The New Mom Code: Shatter Expectations and Crush It at Motherhood headshot

Amanda Tice and The New Mom Code – podcast episode #139

Amanda Tice, model and author, talks about becoming a new mom.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I am joined today by Amanda Tice.  Welcome, Amanda!

Amanda: Thank you so much for having me!  I’m very excited to be on your podcast.

Kristin:  I’m so happy to have you here!  So you are not only a successful curve model, but you’re also a mom and a body positivity advocate and the author of The New Mom Code.  So how do you balance all of that, first of all?

Amanda:  It’s been interesting.  I think the good thing about my job is that it’s not – as much as it is full time, it’s not full time when it comes to modeling, so in between, when I am traveling, I really like to write, and that’s kind of how this book was born.  But the hardest job of all, of course, is being a mom.  That’s the one that’s the most time-consuming and the one that takes up the most amount of my energy.

Kristin:  Exactly.  So you have a son, George, correct?

Amanda:  Yes, I do.

Kristin:  So how old is George?

Amanda:  George just turned five, which seems crazy to me, especially because I started writing this book when George was about 18 months old.  So, you know, it’s been a long process, which I actually think is a good thing because it helped to really give me a better perspective when I reflect on it because when you write a book over the course of a couple years, so much changes in those first few years of motherhood.

Kristin:  So true, yes.  As far as The New Mom Code, describe what the book is all about.  Obviously, it was a well-thought-out process.  So you really put some time into it.  I would love to learn more about it.

Amanda:  Sure.  So The New Mom Code is really all about dispelling the myths around motherhood, normalizing what I would consider “taboo topics” related to motherhood, and helping women tap into their own inner wisdom and thrive, which is really hard, because a lot of the books on the market, I found, at the time when I was pregnant and also that first newborn stage, were focused on parenting and not so much about what the mother was experiencing.  And so because of that, I went through all these stages of, why didn’t anyone tell me this, right?  So because of that, I felt, you know, pretty alone in my experience, even though I had a relatively good support group, because I had met some great women through my prenatal yoga class.  I just felt this sense of, what I’m going through is really hard, and no one is talking about it.  And one of the topics in particular that was one of the first chapters I wrote and made me really think hard about this book was breastfeeding, because every movie, TV show, media, display of breastfeeding is always that it’s this supremely magical, easy experience, this bonding between your child, and I just had a completely different experience.  You know, I was engorged.  I ended up exclusively pumping for the first two months.  I did nipple shields and lactation consultants, and eventually, which was kind of strange, actually, my son decided he would latch at two months old, so he’d been – I’d been exclusively pumping and bottle feeding for those first two months, and then he went back to the breast at two months.  But the whole process was exhausting.  And so I just really started thinking about, hey, moms need to know that this is not a linear path.  When it comes to motherhood in general, right?  You kind of assume, in terms of every movie you’ve ever seen, oh, you’re going to breastfeed and you’re going to have this wonderful child and all this is going to be easy.

Kristin:  It will be magical, right.  And that’s not the case.  And we don’t talk about, you know, the reality as much.  I mean, I feel like Hollywood’s depiction of the birth experience is dramatized in a negative way.  But motherhood tends to be put in such a positive light, and like you said, breastfeeding, which I struggled with breastfeeding both of my kids and had to see a lactation consultant for separate reasons.  I mean, I had a daughter in the NICU that didn’t want to breastfeed and then a son with a tongue tie.  And so, yeah, it is not as easy as you would think it would be.

Amanda:  Yeah.  The real purpose of this book for me was to talk about those topics that women didn’t really want to discuss and, you know, so I talk about breastfeeding and mom brain and burnout and postpartum sex, even preparing for the future and making sure that you are addressing things like death, which I know sounds very morbid, but you need to be prepared for the unlikely event of a catastrophe, right?  So it’s making sure that you are tapping into what you’re feeling as a mother and really getting a good understanding of what you’re going through, normalizing those feelings, and being able to use those, the things that you’re going through, to be a stronger, happier individual as well as a mother.

Kristin:  Well, your book sounds perfect for our online course, Becoming A Mother.  So we have new and seasoned moms in the course sharing the reality of not only pregnancy and birth but also especially the postnatal phase.  So I will put you on our top recommended list.

Amanda:  Yeah, that would be amazing.  I mean, the other thing that I like about this book that’s a little bit different from a lot of what else is on the market is I provide journal prompts at the end of each chapter so that you can really reflect on your own feelings.  But then in addition to that, I also provide exercises that you can do.  So a lot of books, it’s kind of like, it’s easier read or said than done, but then you leave with a question of, like, okay, well, now that I know this information, what am I supposed to do with it?  How do I put it into action?  So I really wanted to make sure that I added this element of having exercises you could do that would help you change your mindset, behavior, or perspective on each particular topic.

Kristin:  Love it.  You are obviously getting into taking care of yourself and accepting your body after giving birth.  So I know that you modeled in a swimsuit line after you had your son.  Heidi Klum’s line?

Amanda:  Yeah, so I did a segment on Access Hollywood about 16 weeks postpartum in a bikini, and that was very strange for me.

Kristin:  I bet!

Amanda:  Because, you know, your body looks and feels so different after you have a baby.  And I think there’s this assumption that oh, you know, after the baby’s born, my body’s going to bounce back.  I think the media kind of has this thing of, like, here are ways to help your body bounce back.  Here are ways to lose that postpartum baby weight.  And I think that’s just totally unrealistic, and it puts so much pressure on mothers to, you know, regain whatever body they had before baby.  But the reality is, your body just performed the miracle of life, right?  It’s gave birth to a child.  You cannot possibly expect that the body you have after a baby is going to be anything like the body you had before the baby.  The funny thing about the Heidi Klum bikini story was when I went to the casting for it, I remember putting on the bikini and coming out in front of the casting director and thinking, there is no way they are going to book me for this because in my mind, my body looks so different from what it had looked like before that I wasn’t – there wasn’t a connection.  You know, my mind-body connection was just not there yet.  So when I booked the job, I was a little anxious and panicked and concerned, as well, because I was definitely still in the thick of breastfeeding, so I was like, well, I’m going to be modeling a bikini, but yet the size and shape of my breasts are going to be fluctuating while this is all happening.  So, you know, it was an interesting job to accept, but in the long run, I’m really glad that I did it because I think that so many women need to see real bodies, right?  At the end of the day, it’s like, as much as I have felt a little self-conscious and I hadn’t really gotten on board with what my new body looked like yet, I hadn’t had that adjustment period – I felt this need to be like, okay, well, this is what it is.  Let’s be real.  Instead of trying to be something we’re not, let’s be who we are.  And the thing is, in the moment, too, I feel like it’s so important to embrace whatever your body looks like.  That’s the thing that always drives me crazy when it comes to women is we tend to look back at old pictures of ourselves and say, oh, I was so skinny and I don’t look like that anymore.  And then, you know, in that moment, I’m sure that women or whoever it is, is looking at their body and saying, oh, I could still be skinnier.  I could still be curvier, or I could have worn something more flattering.  We’re always kind of picking ourselves apart because that’s what society tells us that we’re supposed to do.  And I find it very frustrating that we have gotten into this narrative on a larger scale that we’re just not good enough.  And all bodies and shapes are sizes are different.  So we should stop trying to fit into this box, you know?

Kristin:  Exactly.  So you were one of the first curve models, and so it seems the body positivity movement didn’t come later on as many women after delivering and accepting the changes in their body, you were one of the earliest advocates?

Amanda:  Right.  For sure.  I mean, I would say there were a handful of women that came before me that are what I would consider plus-size super models.  There was Em.  You know, Ashley Graham has now exploded in her career, and she was modeling probably five or ten years before me.  But it wasn’t really until, I would say, halfway through my career that this idea of body positivity became a little bit more acceptable.  And the interesting thing about the industry, too, is throughout the course of my modeling career, I probably – I’ve been anywhere from a size 8 to a size 16, and, you know, there are constantly shifts in the industry in terms of, oh, well, we want curvy to be a 12.  Oh, we want curvy to be a 16.  Or, oh, we don’t really – we just want you to have, like, larger breasts and larger hips, but we really want you to be, like, an 8, 10.  So, you know, there’s – and I have always been someone who has said, I am not going to gain or lose weight as a curve model.  I will just be whatever I’m going to be in that moment, and you can – as the agency, it’s your job to work me at that size.  But, I mean, so many other models that I work with had such a hard time with that because they would have consistent clients, and they’d be a size 14, and then those clients would all of a sudden say, oh, well, we’re going to start using a size 16 now.  So then they would try to make themselves larger.  And then the industry would shift and be like, oh, well, we want a 12.  And then they had no possible way of all of a sudden losing 30 pounds, right?

Kristin:  Exactly.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Amanda:  So it’s interesting.  The fashion industry has its way of picking trends and sticking to them for short periods of time.  But I will say I have been happy to see within the past, I would say, two to three years, that this whole body positivity movement really seems to be sticking.  So if you look back, too, at some of the plus-size models from the beginning of when I started modeling, whenever you had a plus-size model, they always wanted to make you naked.  So, you know, every editorial you would see would be these plus-size models, like, all sitting next to each other with no clothes on.  And I’d be like, well, why is it that just because we’re curvy, we have to be naked, you know?  What is with that?  I mean, sure, you’re trying to say, oh, your bodies are beautiful or glorified, but it didn’t help to push the, okay, well, let’s incorporate plus-size models into high fashion.  Let’s make sure that they’re being represented where they need to be.  I mean, it’s been an interesting shift to see it go, but I love that I can now walk into a Target, and I can see an unretouched photo of a plus-size model in a bathing suit.  I mean, that’s, like, a huge –

Kristin:  That’s a big change.

Amanda: — difference from when I started.

Kristin:  Yes.  And you started in another high pressure industry.  I mean, as a former TV journalist, there’s still a lot of focus on appearance and size and how you present yourself every day.  So how did that go for you, and how did you transition to modeling?

Amanda:  So the funny thing with the TV reporting business is it’s not as physically driven as you would think.  I mean, I do think in general, of course, they want you to have really great hair and makeup, but there is more of a – they put more emphasis on what your educational background is, which I think is important, and I think that’s what it should be.  So that was an interesting – I would say, speed bump in my career, because I figured out very quickly with the reporting and TV hosting that news was not going to be my thing.  I think people who are TV news reporters are amazing because you have to be emotionally detached from the stories you’re covering, and I figured out pretty quickly that I just wasn’t capable.  I’m someone who’s – I wear my emotions on my sleeve.  I’m very open.  I would just get very emotional when I would show up at these news stories and people would be upset.  So I figured out pretty quickly that news was not going to be for me.  But after I transitioned out of news, I went into more of, like, I would say, entertainment, lifestyle reporting.  And that was really fun, and I really enjoyed it.  I was doing a tech segment for MSNBC.  I was doing some guest hosting for MTV.  But then in 2008, the economy crashed, and I was living in New York, and I had rent to pay.  So all of the clients that I had had said, hey, we’d love to keep you on, but we can pay half of what we were paying you before.  And so I started picking up kind of odd jobs, and I did a background job on a television show, which was called Lipstick Jungle.  You remember, it was with Brooke Shields?  Yes, so I was, like – it was a party scene or something, and when you’re an extra on a TV show like that, they don’t really let you leave because they need you for that day, and it needs to be consistent for their shot.  So I ended up sitting in the basement of this church for, I don’t know, six, seven hours, and the guy I sat next to happened to be a photographer, as well as an extra, because he was trying to make money, too.  And he said, hey, I really think you could be a plus-size model.  And I said, what’s a plus-size model?  I mean, I had no idea that there was even such a thing.  And he said, well, you know, I work with Wilhelmina and Ford.  I’ve shot with all these amazing plus-size models, and I think you’d be a really good fit for that market.  So I said, okay.  That’s interesting.  Not something I’d ever considered or thought of doing.  And after that extra job, he took some just random pictures of me to update my head shots, and on one rainy day, Wilhelmina had an open call, and I took those pictures to the agency, and they signed me that day.  So it completely changed my life.  I hadn’t necessarily anticipated that I was going to stop hosting and doing television and start modeling, but at the time, modeling paid so much more than hosting that I was happy to say, okay, I will take the modeling job over the hosting job.  That’s how my career was born.

Kristin:  Love it.  That is so inspiring.  So it just shows that you need to take risks in life.

Amanda:  Yeah, for sure.  And it’s funny because I feel like people underestimate how much can fundamentally change in your life in a short period of time.  I mean, my life really changed overnight just by me being proactive.  I mean, no one was saying, oh, saw me on the street and handed me a card and said you should be a model.  It was, I was proactively looking for work, and I thought, hey, maybe this could work out, and I spent the time and energy trying to pursue it.  And I was also old for being a model, so that also just goes to show you that anything is possible because I started modeling when I was 25.  Most models end their careers at 25.  And I’m still doing it now, and I’m 38.

Kristin:  So do you get into the work-life balance and important decisions that women need to make in The New Mom Code?

Amanda:  I do and I don’t.  I mean, I think the biggest thing that I talk about in the book that touches on this sort of stuff is I talk about burnout.  I talk about juggling, which I think is really important.  But I also talk about how you really need to chase your dreams as an individual, because just because you become a mother doesn’t mean that you have to give up the dreams that you have.  You can use the dreams that you have to be an inspiration to your child.  So, you know, I really do talk about all of those things, but I do talk a lot about balancing, because I talk about how to juggle and different ways you can juggle and how you deal with burnout, because I think both of those things are really important when it comes to being a working mom.

Kristin:  Exactly.  And there’s so much talk about self-care, you know, now especially with the pandemic, but burnout and really prioritizing your needs and communicating what you need from friends and family and your spouse is so important.

Amanda:  I completely agree.  And I think the thing is, too – and I’ve had a couple conversations about this on my Instagram Lives recently, but it’s the fact of asking for help.  People are always very reticent to ask for help, and we need to get over that being stigmatized.  Because for the most part, your friends and family want to help.  They’re just not really sure how to help.  So instead of allowing yourself to get to a point where you’re so severely burnt out that you are having, you know, anxiety and depression, it’s important to notice that you are getting so burnt out that you need help and recognizing when you need help and getting the help that you need.  So, you know, it’s hard to sometimes ask for help, but it makes a world of difference in your mental health if you’re willing and able to do it.

Kristin:  Agreed.

Amanda:  And I have to say – so another friend of mine who is a prenatal yoga teacher and she just recently became a doula, as well, and she’s in Santa Monica, California – she had the best idea I’d heard in a long time when it came to asking for help, which is, instead of, you know, telling your friends that you just need help, they’re not really sure what they need to do.  So what she has done, she’s created a list of things.  She sits down with her clients and says, okay, what things do you need to do throughout the day?  So does that mean you need to take the dog out?  Does that mean you need someone to take the trash out?  Does that mean you need someone to wipe down the kitchen counters?  What are those everyday, daily activities, right?  And you take them and you write down all the things that you need to do, and then you post them on your refrigerator.  So then when a friend comes over to help with the baby or wants to help you, you can say, if you could just do one of the things on my refrigerator, that would be super helpful.  Right?  Because people don’t way to say, oh, would you mind taking my trash out, right?  That feels uncomfortable.  Whereas if you just say, oh, could you do one of those things on my list, there’s no problem.  Your friend would be happy to take your trash out, right?  So I love that idea of kind of creating a list that you could either send to friends or post on your refrigerator when they came over that were actually things that would help you when you were in the thick of it or you were really burnt out.

Kristin:  Because otherwise you feel like you’re entertaining your friends, and you – if you need to feed, it’s uncomfortable to walk away.  You want your house to be spotless.  So it’s nice to really have options for our friends and family.

Amanda:  I agree.

Kristin:  So Amanda, how can our listeners find your book outside of – I know you’re, you know, number one new book on Amazon, but where else can they find The New Mom Code?

Amanda:  So you can find The New Mom Code on Barnes and Noble as well as Amazon.  And you can find it pretty much where any books are sold.  We just also did the release on iBooks as well, so pretty much any online platform, you can find it there.  And if you want to learn more about me, you can find me on Instagram @amandatice, or you can go to my website.

Kristin:  Love it.  So are you doing a book launch, or what are you doing to promote The New Mom Code?

Amanda:  So I just had a book launch party last week, which was great because it was a self-care event for moms, powered by moms.  It was great.  I had a bunch of mom-owned businesses all come together and have this amazing self-care event.  But I think for the future, I’m for sure going to be doing more book signings, and hopefully some workshops and events that are down the pipeline.

Kristin:  Well, I will share that with our doula clients and our Becoming students and our listeners when I get more info on upcoming events.

Amanda:  I’m all about it.  I’m excited for the next chapter and, you know, more than anything, I’m just really excited to get my message out because I just feel like so many new moms are struggling and feeling alone and isolated, and this book is really all about combatting that and making sure that women are really getting the attention that they deserve.

Kristin:  Exactly.  Well, I’m so happy that you put The New Mom Code out into the world.  It’s so needed.

Amanda:  Thank you.  And thank you so much for having me.  I really appreciate being on your show.

Kristin:  Yeah.  I appreciate you coming on.  Do you have any final tips for our listeners, Amanda?

Amanda: I guess my final tip is really to not lose yourself in the process of becoming a mom.  Being a mom is wonderful and I think if that is your dream is just to be the most wonderful mom you can be, that’s amazing.  But if you have other dreams and goals, it’s also important to listen to yourself and listen to your intuition and chase your own dreams, as well.

Kristin:  Very wise advice.  Thank you so much!

Amanda:  Thank you!

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

Amanda Tice and The New Mom Code – podcast episode #139 Read More »

Juliet smiling in her living room

Juliet’s Personal Preeclampsia Story: Podcast Episode #138

Juliet Meyer shares her personal preeclampsia story with Kristin that led to her work with the Preeclampsia Foundation.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I’m joined today by Juliet Meyer, and Juliet is the director of the West Michigan Promise Walk for Preeclampsia and is also involved in the Preeclampsia Foundation.  Welcome, Juliet!

Juliet:  Thank you for having me!

Kristin:  So excited to have you here.  So I would love to start out by having you share a bit about your own personal journey with preeclampsia.

Juliet:  Yeah.  First of all, I’d just like to state, you know, I’m not a medical professional.  I’m just a survivor that works with my MFM and I’m educated and trained through the Preeclampsia Foundation.  But with that, I have survived one of the hardest things I’ve gone through in life, and that was giving birth to my daughter at 30 weeks gestation, and that was due to preeclampsia.  It was a very, very long recovery.  It happened so suddenly, and it really is just so unknown to everyone who encounters this, and it’s so scary.  I was blessed to have such a great team of doctors behind me to pick up on it so quickly and get me the recovery and the help that I needed to be able to deliver my daughter safely.  It was a very long process, and they don’t take anything with this lightly, and so it’s so, so crucial for women to just be on top of this and to understand their bodies so that they can understand what to look for that doesn’t seem right to them.

Kristin:  Yes.  And so for those of our listeners who don’t know what preeclampsia is, could you give us a brief definition, the signs, and some of the risks once a birthing person develops preeclampsia?

Juliet:  Yeah.  Preeclampsia is a life-threatening disorder of pregnancy and postpartum period that can affect both the mother and the unborn baby.  All pregnancies are at risk of preeclampsia, up to 1 in 12 women who are pregnant, which is about roughly 300,000 pregnancies each year.  There are many, many different signs to look for with this.  It can accelerate quickly to a life-threatening situation.  And these symptoms can include swelling, sudden weight gain, unrelenting headaches, extreme shortness of breath, water retention, pain in the upper abdomen, and changes in vision are the big signs to look out for.

Kristin:  Yes.  So the Preeclampsia Foundation also deals with other hypertensive disorders, correct?

Juliet:  Yes.  We do a lot of work with the HELLP syndrome and eclampsia, as well.

Kristin:  And would you mind defining those, Juliet?

Juliet:  Yeah, HELLP syndrome is very similar to preeclampsia in the fact that it’s also very difficult to pick up, and that is more of hemolysis or your elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count.  Those are some of the top things with HELLP syndrome.  And eclampsia is just more of the seizures that can occur during a woman’s pregnancy or shortly after giving birth, which also can follow with preeclampsia, as well.

Kristin:  Yes.  And so as you know a bit about my story, I also had preeclampsia, but it was later in pregnancy than you experienced.  So as you stated with those numbers, it’s more common than one would think, and eclampsia is such a lesser-known experience, but I’ve had clients have eclampsia, and so I’m so grateful for the work the Foundation’s doing and the education that you’re providing on all the hypertensive disorders.

Juliet:  Yes.  We are so happy to have created this Foundation back in 2000.  We are the only national 501(c)(3) nonprofit patient advocacy organization serving the 5 to 8% of pregnant women, and so we really pride ourselves in our medical board that oversees everything we do with the top medical and scientific experts in preeclampsia and HELPP and eclampsia, as well.

Kristin:  So it’s not only research-based, and you have information not only for pregnant individuals but also for healthcare professionals, correct?

Juliet:  Yes.  We really rely on our medical staff and the medical staff that cares for the pregnant women to be trained and educated to catch this and to also rely back to us on what they’re seeing out in the field and what the numbers are and all of that kind of stuff.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  So what led you to getting involved in the Foundation, of all the things you could give your time and talents to, Juliet?

Juliet: I was one of the many people who get very frustrated with the “I don’t know” answer from doctors, and that’s a lot of what I got with my experience with preeclampsia, because it’s so unknown, even to our medical staffs.  I really wanted to take this horrible experience that I had and really turn it into a more beautiful, blossoming story that I can be a part of this footprint that we are leaving in pregnant women and help anyone that goes through this and be a person to listen to and understand what someone goes through.  Everyone at the Foundation is amazing.  They do amazing work and are just so genuine, and they’re just the best listening ears.  That really makes a difference in someone, especially like me, who had this nightmare happen, and now I can just walk with them and help guide women who are just as frustrated and scared as I was.

Kristin:  I know I was scared.  So it is wonderful to have this type of support.  When I went through pregnancy and was on bedrest with preeclampsia, I really didn’t know anyone who’d gone through a similar circumstance and didn’t have a network.  So I’m thankful that this exists.

Juliet:  Yes.

Kristin:  So Juliet, as the director of the West Michigan Promise Walk for Preeclampsia, I would love to get more details on that for our audience.

Juliet:  Yeah.  So our promise walk is happening July 2nd, 2022.  We will be at Millennium Park in Walker at the Grant Pavilion, and this is going to be the first walk back in Michigan in a few years here.  We are just setting up for a great day full of wonderful memories to make and be encouraged.  You know, moms to be or moms with kids or just any family who has been affected by this, or you know someone – we just want to come out as a community and walk together to raise money and raise awareness for this and just join together as a whole unit and celebrate our lives and our children and that we can get through this preeclampsia pandemic.

Kristin:  I’m excited to walk as a survivor, and Gold Coast is thrilled to be a sponsor of the walk, as well.

Juliet:  Yes, we love that Gold Coast is sponsoring us, and everything that you guys have done to help sponsor us is phenomenal, and we thank you for your contribution to the Foundation.

Kristin:  We are so thrilled to be able to give back in this way.  So Juliet, there are Promise Walks all over the country, correct?  So our listeners, of course, live all over the world, so I would love some more info about how you can find a Promise Walk near you.

Juliet:  Yeah.  You can go to our website, and there you can click on our Promise Walk locations, and you can search anywhere in the United States.  I believe we have at least one in big major cities around the country right now.

Kristin:  Wonderful.  And then your website can also give, again, research and support for healthcare professionals, as well as women?

Juliet:  Correct, yes.  We have all of our information on our website.  You can read our purpose, what we do.  We do have all of our highlights and our numbers out there for everyone to be able to read, and it’s just a great resource for women to go and look over, even if they don’t have it.  It’s just something that they can read about and be aware.

Kristin:  Yes.  So you also have a local Facebook page for the walk, correct?

Juliet:  Yes.  Our local Facebook page is the West Michigan Promise Walk for Preeclampsia.  We have the little footprint logo as our profile picture.  In there, we just update everyone with things going on with our walk and in our community, and we just keep everyone updated with new information.  We’re still coming out with fun things that we’re going to be doing at the walk, and we just can’t wait to share those with everyone on there.

Kristin:  Thank you.  Any final tips for our listeners in regards to, again, symptoms of preeclampsia or prevention?

Juliet:  Yeah.  We just want to make everyone aware that all pregnancies are at risk for this, and that preeclampsia research is drastically underfunded.  The research needed to elucidate the cause, to develop better diagnostic tools and effective interventions and to fully understand the effects of preeclampsia on the women and babies’ long-term health is so crucial.  And so if you can get out there and just donate or get in contact with someone in the Foundation and see what you can do to help, it’s more than we can ask for.

Kristin:  Wonderful.  Thank you for sharing your story and all of the advocacy that you’re doing.  We really appreciate it, Juliet.

Juliet:  Thank you so much for having me.

Kristin:  And I’ll see you in July at the Promise Walk!

Juliet:  We can’t wait to see you!

Check out our other posts about preeclampsia here and here.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

Juliet’s Personal Preeclampsia Story: Podcast Episode #138 Read More »

Elizabeth wearing a white blouse with a pink blazer sitting at a white table with a lap top, golden pineapple, flowers, and a pen and paper

Elizabeth King, Fertility Coach: Podcast Episode #137

Elizabeth King, Fertility Coach, shares helpful tips and resources for those who are struggling with conception and loss.  You can listen to this complete podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, everyone.  I’m here today with Elizabeth King, and she’s a certified fertility health coach.  Welcome, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth:  Thank you so much.  I’m happy to be here.

Kristin:  Love to hear more about your background as a coach and some of your related certifications.

Elizabeth:  Yeah, so I have been a certified life coach since 2008 and focused on that side of things in relationships, body image issues, things like that.  And the reason I stayed that versus a business coach, it was very much more mind, body, spirit mental health related, and when I was starting the process of my own journey through fertility at age – well, really 39 – well, actually 36 – at 36, I froze my eggs.  I was single at 36.  So I guess it depends on how far you want to go back.  But at 39, I had a fibroid surgery in order to remove some fibroids, and at age 40, I started to try to conceive after that was done and had got pregnant with my first son and had a loss after that, and that’s really when I had the lightbulb moment of, you know, women, and men for that matter, need to be supported through this journey.  There’s nothing really that prepares you for this experience.  I was in one medical bed getting ready to have a D&C and four feet next to me between a drape, a fabric drape, was another couple that was getting ready to do their first round of IVF.  So they were so excited.  We were so devastated.  And that huge difference really hit home to me of, you know, there needs to be support for both ends of this, right?  I had been there.  I had been at a point where I had eggs retrieved, so I knew what that was like, and I now was in this other situation that no one in my life had ever told me about before.  No one had said to me that they had had a miscarriage or knew somebody that did.  Of course, after I did, I heard it a lot, but it was really a new conversation for me to have and new feelings to have.  So that’s really when I shifted all of my energy to focusing on this community, of supporting women through their fertility journey.  And through that and the losses and whatnot, I had had some clients that – really, how it worked, I should say – I should stop myself – was a friend would say to another friend that just had a loss, you should contact Elizabeth.  She’s a life coach.  She can help you through this.  And that’s – the ball started rolling from that.  Prior to that, I would visit doctors with clients for their IVF consultations to help them to determine what questions to ask, help them figure out, is this a right fit for them because, you know, most of the time, we think our first stop is where we need to be when that’s not the case.  You know, you are interviewing the doctors, and sometimes to have somebody with you who’s educated in that realm helps you to have a little bit more confidence and power in doing that and making those decisions to say no, this isn’t a right fit for me or whatnot.  And then going through late term losses with some of my clients really is what pushed me to do the birth and bereavement certification, so you asked about that.  That’s – and having a good friend also go through a 23-week loss really made me realize, as much as I had been helping women that were going through early losses, the late losses and the stillbirth was, like, a whole different ballgame.  So I spent some time in that a little bit, and then new parent education.  So being a mom of three within three years and hiring a lot of people myself and going through a lot of things to try to figure stuff out, I now kind of help men and women, again, who are third trimester just to tee them up for success before baby comes.  So that’s the umbrella of all of that stuff.  Sounds like a mouthful.

Kristin:  I love it.  What an amazing journey.  And it seemed like you got into coaching very early, and it’s so popular now.  And, you know, fertility doulas and coaches are a newer profession, so I love that you got into this work very organically versus just taking a training, and you have that personal experience to be able to relate to your clients.

Elizabeth:  Yeah, it’s funny.  When I first did it, it wasn’t really popular.  I’m from California, live in California, and we would joke that people would think you live in California, you eat sushi and you have a life coach.  And now it’s like, you know, every other person is a life coach, which is great.  I’m all about the more the merrier to help people in whatever way that that looks like.

Kristin:  So I would love to – we’ve had quite a few clients request our support pre-conception, and we don’t have fertility doulas at Gold Coast.  So we’ve always given them resources, but we’ve had clients with secondary infertility that had no problem conceiving the first time and then they’re struggling with fertility the second time around.  So I’d love for you to address that issue.

Elizabeth:  I’m happy to.  Secondary infertility is tough because it comes with a lot of different aspects that most people don’t really think about as far as, there’s judgment from outside people that you already have a baby, so be happy with what you have, essentially.  You’re very consumed with trying to conceive when you have another little one, which then you have this guilt of, why am I not just present and grateful for the one that I have.  And at what point should I keep going on this or not keeping going on this, even though my heart is telling me that I should keep going?  So it’s a fine line to walk for some people, and my thought on it all is, one – having one child doesn’t discount the yearning for another.  So if that’s what’s in your heart and what you’re being called to do, don’t let anybody or anything tell you anything different, right?  And it can be very confusing and hard mentally for people because they feel like, my body did this before.  I know what to do.  Like, it should just happen, right, and why isn’t it happening?  And that can be a whole other level of working through self-love and working with connecting with your body and figuring out what may have happened between pregnancy number one and now that could be blocking you, and there’s a lot of things.  You show up so different after you’ve already had a baby.  You’re tired.  Your body has been drained in a lot of ways.  And there’s also – we hear so many people that are like, you know, I wasn’t even trying, and I got pregnant right again after my first baby, and it was so easy.  I always say to people, you can’t undo what you hear or read, so you take that on of, like, this expectation on yourself that it should be something that it isn’t, and it’s not so easy to take somebody away from that perspective of what they think in their head of what it should be.  So it comes with a very heavy heart and a heavy situation with somebody that’s going through secondary infertility, and I only say that so that anybody who’s listening who is going through that, they realize that, don’t downplay it if you’re feeling stressed about not being able to get pregnant.  It is hard.  You have the right to feel not okay in this situation, but at the same time, there’s a lot of things that we can do to figure out what’s going on.  And I’m the first one to say, don’t waste time, if you don’t want to wait a long time to do that, and a long time is a year if you’re under 35, six months if you’re over 35.  And, you know, when you want to have a baby, six months feels like six years before you’re supposedly able to go see a doctor.  Especially, again, with secondary infertility.  There’s usually something going on, and you can either tell how your periods have come back.  So are they regular?  Are they heavier, not as heavy as they were before?  What was your birth situation like?  Could there be scar tissue there?  And there’s other things – and there’s ways that you can figure out what’s happening that way.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Elizabeth:  But I’m all about going to see a fertility doctor, getting a baseline, see what’s in there, see what’s happening in there.  Is there something that you don’t know that you’re not working with?  And people have this fear around that sometimes of, well, if I go to a fertility doctor, that means I’m going to be doing IVF.  Absolutely not.  But they do specialize in this, so compared to going to your OB who didn’t do that extra bit of studying around this, they’re going to be able to tell you exactly what you need to be doing and whether that’s, like, no, everything’s good; it’s unexplained infertility; or, yeah, there is scar tissue there, or you do have a blockage, or, you know, something like that.  So you’re not banging your head against the wall wondering what’s happening because you know what your baseline is.  You know where you’re starting from.  And people think they’re not entitled or able to go to a fertility doctor if they already have a baby because they feel like they’re not worthy enough, right?  Who am I to go in that door when these people can’t even have one child, and I already have mine here sitting next to me, you know?  So I just want to tell people to be easy on yourself with that, and don’t let – don’t take any of that in.

Kristin:  That’s perfect advice.  It’s so challenging.  And with the fertility centers around us in Michigan, they had closed down during part of COVID, so there was that stress.  I was leading a fertility support group, and women were in the process of treatment and had to delay things, and there was that added stress.  So are you noticing more emotionally or any fertility issues with your clients related to the pandemic?

Elizabeth:  Yeah.  I mean, for sure.  That’s the first time I’ve heard anything where people had to stop mid-cycle because most states, you know, they would finish out who they were already doing, and then unfortunately, yes, they had to take, like, a six- to eight-week break in between, but that’s heartbreaking to hear for people.  Yeah, it has, because – so studies show that you’re 55% more likely to conceive if you are doing some sort of mental work, which is why I stress that so much with my clients.  That’s a huge part of what we do.  After we figure out, are there any red flags on your blood work, what are your supplements looking like, what’s your lifestyle looking like, all of that, and then we circle back to, 95% of it around the mental, because studies show that you’re more likely to conceive, hence the fact that people are always like, oh, just relax.  But when you’re trying, you want to punch someone in the face because it’s not possible, right?  So we go through tools to help them through that.  And through COVID, because so much of it was out of our control, and a lot of people lost that little support that they did have from their partners.  So they would go into their appointments with their partners.  They would have that support of somebody holding their hand and being next to them, that whether that person really was engaged or not engaged or understood what was happening or not, physically having someone there is a calming agent and does help you figure out, okay, what did they just say when we walked out of this doctor’s appointment and you can bounce it off somebody.  So the level of stress in regards to the pandemic in that regard, of feeling even more isolated than you would normally going through infertility, has been – you know, it’s substantial.  And whatever – you can say whatever, but having your partner on facetime when you’re in the doctor’s office is not the same, especially if you have PTSD from a previous loss and you’re trying to go through, you know, the ins and outs of bloodwork and ultrasounds and then subsequent pregnancies and hoping that that one is viable and all the things.  It’s been really sad, in my mind, to know that these people have to be going through it themselves.  I would get calls from doctors’ offices that I partner with of, you know, we just did an ultrasound, and unfortunately there was no heartbeat, and the husband’s in the parking lot on facetime.  Can you please – you know, here’s their number; they would like you to call them.  And that’s heartbreaking.  I mean, I can’t imagine going through my losses without my husband next to me.  To think, like, he’s in the parking lot in the car getting this information?  It’s hard for both.  It’s isolating for both.  The partners feel even more distant from the females that are going through it that are actually in the offices and whatnot.  So yes, to answer – to very long answer to your question, it’s been a difficult aspect, for sure.

Kristin:  So walk us through – you’ve described a bit about the coaching process, but yeah, if you’d fill our audience in on what it’s like to work with you, how you begin the process, and how long the average client stays with you.

Elizabeth:  Yeah, so it all depends on what stage they come to see me.  So I have some that are trying naturally, and they’ve been trying for six-plus months and just feel like nothing’s really happening, so we really hone in on, again, looking at their blood work.  Is there any red flags there?  So is the thyroid normal, their D3, is their testosterone, everything in line?  And if there’s something that looks like it might be a little off, to send them back with that question to their doctor.  Can you rerun this panel?  Can you look to see if this is fine or not fine?  And surprisingly enough, they don’t notice it as much as they should.  I hate to say that.  As well as getting their bloodwork done on the correct day.  So as you know, it should be day 2 or day 3 of your cycle in order to really get an accurate picture of what’s happening from your reproductive hormones and everything.  So we make sure that everyone has everything in line for that, and that’s just across the board, whether you’re trying to get pregnant naturally, if you’re going to do an IUI cycle, or you’re getting ready to do an IVF and cycle with retrieving eggs, et cetera.  And then we tailor everybody’s protocol for their supplements to each person.  So based on what that is – so some people may have low D3 and some people have normal to high D3, but everybody needs it, so we make sure that that’s in line.  Are they taking CoQ10 for egg health?  Are they already taking things that they shouldn’t be taking, and they need to be replacing it with something else?  Is their testosterone high?  So we want to make sure they’re not taking something like DHEA because that’s going to cause it to be even more so.  So we look through all those things.  We do a food sensitivity panel so that we eliminate any foods that would be causing inflammation in their body.  I’m a big, big proponent of not doing strict fertility diets because most of my clients have some sort of issue around food.  So if we’re restricting them in some form or fashion because they’re trying to get pregnant, it causes their body more stress because they’re holding on so tight to, I can’t have dairy; I can’t have gluten; I can’t have sugar; I can’t have any of these things.  When in fact, unless you have an underlying condition or a food sensitivity to some of those, they’re fine for you, right?  So they can spends tens of thousands of dollars on fertility diets, but then come to me, and we work through, again, the mental aspect of that, and they end up pregnant within one to two cycles.  So it’s really about, what is going to balance those cortisol levels and the adrenals and make sure that they’re at a balanced place because, again, those hormones that signal from your brain to your reproductive system matter so much, and the fertility clinics and whatever, they don’t focus on that.  They focus on, what does it look like inside in there today, and what does your bloodwork look like.  They don’t ask you, how stressed are you and what are you doing to prevent your stress.  So we talk about that.  I send people to acupuncture that, you know, of course, fertility acupuncture to – we work through whatever tools work for that particular person, so for some, affirmations work or vision statements.  For some it’s like, you may as well tell me I’m going to the grocery store.  Like, that does nothing for me.  Some people, it’s journaling.  Some people, it’s meditating.  Some, it’s – I have some clients that love cooking, so when they are triggered, they go to look for a recipe, and then they know they’re going to be cooking that later.  I really focus on creating, because when you are trying to create a human being, you want your body and your soul and your spirit to be in a space of creating every day.  So I’m not trying to conceive myself right now, but I choose to color or do coloring books or dance.  So I really focus in on all of my clients, what is going to be their creative outlet, because we are going to create a baby, and in doing so, we’re putting it out there that you are creating.

Kristin:  I love it.

Elizabeth:  Yeah, so that’s a big focus on what we do, and I work with them through their whole process.  So unlike therapy where you’re talking on Tuesday at 3:00 every week, it’s via Voxer, so, yes, we do meet once weekly, but we also talk in between.  So if you’ve ever experienced – you know, maybe you’re taking the pregnancy test that day, and you’re super depressed because it came back negative.  So we work together via voice memo to say, what do we need to do to pull yourself up because we don’t want to stay in that space too long.  Yes, it’s disappointing, and yes, we’re going to be sad about it, but we’re not going to be sad about it all day.  And so we go through a certain program that helps them consciously choose the thoughts that they have in their brain to help them to get through that.  And that can be working with weight loss or relationships or whatever.  I use this same model through all of those things.  And that really is kind of the game changer with people, having the tools so that they can pull themselves out of situations.  So, again, if their sister-in-law announced that she’s pregnant, you know, that’s a trigger for a lot of people.  Or the back to school stuff or Christmas cards that are starting to come soon with everybody’s families on them.  So it’s knowing what works for you to keep you in a space of knowing, okay, this is what I need to start doing now.  And also we work through a deep dive session where they have a plan.  So it’s either based on time frame, so we’re going to give ourselves two months, six months, whatever, or based on procedure.  So we’re going to do two IUIs, and then we’re going to go to IVF or whatever.  And then I help work with them to make those decisions of what the right place in time to shift to the next thing may be.  So if they’re told that they need to do an egg donor, perhaps, that’s a really big decision to come to.  So we work through a lot of that as far as connecting them with other people that have had donor conception, so they see, you know, that love does not change.  It’s much easier than you expect it to be.  And really working through a lot of those heavy things that come up when you are going through alternative methods, again, whether that’s egg donor, sperm donor, embryo adoption, or regular, traditional adoption.  So everybody comes with something different, so I meet them wherever they are in different aspects, and we work from there.

Kristin:  It sounds like your clients are all over the country versus local to California?

Elizabeth:  Actually, all over the world, yes.  I have two new mamas that just delivered in Israel the last month and a half, which is awesome.  One’s a single-by-choice mama, which is so cool to see.  I’m all about, you know, not letting that pass you by just because you don’t have a partner.  And I have a lot of clients in the UK, in South Africa, in Australia.  So, yeah, all over the place.

Kristin:  That’s so lovely.  And so how do our clients through Gold Coast and, of course, our listeners through the podcast reach out to you?  I know you’ve got a lot of different channels, but what are your preferred methods of contact?

Elizabeth:  Direct contact for us to meet on my website would be a ten-minute discovery call, and that’s basically if you – we meet and discuss what your issue is and see if that’s a good fit for you, for both of us.  And, again, I just want to reiterate, too: find the person, the coach, that you feel comfortable with.  It doesn’t have to be me, but there’s so many amazing people out there right now that are willing to help you, and you don’t have to be going through this alone.  So search somebody that you find, and you’re like, oh, my gosh, this is my person, and I want them to be supporting me through that.  But you can find me on my website, and there’s a ton of resources there as far as free downloads to get information, to book a ten-minute free call to see if there’s a good fit, and also sometimes I have people where all we need is that ten-minute call, actually.  Granted, it goes a little bit longer than that, but we can kind of nail down things a little bit, and then we circle back a few months later and see how it goes.  So I’m also on Instagram, @elizabethking_coaching, and I have a podcast called Pretty Little Tribe.

Kristin:  And I noticed through some of your downloads, you have so much great information on everything from understanding the fertility language to, yeah, just some of the emotions surrounding.  So your site is a great resource for information on your journey.

Elizabeth:  Thank you.  We actually have a new program, too, of certifying other fertility coaches.  As I just mentioned before, I’m happy to have as many out in the world as possible because, unfortunately, it’s such a common thing, infertility.  So if anybody’s listening and feels like they’re on the other side of their journey or they want to add this to what they’re already doing to serve women and support them in that way, we’re now doing the fertility coach academy to certify other fertility coaches.

Kristin:  Well, I will have to spread the word to the doula community.  Thank you so much for sharing.

Elizabeth:  Yes.

Kristin:  Well, it was lovely to talk with you today, Elizabeth.  Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day!

Elizabeth:  Thank you for having me!  You, too.

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Elizabeth King, Fertility Coach: Podcast Episode #137 Read More »

Black and White image of a pregnant woman posing in front of a curtained window wearing a maxi dress and holding her baby bump

Amber’s VBAC Story: Podcast Episode #136

Kristin chats with Gold Coast client Amber Shaw about her VBAC birth story and the preparation she had for her birth.   You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts. 

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Welcome to today’s episode of Ask the Doulas.  I’m Kristin, and I’m joined by my former client, Amber Shaw.  Welcome, Amber!

Amber:  Thank you.  I’m so excited to be here.

Kristin:  So you have shared your birth story with Parker with us in the past.  So if you could give our listeners a bit of a recap of your first birth journey, and then we’ll get into your most recent birth with Miles.

Amber:  Sounds great.  So my son Parker is about four and a half years old now.  His birth seems like so long ago.  But it was kind of a crazy experience.  I’ve always been pretty obsessed with birth, all things birth.  I love hearing birth stories.  I think it’s just fascinating, the human body, what the woman’s body can do and accomplish, and I always knew that I wanted to see what I was capable of.  So when I got pregnant with my son, I knew that I wanted to attempt a natural birth.  So I brought Gold Coast on right away, started working with doulas; I did HypnoBirthing.  I read all the books.  I really prepared myself for this physical feat that I was about to embark on.  And he was breech, so got that news around maybe 32 weeks, and I became obsessed with flipping him, because that’s just my personality.  I did everything I could have to flip him.  I did acupuncture.  I did chiropractic care.  I was doing Spinning Babies.  I was doing everything.  And he wasn’t budging, and at about 39 weeks, I went in for an ECV, and that wasn’t successful, either.  So I still remember this call I had with you.  I was having a really hard time processing just the fact that I was going to have a C-section.  It’s not what I wanted at all.  I had never had a surgery in my life, and then just to imagine, like, having my first child born C-section, I just wasn’t grasping it well, and I wasn’t coping well with it.  And you just had such great advice on just allowing what was, and it was still going to be my birth story regardless, and I really just had a breakthrough that night, and I wrote him a letter that I still haven’t opened.  It’s actually still sealed in his baby box, but I trusted the process, and I knew that he was like that for a reason, and whatever way he came out was going to be just perfect.  And that was really cathartic for me, very emotional for me, and it really helped me process what was going to be my birth.  And then that was it.  He was born on his due date at 10:13.  Like, ten minutes after I went in, he was there, and it was kind of crazy how fast.  It’s an interesting experience.  I can definitely say it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.  It was still beautiful.  I still had birth preferences.  You know, we had a playlist going, and we did the passthrough drape, and I watched it all.  Kind of bizarre.  But, you know, I kind of took back my power in it and realized that I still do have a say in how it happens, no matter how it happens, and I really embraced that, and I have just a beautiful memory of his birth, and it was definitely very impactful no matter how he came.  And so that was Parker’s birth, in a nutshell.

Kristin:  And tell us about your healing after Parker’s birth and how that went.

Amber:  It was pretty straightforward.  I mean, obviously, healing from a C-section is hard because your abdominal muscles are cut through, so any time you’re sitting up, any time you’re really doing anything that uses your midsection, there’s a lot of adjustments that needed to be made for me, getting around, sitting up, being mobile.  With him, I had the luxury of not having another child, so I seriously was on the couch for, like, two weeks straight and breastfed and I binged watched all the shows, and I really just allowed myself to heal and really took it easy, and it was a pretty straightforward healing process.  You know, my scar looks incredible.  He did a great job with that.  I didn’t really have any points where I felt like I went backwards at all, and it was a pretty good process, really.

Kristin:  Good.  So now with your preparation for your birth with Miles, tell us a bit about what you did to prepare for a VBAC, vaginal birth after Cesarean, for those listeners who don’t know what a VBAC is.  And then a bit about what you did as far as other learning this time around.

Amber:  It was different.  You know, I already had the HypnoBirthing under my belt.  Of course, I brushed up on it.  But I kind of wanted to get some different aspects into my knowledge about this one.  So I brushed up on the HypnoBirthing, reviewed a lot of my stuff from the course that I took from Ashley four years prior.  Probably one of the most impactful things, I think, was reading Ina Mae’s book, The Guide to Natural Childbirth.  That was really mind blowing for me, I think because it just really educated me so much on truly what my body goes through during birth.  It tells so many successful VBAC stories and just so many stories about women just persevering, the strength of it all.  It educated me so much about interventions and the downsides to them.  I just felt so empowered after reading her book.  I highly recommend it to anybody that is attempting this.  Yeah, she’s incredible.  So that definitely helped prepare me really mentally.  And then honestly, I did The Becoming Course as well.  That was also super helpful because there’s so much that you kind of forget the second time.  Obviously, you’re in survival mode a lot with a newborn, and I had a very different birth experience with my first than I was hoping to have with this one, so in a lot of ways, I felt like this was my first time, you know, so I was really just trying to absorb all the stuff.  And I think what prepared me physically was doing barre classes.  So I’m a member at The Barre Code, and that – I can’t speak highly enough about staying active, and especially staying active in a way that really prepares your body for birth.  And I truly feel like the barre classes really do that because of just the micromovements and just really strengthening all parts of me, mentally, physically.  That really helped me a lot to prepare, as well.  One hurdle that I did come across, which was very unexpected and pretty debilitating for a little bit, was I was diagnosed with SPD, symphysis pubic dysfunction, at about 20 weeks, and I had no idea what it was.  I just knew one day I woke up and was having a hard time walking.  Unbelievable amount of pain in my pubic bone; literally came out of nowhere.  And so once I found out what it was, I started doing a lot of research about it and went and saw Dr. Annie at Rise, and I was a disaster in her office.  I was, like, bawling.  I didn’t know how I was going to get through the next 20 weeks.  I couldn’t even do stairs or, like, walk very well.  With wanting to do this natural birth, I wanted to stay as active as possible, so I imagined, you know, doing barre classes, you know.

Kristin:  Right, until the very end, yeah.  Now, for those of our listeners who don’t know Rise, tell us a bit about how Rise is different from other chiropractic offices.

Amber:  Truly, a feel a women-centered office.  I know they have male clients, as well, but I just feel like their approach is very female-centered and very, like, pregnancy- and birth-centered.  They just have a lot of support in general for pregnant women, but they do a really gentle form of alignment that’s very specific to pregnancy.  And I am not kidding you; I thought that there was, like, no way that I was going to have any type of comfort going through the rest of my pregnancy with the way that I felt when I went in there, and she had me working out again within two weeks, which is unbelievable.  I could not be a bigger proponent for chiropractic adjustments, and specifically at this office.  Annie has been such a huge part of my pregnancy, my birth, and my postpartum story, and I’m just so grateful for the fact that she gave me my comfort back.  It’s just unbelievable.  So, yeah, I’m in love.

Kristin:  And for our listeners who live elsewhere, there are directories of Webster-certified chiropractors across the country so you can find one who specialized in pregnancy and positioning and helping you get movement back.  And this practice also happens to do postnatal in-home visits, which is amazing, because they’re pediatric-certified as well.  We’ll get into that part later, but I did want to mention how our listeners can find a similar practitioner.

Amber:  Yeah.  I think chiropractic care is vital through pregnancy.  I mean, your body is undergoing so much, and just to care for yourself in that way, keep yourself as aligned as possible, is so important, and you feel such a huge difference once you start doing it.

Kristin:  So let’s get into your birth.

Amber:  Well, first, I want to remind you, which is so crazy, that this kiddo was breech, as well.  That was kind of crazy.  So obviously, their positioning really doesn’t matter for a bit.  I did find out he was head up at about 27 weeks, and I was kind of nearing, you know, the time when it gets kind of important to be aware of where they’re at.  And I’m petite.  I’m very petite.  I have a very short torso.  I don’t feel like a lot of room for my babies to move in there, and so my midwife – you know, we were kind of just chatting, and she’s like, maybe this is just how you carry babies.  You know, maybe they have a hard time going head-down for whatever reason, and I already started to feel a little deflated and just – I had time, but I was really starting to feel like just my body was not going to cooperate with me and that I was going to have to have another C-section.  And so I really, like, went through this mental back and forth of, do I have faith, you know?  Should I just keeping doing what I’m doing, doing all the things to prepare for this natural childbirth while still knowing that a C-section may be imminent, or do I just accept the fact that I am probably going to be having another C-section and just kind of not do all of this work to prepare my body?  So I was so torn.  Every day was different, I felt like, and I was really talking – you know, I had hired you guys at that point again, and I was talking to Ashley and Audra quite a bit about just where I should put my mental space because I didn’t want to be obsessed with him flipping again if that just wasn’t in the cards.  But I did decided that I would be at peace with having another C-section because I knew what to expect.  But I also wanted to do as much as I possibly could to try to get him to flip, just knowing at the end of the day if he didn’t, that I tried.  I started doing the Miles Circuit stuff, Spinning Babies.  I actually purchased their e-book on flipping a breech baby, and it’s a pretty structured program on things that you do every day, kind of leading up until the grand finale of really trying to flip them.  And so I stuck to that for a little bit, but he ended up flipping, and it was pretty unbelievable.  It was about 35 weeks, and the night before my appointment – they were pretty much doing scans on me, quick scans in the office, every time I was in there just to check his positioning.  Right before my appointment with my midwife, I had this insane abdominal pain.  It was super uncomfortable; it was really stabby.  I was having a hard time even standing and so I went over to the couch and was sitting there for a while and just could not get comfortable, and I felt like he was legit, like, swimming inside of me.  Limbs were going wild.  What is going on in there?  And I was almost thinking about going into triage just to see if he was okay, because at that point, you don’t feel a lot of movement anymore.  You do, but not like that.  And so it kind of ended up going away.  I went to bed early that night, didn’t have any more pain.  And I woke up the next day and went into my appointment, and I was not – I was just expecting him to still be head down, and we were talking about scheduling out my C-section, what OB I wanted it with.  We were very much talking about the fact that I was going to have another C-section.  And she scanned me, and he was head down.  He flipped the night before, and we both just started bawling.  It was an unbelievable feeling because I just felt like I had been given everything back.  Like, I had been given the chance to have the vaginal birth that I wanted.  And I just had, like, so much gratitude, and I was just in shock and I didn’t know where to start because I kind of, like, stopped preparing a little bit.  So everything got flipped upside down again, and here we were, five weeks out from his due date, like, once again preparing for this vaginal birth.  So that was pretty wild.

Kristin:  Yes!  So you were open to possibilities, but also did a lot of work.  That’s a great example of just realizing that you’re only in control of so much and releasing and sometimes when you release, things happen.

Amber:  Yes.  That is the truth.  I definitely have a tendency with my personality to just want to know how things are going to go, and if it’s one lesson that I’m learning from pregnancy, birth, and parenthood, you really got to flow.  You have to be open to what’s going to happen because holding on to an expectation of something is just dangerous.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin:  As you’re leading up to – again, you had a scheduled birth the first time.  What was it like for you to have sensations of labor and feel the surges or contractions, as some people call them, and so on?

Amber:  It was such a different experience.  You know, I never experienced any of that with Parker because he wasn’t head down.  He wasn’t engaged.  So I never had any Braxton Hicks.  I never had any, like, sensation down there.  Like, it was just very – like, he kind of just came out.  So it was really exciting, like, starting to feel my body getting ready for this, you know, really paying attention to every single sensation and wondering what that was and what that meant.  I just very much remember, like, being in the excitement of that.  Probably around, like, 37 weeks, I started just to feel my body gearing up.  You know, I started to feel the Braxton Hicks, kind of some tightening and then loosening.  And from reading and doing so much preparation, I did understand that those were not surges.  They were not, like, labor.  So I was really feeling into all of these little practices that your body gives you to kind of give you a little idea of what it’s going to be like.

Kristin:  So you practiced your breathing?  And it’s wonderful; those warm-ups are a great way to get into it.

Amber:  They are.  And just – they immediately make you in tune with your body and present.  That’s one of my favorite things, honestly, about, like, the end of birth and birth in general is, like, there’s nothing else in our lives that makes us so attuned to our body.  It’s just an unbelievable thing to be that connected to yourself, and I don’t think anything else gives that to us.  So yeah, I was feeling some stuff, and then at about 39 weeks, I started to experience some early labor.  And, you know, at first, you don’t know what’s what.  You’re like, is this just more intense Braxton Hicks?  You know, what is this?  But I was to a point at 39 weeks where I was waking up every single night and laboring by myself out in the living room.  You know, I was bouncing on my ball; I was doing, like, cats and cows.  And it was really an interesting thing because I was getting excited, because that’s of course what you do once you start feeling like something is actually different than Braxton Hicks, because they were different.  And so, you know, I’d wake my husband up after, like, a couple hours, and he’d be like, I don’t know, this might be it.  And then we’d feel it out for a little bit, and then it would eventually just taper off.  That happened for a while, and it was exciting at first, and then it started to get exhausting and frustrating, and I was starting to just feel depleted.  You know, I wasn’t sleeping.  I literally was up in the middle of the night for a week for all hours, and I was just miserable.

Kristin:  And then you’re also caring for Parker, so again, this is a different experience.

Amber:  Yeah.  Be up entertaining my very energetic four-year-old the next day, and I was just like a zombie.  And I started to get nervous because I’m like, how am I going to go into birth feeling so exhausted?  I’m like, I can’t do this.  So on my due date, I had an appointment, and I wanted – first of all, I wanted to know if I was dilated at all, because I’m like, I know something is happening.  Need to know something is happening and it’s not in my mind.  And so I was at a 2, which really doesn’t mean anything.  You can walk around at a 2 for, like, ever.  And I do know not to get attached to the numbers because, you know, it’s just your body getting ready.  The numbers don’t mean much.  But something was happening.  But, you know, I’m pretty natural, but at that point, I was miserable, and I wasn’t sleeping.  So I did decide to start taking a medication to help me sleep a little bit at night because it was either that or I was going to be just up all night long doing this over and over again, waiting for birth.  And so that was really helpful – very helpful, honestly.  So for the next couple nights – so this was on my due date, so this was July 2nd.  So I started taking that medication and got a couple nights of decent sleep.  They were still waking me up, but I was able to kind of go back to sleep without getting out of bed.  So that was awesome.  But it was still very much going on.

Kristin:  Yeah, that therapeutic rest is important for prodromal labor that just starts and stops and doesn’t give you time to, you know, get in any sort of rhythm.

Amber:  Yeah.  It was always in the middle of the night.  Like, it never really came during the day.  I would have sensations during the day, more Braxton Hicks stuff, but the second everybody went to bed in the house is when they started.  But retrospect, right?  So at the time, it was hard, but having retrospect of it now, it was such a blessing for a lot of reasons.  It made me so much more in tune with my body than I already was because I knew what those felt like, and once they started feeling different, that could be labor.  But I understand now why women go into triage at the start of that kind of stuff because it did feel like labor.  It was labor.  It just wasn’t timeable, and it wasn’t consistent, and it just ended up going away.

Kristin:  And so then they get sent home, and they’re frustrated and exhausted.  Yes.

Amber:  I get it.  I was uncomfortable through some of those nights where I felt like I was laboring.  But I was paying such close attention that it just wasn’t – there wasn’t consistency to it yet, and that’s how I knew that it wasn’t real.  So, you know, at this point, I think with the prodromal labor, and then also just, like, being that close to my due date, that is such a weird time because I feel like you’re, like, just in this weird dream state of, like, you don’t know when it’s going to happen, so you don’t want to do too much, but you want to keep your mind busy, and you’re kind of just, like, waking up and waiting for it.  And that was interesting for me because I didn’t experience that with my first one because I knew when he was going to be born.  But with all of this back and forth, I just – every day, I was like, is this going to be the day?  Is this going to be the day?  Is this going to be the day?  So it really felt like I needed to start distracting myself.  So Ashton, my husband, took the week off before my due date just to kind of, you know, enjoy the last little bit of our family of three time.  And I wasn’t sleeping, so he was helping out with Parker during the day so I could get some rest, which was really nice.  So we did the zoo one day.  We were trying to just do some stuff as a family just to stay busy, stay active.  You know, the 4th of July, you know, I woke up, and I was like, you know, I’m two days overdue, but let’s go out to the cabin.  So we went out to my cabin that day, which is, like, 45 minutes away, and enjoyed some time in the water, which that’s the only place you want to be when you’re over 40 weeks is in the water.  So really enjoyed that and got some really great pictures of me just massive in a bikini, and you can barely see the bikini over my belly, and I just treasure those pictures so much because we were just waiting for him, and he was so close.

Kristin:  It’s that in-between time.  It is such a special time if you look at it that way.

Amber:  It really is.  It’s hard when you’re in it because you’re so anxious, but that is such a special time.  So, yeah, we really enjoyed – or, no, this was the 3rd of July.  We were out there the 3rd of July.  I’m sorry.  But there was, like, obviously, you know how people celebrate 4th of July.  It’s like a week and a half long.

Kristin:  Of course.  Yes.

Amber:  So the 4th of July, I woke up.  We came home that night.  I woke up, and I just felt different, and it’s a hard thing to put your finger on, but I just felt like that was the day that he was going to be born.  I felt like I had more pressure down there, and I also was feeling sensations a little bit earlier, but I decided not to say anything to anybody.  I was so sick of, like, telling Ashton every time I had a surge.  I was just, like, sick of it, you know what I mean?

Kristin:  Or telling your doulas, like, I’m not sure if this is it… Yeah.

Amber:  I’m going internal.  I’m going internal on this one.  I am just going to, like, really just be so in tune with myself today and not talk about it.  And so, you know, I woke up, and I went to Target because, you know, what other way to waste a couple hours and be on your feet?  So I’m at Target for a while walking around, buying a bunch of stuff I don’t need, because that’s what you do there, and I got a cayenne kombucha, because that was, like, spicy, good.  So got my kombucha, and I was kind of, you know, walking around.  I was feeling some stuff.  I was feeling different, but I still was just being quiet about it.  And then I went over to my sister’s house, because I was borrowing a Bluetooth speaker from her for labor, so I went over there and I was hanging out on her porch for a while, and I started to leak a little bit, and I felt like it was water because it’s just different, you know?  You have all kinds of fluids and sensations, but I just felt like this was, once again, different.  So I called my midwife, and I was like, I think I’m leaking a little bit.  Nothing substantial.  It’s not like it broke, but, you know – and she’s like, well, put a pantiliner in.  Pay attention to it because if it’s water, it’s not going to stop.  So I did that, and I continued to hang at my sister’s house for a while.  And I was, like, telling her a little bit about how I was feeling but still being kind of, you know, mum about it.  And I decided to call my friend Sarah on my way home because that’s who we were going to be leaving Parker with when we went to the hospital, and she was having a little get-together that night for the 4th of July that we’d planned on going to, and I was kind of talking to her, and I was like, girlfriend, I feel like today is the day.  She was, like, the first one that I was like, I think this is it.  And she’s like, well, why don’t you just bring Parker’s stuff over tonight, and you can leave him here just in case, and you know, if you don’t go into labor tonight, then worst case scenario, it’s just a sleepover.  So, you know, I got home, and I was like – that’s the first Ashton had heard that I was just, like, feeling something.  I was like, hey, you know, I’ve been experiencing some stuff today.  I think we should leave Parker at Sarah’s tonight.  And he was, like, apprehensive about it because he just didn’t want to, like, take advantage of her before we were actually going into labor.  He kind of wanted to save that card, but I was like, let’s play that card.  So we packed his stuff up.  We went over to her house for a little bit, and I got right into her pool, and I did not leave there for a couple hours.  And it was the best thing ever.  Like, gravity didn’t exist; my surges didn’t exist.  Nothing existed besides just kind of me hanging out, acting like everything was normal.  I almost kind of like forgot what was going on until I got out of the pool and literally, like, all the weight plus some came back.  And I was like, we should probably leave soon, and this was at about, like, 7:00, 7:30.  So we kind of packed some stuff up, said goodbye to Parker, and left.  And on the way home, you know, Ashton was really doubting me and doubting that it was going to be that night, and he was like, you know, I really feel like we shouldn’t have left Parker over there.  This has happened so many times.  And I just got upset because I knew how I felt.  I have a really good intuition, and I feel very in tune with my body, and I just, like, knew it was going to be that night, and I couldn’t explain that to him because he didn’t see me struggling that day, and I didn’t talk a lot about it.  So from his perspective, yeah, he probably didn’t think much was going to happen that night, but in my mind, I’m like, I’m going into labor tonight, and I’m upset with my birth partner, my husband, and I am scared now.  So, you know, we get home, and I went back into my bedroom, and I was just like, I’ve got to get in a good frame of mind right now.  Like, that’s the only thing I kept thinking about is, like, my frame of mind and that I just needed to be in a good place.  So, you know, I drew a card that was really applicable, and, you know, really started to do some deep breathing, and I kind of saged myself, and I was just trying to kind of, like, ground myself, calm myself.

Kristin:  Clear the air, yes.

Amber:  Yes.  And he was like, I’m sorry.  Like, I don’t know how you’re feeling.  I’m sorry that – if I’m doubting you.  You know, let’s try to enjoy tonight.  So we talked about, like, putting a movie on and stuff.  So literally, like, ten minutes after walking in the door, you know, I go back to the bedroom.  I come back out here.  I sit on the couch, and my water, like, breaks.  And there’s blood in it.

Kristin:  And was it the big, like, gush?  The popping, or describe this for our listeners.

Amber:  It wasn’t a gush, but it was my water.  Like, I just knew that – I didn’t soak the couch, but I definitely left a spot there.  There was blood in it.  So, like, my bloody show was, like, there as well.  And pretty much after that initial break, it was leaking a lot more.  Like, I definitely had to have a towel between my legs.  But it wasn’t, like, a gush-gush.  So – but I knew that was it, and I’m like, this is insane.  Like, I knew this was going to happen.  Ten minutes after walking in the door, my water breaks, and this is happening.  And so I called Audra, and I called my midwife, and I was like, this is it.  I know this is it.  And I imagined laboring at home for, you know, as long as possible, and so, you know, I kind of was preparing to just, like, be there for a little bit.  And literally, like, a couple minutes after getting off the phone with Audra, I was like, we have to go.  Like, I was already on all fours and coping, which is really crazy to me because that’s just not how I’ve read it goes down, you know what I mean?

Kristin:  No.  Not typical.

Amber:  Not typical.  But I knew that I had to go, and we had a half hour drive into the hospital, anyway, so I was just like, we have to go.  So I feel – I prepared so much for this moment.  You know, I packed all the bags.  I did all the stuff.  And then when it came down to it, it was mass chaos.  Like, it was –

Kristin:  Right.  Intensity.  But your body did all of that prep work before, so I find that with prodromal labor.  It can be really quick once it gets going.

Amber:  That was absolutely my experience.  Like, I had so many more things I wanted to throw in my bag, and at the end of the day, we grabbed our shit and we were like, we are out.  So the ride into the hospital was wild.  There were fireworks everywhere because it was –

Kristin:  Of course.

Amber:  So it was pretty epic.  I wish I would have been able to watch them more as I was, like, definitely laboring in the car.  And Ashton kept being like, look at over here, look at over there.  And I’m like, open my eyes, pedal to the metal, drive.  So we get into triage.  My midwife met me there.  Audra met me there.  And they checked me.  You know, it was definitely my water that broke.  They checked that.  And then she checked me for dilation, and I was still at a 2, which I was discouraged for a hot minute, but I was 100% effaced.  Crazy.  So all of that early labor was my effacement happening.  You know, she’s like, this could go really quick.  Like, the effacement is a lot of it.  She’s like, you’ve done a lot of the work already.  So I was just in shock over that.  So, yeah, we were hanging in triage for a little bit, and I was pretty surprised at how I was experiencing my surges.  You think that it’s going to be in your belly and your stomach because, you know, if you do research and learn about this, you know, it’s your cervix moving up with every surge.  And so you expect to have more sensation in your belly, but I was having a lot of discomfort in my hips and back.  So I had a lot of, like, back and hip labor, which is not what I expected at all.  And it was really painful.  I felt like I was having a hard time getting through a surge without counterpressure.  I couldn’t without counterpressure.  And, you know, Audra quickly realized, like, that’s what I was experiencing, and she taught Ashton, you know, how to do the counterpressure on that specific part that I needed it and because when you’re in labor, it’s a specific part.

Kristin:  It is very specific.  And everyone’s got a different point.  You have to feel around until you find it, and then –

Amber:  I know, it’s like – it’s so crazy.  The amount of pressure can make a difference, and Ashton thought he was, like, hurting me, but I was like, that’s better.  So they got a workout that night, as well.  So essentially every surge that I had, I had to have counterpressure on my hips during, which was difficult when I was in different positions because they had to be directly behind me, essentially.  So it made a lot of it difficult.  But shortly after being in triage, we got up to the room.  They saw that I needed to be in a room immediately.  So we went up there, and we had a nice view.  We could still see the fireworks, which was kind of cool.  And we got kind of settled a little bit, and then we decided to get right into the water because I just felt like that’s what I needed in that moment, and I also felt like I was coping okay, and I knew that if I wanted to have that experience of, like, being in the tub with my husband, it was going to be at that point.  So we got in the water.  It was beautiful.  There were some LED candles around the tub.  And he got in behind me, and we just worked through it for about an hour.  And I really liked that time.  It’s probably one of most memorable moments of the birth because I was with him, and it was relaxing for me, and it was just a beautiful thing.  I definitely suggest people do that, and they do that early, before you’re really kind of struggling, so you can just really be present with your partner.  Yeah, that was just a beautiful, beautiful experience for us.  I made this playlist for labor, and it had just all of the best songs on it, so we had our music going.

Kristin:  And water is like a natural epidural, so again, if you’re having that discomfort in your back, it’s a great relief, as long as, like you said, your pattern is consistent, so that’s a good time for you to go in.

Amber:  Yeah.  It was everything, until it wasn’t.  Like –

Kristin:  Yeah.  And then you know you need to try something else.  It’s like labor Olympics.  Okay, what position’s going to work?

Amber:  It really is.  I definitely got to that point where I was like, I don’t want to be in here anymore, and it was abrupt.  Like, I was happy one minute, and then I wasn’t the next.  So we drained the tub, and then I decided to be on the toilet for a little bit, so I was on that, but that was a hard position because I felt like they couldn’t get the right pressure or position on my hips, and that is what was so necessary to me was just having them be able to put the counterpressure where I needed it.  So I didn’t spend much time on the toilet.  And after that, I spent quite a bit of time on all fours on the bed over a peanut ball.  That’s probably the position that I remember spending the most time in.  I think that time kind of ceased to exist after I got out of the water.  But then everything is quite a blur because, like, nothing matter.  Like, nothing matters besides –

Kristin:  Yeah, time doesn’t exist when you’re in labor.  It is a beautiful blur.  But yeah, hands and knees is a great position.

Amber:  It felt like I could move myself.  I could move my hips.  I could do cat cows, and they could also get to me easily.  So that was probably my most successful position that I was in or the one that I had the most just comfort in.  The way I imagined laboring is not at all how I labored.  I imagined being in all of these really just, like, you know, animalistic positions –

Kristin:  Right, or slow dancing, yeah.

Amber:  Yeah.  None of that happened.  And looking back on it now, I think because my SPD was so well controlled, it was an out of mind thing that really reared its ugly head during labor.  I realized why I couldn’t get in a lot of the squatting positions at the time, but now I do realize it, and it’s because of my pubic bone.  Like, it just was not – when he was there and engaged, it was not allowing me to really open my legs as much as I wanted to and needed to.  And so that was really a little bit of a blockage during labor was, like, being able to open up enough.  And so, you know, was on the peanut ball for a while, and I tried a couple different positions that just did not work for me.  I tried the squatting bar on the side of the bed; didn’t work.  I just felt like my pubic bone was going to break in half.  Like, it was impossible to get in wide positions.  And so I ended up being on the bed, and that’s not what I envisioned.  It’s just what happened.  And once you get to a point where you’re really uncomfortable, moving is really scary because if you can find any sense of comfort, and you just grasp onto that, and then, like, getting up and moving can just create almost more, like, unrest, if you will.

Kristin:  And sometimes it’s necessary, but listening to your body is so important.

Amber:  So, you know, I feel like pretty soon on, after moving around a little bit, I was starting to really have a hard time coping and questioning whether I could do this.  And looking back on it, like, I know this was transition.  I knew it in my mind, but at that point, I didn’t know it because it was early to be in transition.  I haven’t been up here that long, but I’m having a really hard time coping.  And so I was, you know, questioning what my options were.  None of them sounded good.  It was just – I almost just needed to hear it, maybe just hear that, you know, I had options, and then, you know, we decided with my midwife and all of us were like, let’s get through a couple more surges, and then we’ll reevaluate, and so I did that, and then she checked me, and I was at a 9.

Kristin:  Woo-hoo!

Amber:  Crazy, because that happened in literally, like, four hours.

Kristin:  So quick to go from 2 to a 9.  But, again, your body was doing so much work and preparation before, and it is baby number two, so even though you didn’t go through a vaginal birth the first time, your body still has muscle memory.

Amber:  Yeah.  I didn’t expect that.  I expected to be the norm.  You know, have a 24- to 48-hour labor.  And all of these things; that’s what I was expecting.  And so it was pretty shocking.  I think the whole thing was kind of shocking just how quickly it happened when it actually started.  You know, being at a 9, I almost didn’t even, like, react to it, because I was just like, oh, my God.  I essentially just did a lot of it, you know?  And then I just got this, like, inner power.  Like, Ashton said he saw it in me.  Like, I was just like, let’s do this.  And so I really, like – I just got this new sense of just, like, dedication to doing this the way that I wanted to do it, knowing that I was, like, so close to the end, and you know, pretty much right after she told me I was at a 9, I started getting kind of pushy.  You know, I would go through a surge, and then at the very end of the surge, I would feel this just need to push a little bit.  And she didn’t tell me to stop that.  This is what I love about midwives and about my midwives is they were like, whatever you feel like doing, do it.  We trust your body.  You need to trust your body.  And that’s exactly how it went down and how it happened.

Kristin:  They’re so great.  I love them.

Amber:  Started getting a little pushy, and then one of the midwives at Advanced is – I’ve always just had a really close connection to her.  I love all of the midwives, but we’re just, like, energetically really similar, really connected, and I always imaging her being at my birth; you know, birthing with her.  And she ended up coming in on her day off at 11:00 p.m., leaving a 4th of July party, to deliver, which was unbelievable because I had started to push and I was on the bed, and she just walked in like a little angel off the streets and was just everything that I needed.  It was pretty amazing.  Like, I remember that moment really vividly.  And pretty much after that, it was just kind of crazy.  You know, I started pushing, and I tried a couple different things on the bed, a couple different positions on the bed, and what I ultimately ended up doing, which is just crazy to think about the fact that, like, this is physically possible for as long as it was, I was flat on my back, and every surge that I had, I essentially came up into a C-curve and grabbed the bars and pushed.  It was so much work.

Kristin:  It is a lot of work.

Amber:  And I just kept thinking about barre, actually, during that time because you do so many C-curves in barre, and I was like, gosh, this is really paying off right now, so that kind of made me – but it took a while to actually feel how to push.  And what I mean by that, like, you know you need to push, so you do it, but there is, like, a specific way to push, and I didn’t quite understand it in the beginning, so I feel like I pushed for a bit without much progress happening.  And I remember Breck kept telling me to open my legs wider and open my legs wider, and every time I tried to do it, I was, like, shaking uncontrollably.  Like, they just wouldn’t do it.  And neither of us knew why, and once again, it was my pubic bone was kind of getting in the way of really opening up as wide as I needed to, so I feel like I pushed harder and longer than I needed to because I just couldn’t open up wide enough.   And so, you know, this part’s a blur, too, but I pushed for a while.  I pushed for a little over two hours.  It was really intense.  It was really intense, and, you know, I was pushing and he wasn’t quite coming down, and then Breck started to kind of get her hands up there, started kind of, like, working on my perineum area, and she discovered that I had a forebag of water in the way of him coming down.

Kristin:  No wonder.

Amber:  It’s crazy.  I guess it’s, like, not that common, but I had one, so he was bumping against that for the first little bit that I was pushing.  So she was like, so I’m going to rupture this, and then it’s going to get really intense really quick, and it did.  I remember she ruptured it, and it felt like just this sea of fluid in between my legs, and it was crazy.  I was having a hard time even getting traction on the bed with my feet because I was just so wet under there.  But that’s when stuff really started to happen.  It’s when he started to kind of come down more into the birth canal.  You know, my pushes were getting more substantial, and they were doing more work.  And yeah, that’s kind of when it really started to happen.  So I definitely – this was at about 4:30 in the morning.  I was just losing a lot of steam.  It was such a fast and furious labor, and I was losing energy, and I was pushing, but I was having a hard time really putting as much into it as I knew that I needed to.  I was just kind of in this lull of, like, I’m doing it because I know I need to, but I am really struggling right now physically to get through this.  And I remember thinking, I’m like, God, I just looked around, then I, like, realized, nobody can do this but you.  Like, you are the only one that can push this baby out.  You have total control over how hard you push right now.  And I just realized I didn’t want to be doing this that much longer.  And so there’s just this thing in me that, like, it was like a second wind.  I just got this, like, deep desire for it to be over as quickly as possible, and I really started to bear down, and I really started to put, like, everything into it.  And Breck and Julie, the midwives really realized that, and they were giving me so much encouragement.  And he was born about 15 minutes later.  So it was insane.  I mean –

Kristin:  What a birth story.  You are amazing.  What a rock star.  You had an unmedicated VBAC, defied odds with a breech baby the second time around.  You flipped him.

Amber:  Yeah, I think the moment that he was born was, like, very different than I expected it to be because instead of, like, pulling him on me and just – of course, I did that, but my arms were so tired from pulling myself up for two hours that, like –

Kristin:  Oh, yeah, all the hands and knees.  They had to be tired.

Amber:  I was shaking uncontrollably.  I felt like I was going to drop him.  I was in shock.  I was, like, bawling because I was so proud of myself, and also, like, what the hell just happened.  It was not this, like, you know – it was, of course, a beautiful and insane experience, but I was – I feel like I experienced shock more than anything, and I didn’t expect that.  You know, but I think after a couple minutes of just realizing he’s here, you’re okay, you’re alive, he’s alive, everybody’s okay.  I kind of started to settle in a little bit.  Obviously, birthed the placenta, which I got encapsulated again this time.  But it was interesting birthing it.  I remember, like, the thud that it made on the wet blankets, and Ashton was like, oh, my God.  Just this organ comes out.

Kristin:  It’s shocking to partners, for sure.

Amber:  But it’s such an afterthought.  Like, obviously.  It’s, like, afterbirth.  It’s an afterthought.  You don’t even realize you’re doing it.  It’s funny.  And then –

Kristin:  Did you see your placenta after?  Sorry to interrupt.

Amber:  And I wanted to.  I didn’t see it because I – you know, I was getting stitched.  I had quite a bit of tearing.  It was just a whirlwind, obviously.  So, you know, I was getting stitched.  I was trying to have him latch.  I was still shaking.  It was just, like, a very strange time.

Kristin:  I bet.  They’re so beautiful.  It is like a tree of life.  They’re gorgeous.

Amber:  I saw a picture of it the first time.  The woman took a picture, and it was just unbelievable how beautiful they are, and actually this time, I had Ginger Blossom do it, and I was so surprised, first of all, the turnaround.  She did a great job, and I got them, like, the next morning.  But she made me a little keepsake with his umbilical cord, and she dehydrated it into a heart, which is just adorable and amazing.  So that was great.  But yeah, he was born, and then, you know, all of the preparing I did was for birth because I was like, you know, I already have a kid.  I’ve got everything under control from here on out, like, I know that, you know, vaginal births, from what I’ve read and heard from people, you can heal a lot faster from them than a C-section.  So I kind of just expected to, like, get up and go to the bathroom and – you know, obviously, I knew –

Kristin:  Let’s actually cut this off here, and we’ll do a second episode with your postpartum experience so this doesn’t get too lengthy.

Amber:  I have to go get my son anyway, so, yeah.

Kristin:  So why don’t you give us one final tip for any other women who are seeking a VBAC of any type, and then we will resume our conversation in another podcast episode.

Amber:  That sounds great.  So my advice is to just envision your birth and what you want it to be and, you know, really embody that because, you know, no matter what position they’re in, what is happening, like you never know what’s going to happen at the last minute, and I think as much as you can focus on what you want, you know, the greater chance it is that you’re going to have that and just know that you can do it.  Take it one surge at a time.  Take it one moment at a time, and truly surrender into it.  Don’t fight it.  Just surrender into it and know that you are capable.

Kristin:  Beautiful.  So perfect.  Thank you very much, Amber, for sharing your story, and I look forward to hearing about your journey after having Miles.

Amber:  Yeah.  Thank you.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

Amber’s VBAC Story: Podcast Episode #136 Read More »

Elham Raker family photo

Ask Dr. Mom: Podcast Episode #135

Kristin talks with Dr. Elham Raker about telemedicine in times of COVID and offers parenting tips for mothers . Dr. Elham is the official “Ask Dr. Mom” who has leveraged her experience as a pediatrician to help parents navigate the “shoulds” of motherhood.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  Hello, hello.  This is Kristin with Ask the Doulas, and I’m joined today by Dr. Elham Raker, and she is known as Ask Dr. Mom.  Welcome, Dr. Raker!

Dr. Raker:  Hi.  Thanks for having me.

Kristin:  So I would love to hear about your journey as both a pediatrician and parent coach.

Dr. Raker:  So as a pediatrician, I’ve been working for – gosh, I think close to 20 years.  I got married right after I finished my training, and my husband lived in a different city.  And I was following him.  So he was also in medicine and doing his training, so we moved around quite a bit.  And because of that, I really got to work in different environments.  So I did urgent care, private practice, hospital setting, different types of inpatient settings, and lastly, I did a home healthcare.  All of that was amazing.  I loved all the different interactions, all the things I got to learn.  What I really felt was missing was true connection with patients and parents.  And especially in the office setting, we have such limited time.  You know, there’s these, like, 10-minute visits, 15-minute visits at best, and sometimes, you know, we’re running late, and you’re waiting.  And it just seemed really rushed.  And I would come home just feeling burnt out, really, is the best word to explain it, and I know where a lot of people are going through that now for different reasons, but just feeling that, in the sense that it wasn’t satisfying.  I wasn’t providing the best care that I felt that I could.  And then I was coming home literally exhausted and then also missing out on my kids’ life.  So it just wasn’t a win-win at all.  I wanted to be able to do that.  So pre-pandemic, I actually had this idea of starting a telemedicine practice, which really was more like, absolutely be there for urgent visits because, you know, you always – something always happens after hours, right?  The baby hits his head or the earache comes up.  Something always happens.  So I knew that when my friends would call me, I would be able to at least walk them through what to do during the weekend so they wouldn’t have to go to urgent care or the emergency room.  So that was something I wanted to provide.  But also, I felt like parents were really looking for advice on Google or Facebook groups or other places that you never know what you’re going to get.  So I wanted to be a more reliable resource, especially if you maybe didn’t have a friend that was a pediatrician and you needed to ask those questions.  So that was how that aspect of Dr. Mom was initially born.  And then during COVID, I decided that I really wanted to add a little bit more of the counseling and the coaching, which is something I truly enjoy.  And I delved more deeply into parent coaching and, you know, the world of conscious parenting, which is fabulous and something I want to share with everybody.  I think it’s going to help us build such strong connections with our kids and just make kids that become grownups who are going to do amazing things.

Kristin:  So fill us in a bit more about, you know, what conscious parenting is and how we can apply it in our own families.

Dr. Raker:  Conscious parenting is really – it really makes sense when you kind of take a step back.  I think so much of what I was taught as a pediatrician, as a mom, from mom resources and other things that I did when my kids were younger just came from training or, like, this concept of, you know, we have to teach our kids that what they did was wrong by punishing them or giving them a consequence or something so that they don’t do it again.  We kind of lose the concept of, kids are just learning.  They really don’t know what’s wrong or right.  And it’s not always by punishment that they’re going to necessarily learn that, right?  Just like us, we all respond so much better to positive reinforcement than negative ones.  So why would it be any different with our kids?  So to me, it makes sense.  There’s a lot of scientific research to support it, how the brain develops.  And, you know, we know that your frontal cortex is not developed until, at best, 25 or 26.  It could be even later.  So we’re really having these expectations of our kids way before they’re ready to do what we’re asking them to do.  And then I think another really important part of conscious parenting that, for me, was a little bit of a surprise is that all of us were parented, even if we had the best parents, something was missing.  There was something that we didn’t get as children.  And oftentimes, that comes up in moments when we get triggered in our own parenting.  So when we feel the need to yell or get angry, that’s a clue that something is going on within ourselves, like an old trauma.  So that was a huge revelation for me, being a mom that yelled a lot and going through, like, recovery of that.  It’s important to learn that anger is not just something we can just make go away, right?  It’s a signal.  It’s a sign.  It’s something going on.  So just like our cues with our kids, their behavior is showing us that something’s going on, and it’s our job to figure out what.  Same with our behavior, our anger, and our – you know, those are just signs of unmet needs that we have to figure out.  So that was a lot of what we go through in the parenting course and parent coaching.  It’s really about transforming yourself.

Kristin:  That makes sense.  And the coaching is individualized based on your particular clients’ needs, or do you have a set structure that everyone goes through?

Dr. Raker:  I did a course through Jai Parenting, so they have a set course which is a 12-week course, and it’s amazing.  And you get a lot of benefits from doing a course.  But there’s also individual packages where you can just go through.  Like, I have this particular issue going on, and I just need help with that.  So there’s different ways to do it.  I think what we have to remember about coaching, just like anything else, it’s really – parent coaching is parent-centric.  It’s about you.  So it’s not behavior modification for our kids, necessarily.  That kind of happens naturally as we change ourselves, right?

Kristin:  So changing habits, like time-outs, punishment, and just figuring out a new program for the family?

Dr. Raker:  Yeah, and that’s actually a great topic, too, is punishment versus discipline versus consequence.  I think that it can be confusing, but I do think they’re all very different things.  Punishment doesn’t really have a place.  There’s no benefit to it.  Oftentimes it’s something that’s not even related to what the child is doing.  Like, you threw all the toys on the floor.  No more screen time for you.  It just doesn’t make sense.  And a lot of times, it’s more of a punishment for the parent because they use that screen time for their own time-outs.

Kristin:  Right, to get work done.

Dr. Raker:   Right.  And it doesn’t kind of flow.  And same with a time out.  Their child is not going to all of a sudden come out of time out realizing that what they did was awful and they need to correct their behavior and they’ll never do it again.  They’re just going to sit there and be mad and comply with whatever you need because they don’t want to be in time out, but they’re not really learning anything or gaining anything by that.  So punishment doesn’t really work, and I think it severs the relationship.  So anytime we want to think about what to do with our kids, I always think, you know, is whatever you’re thinking of doing going to help build your relationship with your child, build a connection, or separate the two of you?  If it’s a separation, it’s probably not the right choice.  Your child’s going to learn so much more from your love and attunement than trying to make a point with a punishment.  A consequence can be something that happens, and we talk a lot about a natural consequence, which I’m a believer in.  So, you know, if a child forgets his jacket after you reminded him and he’s cold, that’s a natural consequence, right?  You can’t really do anything about that.  You don’t have to do anything.  You can be empathetic about it.  You don’t have to be, like, cruel.  I’m sorry that you’re cold.  It’s not – you know, it doesn’t feel good, but next time, you’ll remember to bring your jacket.  Or we’ll try to stay inside more because I know you’re cold.  Right, you try to accommodate, but it’s a natural consequence.  If a child forgets their homework or if a child forgets their lunch – I mean, if they called me and said, Mom, I’m starving, I’m not going to say, sorry, your fault; you’re going to starve.  I’ll try to at least problem solve with them, right?  Can you ask your teacher, is there someone you can borrow money from to buy lunch?  You know, whatever it may be.  Can you call the school and say, my child forgot their lunch.  Is there anything – you know, whatever it is, you can help them, but it is a natural consequence.  So it doesn’t have to be a harsh natural consequence, I guess, is what I’m trying to say.

Kristin:  It makes sense.  They’re problem solving and figuring out things on their own versus being coddled and – yeah.  It makes sense.  So how do you feel about rewards, then?  Or not really bribing, but you know where I’m going.

Dr. Raker:  Yeah.  So rewards kind of goes along the same lines where we’re actually showing the child that our love is conditional.  So that means if they do something, then they get the reward, as opposed to just being who they are and being loved for who they are.  So that also is a system that doesn’t work well in the long term, and it takes away the internal motivation, which is what we’re really trying to promote, and provides an external motivation, which isn’t what we want in the long term.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Kristin: Even with toddlers, it’s sort of that.  If you have a newborn and you’re trying to focus your feeding time, then as doulas, we’ll sometimes try to distract the toddler or suggest they have a special basket with toys that comes out at that time.  Would that be considered, you know, a reward and – I mean, how do you manage a situation like that, I guess?

Dr. Raker:  No, that’s not a reward, because you’re not really rewarding them for their behavior.  That’s just something special for them during a particular time.  So I guess if you said, you behaved so well today, you get to go do the special box, right, or if you didn’t behave well or you did this, so you can’t have the special box today – that would be more along the lines of reward and punishment and being conditional.  But if you say, here’s a special box just for a special time when I’m with the baby, I’ve see that and different people talk about that.  I think I like that idea.  It just makes the child feel special.  But it’s not based on a condition of their behavior, right?

Kristin:  Thanks for clearing that up.

Dr. Raker:  Yeah.  I think that’s the main difference.

Kristin:  Yeah.  I didn’t want to give incorrect advice, and so I’m glad that that works.

Dr. Raker:  No, I think that’s great.  Yeah, I really think that’s a great thing to do, and rotate the toys every so often and just make it fun for them.  No, I think that’s just being creative, which we all need to do with toddlers, right?

Kristin:  So let’s switch gears and talk a bit about your telemedicine practice and how things have changed within physician offices with COVID.  I know you approached the telemedicine practice before COVID, but just how your practice can complement their physician visits, whether they’re in-person or telemedicine visits.

Dr. Raker:  Yeah, I think that COVID really accelerated all of that, right?  The concept of Zoom, I would say very few people had even heard of Zoom prior to COVID.  So the idea of doing things online, telemedicine, just became the norm.  So mostly I think people are just looking for convenience and the ease of being able to reach out to someone and talk to someone, which is great.  You know, I love that about what we’ve all gone through and that we can all still be connected, even though we’re six feet apart, right?  So there definitely have been some positives.  So I think from the aspect of medicine, it’s being at home, especially if you have kids and you have more than one child.  So, A, taking that child to the doctor is hard on its own, but then if you have two or three in tow, that’s really hard.  And whether you have to find daycare for them or whatever it may be.  And then I think the other thing is just the accessibility.  So a lot of times it’s hard to get a doctor’s appointment.  And the timing.  You know, I really do think – I don’t know the solution 100%, but doctors’ visits – listen, and not that I think we can’t have doctor visits anymore.  They’re obviously super important.  But emergencies happen, so there’s no way for a doctor to not run behind.  It’s just not feasible.  Even in a normal visit, there could be an issue that comes up that takes more than ten minutes, and then you’re just behind.  So there’s that concern of just trying to fit everything in.  And I think parents, especially if they have a newborn or, you know, if it’s the first child, or maybe it’s a second child that’s just totally different than the first experience – they just need a little bit more handholding.  That’s really where I think it can be a benefit.

Kristin:  And how long are your visits?  Are they ten minutes, or are they longer?

Dr. Raker:  My standard visit is 15 minutes, but I can go longer without really throwing off my schedule.  So I allow for that, and then I end up just chatting with the patients, to be honest.  I don’t make it this big cut-off time.  So it’s just nice to have that flexibility.

Kristin:  Definitely.  And then different timing.  So you would be available potentially evenings or times that, say, a physician office would not be able to?

Dr. Raker:  Yes.  Yes, exactly, since I am, you know, working from home or from anywhere, it’s a lot easier for me to just log on if someone needs me.  Like I said, oftentimes, there may be not something I can directly take care of, although I do think we’ll have more technology, like being able to look at ears at home or listen to lungs and things like that, but I can usually at least get you to stay home, you know, take care of it overnight, and then be able to see your physician in the morning.  So it’s still nicer than going to urgent care or the ER, for the most part.

Kristin:  Right, especially now with COVID.  I mean, Michigan, we’re, like, the worst in cases, and there’s really nowhere to go.  So the fact that there are telemedicine options if your child bumps their head and you don’t want to try to go to the ER at this point.

Dr. Raker:  Yeah, and just to have that reassurance and that piece of mind.  And, you know, emergencies – and thank God the emergency rooms are there when needed, but a lot of times, you can get through without it.  You know, you know when it’s an emergency.

Kristin:  Right.  Of course.

Dr. Raker:   But those in between times, hopefully I can help you stay away from it.

Kristin:  And you have a download guide on telemedicine that talks about when emergencies and when to call your provider and so on.  So tell us a bit about that and how our listeners can access your guide.

Dr. Raker:   Yeah.  So you can access it through – probably on my Instagram through Linktree will be the easiest when you subscribe.  The guide is basically – it was really at the beginning of COVID when telemedicine was, like, the only thing we were doing.  And it was just a way to kind of prepare for a visit, like what your doctor is going to know, what you can do at home.  So what we do when you walk into the office, we take your temperature.  We take your weight.  Other vital signs, like your heart rate and breathing rate, which actually are all things you can do at home, right?  It’s great to have a weight scale at home.  Even for little kids, you can weigh yourself and then weigh together and do the math.  Thermometer, of course.  I feel like everyone has that now.  And then you can just check your pulse and measure, you know, how fast your child is breathing.  So all those things are important because if there’s something wrong, that’s an important thing to know.  That’s why we call them vital signs.  And then just having – I think parents, even in the office setting, I think it’s important to give as much history as possible.  It really – there’s so much we can ascertain from a history.  Like, people always ask me about telemedicine and how do you really get to diagnose anything or how do you know.  Like, parents really know their kids best, and being able to know their level of concern helps, and the history of what’s been going on makes a huge difference.  And then any medical history, right?  So whether it’s family history or the child’s medical history, that’s all important.  Allergies, medications, history of surgeries or hospitalizations, things like that.  So those are kind of the standard things, and maybe you don’t think about those things when you go to your office because you’ve been going there since your baby was born, so they kind of know all of that, but those are just important things to think about any time you – even if you go to an urgent care or emergency room or a new doctor, those are the things that they’ll want to know.  So that was kind of my prep of what to get ready when you get on a call.  And, yeah, that was the main thing.  I mean, the physical exam is really more about seeing the child and making sure they look okay and breathing okay, and the history just makes such a difference in how to make a decision at that point.

Kristin:  Yeah, to get you up to speed on everything so you can really make a solid diagnosis and referrals.  It makes sense.  So how – I know you have a YouTube channel.  How can our listeners find you?  You have a blog.  What are your most active channels?

Dr. Raker:   Mostly, the easiest way is to go on Instagram, and that’s askdrmom_ on Instagram.  And the Linktree has everything in there.  When I publish a new blog, it’s in there.  You can also access my blog through my website, and my YouTube channel is linked in there, and I kind of announce stuff on Instagram.  I’m just the most active on Instagram, so if you have questions, it’s a good place to message me, also.  If you’re not on Instagram, then you can find me on Facebook, and that way that also links to everything.

Kristin:  We’ll include all of that in our show notes.  Any last words of advice for our moms?

Dr. Raker:  My last word of advice for moms is to trust yourself, which I know sounds like one of the hardest things to do, especially as a new mom.  Like, I know nothing.  How can I trust myself?  But you really have something that’s really important, and that’s intuition.  And a lot of the things that we’re talking about with conscious parenting, I think it just feels good.  It feels good to connect with your child versus sending them to time out.  I don’t think that ever felt good for any of us that used that method.  So question things that don’t feel right to you, and find a trusted source to ask questions, whether it be your pediatrician – you know, hopefully, your pediatrician, and maybe another one or two sources that you trust, and ask them those questions.  I always say, as long as you’re not harming your child, as long as there’s no danger to your child, do things the way that works for you and your child and your family.  That’s the most important.

Kristin:  Perfect.  Thank you so much for your time today, Dr. Raker.

Dr. Raker:  My pleasure!

Kristin:  We really appreciate it.

Dr. Raker:   Thanks for having me again.

Kristin:  Have a great day!

Dr. Raker:  You, too.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

Ask Dr. Mom: Podcast Episode #135 Read More »

Dave Howlett - Karnten Ironman of Austria 2009 - Riding a bike

Train for birth the way you would for an Ironman: Podcast Episode #134

Dave Howlett, founder of Real Human Being, talks to us about how elite athletes prepare mentally and physically and so should parents before birth.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you find your podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Kristin:  This is Kristin, co-host of Ask the Doulas, and I’m joined today by Dave Howlett.  Welcome, Dave!

Dave:  Hey, Kristin.  How are you?

Kristin:  Great!  So you and I first connected on the networking platform called Lunch Club, and I was really fascinated by your journey as an athlete, especially your training for the Ironman run, bike, and swim events, since you’re the most elite of athletes.  So I’m really curious and would love to have that comparison, you know, between prepping for labor and birth and also how you train both mentally and physically for your races.

Dave:  Yeah, no, I’m happy to help you out.  By the way, if you hear a meow in the background, it’s our cat, Molly.  She’s probably more of an athlete than I am, but she’ll chip at various times.  First, I love the concept of labels.  You know, what’s the old phrase, you’re either pregnant or you’re not pregnant.  There’s no halfway pregnant, right?  And I think that actually doesn’t apply to athletics.  I was a clarinet playing geek in school, and I was probably one of the least athletic people you know.  I taught scuba diving, which is cool but doesn’t take a lot of hardcore athleticism endurance.  You mostly got to be flopping around the water and breathing really slow.  Kind of like, you know, just a mellow person.  But my athleticism actually came when I met my wife.  We got engaged, and I said, what do you want to do for fun?  And she said, oh, I’ve always wanted to run a marathon.  And I thought, oh, crap.  So, yeah.  In 25 years, we’ve done 10 marathons, and together, we’ve trained for 18 Ironman competitions.

Kristin:  That is amazing.

Dave:  Yeah.  But it was fun meeting you on Lunch Club because I think there’s – the more I talked and thought about your comparison, I think it’s actually very, very good that you and I are chatting and all your listeners are hearing because I’m not pregnant.  I don’t think I’ll ever be pregnant.  I don’t think I can physically get pregnant.  But there is a really good analogy between “training to have a baby” and “training to complete a marathon.”  Or an Ironman.

Kristin:  Yeah.  And even thinking from what I know about friends who’ve competed in Ironman, you’re in training for essentially 12 months for this race; is that correct?

Dave:  Yeah, that’s it.  I mean, my wife and I, we’re kind of strange, weird people, but yeah, we use that as part of our life balance.  And usually we’ll train for an Ironman every year or every second year.  But per your point, I imagine it’s very much like pregnancy, which is you have an end date.  You’ve got a race day, right?  And just like a pregnancy, sometimes your race day gets pushed back  During the pandemic, for example, in the last year and a half, most races around the world have been delayed or canceled.  We’ve had to readjust our schedule, and I’m sure that’s – if I had a baby impending and I hired someone like you, everybody would say to me, what day are you due?  What day are you due?  What’s your due date?  But that’s sometimes flexible, too, right?

Kristin:  Oh, exactly.  I mean, it’s a guess due date is what I say.  It’s a range.  I mean, I’ve had clients go five weeks early and at 42 weeks.  So unless a client is planning a scheduled surgical birth or scheduled induction, even then, you can still go into labor before.  But having that end date in mind, you know, that range, is very helpful in preparation and women – I mean, you’re training for 12 months and women are carrying a baby 9-10 months, and so there’s all of that, thinking about nutrition and rest and a lot of things that high-level athletes are focusing on, as well as visualization, which is big with many athletes that I know.  Many marathon runners, for example, use visualization in advance of a race, and then we use that in childbirth.  So I love thinking about all of the different comparisons that athletes have to birthing persons.

Dave:  Yeah, like I said – maybe we could start a really interesting movement.  We could call it Ironbaby, right?  Hey, have yourself an Ironbaby.  I have to tell you something funny for you and all your listeners.  The first Ironman I ever did was in Lake Placid in New York, and my wife didn’t do the first one with me because the underachiever wife of mine, she had a full time job.  She was studying for her executive MBA, and she figured putting an Ironman on top of that training would be just too much at the same time.  So the first one I did, I did on my own.  I trained for a year, and I was also coaching marathon students at the same time.  I coached marathon clinics for about 8 or 9 years.  So we get down to Lake Placid, and I imagine it’s kind of like going to a hospital and getting ready to give birth.  You naturally as a human being want to compare yourself a little bit to other people, right?  So you’re looking at other people and comparing, you know, am I as good as, am I better.  So, you know, I thought I was pretty good.  I trained for an Ironman, and then all my marathon students are like, you’re a god, Dave.  You’re a god.  And if your listeners don’t know what an Ironman is, you swim 2.5 miles and then you bike 112 miles, and then at the end of the day, you run a marathon, 26.2 miles.  So it’s a long day.  So three days before the event, we’re walking down the street at Lake Placid, and athletes are coming from all over the United States, many from international to compete.  There’s about 2000 athletes.  And I see this tall couple walking in front of me with this little child.  This little kid’s about three years old; mom, dad.  You can tell they’re fit from behind.  You know, you ever see somebody from behind, you know.  They’re in athletic gear, and they’re just walking.  Good-looking tall couple.  I can’t see them from the front, but Dad, Mom, and the little kid.  And it’s nice to see a family.  All of a sudden they turn sideways.  I have never seen a more fit pregnant woman in my life.  She had the perfectly flat stomach with what looked like a medicine ball crazy-glued on her flat stomach.  I’m like, wow.  I’ve never seen this before, and I said to my wife, that obstetrician is going to need a catcher’s mitt because when that woman gives birth, that kid will come flying out the delivery room.

Kristin:  And that is something about athletes I’ve noticed.  I’ve worked with a lot of gymnasts and runners, and it’s hard for them to loosen up.  Their body is so physically tight, and labor is all about opening up and being loose and limber, and their pelvic floor, everything is so fit and tight that there can be some challenges there.

Dave:  Yeah, no, absolutely.  But here’s the good news, and it’s really cool talking to you because a lot of people say, well, I can never be an athlete, or I can never run a marathon.  And I always say, look.  If you can get up out of your chair and walk over and touch that wall and come back and sit down in the chair, then you can run a marathon.  Not today.  Not tomorrow.  But baby steps.  Inch by inch.  A year from now, I could have you complete a marathon.  You wouldn’t win it, but you’d do it with small steps every day.  And the human body was actually evolved to run.  That’s why we don’t have a lot of fur, so we can sweat a lot, and we’re upright.  So even the most out of shape person in the world has evolved to run.  And one of my brothers is an emergency room doctor, and when his wife is giving birth, he just said to her – he said, look, babe.  The human body, the female body, was evolved to give birth.

Kristin:  Exactly.

Dave:  So he said, you know, we all want to have safe, comfortable births, but he said, you know, I’ve had women give birth in the back of cabs.  One woman in a boat.  So don’t get overwrought about how something is going to go wrong.  As human beings, we have evolved that women can give birth in a whole bunch of different circumstances.  And you want to be as safe and as responsible as you can, but don’t get too worried, because he said, you know, the human body is a pretty incredible thing.

Kristin:  Exactly.  Yeah.  And then our clients who are physically active before pregnancy, during pregnancy, tend to have the stamina and do better for some of those lengthy labors.  Like, if they have some warm-up labor for a couple of days and they need that stamina when they are ready to deliver their baby, the fit and athletic clients and the clients who really prioritize rest and nourishment do end up have a better go of things than those who are not physically fit and who haven’t rested during pregnancy and haven’t made sure to nourish themselves.  Especially hydration.  I mean, as athletes, you’re all about continuously hydrating.

Dave:  Yeah.  And, you know, I’ve got about 12 points.  You and I could probably talk for five and a half hours about the similarities between being an athlete and giving birth, but I just wanted to raise a few really good points, and interrupt me any time as I yak.  When my wife and I train for an Ironman, the first and the most important thing, obviously, is the goal.  And there are two major types of goals, which is, one, I just want to finish this mile, and two, I want a certain time.  And I always tell people, the first time you do a marathon, we say, the first one’s a PB.  In other words, the first marathon is a personal best.  So it doesn’t matter how slow you go.  The real issue is, you come across the finishing line with a smile.  And I suspect the same in pregnancy.  As much as everybody wants to have a perfect pregnancy, the most important thing is that you have a healthy baby.  And to that end, you’ve got to be a little flexible.  Things may not turn out the way you want in terms of where and how it happens, but at the end of the day – unlike a marathon, where sometimes I have to counsel people because of a whole bunch of different things – they may not choose to do the marathon that day.  Usually the baby’s coming, whether you want it or not.  But expectations are a really important thing when you’re training for a race, and when I coach marathon clinics, I used to tell people, in order, in priority, you got to have three expectations.  Number one, don’t get injured.  Number two, finish the race.  And number three, have a best time.  Okay?  And those are really important because the first one, don’t get injured – you know, even you, if you think about it, you’re kind of like a pregnancy coach, right?  Is that how you would describe your profession?

Kristin:  Yes.  I am.

Dave:  Yeah.  So my wife and I use coaches.  We’ve used a lot of training coaches to help us not only plan our training but also for stretching, for strengthening drills, for nutrition.  And I think for a lot of people, having a pregnancy coach is a good thing.  It’s somebody who can give you feedback, tell you here’s a little plan.  This is what you should do.  Like, didn’t you tell me that sometimes, unfortunately, people use pregnancy as an excuse to just eat as much as they want because – what’s that old phrase, I’m eating for two now?

Kristin:  Exactly, or just to – you know, if you have a craving for fast food, it’s like using pregnancy as an excuse for wanting Taco Bell every day or whatever it might be.  When we tell our clients to focus on eating whole, nutritious food and thinking about baby, and obviously, if you’re craving something, it can be for a reason, and of course, we’re not nutritionists or dieticians, but we try to get them to focus on healthy, nourishing food that will give them energy rather than fast food every day.

Dave:  Yeah, and that’s, again, a great analogy to athleticism because I will tell you, one of the biggest issues my students had when I taught marathon clinics was they would overestimate how many calories they were burning when they were running.  So they go out and run for 8 or 10 miles as part of the clinic, and then they come back and eat, you know, a bagel with a half an inch of cream cheese in it and a coffee with sugar in it.  And when I first started teaching marathon clinics, some of my students were like, I never seem to be getting any faster, and I say, well, maybe you need to diarize your food intake.  There are a lot of really good apps out there now to help you figure out how many calories you’re burning and how much you’re eating.  And I will tell you personally, and this is something for all your listeners – you know, I wouldn’t use pregnancy as a reason to lose weight, but I also wouldn’t use pregnancy as a reason to pack on the Taco Bell or McDonald’s or fast food because food is just gas for your body.  It’s nutrition.  So it’s not about eating for two.  It’s eating well for two.

Kristin:  Exactly.

Dave:  Right?  And I will tell you, from a personal point of view, I’d done eight marathons and three Ironman, and I was still carrying extra weight, and it wasn’t until I actually downloaded an app and started diarizing my food intake.  I realized how much I’d been falling prey to fast food marketing messages, and I was eating way too much calories and way too much of the wrong food and processed food for my goals.  And what’s that whole thing, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it, right?  And I suspect when you find out you’re pregnant and you go in to see your doctor and they do a check-up – that’s why they take your blood pressure.  That’s why they look at your pulse.  That’s why they examine your blood level.  They’re trying to do some markers to figure out where you are.

Kristin:  Right.  Manage weight gain.  You know, you’re getting weighed every appointment, and things like that.

Dave:  Yeah.  Yeah.  But your point was an excellent one, which is, you know, the whole idea of laboring, giving birth to a child, is kind of like a race.  And if you’ve prepared properly, you know, both from a physical and nutritional point of view, race day is going to go a lot better.

Kristin:  For sure.  And staying hydrated and – you know, I tell my clients, before they go into the hospital if they’re birthing there, to make sure that they eat something with some protein, give them some energy.  Something light.  You know, nothing spicy.  And then thinking about having that energy boost – I’ve had clients who are athletes who would have those go sticks that you use and just have – you know, because then when you’re in the hospital, you’re basically liquid only, so you can have things like juice and broth and, you know, fruit pops and things like that, but for the most part, unless the hospital has a different policy, you’re not able to have snacks or a big meal or anything.  So it’s like, what will keep you going?  Honey sticks or different things to sustain energy, or electrolyte drinks.

Dave:  Yeah.  I mean, the other thing that – I don’t know if you were going to bring up, but it’s really important as an athlete – you need the support of your friends and family.  Even for sports that are considered solitary, like maybe a marathon, one of the most charming things I’ve ever seen is when a woman has almost finished her marathon and there’s her husband and her kids standing at the side of the road holding up signs, going, you can do it, Mom.  We love you, Mom.  Go, Mom, go.  Right?

Kristin:  Yeah, that’s a huge motivator!

Dave:  It is!  Yeah, and I just think, you know what, my heart goes out to women who are pregnant and they don’t have the support of friends and family.  And I think it’s really important that it’s part of pregnancy, just like it is for an athlete, that you have a support system around you, whether it’s your family, whether it’s your friends, whether it’s someone like yourself.  But I think that psychologically as well as physically, it’s so important to have a community around you.  And I think that’s part of good support in any pregnancy is to have people love you and want to care for you.

Kristin:  Yeah, exactly.  And I am there – I don’t necessarily love the word cheerleader, but I am encouraging my client, and if they have a partner or family member with them, I’m giving them some affirmations that you would use in a race.  Like, you are so strong.  You’re almost there.  You’ve got this.  You know, you are amazing.  Look at you.  And then we also use some of those markers for my clients who are seeking an unmedicated birth of, like, get through each contraction.  I used to run shorter races, but looking at, well, I’m going to make it up to that tree before I decide that I’m ready to stop, and pushing yourself a little bit more each time.  So when I had my two kids, I had unmedicated births.  My mantra was, I can do anything for 15 minutes.  And I would reassess after I got through a couple more contractions or surges.  And then just keeping going, use some positive affirmations and not focusing on, oh, this labor could be 12 hours, or my race might – you know, I can’t run for 10 more miles.

Dave:  Yeah, that’s an excellent analogy there.  I mean, my wife and I actually used the same mantra, which is, I can do anything for ten minutes.  Sometimes when we do our workouts on the bikes or runs where we’re doing sprints and they’re very taxing or arduous, doing speed work on a track, you’re on a bike – we always repeat to ourselves, I can do anything for ten minutes.  Because even on race day, our friends sometimes say to us, so how long do you think it will take you to finish an Ironman?  And I say, oh, probably 13 to 15 hours.  And they’re like, how do you mentally prepare yourself?  It’s like labor.

Kristin:  It’s a good question!

Dave:  And I said, well, you don’t think of it that way.  You think of it just, okay, I can do anything for – I’m going to run to that telephone pole over there, or I’m going to bike for another five kilometers and see how I feel, or I’m going to swim to this part, to the next buoy.  And I said just psychologically, when you start at the starting line of an Ironman, your heart’s beating a mile a minute, and you’re like, oh, I don’t know.  It’s going to be 15 hours I’m going to be out here today this.  And you just stop that and say, you know what, I can do anything for 30 minutes.  I’m just going to think about the next 30 minutes.  So I imagine the visualization of pregnancy is the same way.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Dave:  Let me share something with your listeners that had an impact on me and will likely for the rest of my life, and I think this really applies to giving birth.  My first Ironman, I wasn’t sleeping well for about two months before the race.  I was getting worried because it’s kind of like you’re training to climb Mt. Everest, and I imagine for a woman the first time – it’s different when you’ve had six kids, but the first race psychologically is always the hardest, and I bet you the first time you give birth – I don’t know, you can comment on this whether psychologically it’s a lot more stressful, right?  Because it’s the unknown.  So I went to my family doctor, and he was a pretty cool guy.  And he was doing a check-up.  It’s two months before my first Ironman.  And he said, how you doing?  And I said, I’m not sleeping well.  He goes, what’s going on?  I said, I wake up in the middle of the night and I have these dreams that I’m drowning in the lake or I fall of my bike.  And I was waiting for him to say something like, oh, just relax; it’s not going to happen.  And he said to me, okay, I have a suggestion for you.  It’s a visualization thing.  He said, so let me tell you how things are going to go on your race day.  I said all right – and this applies really well to giving birth.  He goes, you’re going to start a race at the beginning of the day with 2,000 other athletes, standing on the beach waiting for the gun to go off.  He said, your heart is going to be going a mile a minute, and you’re going to be really anxious.  And I’m like, you’re not helping me, man.  He goes, I want you to take a deep breath and just say to yourself, I’m so grateful.  I’m like, what?  He goes, take a deep breath and say, I’m so grateful.  I said, grateful for what?  He goes, say it to yourself.  I’m so grateful that I have the use of my arms and legs to do a race like this where a lot of people don’t.  I’m so grateful to have the support of my friends and family so I can do a race like this, because a lot of people don’t have that support.  I’m so grateful to live in a society where I can go out and I can train for fun, because many people live in countries where they just have to spend every day trying to stay alive or looking for food, and they don’t have the opportunity to do races like this.  And he said, when the gun goes off, I want you to try to replace your nervousness with gratitude.

Kristin:  It’s beautiful.

Dave:  It is, and it totally changed my mindset.  It’s not that I don’t compete in races and try to get a better time, but often, you know, it would be like when I’m at the hospital, and then in pregnancy, and the nurse comes by to give me some – do they still give ice chips, or is that an urban myth?

Kristin:  Yes, they sure do.

Dave:  So the nurse gives me some ice chips, and I would say, I really appreciate you doing this, and you’re such a wonderful nurse.  Thank you so much.  So that would be – it’s weird, but it actually changes your mindset from me, me, me, me, me to when you express gratitude to people around you, it takes that pressure off yourself and actually makes you feel better.  And so every race I do, when I go by a water stop, I always thank the volunteers.  I say hey, thank you so much for volunteering.  And they look surprised.  But I also express gratitude, and people are surprised and then they’re charmed, but I do it as much for myself as for them.

Kristin: I love it.  There are some great gems that you’ve shared.  So in labor, breathing is one of the most important things.  So how do you, dealing with the differences in running, biking, swimming, what is your practice with breath work?

Dave:  Good question.  You’re the pregnancy pro; I’m not.  But if I was to give a woman tips on breathing, I would say listen to your coach.  They’re the expert.  And so I’ve coached people how to breathe in running, and first and foremost, just breathe naturally.  But there is a lot of study done on the efficacy of breathing, and sometimes when you get really focused, you start taking short, quick breaths, and you don’t breathe properly.  So sometimes coaching is really important, and that’s why – because I’ve seen movies on pregnancy where they say, okay, you know, Lamaze breathing and all the other stuff.  But it’s really important that you listen to a professional who gives you guidelines on how to do it.  Because your breathing changes your blood chemistry.  And I will tell you, my wife, on her water bottles on her bike when she’s biking 112 miles, she’s got written on her water bottles, smooth and steady.  Smooth and steady.  So when she looks down when she’s in arrow position on her bike, she looks down and she sees, smooth and steady on one bottle, and the other bottle says, just smile.

Kristin:  Positive thinking.

Dave:  Yeah.  Confident thinking.  And if you talk to a lot of chiropractors, they talk about this flow that goes back and forth between your muscles and your brain, and sometimes by thinking positively, you can actually change the relaxation mode or the posture, so it actually works both ways.  So if you actually just physically try to smile, even though you don’t feel like smiling, sometimes it does change the way your brain thinks and it becomes happier.

Kristin:  Yeah, and with birth and breathing during labor, a lot of times we – you know, we don’t want our clients to hyperventilate is the biggest thing.  So you had talked about that fast pace breathing and really knowing to slow down, so for us it’s more of that yogic deep breathing.  I remind my clients to give their baby oxygen and focus on that as a way.  And then of course with COVID, at many points in labor until clients are tested, they’re wearing a mask.  So it’s that focus on slow, deep breathing and really noticing where they’re carrying tension.  And as athletes, you want to focus on making sure you’re not too tight.  Like, some people carry tension in their shoulders, and so I’m trying to get them to relax their shoulders or their forehead or their jaw is really clenched.  As you said, relaxing.  And yeah, I feel like people who are resisting labor and the sensations that they’re feeling, the pain intensifies, where if they’re relaxing into it and positive, as you’re saying, and focusing on their breath and some goals, then they are experiencing less of a sensation of discomfort.

Dave:  Absolutely.  In fact, if any of your listeners watched any of the Olympics this summer, people used to say to me, how come when I watch these runners in the Olympics and they’re standing there before their race, you see them just bend down and rub their legs, and their legs look all floppy, like the muscles look like they’re just all saggy?  And I go, that’s because they’re relaxed.

Kristin:  Exactly.  They’re not tensed.

Dave:  They’re not tensed.  Their muscles are really loose, and because if you actually understand how the muscle fibers work inside those muscles, they slide back and forth, so you don’t want any stickiness to them.  So when they actually start running really hard, those muscles tense up, but they can relax them a lot, too.  So your point is a great one, and I used to counsel a lot of my marathon runners, you know, I’m going to tell you to stretch.  Most people will not stretch properly or stretch as much as you should in between your practice runs.  So you should go get massage therapy.  I can’t say enough for the art of massage therapy.  I’m a guy, and I tell you, a lot of guys are socialized, at least in the west, not to have other people touch them.  But the art of the human touch is extremely important.  And I can tell you, I’ve been through so much massage in the last 25 years.  Even as a guy, anybody can touch me now.  Another guy can rub my butt and we can talk about football.  I don’t care anymore.  That’s one thing about real focused athletes is they understand the importance of massage, about being relaxed.  It’s not always about tight muscles.  Quite often, it’s about flexibility and relaxed muscles.  Let me add one more thing, because I think this is really important, and I’m not sure if you’re going to bring it up.  But I think checklists are really important in athleticism.  One thing you don’t want on race day is stress, and I don’t suspect you want the same thing when you’re about to go into labor.  So my wife and I are really big fans of checklists, which is, you know, what to bring to the hospital, what to do every time we’re packing to go to Europe to do a race, because the last thing you want to do is be on the way to the hospital, on the way on a flight going to Europe to do an Ironman, and you’re like, did I remember this?  Did I remember this?  Some people are natural checklist people, but other people aren’t.  So I would suggest for any of your listeners, if they’re listening to this, really believe in the power of checklists, because you literally go down your checklist and check things off, and it’s just one less thing to worry about.

Kristin:  I love that, yeah.  And like you said, everyone’s personality is maybe different, but it is very helpful to plan and prep of what to pack in the hospital bag, what people need to be called if you have other children or pets that need to be cared for, and just having everything set so you’re able to go at a moment’s notice.

Dave:  Exactly right.  And for anybody listening to this who maybe is a friend or a family of somebody who’s going to be pregnant, here’s a tip for you.  I used to tell people, when you finish your first marathon, or if you have a family member who just completed their very first marathon, do not say, what time did you do it in, because one day you’re going to meet somebody who’s climbed Mt. Everest, the highest mountain in the world.  They’ve trained for a year or two or ten to climb this mountain, and if you ever meet somebody who’s climbed Mt. Everest, you don’t say, what did you do it in.  You just say congratulations and how do you feel.  So when you meet somebody who’s completed their first marathon or their first Ironman, you don’t focus in on the time.  You just give them unconditional love and support and you ask how they’re doing.  And that’s what most people want.  And I suspect – correct me if I’m wrong, but when a woman gives birth for the first time, she just wants her friends around and not to discuss how long you were in labor and all the stuff that just happened.

Kristin:  And what kind of medication you had and did you achieve your goals, yeah.  I mean, birth is unpredictable, and so is an Ironman race or a marathon.  You could have an injury, and things can happen that are out of your control.  I love all of your tips.  Do you have any last-minute tips for our listeners as far as how you train mentally or physically?

Dave:  The last thing I just want to leave with people is, you know, as I said, I’ve got a couple of doctors in my family, and the old style of medicine was, I’m in charge.  You’re my patient.  Just listen to what I’m going to tell you to do because I’m the doctor and I’m the expert.  But now the new way of medicine is, the patient’s the quarterback of the team.  Everybody around the patient are their support system, and I think that’s the way it should be.  I think everybody – every woman who’s going to give birth should be literally in charge.  Now, it doesn’t mean she knows everything.  She may not know much about nutrition or about breathing properly or a whole bunch of other things.  So she needs the support of her coaches, her trainers, her teammates, and everything.  But at the end of the day, she’s in charge, and I think that’s really important, that the bond between a mother and her unborn child or soon-to-be born child is extremely important, and I have a lot of friends who work in hospitals, and they talk about how they’re there to support the mother and to give her guidance and advise and feedback, but they always keep in mind that this is her child and her baby.  And that’s a really good mindset to have as an athlete.  My destiny is in my hands.  I rely on a lot of people to do a marathon or an Ironman, but at the end of the day, it’s my race.  And I get the accolades when it goes well, and I accept the fact that sometimes things aren’t going to go well.  And the other thing is, I don’t look at it as one race.  I’ve had races where – I mean, two years ago, we went to Europe and the airline lost our bikes and all our equipment.  And we couldn’t do the race.  We showed up in Europe in Austria, and we had to stand there watching all the athletes go off, and then they never located our stuff until, like, four days after the race finished.  But what we realized was, we trained for a year.  We didn’t lose that training.  We still had that strength from all that training.  And so sometimes lousy things happen.  10% of life is what happens to you, and 90% is how you react to it.  And sometimes I think that applies to pregnancy, as well.  Heartbreak happens sometimes, and we have to be mindful that sometimes things don’t go as we planned, but it’s your resilience and your strength and the love and support of people around you that keep you going.

Kristin:  So true.  Now, I know we’re not here to discuss your professional background, but I do feel like it relates, since you are a motivator and keynote speaker and business leadership coach.  How can someone connect with you if they would like to reach out and have any questions for you and so on?

Dave:  Yeah.  My company is called Real Human Being.  I go around the world and talk to companies and communities about human behavior.  I’m known as the gear guy because I talk about three types of intentions: first gear, second gear, third gear.  So people who are interested in that can connect with me on my website.  Actually, my wife and I are moving to New York City in a few weeks, so we’ll be in the Big Apple.  And you’d love this; I’m actually going to start a social media brand called The Eh in the Apple.  Because Canadians say eh a lot, right?  I’m going to get a little apple design with a maple leaf stuck out the top, and I’m going to diarize my experiences in New York as a Canadian because I just love people.  I find people fascinating and curious, no matter what they look what, what religion they are, what nationality they are.  And I think at the end of the day, we all want to be amazing women or good guys, and that’s what I teach, is how to have self-awareness and how to be maybe just a little bit better than you.

Kristin:  Exactly.  I love it.  Well, thank you so much for your time today, Dave, and I’m sure we’ll connect again soon.

Dave:  It was a pleasure chatting with you, and I wish everybody a healthy and a safe birth.

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

Train for birth the way you would for an Ironman: Podcast Episode #134 Read More »

Childcare support that grows with you. Personalized for your family

Talking About Tricky Topics With Your Caregivers: Podcast Episode #133

Today we discuss the importance of having difficult conversations with your nanny or caregiver.  Joining us is Carol Kramer Arsenault of Boston Baby Nurse & Nanny.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Alyssa:  Hey, welcome to Ask the Doulas.  My name is Alyssa Veneklase, and I’m super excited to be talking to Carol Kramer Arsenault.  She is a registered nurse, author of the award-winning book, Newborn 101, and then founder of Boston Baby Nurse & Nanny.  Hi, Carol!

Carol:  Hi, hello!  Thank you for having me!

Alyssa:  So I’m really excited about our topic, because we’ve never done anything like this before, and we’re going to talk today about broaching really tricky subjects with your caregivers.  I think you’re a great one to talk about this because, obviously, you have a giant nanny agency.  But I think this could relate to whether you have a nanny, a postpartum doula, your mother-in-law in your home.  Like, how do you bring up really tricky subjects with these people who are helping you care for your child, and it’s especially important right now with COVID, right?  There’s all these other touchy subject areas that we’ve never had to deal with before.  So where do you want to start with this?

Carol:  Yes, well, I will start by saying the nanny-parent relationship is tricky.  It can be complicated, and it has to be nurtured.  Unlike any other relationship, when we have a caregiver or a nanny in the home, we’re trusting this person to care for our most valuable things in our lives, our kids.  Being a mom myself – my kids are older, but it’s tough when you leave your children in the hands of someone else.  And you can vet the nanny and do the interview and the background check, but it’s really important to foster a good relationship with your nanny, again, because they’re caring for your kids.  And what I’ve found to be really, really helpful is, right from the start, be clear about job responsibilities and expectations.  Communication: huge.  I think just as a culture, it’s not easy to communicate, right?  It’s not easy.  And sometimes what I think in my head is completely different about a situation that someone else has.  And so learning to really communicate and talk to people is really important, and job responsibilities and expectations, really being clear from the beginning, and being honest and open and letting any strong emotions pass before engaging in any type of productive discussion, if it comes to that.  And it takes time to get to know each other, the parent and the nanny.  Initially, the first year or so or six months, especially – it takes time for both parent and nanny to get to know each other.  I talk to a lot of moms, and I talk to a lot of nannies.  And we support both.  Our advice is always, if you have an issue about something, in a nice, respectful way, ask the nanny: when you have time later this evening, can we talk for a few minutes?  I have a few things that are on my mind that I’d like to talk to you about.  And not waiting until we’re frothing about an issue.  Just to let her know, you know, can we have some time later?  It’s something I’d like to talk to you about.

Alyssa:  That’s kind of a good life lesson in general, I think.  A lot of conflict-avoidant people find it really hard to say, oh, my gosh, they’re doing something I don’t like, but how do I bring this up?  So that’s just hard, parent or not.  So it’s almost like if you can set these expectations really early and say, you know, I think in a parent’s mind, they have to realize, this person works for me.  I need to set these job responsibilities, and maybe for that person, it’s writing them down, going over it with the nanny or other caregiver and seeing if there’s any questions.  Is this detailed enough?  Is anything too vague?  Because, yeah, I can just see where that could be – when someone is in your home 24-7, basically – do a lot of your nannies live in?

Carol:  Most of our nannies are there 40-50 hours a week.  They’re not live-in.

Alyssa:  Okay.  So when they’re there all day, basically, while the parents are at work, like 8:00 to 6:00, maybe, you want to know you’re going to work to do your thing and then coming home and all the work at home has been done the way you want it to.  Because, I mean, worst-case scenario, your nanny is not doing what you want and now creating more work for you when you get home.  If you’re too afraid to ask, you’re in a spot, right?

Carol:  It’s so true.  Yes, you’re right on.  And along with that, during COVID, a lot of parents are working at home.  They’re working remote, and so a lot of our nannies are getting used to working with parents that are in the next room, door closed, and they’ll come out and get their lunch.  So that whole relationship dynamic is different when the parents are in the home.  Brings another level to it.  But one of the benefits of addressing any issue quickly is that your nanny will learn from you.  So by me saying to Susan, who is taking care of my kids, “Susan, I wanted to touch base with you about something later tonight,” and then when I do touch base, it’s not a huge base.  It’s, “Susan, the last two or three days, you’ve been coming 20 minutes late, and I really have to start my day at blah-blah-blah.  So I just – is there a reason why?”  And then Susan says, “Oh, I didn’t realize.  I thought you didn’t start –”  you know, so it was sort of a miscommunication, and so good to nip it in the bud.  That’s an easy one.  But what the mom has also done is set an example of having an issue and discussing it with the nanny.  Now, the nanny, when she has something, will also feel that it’s easier to approach the mom, and that’s huge because we want to make sure if there’s anything that the nanny is upset about or anything that’s going on in her mind, it’s best to speak to it, because when that builds and issues build, it takes out on the kids.  And so it’s very important.  So we set a good example when we approach the nanny, and then the nanny will approach us as well.  And the longer it sits, the bigger it becomes.  Avoiding it doesn’t go away.  And it’s funny, so many times, it’s just miscommunication.  Like, we just had that where the nanny was coming late, just a few minutes, and she really thought that the mom said, oh, come anytime between 7:30 and 8:00.  And maybe she said that, who knows.  But the mom just needed to clarify, no, I need to be on my computer at 7:30.  So the nanny was like, oh, my gosh, I’m up at 5:00.  I’m happy to come.  So it was such an easy – but then there are some things that are a little more – you know, they’re bigger issues.  And one of the other things that we say to both the mom is to pick your battles.  You know, and we can’t be critical and have these expectations because, number one, we want her to be happy.

Alyssa:  So I’m curious, when you talk about communication, how this relates to mindfulness because I see that you’re also a certified mindfulness instructor.  So what do you do in that realm with your team of nannies?

Carol:  Where mindfulness and developing mindfulness and where that comes into play is that, you know, we’re living in stressful times.  And being a parent, working full time, having a nanny, is stressful, as is the nanny’s job.  And we have these kids who are in the middle, and they’re stressed as well.  And so what we teach is a way for nannies to start getting in touch with their feelings and being able to identify what that feeling is.  We live in a society where feelings are not regarded and emotions – no, don’t, we don’t want to do this.  And they’re pushed down and they’re pushed down, and it creates resentments and creates all kinds of negative mindset.  And the whole idea about being mindful is that when something comes up for the nanny that she’s uncomfortable with, she has the understanding – she’s in touch with her feelings enough that she can identify what that is, and she can talk to the mom about it.  And then the mom, as well.  And mindfulness, the ability to shut down and be in touch with the present moment.  And so setting aside a time each day to practice mindfulness, and for the nanny to do that with the children, for the mom to do that with the children, for all of them to do that together.  And kids are like sponges.  They absorb whatever it is that they hear.  We are their role models.  And so if I come home from work and I go in the other room and I’m upset and yelling because I had a crazy day at work or something’s going on, even if my kids are in the other room, my kids hear that, and the kids are affected by that.  And this is research-proven.  It’s not anything that Carol made up.  This is research-based.  Children pick up on this energy.  And so mom’s in the other room, all upset, thinking, oh, I’m protecting the kids; they don’t hear it.  But they are affected by that.  And part of being mindful is to be aware of what it is.  Like, why am I upset?  And are there other ways for me to express these emotions?  We want our kids to be able to express those emotions in a healthy way and to regulate their emotions.  And if we as adults and as moms and nannies can regulate our emotions, then the kids are going to be able to do that as well.  But it’s something that I didn’t learn until I was in my 40s.  Things happened in my life, and one thing led to another, and I was in a place where I needed something, and it happened to be meditation.  And one thing led to another, but it has taught me that when there is an issue, if I hold it in, it gets huge, and nobody benefits.  Having a nanny and communicating and understanding the science behind it, as well, is really important.  So we try to incorporate the two.  Children are the most important piece of this.  Parents, we want what’s best for our kids, and our nannies want what’s best for our kids, as well.  And by being able to set a good example, and if we’re upset with something, to validate that and say, yes, you’re right.  I was wrong.  I should not have said that.  I’m sorry.  I know that hurts.  Validating feelings is huge, and so I think as parents and caregivers, we need to recognize that first within us, and then we can teach our kids how to respond.  I can give you an example that just popped into my mind.  I remember my daughter coming home from school and being upset because she wasn’t invited to a birthday party.  And so what I did is I said, well, that’s okay.  Come on.  Let’s have our own party.  Let’s do – you know, it’s okay.  You don’t need to be invited.  But the point being – in hindsight now, my daughter needed to feel those feelings.  And so having learned what I learned, if I had a redo, I would say, Caroline, I know.  That really stinks.  That must – I can imagine that’s making you feel sad that you weren’t invited, and I feel like that too.  It’s okay to feel sad.  And you know what?  You’re not going to get invited to everything, and that’s sort of the way it is.  But, like, acknowledging and letting the child be okay with that is huge.  And as adults, any relationship that we have, it’s important.  But again, like what we’re talking about, is the caregiver and the child.  And so for a parent and a nanny to be able to listen to each other, really listen and validate, is wonderful.  And what happens is the respect that grows between the two people is such a positive event that the kids benefit.  Everyone benefits.  And so if a nanny is having a really tough time with one of the kids, and she doesn’t know how to bring it up to the mom, and she’s really stressed because this kid’s really fresh or he’s going into her purse and stealing things – for the nanny to be able to talk to the child but then also talk to the mom and say, you know, I’m trying the best that I can, but I really need you to support me.  And then the mom will say, oh, you know what?  Thank you for letting me know.  I didn’t realize that.  That must make you feel – right, again, validating.

Alyssa:  I love that.  So are you teaching this to the nannies to then carry forward to the families?  Do the parents also have access to this mindfulness training?

Carol:  Yes.

Alyssa:  Awesome.

Carol:  Which is great, and we love it.  We make it our goal.  It’s like we truly care about the family unit, and I’m so lucky and grateful that when I started Boston Baby Nurse, I was a nurse.  I cared for patients.  And even though I have a business, I’m still a nurse first, and I’ve surrounded myself with women and caregivers and newborn care experts that really have a passion and care what they do, as well.  And if we can make a difference in their lives, that’s why we do this.  We’ve been doing this for 15 years.  And one of the things that’s come of the forefront in the last 5 years or so is, when we integrate the mind, the body, the soul – right, and it’s not just about scheduling and doing everything that we can and checking off our to-do list and taking our meds because, you know, the child has ADD – some people need medication – but the point being is that, when we can decrease anxiety by just breathing, why not do that?  And so our goal is to make people aware of that.  And there are certain – you know, just a few, slow deep breaths, the child will calm down.  And everyone calms down.  So there are just a few techniques that are so simple.  They’re almost innate, but we’ve been – I don’t know, in this society, this day and age, we’re busy.  We’ve got work.  We’ve got this and that and the kids are overscheduled, that we don’t have time to just sit and do nothing.  And by teaching our nannies – you know, kids come home from school, and let them play.  You know, let them have a little downtime.  It’s important that the parents are on the same page, as well.  At the end of the day, after a few weeks or months, you see a difference in these families’ lives.  Parents communicating better.  Parents and grandparents and the nannies.  So it really is a way of life that has many, many benefits.  We can go on and on about different ways to practice mindfulness, but especially when you have a nanny in your home or a caregiver, you want to make sure that the relationship is positive.  And we get calls from nannies all the time, and some of the calls – I’ll give you an example – the nanny said, I cannot work for this family anymore, because all I do is clean all day, and the mom is leaving me more and more and more.  And I just happened to overhear the conversation, so I said to the woman I’m working with, well, ask her, has she talked to the mom?  Oh, no.  I haven’t said anything to the mom.  Like, such a great example.  So this nanny is ready to leave.  This has been going on for six months.  And so I ended up calling the mom, and the mom had no idea.  She was – she had no idea.  And she thought it was a great set up and that the nanny liked to be busy.  The baby naps for three hours.  I thought she wanted to be busy.  And it was such a misunderstanding, but this nanny was going to leave her job, and this mom had no clue.  So there is huge disconnect.  Huge disconnect.  And it’s just natural for the nanny – she’s not going to be that loving towards the kids because she feels upset.  So again, it just all comes back to mindfulness, thinking, communicating, and listening and just being respectful of the other person and knowing that when there’s a situation that people see it differently.  Everyone’s got their own color glasses on, and the nanny might have a purple pair, and she sees the situation like this.  And mom has a blue pair, and she sees the situation like that.  So let’s take the glasses off and speak to each other about it.  What a great example, too, when these children see that.  Right?  They mimic our behavior.  And it’s interesting.  Our dynamic at Boston Baby Nurse internally with our team leaders has really benefitted from this because we all are more mindful now, not just about the parents and the nannies, but the way we interact with each other.  I have learned so much in the last two or three years about how I interact with my team and listening and slowing things down and putting things into perspective.  If we can take this information and give it to the nanny or the caregiver and the parents, we make the world a little bit of a better place because there’s a little more love.  There’s more understanding.  There’s more happiness.  Little bit at a time, and at the end of the day, that’s what we all want.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Alyssa:  So let’s say there’s a doula, a nanny, some sort of caregiver listening.  Are your courses available for just random nanny and – you know, wherever they are in the country and the world to get ahold of not just mindfulness, but do you have other courses, as well?

Carol:  Yes.  We have an online education platform, and it’s available to nannies.  We have au pairs.  We have caregivers from all over the world that take the classes, and it depends on what their interest is.  We have a whole series of mindfulness classes, but we also have caring for kids with allergies, caring for kids with special needs, caring for multiples.  There’s so many ways that we can educate ourselves, and the more that we know, the better job we can do.  So our mission really is to make this available to everyone, and a lot of times, it’s the parents who purchase these for their nanny, which is kind of cool too.

Alyssa:  Yeah, that’s a cool gift.

Carol:  Yeah.  And we have to pay for our platform, obviously.  Our goal is to make the world a better place.  And so we’re putting out this content, offering it to you at the best prices that we can, and we continue to make new classes all the time when things come up, different things come up.  And we have a team of experts, really.  We have pediatricians, and we talk to child psychologists and different types of people.  And so the information that we do put together is all approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics.  It’s researched.  It’s evidence-based.  Again, we don’t make up our own information, but we make it available.

Alyssa:  That’s great.  And then before we sign off, I would love to hear a little bit more about your book and where people can find that.

Carol:  Great, yes.  Newborn 101.  It is everything that a parent needs to know from birth to the first year.  We talk about the tough things: sleeping, getting babies on a little bit of a schedule, developmental.  We talk a little bit about baby hygiene, breastfeeding, food, pretty much the first year.  The first part of the book is focused on what we call the fourth trimester and bringing home a new baby.  The first three months is a crazy time.  I mean, it’s been a long time for me, but I remember those times, and I was ready for any information I could get.  And when I was a labor and delivery nurse, parents would say, can you come home with me?  Can I take my nurse home?  I want to take my nurse home.  And so that is where the idea from the book came.  It’s a lot of information that’s exactly what I would tell parents and patients when they were leaving the hospital.  And it’s available on Amazon.  It’s online on our website, Boston Baby Nurse, and other bookstores as well.

Alyssa:  We’ll put links to those in the show notes.

Carol:  And I didn’t say this, but I think it’s also important that the power of mindfulness with children, with kids, is greater than with adults, because their brains and bodies are still developing.  So when they are mindful or they are meditating for a few minutes, they’re literally reinforcing and strengthening the neuro pathways that underlie focus, self-control, self-regulation.  It’s crazy.  And I will tell you real quick, we did a video on teaching mindfulness and yoga, and we had a 4-year-old little girl.  She’s running.  She’s on the mat, having fun, and took a little teddy bear.  I put it on her belly, and I had a little teddy bear on my belly, and we both laid down.  And so we taught this little girl how to breathe by having the teddy bear rise up and down.  And she did it for five or ten minutes, but that whole five or ten minutes, that was meditation for her, right, because all she was doing was watching her belly go up and down, up and down.  So later that day, the mom called me and she said, I don’t know what happened to – Jo-Jo is her name – she has been an angel all day, and she helped with her brother’s bath, and she went to sleep.  She’s been amazing.  So who knows, but I just thought that was funny because she did say to me, wow, and they’ve been practicing ever since with that little teddy bear.  So we videoed that, and we ended up putting that in one of our online classes.  What kid is going to sit there and meditate?  No.  A 4-year-old?  They’re too crazy.  So those little tricks, we have those, and I think it’s really cool to do.  Like, I took a class and learned how to get their attention because the kids – we are changing the next generation and changing the paradigm of childcare.  No more time out.  It’s not like that.  Anyway, I just feel passionate about that.

Alyssa:  No, I agree.  They’re growing and developing at such an exponential rate that we’re literally creating the next generation of adults who can now self-regulate because a lot of them can’t.  They cannot.

Carol:  No, I know.  It’s so true.  It’s so true, yeah.  Good stuff.  Good stuff.

Alyssa:  Yeah.  Thank you so much for joining me today!

Carol:  Thank you for having me on your show!  It was just a pleasure.  It was a pleasure to speak with you and to meet you.  Keep up the good work!

Alyssa:  You too!

Carol:  Thank you.  Take care!

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.


Talking About Tricky Topics With Your Caregivers: Podcast Episode #133 Read More »

Anja's Stem Cell Collection Kit boxes

Cord Blood Banking: Podcast Episode #132

Today, we sit down with Kathryn Cross, CEO & Founder of Anja Health to discuss the importance and practical uses of umbilical cord blood.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes, SoundCloud, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Welcome.  You’re listening to Ask the Doulas, a podcast where we talk to experts from all over the country about topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early parenting.  Let’s chat!

Alyssa:  Hey, everyone.  This is Alyssa, and today, I am talking with Kathryn Cross.  She is the founder and CEO of Anja.  Anja is a cord blood banking company, and I don’t think we’ve ever talked about cord blood on this podcast, so I’m kind of excited to get some questions answered.  You mentioned that you started this because of your brother, Andrew.  You couldn’t find a cord blood match.  Do you want to talk a little bit about the history of why you started this?

Kathryn:  Sure.  Yeah, so when my brother was 1 and I was 3, he was in a near-drowning accident that led to his diagnosis of cerebral palsy.  Prior to that, he was completely healthy, and my parents never banked his umbilical cord blood or anything like that but began to look into treatments for cerebral palsy.  And there isn’t necessarily a go-to treatment, but there are ways to sort of alleviate the symptoms of cerebral palsy and improve motor skills and such.  One of the most promising resources and studies that my parents were able to find was one related to umbilical cord blood.  So there are children who have had cerebral palsy, and their parents banked their umbilical cord blood, and they were able to use it and saw pretty substantial improvements in their motor skills, even vision, things like that.  Ever since then, I’ve been exposed to umbilical cord blood and just always kept up with the possibilities and continuing use cases because as research advances, it just continues to grow every year, and people find more and more effective use cases for it.  I’ve even been seeing it in anti-aging type related uses or athletes being able to use stem cells from the umbilical cord blood or tissue to be able to treat injury, that kind of thing.  So that’s how I got started.  And that’s also why I’m really convicted that umbilical cord blood is the future of preventative care and should definitely be something that every parent engages in.

Alyssa:  Wow.  My daughter is almost 9, and I don’t think I banked it, but I donated it.  So is there – it’s obviously banked somewhere.  What’s the difference between those two, I guess?  Do you know?

Kathryn:  Yeah, so my company allows parents to be able to bank for their own child.  So it’s always the parents’ property.  When the child turns 18, it becomes the child’s property.  For that case, it’s pretty much just autologous use, so people using it for themselves.  And it’s their property, so they could potentially give it away to someone else if they wanted to.  But just kind of the ownership and reassurance in knowing that you would always have access to it.  Whereas with donating, you donate it to a public bank, and people who didn’t have the umbilical cord blood stored at birth could potentially look into a bank for donors.  So that’s what my parents did.  They looked in banks for donors.  But the thing with public banks is, they tend to be partnered with pretty high-income area hospitals, so as a result, the donors that they get tend to skew pretty white, and matching goes by ethnicity.  So my brother and I are half Chinese and half white, so it was really difficult to find a match, and my parents couldn’t find one.  Right now, there’s just kind of a gap in public banks where people are looking with donors and looking to donate.  For especially people who have predisposition to certain illnesses and also for people who are mixed race and such, we advise that people bank their own cord blood.

Alyssa:  Yeah, that’s something that I never really knew or understood until my nephew needed blood, and I didn’t realize, because he is half Mexican, half Dutch.  And I didn’t realize that that’s a really hard combination to find.  Like, I just thought blood was – there’s blood types, and we share blood types, and I didn’t know that it had anything to do with ethnicity until he needed blood.  So, really, I mean, even if a parent didn’t have concerns about their own child or want to bank it, it’s really beneficial.  It’s kind of like putting on your license that you’ll be an organ donor.  This is kind of like, if you’re not going to do anything with the cord blood anyway, why not donate it, because someone else might be able to use it.

Kathryn:  Right.

Alyssa:  So are there certain types of things you’re finding parents do use your company to bank cord blood?  Is it more preventative?  Do they know that they have, you know, say, a genetic family disorder?

Kathryn:  I would say it tends to be just people that are interested in wellness and preventative care, definitely.  I think it for sure resonates with people who are mixed race, and a lot of especially communities like Black parents tend to be drawn to it, I think, because it can be – cord blood has been FDA-approved to treat sickle cell anemia and diabetes and just things in general that Black communities tend to have a higher prevalence rate with.  And also we offer placenta banking starting for moms who are due in November, so with that as well, the mom can potentially use it, and I know there are really high rates of maternal mortality and such, but for the most part, it’s just people that are generally interested in wellness and preventative care.

Alyssa:  I’m interested.  I didn’t know you were doing – what is placenta banking?

Kathryn:  It’s basically just the same as umbilical cord blood and tissue banking.  So we offer all three.  The cord blood and then also the cord tissue, so the cord itself, and then placenta banking.  So all of them are just cryo-preserving it for later use.  I know a lot of people do, like, placenta encapsulation and such, so yeah, it could just be using placenta encapsulation as using the placenta right after birth, or you could choose to store it later on.  And the placenta is very rich with stem cells, as well.  So it’s just an additional source of stem cells.

Alyssa:  So a parent could potentially do both or all three, you said.  Blood, tissue, and placenta?  Okay.

Kathryn:  Yeah.

Alyssa:  What is that process?  For anyone who’s either never heard of this before or thinking about doing it or maybe read about it but doesn’t know what that looks like.  Like, let’s say you’re in the hospital.  You just gave birth.  Then what?

Kathryn:  Usually, parents will have chosen to bank prior to birth.  So it can be even up to a couple days before birth, and then we can get a collection kit to parents pretty quickly.  But from that point, we send parents that kit, which contains a blood bag and some vials and a small jar for the tissue, a larger container for the placenta, things like that, inside of this collection kit.  And then it becomes essentially a part of their hospital bag.  They can take it with them to the hospital, or we’ve had clients just keep it at home if they’re doing a homebirth, and just let their admitting nurse know if they’re going to the hospital or their midwife know or anyone that’s helping out with the homebirth, and then anyone can pretty much do the collection.  It’s a very simple process.  I mean, even I would feel comfortable doing it.  It’s just a matter of sticking a needle into the umbilical cord blood vein and then letting the blood flow.  And then afterwards putting the cord and placenta into the given containers.

Alyssa:  So typically, a nurse would do in the hospital situation, I would imagine?

Kathryn:  Yeah.

Alyssa:  And then the midwife in a homebirth?

Kathryn:  Yes.  And then after that, the mom would just fill out a quick form on our website and just say that they’re ready through this form for pickup, and then within 4 to 6 hours, our shipping team will come and pick it up from wherever they are in the United States.  We’ve partnered with an international shipping team, as well.  So we’re not serving international clients, but we have the capability to do so.  Because we have this national presence with our partner, we can go pretty much anywhere very quickly.  So they can pick it up and then take it to our partner lab in New Jersey, and that is where it is cryo-preserved and kept in safety.

Alyssa:  I do remember having to fill something out online.  I got a kit, and then I just had to give that to them.  I was like, here’s this.  I don’t know what to do with it.  And they obviously did.  So it’s a lot – even though all that stuff you just said might sound intimidating for a parent, I think they just need to know, like, once you get that kit, like you said, put it in your hospital bag, or if you’re at home, you just give it to whoever is handling that.  You know, like give it to the nurse on staff or give it to your midwife, and they’re going to handle it.  It’s not something that they have to do.

Kathryn:  Yeah, and they pretty much know what to do.  Like, we’ve had – our most recent client, she was doing a homebirth and had a midwife, and we offered to walk her midwife through the whole process on Zoom, but she said her midwife had done it before and felt comfortable.  So I think for the most part, people know what to do, and we have, like, a little comic inside with illustrations and such that serve as directions, so people can do it on their own without our guidance, as well.  I think it would be pretty easy.

Alyssa:  And how long can you store the tissue and blood?

Kathryn:  Pretty much as long as you want.  Like, an entire lifetime, even.  We offer packages in 20 years, so 20 years of cryo-preservation at a time.  This is because of that ownership switch to the child once the child turns 18.  At that point, the child can decide what they want to do.  But they can renew at any time with us, and then we can continue to store it.

Alyssa:  That’s really cool.

Hey, Alyssa here.  I’m just popping in to tell you about our course called Becoming.  Becoming A Mother is your guide to a confident pregnancy and birth all in a convenient six-week online program, from birth plans to sleep training and everything in between.  You’ll gain the confidence and skills you need for a smooth transition to motherhood.  You’ll get live coaching calls with Kristin and myself, a bunch of expert videos, including chiropractic care, pelvic floor physical therapy, mental health experts, breastfeeding, and much more.  You’ll also get a private Facebook community with other mothers going through this at the same time as you to offer support and encouragement when you need it most.  And then of course you’ll also have direct email access to me and Kristin, in addition to the live coaching calls.  If you’d like to learn more about the course, you can email us at, or check it out at  We’d love to see you there.

Alyssa:  So is there anything else you think people need to know about saving cord blood or tissue?

Kathryn:  Yeah.  I mean, I think a lot of parents are under the impression that it’s sort of similar to an insurance policy, which I think is definitely a good analogy, but I always try to convey to parents that it’s more than just an insurance policy.  I really believe that if someone has access to stem cells, they will use it at some point in their life.  I mean, I was even in Mexico on vacation and saw signs for stem cell treatments at the same type of place that they were giving out Botox and such, and obviously, they’re not, like, the same, but I think it’s just that now stem cells are being seen in this light of wellness and beauty and anti-aging, sort of equivalent to Botox and such.  So even if a child spends their whole life being healthy, then they don’t necessarily just waste their money on this insurance policy, but they could even use it for, like, treating dementia or just combatting aging in general and treating injuries for athletes or improving athletic performance, like Kobe Bryant and a lot of MBA players have utilized stem cells.  Selma Blair recently announced that she was in remission from multiple sclerosis and received an umbilical cord blood treatment.  So I think it really is the future of medicine.  I think it’s not just an investment in an insurance policy but an investment in the fact that your child will someday be able to use it, and the possibilities are only growing.

Alyssa:  That’s really cool.  So if people are interested, how do they find you?

Kathryn:  Our website is Anja Health.  I named it after my brother Andrew.  We also are on Instagram and Twitter as @useanja.  On Facebook as Anja.  LinkedIn is Anja.  TikTok as fertilityfriend.  So we’re trying to be as accessible as possible through all types of different social channels, and we have our numbers listed for calling, texting, and scheduling appointments on our website.  So anything like that, we’re open for it.

Alyssa:  Very cool.  Thanks.  We’ll put links to everything in the show notes, if anyone has questions on how to find you.  Or if they do look at the website and have additional questions, you said it’s easy for them to find you to ask you specific questions, correct?

Kathryn:  Yes!

Alyssa:  Well, thanks for your time today!

Kathryn:  Yeah, thank you!

Thanks for listening to Gold Coast Doulas.  Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a five-star review.  Thank you!  Remember, these moments are golden.

Cord Blood Banking: Podcast Episode #132 Read More »