Physical Therapy During Pregnancy

pregnancy physical therapy

Maternity clothes✓ Registry✓ Hospital tour✓ Doula✓ Photographer✓ What could you possibly be forgetting? What about getting YOURSELF prepared? Likely from the moment you found out you were pregnant you have been focused on the tiny human growing inside of you. While prenatal vitamins, nursery preparations, and choosing the perfect name are all very important parts […]

Meet our new IBCLC, Kelly Wysocki-Emery!

Kelly Wysocki-Emery

We are thrilled to have Kelly join the Gold Coast Team. Many of our doulas have used Kelly personally for lactation consultations with their own children. She comes to us with years of experience and a trusted name in the community. 1) What did you do before you became a lactation consultant? In a former […]

Perinatal Mood Disorders: Podcast Episode #91

Today we talk with Elsa, a therapist at Mindful Counseling in Grand Rapids, Michigan who specializes in perinatal mood disorders.  Learn what postpartum anxiety and depression look like, how they are different, and signs to look out for.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the […]

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction with Rise Wellness Chiropractic: Podcast Episode #90

Rise Wellness Chiropractic

Dr. Annie and Dr. Rachel talk to Alyssa about Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD), how to prevent it, how to treat it, and things every pregnant and postpartum woman should be doing!  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Hello.  Welcome to another episode of Ask the Doulas.  I am Alyssa, […]

The importance of certification – Why Gold Coast Doulas are different!

certified doula

Did you know that in the State of Michigan you (yes, you) can call yourself a doula? There is no licensure, training, or certification required. That’s scary. How do you, as a consumer, know you’re hiring the best doula you can? At Gold Coast Doulas we believe in elevating the standards of doula support to […]

Meet Lauren – our newest Birth & Postpartum Doula!

Lauren Utter

Welcome Lauren Utter to the Gold Coast team as our newest birth and postpartum doula. We are so happy to have her! 1) What did you do before you became a doula? I was a preschool teacher, event coordinator for a camp for children with various needs, and a nanny. 2) What inspired you to […]

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: Podcast Episode #89

Spectrum Health Midwives

Today we speak with Katie and Becky from Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids about what it means to be a designated Baby-Friendly hospital. You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin: Welcome to Ask the Doulas with Gold Coast Doulas. I’m Kristin, co-owner, and I’ve got Alyssa here. And we’ve […]

Saving for Baby: Podcast Episode #88

The Millennial Guru

Kristin talks to Paige, The Millennial Guru, again today about how to financially prepare for growing your family!  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas with Gold Coast Doulas.  I’m Kristin, co-owner of Gold Coast, and I’ve got Paige Cornetet, the Millennial Guru, here […]

The Millennial Guru: Podcast Episode #87

The Millennial Guru

Paige, The Millennial Guru, shares some savvy saving tips to help you think about priorities, wants, and needs and how to budget for them.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas with Gold Coast Doulas.  I’m Kristin, co-owner, and I’m here today with Paige […]

What is a B Corp? Podcast Episode #86

Certified B Corporation

Today Kristin talks to Hanna from Local First about what it means to be Certified B Corporation and how it impacts our community.  Gold Coast Doulas is the area’s most recent B Corp!  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas with Gold Coast Doulas. […]

Stress Mastery: Podcast Episode #85

Deb Timmerman Stress Mastery

Deb Timmerman, RN, DAIS, CSME speaks with us today about her new certification in Stress Mastery.  What does that mean, you ask?  It’s all about learning positive ways to handle stress and actually master it, instead of letting stress take over.  Listen to see how this can help parents throughout pregnancy and postpartum.  You can […]

Preparing Your Body For Pregnancy: Podcast Episode #84

Health for Life Grand Rapids

Dr. Nave now works with queens through her virtual practice Hormonal Balance. We talk this time about how a woman can prepare her body for pregnancy.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Alyssa:  Hello!  Welcome to another episode of Ask the Doulas Podcast.  You have Kristin and Alyssa here […]

Maddie’s Birth Story: Podcast Episode #83

HypnoBirthing Story

Our listeners love hearing a positive birth story.  Today Maddie, a previous HypnoBirthing and Birth client, tells us all about her labor and delivery as well as her experience in the hospital right after having her baby.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas […]

How Sleep Deprivation Impacts New Parents

Sleep Deprivation

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and scary milestones of a person’s life. It’s likely your emotions will run the gamut from excited anticipation and joy, to fear of the unknown and uncertainty about what’s ahead and how you’re coping with parenthood. Managing night time feeds, tending to your baby throughout the […]

Understanding Your Cycle: Podcast Episode #82

Dr. Nave Health for Life Grand Rapids

Dr. Nave now works with queens through her virtual practice Hormonal Balance. She talks with us today about a woman’s monthly cycle. What’s “normal”?  What if you don’t get a period at all? Is PMS a real thing?  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Alyssa:  Hello, welcome to Ask […]

Maddie’s HypnoBirthing Story: Podcast Episode #81

HypnoBirthing Story

Today our former birth client and HypnoBirthing student, Maddie Kioski, tells us her personal pregnancy journey using HypnoBirthing and how it helped her feel excited about labor and delivery instead of scared.  You can listen to this completed podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud.   Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas with Gold Coast Doulas.  […]

Pregnancy Shouldn’t Be Painful

Pregnancy Yoga

Gold Coast is thrilled to present a guest post by Sally Talbot, PT, Senior PT and co-owner of Health Motion Physical Therapy. Pregnancy is a wonderful and amazing time.  However, creating a new life does create some major changes in the body. Pain in different areas during pregnancy is a common complaint. Physio– states that back […]

Gold Coast Doulas 4th Annual Diaper Drive

Nestlings Diaper Bank

Gold Coast Doulas is holding our 4th annual Diaper Drive from September 1st to October 1st, 2019. Giving back is an important foundation of our business; clean diapers make a huge impact on the heath of new families. Diaper need is something that goes almost completely unrecognized, but 1 in 3 babies suffer in dirty […]

Megan’s Sleep Story: Podcast Episode #80

Sleep Consultant

Megan Kretz, one of Alyssa’s sleep clients, tells us about her sleep training journey with her daughter at 9 months and again at 19 months.  She says that as a working mom, it meant spending a little less time with her daughter, but that it was all worth it because the quality of the time […]

Supporting a Postpartum Mother: Podcast Episode #79

Postpartum Depression

Elsa Lockman, LMSW of Mindful Counseling talks to us today about how partners, family members, and other caregivers can support a mother during those critical postpartum weeks to ensure she seeks help if needed.  How do you approach a new mother and what are her best options for care?  You can listen to this complete […]

The Minority Bride: Podcast Episode #78

Connies Bridal Boutique

  Alyssa: Hi, welcome to Ask the Doulas. It’s Alyssa and I’m talking with Gaby again if you remember her. Last time she told us her lovely birth stories. Hi Gaby. Gaby: Hi Alyssa, good to be back. Alyssa: I want to learn about your business. So Connie’s Bridal Boutique. Gaby: Yes. Alyssa: Who’s Connie? […]

7 Ways To Save Money When Having A Baby


Emily Graham is the creator of She believes being a mom is one of the hardest jobs around and wanted to create a support system for moms from all walks of life. On her site, she offers a wide range of information tailored for busy moms — from how to reduce stress to creative […]

Meet our new doula, Jen!

Jen Serba Doula

  Meet Jen Serba, our newest postpartum doula. She filled out our standard Q&A so let’s get to know her a little better! 1) What did you do before you became a doula? I began my medical career 17 years ago when I became a Medical Assistant (MA) fresh out of high school. I was […]

Gaby’s Birth Stories: Podcast Episode #77

Birth Stories

Gaby is a local business owner in Grand Rapids and talks to Alyssa about the birth stories of both of her children. You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Alyssa: Hi, welcome to Ask the Doulas podcast. I am Alyssa and I’m excited to be here with Gaby today. How […]