Meet Ashley Harland!
November 3, 2020

Meet Ashley Harland!

Meet Ashley Harland, our newest postpartum doula!

1) What did you do before you became a doula?
Before I became a doula I did many things! I’ve done photography (and still do), started an eco-friendly farm, homeschooled my children, did housekeeping, and mentored special needs adults to name a few!

2) What inspired you to become a doula?
Having children of my own mostly, and not having that support, emotionally or physically for myself. I want to be the person for families that I wish I would have had. It’s truly essential!

3) Tell us about your family.
I have four children. My oldest, Marcus is about to be 15 and is on the verge of independence. Bryson is 12 and enjoys anything outdoors, especially fishing. My daughter Brayley is 11, and animals are her language. My baby just turned 7 and has become such a courageous young guy compared to a year ago. I love watching them evolve into their true identities.

4) What is your favorite vacation spot and why?
I absolutely love to travel! I would say currently my favorite vacation spot is a toss between Texas (because some of my closest people live there) or any woods in Michigan where I can get rustic and camp!  There’s nothing better than just you and nature.

5) Name your favorite bands/musicians and tell us what you love about them.
I love music so this is tricky, but I’ll go with what I’ve been listening to lately:

Trevor Hall – his words are medicine! Just like Rising Appalachia songs!!!
Matt Maeson – his lyrics are a little weird (just the way I like them) and his beats match.
Excision or Ganja White Night- some songs I get lost in their flow and they are great for dancing.
Nirvana or old school Tupac are always fun to travel back to on occasion! SEE! I love it all, so hard to choose!

6) What is the best advice you have given to new families?
We are all doing our best, one step at a time. You are not alone.

7) What do you consider your doula superpower to be?
Hearing, truly hearing, what people are saying, and being creative with how to support deep needs.

8) What is your favorite food?
Cereal! I don’t eat it much anymore though so I’ll go with steak! Add in a sweet potato or squash and sauteed spinach!!! Oh no, wait….smoothies! Definitely smoothies. Food is like music to me. I love it all and it depends on my mood.

9) What is your favorite place in West Michigan’s Gold Coast?
I grew up in Grand Haven but currently live in Muskegon….love them both!

10) What are you reading now?
I’m always reading! Currently it’s ‘The Fourth Trimester’ by Kimberly Ann Johnson and ‘Daring Greatly’ by Brene Brown.

11) Who are your role models?
So many people! Janne Robbinson for her authenticity. Randy Patterson for similar reasons and for her position in the doula world. I find things I desire to model in so many of the people I meet.