What to do on Michigan’s Gold Coast – Grand Haven

Grand Haven Michigan

Our guest blogger today is one of our postpartum doulas, Lynnette Nichols. She has lived in Grand Haven for 15 years and wanted to share some hidden gems with you. Next time you take a family trip to West Michigan’s Gold Coast, stop in Grand Haven and check out these fun, family-friendly activities. While raising […]

How my son with Down syndrome has changed my life.

Down Syndrome

We recently had the opportunity to interview our guest blogger, Alisha, about her experience as a mother of a child with Down syndrome. Read on to find out about her amazing journey. On October 27th, 2016, Alisha found out her son Mason was born with Down syndrome. What went through your mind? A lot of […]

Easy Learning Invitations for your Toddler

Play Dough

  Our guest blogger today is Alana Chernecki. She is an educator by trade and a designer at heart. A mom of three, with over ten years of teaching experience in Winnipeg’s public schools, she discovered early on the importance of creating a learning environment that was both stimulating and calm, clean and colorful, engaging […]

What kind of oil should I use to massage my baby?

Infant Massage

Today our guest blogger is Cristina Stauffer, LMSW, CEIM and infant massage instructor. She’s sharing some wisdom about what oils to use on your baby. One of the most common questions I get related to infant massage is about what kind of oil to use. The International Association of Infant Massage recommends high quality (preferably […]

Newborn Care: Fussiness

Newborn Survival

When I teach my newborn care class one of the topics we cover is fussiness. This topic gets a lot of reaction from parents. They have a lot of questions. Nobody wants a fussy baby, but the truth of the matter is that every baby is fussy at times. So what do you do when […]

The importance of giving children chores

Kids chores

Today we have a guest blog from our very own Alexandrea Rocha, previously an antepartum and postpartum doula with Gold Coast Doulas. If you have kids at home and struggle with the day-to-day list of chores, she has some helpful tips to get the whole family involved! As parents, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Especially […]

Why is Infant Massage Good for Babies?

infant massage

Why is Infant Massage Good for Babies? Gold Coast Doulas is thrilled to present a guest blog from Cristina Stauffer.  Cristina Stauffer, LMSW, CEIM has been passionate about serving women and young children throughout her career.  Pregnancy and early motherhood can be one of the most vulnerable times in a woman’s life. Cristina has been […]

Tips for Camping with Children

camping with kids

We are pleased to present a guest blog with helpful tips for camping with kids from Courtney Garveink. Courtney was a birth doula with Gold Coast and a HypnoBirthing instructor. As I sit here now, my husband and two girls, ages 5 and 4, are in our garage working on our fishing boat. Well, my […]

What does non-judgmental support mean?

Postpartum Doula

Author: Alyssa Veneklase, CD   I was recently asked if, since I’m a doula, I tell clients not to vaccinate and make them feel guilty if they don’t breastfeed. What??! If you had a doula that made you feel this way, I apologize on behalf of them. That is the opposite of what a doula […]

Feeding the Monkeys

Gold Coast Doulas

We are pleased to present a guest blog on feedings from Becky Antaya. Becky is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) who has worked with women, infants and children for over 12 years. Through her experience educating moms and families about nutrition and breastfeeding she discovered a need for mothers to be nurtured and supported during […]

Your Confusing Little Mammal

kelley emery IBCLC

We are honored to feature a guest blog from Kelly Wysocki-Emery, RN, IBCLC from baby beloved, inc. Kelly went to college to become a  psychologist, but after the experience of birthing and breastfeeding her first baby, she was “hooked” on the incredible miracle of it all.  She decided that she wanted to help other mothers with […]