Baby Sleep Tips for Exhausted Parents [From an Overnight Doula]

Overnight duola for twins

The average parent loses 133 nights of sleep before their baby turns one. No wonder you’re exhausted. And while sleepless nights are often part of the parenting journey, it doesn’t mean you have to just power through with no direction. Here’s something you might not know: overnight doulas are filled with valuable insights on how […]

Audra’s Birth Story: Podcast Episode #105

Audra Geyer Doula horizontal headshot for Gold Coast Doulas with hand on hip

  Audra Geyer, Gold Coast’s newest birth doula, tells us her birth story and how birth support from her doula was a game changer.  She also took HypnoBirthing classes and went from being afraid of labor to looking forward to it!  Her experience with Gold Coast let her to become a doula herself! You can […]

Maddie’s Birth Story: Podcast Episode #83

HypnoBirthing Story

Our listeners love hearing a positive birth story.  Today Maddie, a previous HypnoBirthing and Birth client, tells us all about her labor and delivery as well as her experience in the hospital right after having her baby.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask the Doulas […]

HypnoBirthing Baby – Wesley

Woman wearing neutral colors lays on a white bed cradling her baby bump

We love getting birth stories from clients! This is a beautiful story from one of Ashley’s HypnoBirthing students. Through all of the unknowns of labor and delivery for a first time parent, this mom describes her birth experience and how relaxing and keeping calm throughout eliminated any room for fear. Wesley Thomas Sarazin was born […]

Podcast Episode #65: Annette’s HypnoBirthing Story

HypnoBirthing Story

Today we talk with a previous HypnoBirthing student, Annette Beitzel, about her personal experience with HypnoBirthing at Gold Coast Doulas.  Although she didn’t use it how she intended, it had an incredible impact on her pregnancy and birth experience.  You can listen to this complete podcast episode on iTunes or SoundCloud. Kristin:  Welcome to Ask […]

How ZENBands Became a Part of Pregnancy  


Gold Coast Doulas is pleased to announce a guest blog by Dr. Erin Stair on her headbands that are perfect for listening to HypnoBirthing scripts or childbirth playlists. I use them for listening to podcasts like “Ask the Doulas” with Gold Coast Doulas on Soundcloud and Itunes. Erin is the creator of ZENBands, ZENTones, author […]

HypnoBirthing – Brianna & Ben’s Story

HypnoBirthing Baby

A huge thank-you to our HypnoBirthing student for taking the time to share her beautiful birth story with us! We hope you love this as much as we do! My husband Ben and I decided to take a HypnoBirthing class because we had a goal to have a natural birth and because we didn’t think the hospital […]

We are Your Doulas!

Gold Coast Doulas

We are your doulas! At Gold Coast we pride ourselves on our superior service and professionalism. We aim to be your one stop shop for all things pertaining to pregnancy, birth and the postpartum time. Looking for childbirth classes? We’ve got you covered with HypnoBirthing classes and will soon be releasing another option for Childbirth […]

What is the Hypno in HypnoBirthing?


Gold Coast Doulas is pleased to present a blog from Karlye McNeely RN, BSN. Karlye is co-owner of Gold Coast Doulas LLC, she is a graduate of the Hope/Calvin nursing program, and former L&D nurse. Karlye is a certified HypnoBirthing practitioner and has been teaching HypnoBirthing classes in West Michigan for 11 years. She has […]