Cesarean Birth Photography Tips
May 12, 2016

Cesarean Birth Photography Tips

Gold Coast Doulas is pleased to present a guest blog from Bri Luginbill of the People Picture Company. Bri is a Grand Rapids photographer with a passion for photographing families, seniors, babies all of the people and events that enrich and define our lives. She also has years of experience photographing children with special needs. Each and every child is an inspiration, constantly reminding her of how joyful life is. Bri offers birth and newborn photography services to Gold Coast Doula clients.

 Besides photography, Bri enjoys DIY crafting, yoga, calligraphy and thrift store shopping – her whole wardrobe is stocked full of finds from Goodwill.

5 Tips for Taking Photos During a Cesarean Birth

As a birth photographer, capturing moments before and after a birth are some of the most honorable events I have been a part of for my clients. There are very rare times when a birth photographer is not allowed in the room. When an event like this happens, I want to equip the family members with techniques on how to capture the best photographs. One instance where a birth photographer may not be allowed into the room is during a cesarean birth. It’s an important time and will be great memories to look back on. The best camera to use in this instance is your camera phone.


Tip #1 Use your Camera Phone

Camera phones are fantastic for capturing a cesarean birth. Usually you’ll always have your phone on you, so it’s the perfect camera to use in an emergency situation. Also, when you go into the OR, you will be required to wear hospital scrubs. The scrubs they give you have pockets that phones fit in perfectly!

Tip #2 If able, get a stool or chair

Rooms can get crowded with lots of people and the more height you have, the better you will capture the birth and be out of the way of doctors and nurses.

Tip #3 Turn off your flash

During a procedure like this, flash should be turned off of your camera phone. You actually don’t even need it because normally, there will be bright lights directed where the cesarean is happening as to see most optimally for the doctors and nurses. Also, flash can be distracting to the process.


Tip #4 Good Exposure

Exposure is how light or dark your photo will look when you take the picture. When taking photos, you want to make sure you can see both the bright and dark parts of the photograph as well as you can. Your phone camera automatically tries to do this. To make sure you can see detail in both the light and dark areas, make sure to first move and focus the camera on the midtones of the photograph. The phone will then adjust and make sure the exposure is correct for the perfectly lit photo! You can usually focus before taking a picture by touching the middle of your phone screen while it’s on camera mode, before pressing the camera button to take the photo.


 Tip #5 Enjoy the Precious Moment

Enjoy the moment while taking photos. I usually tear up when I see the baby for the first time and I’m not even family! Be prepared to click photos through happy tears! 🙂

*All photos were taken by Bri Luginbill of The People Picture Company. Thank you to Marianna and Dan Yost and baby Nora Frances for sharing your cesarean story with Gold Coast readers.