Surrogacy Simplified: Podcast Episode #244

Kristin Revere and Jessie Jaskulsky discuss the types of surrogacy and options for families in this informative Ask the Doulas episode.  Jessie also gives her top tips for families who are considering surrogacy.   Jessi owns Surrogacy Simplified. Hello, hello!  This is Kristin Revere with Ask the Doulas, and I am thrilled to chat with Jessie […]

Reimagining Care for New Moms with Alexandra Francis: Podcast Episode #243

Kristin Revere and Alexandra Francis discuss postpartum recovery traditions worldwide and the need for holistic postpartum support models like Mama Haven.  Alexandra also owns Our Hummingbird.  Hello, hello!  This is Kristin Revere with Ask the Doulas, and I am thrilled to bring you Alexandra Francis.  Alexandra is the owner and founder of Our Hummingbird, and […]

Postnatal nutrition with Genevieve Mena of Mamieli: Podcast Episode #242

The importance of postnatal nutrition with Genevieve Mena, Co-Founder and CEO of Mamieli.  Kristin Revere and Genevieve Mena discuss everything from traveling with kids to nourishing ourselves during the postpartum recovery phase on the latest episode of Ask the Doulas podcast.  Be sure to tune in until the end for the special discount code for […]

Changes in Michigan’s Surrogacy Laws: Podcast Episode #241

Kristin Revere and Jessie Jaskulsky of Surrogacy Simplified discuss the changes in Michigan’s Surrogacy laws on the latest episode of Ask the Doulas.  Jessie also provides helpful tips to our listeners considering surrogacy as an option to grow their families. Hello!  This is Kristin Revere with Ask the Doulas, and I am excited to chat […]

Embracing the Postpartum Journey: Easy Ways to Boost Your Mental Health with Positive Psychology – Guest Blog by Elisabeth from Elle’s Corner

Elisabeth from Elle’s Corner

Gold Coast Doulas asked Elisabeth to guest blog on the topic of mental health during the postpartum period. Elisabeth is a certified coach and expert in maternal mental e-health, and the founder of Elle’s Corner. Elle’s Corner, specializes in maternal mental health, providing transformative online courses specifically designed for new mothers.   Introduction Becoming a […]